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Orono Weekly Times, 2 Jan 1964, p. 5

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ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THUKUSDAY, JANUARZY '?"d 1964 IN THEI MATTER OF The Eleotion Aet R.S.O. 1960 Ohapter 118 Return --f Election Expenses and the Amendmunts thereto Statemient offeleton contributions and expenses on bebal.f of Alex Carruthers in respect of the Provincial Election of Ontario 1963 in the Riding of the Oounty of Durham subnitted by bis Officiai Agent, W. K. Lycett. Date Fromi Whomi Received On Wbat Account Arn or to Wbo(ým Paid Received or on What Account Raid ~ep. 17 Alex Carriuthiers, Advance............. Sep. 17 Recý-eiver- Generýal o! Caniada, Sta-mped Einvelopes . ....................... S(-p. 17 (Canadian IprilBank of! ocmnerce, Exchange on chequeý............. -~p. 17 Ivn S. Mari Ies, Donation...... Sceq. 17 1Riobet ixonCo. ltd., Donation ........ -1. 7 1> did ed yin Linited, Donation Sep. '27 (lanadI«ian SaenaDonation .......... ciep.27 Jamnes PublislÈng Co., Accojunt .......... ,Seq. 27 Radiio CHUC Ltd., Account ............ .S, ep. 27 St. Lavwrence Hotel, Account......... e p. 27 Lakela>nd Broadcasting, Accunt ......... Sep-L. 27 baehoepj ting Go., AGccount ........ 6*p. '-7 Ganarask'a Valley ProdAuots, Accounit.. Oct. 5 Alex arth ,AcIvance............... Ct. 9 GCeorgec Forsey, Account ................. Oct. 9 ell Telephone Co., Aceount.............. (et 9 Bowmanville Hotel, Aceount............ Oct. Rand-allVe Book Stor-e, Account ............ ODct. 9 Beavýr Lumtber, Account ............... Ct. 9 Branidwood signls, Account............... Oct. 9 Poirt ýHope Public Scbiool, ..cun........ Oct. 9 Canadian Statearnan, Account .... ........ Oct. 9 R. & T. Cornpany, AccouaI.............. OCt. 9 Hollinhui'st Adverýtising, Account ......... Oct.~ 22 E. L. 'Ruddy Ltd, Arcouunt.............. Oct. 22 The Oshawa Times, Accouint............ 0-ct. 22 G~uide Publisbing- Co., Accouel ........... Oct. 22 1terboro, Examiner, Account........... Dec. 7 Alex Carr-iutbiers, Adivance......... ...... Dec. 9 Bell Telophone Cc,, Rebate on 'acciount -for s~ervice discontinued.............. Dec. 9 Alex Carytl-3', Adýate- Dea. 9' Bell Telephione Co., Account .............. IDlc. 9 IRadio CHUIO Ltd., Acconit ............... ,ien. 9 The Oshawýi Tirnes, AecouaI ............. De-Q 9 uide Publishbig Ce«, Aceount .......... Dec, 9 Fýerguson Electric, Acdcumnt........... Dec. 9 Peterfbor-o En~eAccouint............ iount Amnount 900.00 769.82 363.20 146,00, 100.00 151.00 10.82 46.00 127.86 60.00 9.82 6.95 29.72 10.00 11.65 6.25 65.00 29.15 109.62 234.57 95.95 46.50 22.68 171.50 15.00 13.30 49.85 199.75 249.70 99.85 49.85 898.85 199.75 $2,670.00 $2,670.0 1, W]IJAM KAY LYCETT, Officiai Agent for Alex Qarruthers, ia thie 1963 Provincial Election, herEby certify that ýthe above statemnent .Us- a tvue an'd correcet staternient of ail contributions recé4Ved anïd ex- penses çp,-aid in hïs Electioni- Campaign. Dated at Oroniio, Ontario, this 114h day o~f De-esnber 1963. W. K. Lycett, OfficIai Agent. PB"tOVVNCIL ELECTION -19r3 Durhlam GCoint.y -Eý.R.Lovein - Officiai Agent for Allan Beer, LIberal Candidate 1, 169 Aster Studio................................ $ L.. 170- caacelled L. 171- Richards Printing............................ ~172- Richards Printing-ý........................... L173 R. G. Ciniery (stickers) ....................... L. 174 Lake Shore Printinl, ............... .......... L. 175 Bell Telephione Co .............................. L176 M R. G. Chinery................ ............... L. 177- Queeas H-otel (Tray meals, offic'e).............. L. 178 - rqndoni-Lai.-nb-Euich ........................ L. 179 - Ashley & Cr.ip.........n. L. 180 C.H.U.C. Ra-die Station ........................ L.181 MI. Crago - tniIL ng... ...................... L. 182 Town i Bo mavill ..... ........................ L. 183 Richiardîs Prin1tingý,....................... L. 1841 PetLeroEgrnne.................... L, 185 -Ohw ie............ ............... L. 186 Lakelanid Bodatn...................... 1L. 187 Rickýabys - s>tatà).nery....... ..................... L. 188 - Canadiýan Staternian, Bowmianviile. .. .. .. .. .. .. ... L. 189) Evening,- Guideo, Port Hope ...................... I.10 Bell Telephone C1ompmny7. .. .. .. .. ...... L.191- Canadlian Statesman,, LBowvanv.ilJe ............... L. 192 -1-- veaing- Guide, Port Hoýpe .-.................... L. 1931- Orono Timnes, Orono.. ....................... -,. 194 Be',,il Telephone Go......... ................ L,. 195 Guide Pulih n-e.,Pot Hoape................ T- 196 Voucer -Townhipo! Carke Poast Office receipts for stalmil Voucher for office saýýlary to st Total.ý..... ......... 30.90 70.88 328.54 177.21 74.59 129.27 114.33 3.25 7.00 9.27 203.50 23.55 3.30 5.6,9 15.96 45.36 54.00 14.47 50.00 50.00 30.3 83.82 60.12 27.75 47.19 20.82 a -rent of hall ..........12.00 ps . .... .... .... ... 416.27 tenographer ..........311.20 ............. $2,420.77 E. R. Lovekin, Newcastle, Ont. O(fficiai Agent for Allain Beer, Liberal Candidate. DONATIONS -POICA APIN-1963 Witemye ee n........................ $ 100.26 AlanBerMetng.......................77.85 LibralPary...................................600.0 Clake ewnbi Metin........................... 61.74 Libr'a..a.y ...... ......... 4es. 00 $2,2077 OýffchA lAgent, Durhaýiim outy- Alian Beer, D8ted et cewcast, OFIIA E QrG-T e0FHAROLO YASHîTO,NwDmcai at 1 Bowmancile Statesman . ... .. .......25.30 Cheque No. 2 3 W. AlUrka. ...... .......... .............4l".0,3 4 4 New ,vDeii. Partyý.................. 40,2 « 0. 6!aefla ui 20210U 7 8Lal2-'22 W..................41.64 Fuil Schedule In Force1 At Oron-o Rinkl Tfings- are lit fuil sWing at the Rdnk With hockey and aublic skiat- ing. The Skating Club also go t un- Toronto Huntlers..Eine4d Fxiid1y night saw our first hock- (Conïtinued f rom paý,--ge 1) ey action mvben our Juveniles were flot irnposed just to punisli bowed to NeWtonville 6 to 4. New- them, but to serve as ai warning tonlville goals were scored by West- to any others wbo might do the heuser with hat tridk and singies eanme thmnig. by Quantrdli and Robinson. Orono "fti os' rv ob goals by Ricbardson, T. Fisk,, MIi- sufficient warning, and similar ler ad.Merer. ,casesý appear again, the fine willi Saturday night Orono Midgets ai- be increas'ed to the $300maiu so played theàr first game against provided in the townsh1p by-1iaw", BovmanViUIe Maroons. Final score the magistrate said. Bowrnanville 3, Orono 2 in a rug- Hle said Mr. Inte-rlino refused so ge'd contes't. Orono goals were by h le loaded two sýheIIsite bis shot- Best ani Dent. ,ýun and the guri was surrendered WVould everyone please note aliimediately. change in the Rink a chedule for Mr. Ruthven had phoned Hope Wednesday night: Townshiip Deputy-Reeve George Bantams and Pee Wees are Fionie to corne andi act as a wlt- sWtching tirne to allow Pee Wee's ness to th-e breakn.g of the tiYwn- to attend Oub Pack. sbip's by-iaw, and lie arrived at Schedule change will be: tbis time. Wed. 7:00- 8:00 Bantarn Michael Santomiieri came out cf 8:00- 9:0,0 Pee Wee I and II the woods and tdiýld the men in Friday night this week: the group that he had shot at sorne 6:00 - Garne for al Atorna nabbits, but bad missed. 7:00 - Came for ail P ee Wees Magistrate Baxter said the in- 8:00- Bantam cident ,vas a serious one, as the 9 :OU JuvenUle Hockey- Newton- hunt er rnighi. bave shot the cattle ville vs. Orono..' or one of the men m1ight bave been Saturday Midget Hockey 6:00o - 7:30 shot wbeni Mr. Ruthiven c.onfronted We are badiy ini need o! sone airned hunters with a loaded gun. one to bielip L. Taylor witb the fealh adsnthy 'th [Bantams. Aniy volunteers ? ýe far-mers who have put up with 1jconsiderable damra.