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Orono Weekly Times, 9 Jan 1964, p. 1

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VOUE25, NUMIBER 19 ORON(O WEEKLY 1 TIMES, TIJURSDAY, JANUARY 9th, 196 bra ry Board PrepareS Qw'ard Qutanti $President Dur] For Opeen.ing, Jdn. 16 HmadQanrlCmpelri Puotblic Library Board bas- >,r, ËnFf~edtera:t'ion o0f gi thehir final meeting befove ut-glrJnay cir ~ ~ ('i....e1 1_21 culture at their r uaj.aiur ý,enng. F'ollowing tihe meetjingic ar were vce-president Dlo o- Ii ::nier assiter teye l Iesrel ckto c eetng. OIee ~1a1caalgu'gcf new books On Fr'dday, Deseemiber 20th the reil, Belaes'tCk; niep l- an bocs the Junior Seto~ Carke High ScITool heid its annuail detok, Mrr iVaCp , i5itLw- for-mal dance, eititled WiInter rentce ;Srd ie-prsethnt, ulaw- Chalet". The decorattions felat rencd Kern p 1, D B ehny.Dbugas ~~~'The ~ ~ ~ ~ a oieaopeng0teLs. revolving snow-ad'en chalet in p n o Wlh Bwmn ,saryh wj,il eiiM on ThieUrsay -hu. 1 le o te4açi ~u ville were appointed treasurer aind enn, ianuary î6tii wità openig rounde'd by Chritstrees adseYtryfed nnresetiey cereione~sbeing hýeld at 7:30 pm. lit by a red' spot-ligh't. The die 7T'ne Ulbrary will reiniair open on for a liniae >It-wof Iargeiéterý from Russel' Honey, M.ý s eenlg uttl nne 'clc' ~ eûo~ sotghts. AroundteP were read. These included re-ý e iowish to view thýe libiýary floor were placed numrerou-s pine, ports on the 19C3 DaÀr3y Price Sît- t he new bookis, YeruYbers of be ;r-nthe ch rs9 lecora- uftioilFee'd Grain Polfcy anci the ,e biqorcI, alongwith the Ljibrar- wi ligs. upne a4ilMreigBad' W' p fet ota l rom thie ceiling were hundreda 0f Plains were coaupleted fo>r tbie any e prthtes ett up famthe Or-white pap 5nW-.l intersper-I oLiibrary. Inwlaks ~ " 'No ýbOools will lie allowed eut of the, UiJbrary on~ Thursd'ay eveaing. !vfeybershnips h'owever, ma-y ie ~ciaed t this time, thus avoid- igaruLsh on the follewîng day hte Library wilîl beopen for the oanïng of bocks. A fee 0f 5 cet bllle cl'arged per meuniber- Sorprsidents cf Orono, NOn-, c.4dntso Orono, will be c-harged, th O!j,7wing mecmbership tees: kduI~ $100;Higih Schoel Stud- eis25c; a-ad chiidren 5c. Menu- li'flsare on a yearly basis. The 'ibrry ill open on Frita-y, 3anay17th tor' the 1lukaing c;f bisand the obtainn,,no-0finen- bershJPs. The Library ,illcon hanatthe prescrit tunre, to lie opn on ,mFrîi'ays during the hur 5 o ini the afternooen and 6:30 te butIe evenling. Aii, mesmbers may borroPw tWor ýntto books aftd one non4fictioii atatime for a period c>f tiwo weeks 4Losma-y be reneswed afher the toweek period providiag they acman-keci, eut again at the Li- Overdue boks d ah the rate of r".ost c-r daniaged chargesd-1for. The 'dafeteria 'was decorated wit'h pastel st4eamers anad bailoons The luanch con'siste1, 0f smixall sand- wcecOokieq 'akes aird cran- berry puLnch. Seasonial a-nd ail-Linme favourit£ mnusileI was supplied by Téd Taýlw- and iis orchestra. The dance 'was well attended and enjoyed-- by a-l present. COM1INO DANCE Friday, January 17th thie Shu- deat's Counciî is holding their Jan- uary d'ances, "Saiowl'a-kes 1964". Charles Reidi wilI act as MC for the eýeiing. SPORTS ROUND-UP Wednesd'ay, afher sohool, the Junior and Bantam Boy's Basket- 1-all teams played h'ost ho the B'- mnaniville baselzetball te-airs. The re suits of these games 'iii be in liext week's paper. (Bantam g'ai-e Bojwm'anville' Si, Clarke 29). Next Wednesd'ay t'he junior an~d senior gixl's basketball he'amns wili roîl into action when they meet Courtice ini the Clarke gym. TÈsi wvill lie the girls first exhibition! gaine. Ah this time the chee'r îead- books wilther i New'¶,.uperi ittee At Ina.ugurqJ 'nie ouneil of the Townshipo0f deavour- to fhid out 'shere tig C1arke helci their. inaugaural meet- jsfîod with developmneritfor t irg oni Tuesday *n the Couoncil ibase Iii{e 0f Clarke as' falr asth Cham~bers. The general formali- Devpartmient of Hghways were con- tics were con~ducted and a brieîf cerned. In this, he sMMd, "we service.was conducteci by the R.ev. shouid kn'ow whiat is planned" BastL ong. The Couricil'1 Ohaibers has had lHe aIso suggested that thie pro- the addition of a new counicil Iject of the Hoad cuiv'ert should a.