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Orono Weekly Times, 9 Jan 1964, p. 4

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'ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THURSDAY,JAUY9t,16 Takien f rom a sermlon preached by RZev. Basil E. Long. SltuoLesson - RZomans 1U The challenge of S1e Newv Yoar lies ahead of us. As We a"sss the old yea, e caril Profit by our' filuros, uiig thera ini a positive way to bng us irit victory la th1e days ahead.. The real challeage for us whoave gathered here to worshtp and hear God'a Word for uis, la presentodi by the Apostie Pautl: -_I appeal t0 you therefore, bretbren, by the merdes of God, Lo proesent your bodies as a Lvung sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, whîch is your spiritual wor- DId you ever thiak,ý that as a rnornibor of the body of Christ, if you la aay wvay darnage ariothor -oiber n - not onlyý 11urn Crisýt but hurtig yourself? The cor-isCratc 11f e is aL Illte that has beeri saved front solitarinesa. ChniistLiarliiy 1, iot somqethig ive air, or empèëience by ourseves. Il la reLatodl to every other person whol is a lmruber of ý11 bodiy of Chis. e caiiot harn ioto or arrai illrSen\ eS wî u har- ing the body of Chrýist. Whn e choose S1e good oursdee aad ctregthri the other memeraw are serigtherg he wole The corisecratdc if e is a Mie surreridered. Ori our -sr ade, there mnust LwayuLs be t1hat laiitial at uf 1at, the wihhingress 10 take a riaIt wvithlol wvaitirg for, proofs or verifîcti'ori orl reýward. You are betting your Ilite on Chlrist ia a sesevery maril has L0 be a gamibIe; ready ta take a loap la the dark; tu make a venture inlto the urikaowa without aakiag. - Whal arn I going 10 get out of this?"l Let us assesa, oursolves. Ia doiag thiAgs that shoulci bo glori- fyirig th1e body of Christ aad ctîong lherilag each other, do wve ask, "Wha wil I gel o7ut of thia?" If eu -preseat our bodies as a liv- iag sacrifice" la t11e cerise Paul mearis, we presorit everything weý have. Your tbody ia esseatiaBl mi mmho, asked w a 1e ight do 10 hauve eerni 11fe, "Thneo la une thaig avrong la your lte, you are neo Pead!y ho aurrorider complety." Jeanýis ýsaid of disciploship, -Uetles yu ar ready ba put your humad 10 the plougl and not turri, clamI you ceanio be rny discile." To the m3pail w said Lcet me, first go arid bury mny father," Jesus >sald, "Let the dead bury, t1e dead; c orne and follow une."' Put mie tiraI, maire the surreaden om plete. Wlien wo are challerige t disicipleship, there i< a vaS etf forenýco be.tw-eeri aaying,"Ys Lord" and la sayirig, "Yes, Lordi but .' I'he firat is exprosscd la, the words of tho hyma which -os * ll go w hero you waat me to, go, doar Lord, Over moualaini or plain or bea; E'i say mhat you wau rne 10sa dear Lord l'Il ho what you wante 10- be. IThe second la lEH 111 rspns which we sa ofleri makel_ aid 1 auritrnod iip la aorneoae'(2s versiý,on: l'il do watiO yul walume ho do, dear Lord, 111 nover go er or tire. 11 lei whal o t m ili le b hc, dea, Lord, But dori i ask me la sang la the Weuae being cnaileagd her tu knwthe tu-li express,,i ade- peri-ce ut Ch1rislîanity Lii pr"eset Aln, ourselves comnplelely 0l Cod, notL Aayia ' Yes Lord but, rar aayiag Ye Lord' witouîquli- fication. what dues ot incn for us? The oarlyý Chitu i ad I, face drg ars aad ofleairalro.Pu sas mif I gle aul Im ha e y i 1 delivr ly- bey 10 b% buraode', amd have fl love, it cunts noh ing" Love makes Ihe dUlrnce. l' ' 1ils 'IL( 1g L 's iv 'ýýuOur bodies 10 the Lord, a 10vmi sacrl- fice 1.o live the Lif e of Love,." That mighh meura deatis for conte, but for mort h, wîl nol. Trem la a re- chooce JescChist or core Otuer