-e in sorne cas- ICE TIME TO RENT les from pausons trespasifg 011. ~ p~ei~without permission. Every aiternoon except Saturday "There sn 'After 9:00 p.m. Monday, Tues- l nai htayn a h day, Wednesday. liht onterithaiot h pe Ail Sunday ev eninigs. $.00 pe r i tt nerwt tth ems Juveniles played a team froi 3cwrnanville in Newcastle Sundlay publislied in 1962 and again i iz1%63 afternoon. Orono 7 Bowmanville 1. is still miuch i dei-'and, far ex- Pine Ridge Tourisi (Continued !rom page 1) tivities submitted by Toc Great Pine Ridge Touriàt Council la- cludied 'Wht's Doing in Toc Grelat, Piine Rd bulletin which carried a1 list o! local activities for theý eatertainrnent o! visitors and ree- idents e! the region, Tliair 'Grctt Pine Ridge Reporter' putibli§heci ,monthly bas a wide circulation.* Decorative placernats prcmdtrng regional attractions were sold ai cost. Radie programme, "Thej Voice of The Great Fine Ridýge' caried daily over OCHUC, Cobourgi was an immediate success, and1 after the initial three weeks wVas1 extended te one and one-haif heurs each afternoon. The Ceuniels tourist guide bobok, ceediing the sgupply. Char les Clay, Bew%\dley, is presently eagaged iln revising and adding material for their 1964 edition. This touriSt guide book is prepared without advertisýing content. Mermbers are indicated in a ist o! ser-Vices for' coanvenience of Our Viitors. A keen demand for the 1964 edition is also anticipated by, the Councli. JESUS - GOD'S LOVE LETTER (Continued from, page 5) theLih and the Holy things tiiat give to Life its meaing'anid its glory. Someone bias eaid about the Chrictmas story, "To) the child it is wondrous because it is sO niew; to bis grandi'ather it is wondrous becau ýse ht is so old." Christ is God's latter te man and the letter says, "To whoever find(ls this, 1 love ye u." The diffrence is very much in your favour Tweive years ago, 7i out of 10 o! today's presciiptlons could flot have been fillied. fly keeping pace with miidîcai science, we help your doctor help you to beter heaith. STUTTLSPARMC Y ORONO, ONT. PHONE 168J 9 ýOshawa Tirnes............... ........... 18.90' 10 Bell Tel ephone ........................39.75 Il Bell Teleph --b)ïe......................6.35 12 A. Mif'tcheil .......... ..............2.58 13 Imnperiaýl Oil ...... .............., 80.M6 14 N.D.P. Ontario ...................185.00 $650.64 etyCash and Psae.............158.,50 $809,14 Receýipts - Provincial Ecetion, Sepfem,,ber 19U3 2 T- JD.iny................. 3~ .rs...C.tt ....... .............. 4 E Det............... .......... 5 U.lA.W................. 6 Durbliam da New Demi. Party. 7 Auto Woikes Credit Union ... ý...... 25.00 215. 00( 'A80. G Total Rceipis ...................$i1105.10 0 Tota Exense.................809.14 Kendal News (Conitiùnued from back page) IMrs. J. Stapleton and Mrs. F.. Elliott wlio ,ilowed us a film cf týue SnaClaus Paradle in Trno The film wsii~pplied- by the T. Eaton Oomilpany ni it was ejy There was a pift exehange a- m-ong- the members. Gifis were presented to our two past presi,,. dentls Mrs. M. Manders and Mra., E. Couroux for their years as pres. ident of the Instftute. The meetLrng closed with "God Save the Queen." Lunch was served bY the d caug. ters, cf our hostesses, miisses Kýathy Turansky ai-d Joyce ,Elliott. Mrs. iMaritin Foster eertained ber auint Mrs. Estbier K-ersiake of St. Catharines and lier daug-hter Mar-ie Foster over the weekend, Mr. and. Mrs. Bob Carrutherý3, and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Fon!k vic- ited with Mr. and Mr*vis. lH. Fo-ter on -Sunday. The Fonk family are spending the Christmnas hoidays with biS parents in Burks F-ails. Mr. and Mrs. Don Mercer and son visited with Mr. and Mrs. Rroy Mercer at Christmas. Their baby daughter was with her gad lmother ini the nort2i., iMr. and Mrs. Chas. Gay cele- bra'ted their wedding anntiver-sary7. on ChiidÙnias day. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Stapletonr biad Christmas diner with thir daughter, An, (Mrs. Dean Weat) and fanily in Orono. Mr. and Mrs. Garland Catbcart, ceiebrated their weddling anniver- sary on Pecarrnber 29 at theho . of bier airnt, Mrs. Florence Foster, Port Hope. Mrs. S. Caidweii l arnong the guests. RADUIO AISPACHE D IRUCKSil ~~BU~TSERV~1 .4

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