- table al!ong WVith six new chairs gain bce endeaivocIred and that fur- wbich has greatly improved the therinivesgligu-*tion lbe made in in hs appearalice of the chambers. The projeÈt. He aIseý proposed that the cOost of refurnishîng is in the neighý- commdttee work w1th the Policef bourh'ood of $6000(i. Trustes of the Village to try and Foll'owing the readung of the obtinin two or three ligh'ts at leaSt minutes the Reeve mnade the year- o"ne of the ertran'ces into the Vil- ly appoyintments of cotmmittees 0f'iage. He comlmenhed how hlghthng coul. ,4,The committee tppointlIat the third line intersection had mentis coninuie Ithe samne as lasti i ea l!liproved the entranlce iye'ar vwih1h John Stone as chairnian IlÈts point 011thie hgwaLast- icf thle R'pls and Briýdge ý, li e suggestedl planning for .1,V- rnIhhee. Lornie Pr'll ws,~[ i id a .newtownIsh,,p lbui1 g comiIfee I rnk~n te apoit- Deputy-reeve Stone statedt thatý ment, te ~e J, H.E. al'eyhe had gonle oý1er thie rrs t nohedfthat t,re had been sone the nmew surinhtendant whý, 'o hd ellpo'tiS4 ic4j'es macle in the also completedl some mppin1g.'H nd'ad' d~eartment, one belng the saiuc that it looked a- if the fourth a~plnt~n e ne, ondsu r-lîne cf Clakeshoi lie b one c! in ten n, 1vfr. M. Ross. He, ~rfor.Paving, alsc the i~ sai .d thiat gooçl progres bald 'p laýs, Orýio tei[ t.,ealio; nradê e m t he past ya~ siderO 'on couid ail cirai tIliî f1ntret ba' le iven for a main north ain5i bcenthe cornimiy ee. south road whlc&x could have a A, s s owm rii li ggqstiotis !or the comJng year ed as s i e o Te àlidk lir . d t h at the cemmUttee en-' Deputy , e ti. con- f sidera'tion will be givenl to Pre- L___ ppýeiun-4gr9 ds for a permhanent sur, could liedolone in19. The reeve appointed«~1b'lo Chiater and Foster to the Finw3ncee uns tee~ the reeve eeqecosdr. tion for the EMO projec't wiihn the To\wnship _4ng ,ithsomne thought as to what part the mun- 'iiE e t dicipaliycouldýp1ay inth een niai etlebra i 1967. Te ree committese ho nmake -a thborc-ug harn F derafion 'study 0f chan,,i,,.,,the ta- p'ayment pmrocedure with consideration that rural recievelcpment meeting to txsaepybTs~w otu lie helit on, January Sth. >altoj <»t es a- year. This, he feit, was por~el1 was Ointed as ere efinitely in thec future îor ClrarSke sentatell from pthe durasm ereI and is already in effeet in sonne senatvefrm te uramFeder- [othr cntes ation 0f Agriculture. Rural rede- 1 oun velkopment wvll bc discussed at the Cl.icillor Roy Foster was ag¶ain ~m'l eadrslp orm wic ~appOintedi as a 3ne-iii.n pcomtmittee hobcleld in Feliruary. Ainyone r nnung ssd int oiw tc who might lbeinterested in,,attend- qreeve sbtessed or.the to crw4.t in- is asked to contact the Feder- iikybtta nteohe ln ahbon of Ag-riculture. .i .ý' sh'QuI lieb bouglit alongi,,î~ sean -and 'a-s mooth as possible. Mr, s4 e~ngincss -ofithe- ' The Tree Farmers Association CNR Ove,-hea-,d bridge mneeit with v'as' dlscussec. 'This bi'gâ4izationî coullcil anld infonmed counoil Of is mravnly for the pui-pose of woci-' the fa-ct that thie contractor 'Mas land mn'agem(-iýt anld axyene ini- charg-ing a3 sum of $429-190 'as exc- teres ed ini further detai]is is askel trais on the job, giving as the re'a- to contfact one of the exeeitve as soIn ýfor the extras the ta-ct tba-t iiitmmated aibove. (Continued page 1) ntendentAppointed By Clarke q tai and 'Mais formnerly Ôa- tendenit for Whitby Toe.ns peicd cfthirtpeenyer ianof te nitee of oî BéIook. 1 will hp. 1

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