mas_ýter. Jesus pt il plairily-, '"Y'ou ilanio serv Cod an mammon0l." You muatchoose; 11e hrsta muIlmaIre a ciciiori. The, co catd1fe onl not only surrendered but controlledl. Paul say u u bu cuaformed ta this world, but be ye traasformed by the rueewig Af your mirid, that vumay- prv'a wsa la the will of (tds whiat is good and acceptable aad pertet. To 11etaafre is :11e work" 0f God. Wecariaot dou ILt but" we ucai so live 111e Christïýi lfe2 la the SiritË of Crsthat we cari say wilt Paul, -I can do ail Ihiri'gS thnough Christ who sýtreng- ,heris mie." Pl'oi geriralioris rivera awept a- long; accomiplisuag nothiag. Thon the wator was cnlrolled anid el- ectuicity *waa geared and liakeýd t0 hevast need, of Ihe wonlct. How much more poweurful 1the water eïswher il wasý controlled. HoSw mucJh miiore powerujful our Ilves are wher they are coitrolled! W±enlîe la precented ais a living sariie 1e Boly Sipinit tranis- roms11e nog g1ereratot iupon the Crocshmo mi eany nade a- al lu 10 you aad 10) mc. The LI tonti LI ý il uer aîd 'if wIe wi ciloosoh, (Md fil 11 us wll the ooe 0 hnt Maay live de- feated lives because puey have !lityoalwe God h tub fi iLhem Th. casecaîedhfe is a lite reu- ealud. arisays, "I bldevry onue amrgyo fot, to tjhnr of aumself moie highly than 11e oughht Lu thu1nký." Be humble - you carýi oly r--eeve christ as y.ou arei hulLble2. Theý- maril with grieat pos- ý5ssions w-ll one dayý have tu bfave AIhem. Be cai take only the thi nga, of the Spni. The man wvit greal >Mmer whuni 1e physica dos wlll tLake vwith hlmt olly the power 11e has gaurid la Jeaus christ. The re- laIioriaip wîth =o givea the cou- sec,èrated2 iteu its value. 'For Godi 50o lov-ed Ille wvorld that, He g4ave Biis oniy bogý>otteri Soat hat who- eerw believes on Hlmn shuld flot perisi but hiave oternal 11f e." That 'yusomlethirig you alonte con- !ard la the spectacular sacrisce [cL" the promise to0 every maul ad trol and ln preseritlrg self, it; has but is îs crucw harder to ait upox wul ii I, be to soime extent a leap in the0 apbei e rom day to day, eppn la emating the unrts of a dark, au Venture of faithl w1hh the Lord, dlo'lg thel, utIle acts oln r, we rt V nustî take it acloun dentask, "W am ar 1 going a faîuuy houlr by' hiour cott hat it is thîe oreainhptt to get out of tliuLang toI thle pec ndt hlarllmn oduuI make ai aui a manWt tG, Here are words wtenin] a de- Godas peuple. he- larit een hiaîf a mai, ecus stroyed ai-adshelter la e:ologrieu. To, wýht ex-tonrt las my 1fea con,- mari is a spiritual being. YI bcee la the light, eveni whlen ;uecraLed 11f e? There is a straight,- Sody htgvsthe oae the sua doces lot shne; I believe forar aawr hih ppies to (irated IlIe rS vaueI las wr la love, evenl whenl it is flot' giveri; mly life andil yours. My1f e la con Li tlle cornuity 0f Chit.Mr 1 helieve la CocL, eveat wher lis euratd to the exten that Jesus is a mocia beang aad what the lai- vouce is ilat." Do) we eprncChitis rny MVastLer, aadv I tako divîd1ual&poue coritriflutes 10 thus trust ia Goci? Cari we go uatll orders frorn Hlm." If I sa taking the weath (f the cormuaity as a .WC hear God's volice aglTh s la orders frum mom-coe eHm qî whoîo. Thore iA, howover, the techalleage of Christaaîrty aad sornýeth -ng else, In that I arni nt Chri$taa scaule 0 values whih the expeece 0f ife. We don't al- Christian. There ta noi such ] tngjatrta f rom ',be other erid. Thne wa:ys kriow wvhic'h way D0 go or as "bsolue fedm"A anlcmrutyas aý_ whol0epurit hjow to mnake our decîsions. We only frCe tri choose hic ow uriches htôo hIe LadlividCual. There have to do maay thiiign in faith, Master, are rnaa chuîdreal waîkilag u11 trustlng that God wiIl lei-c lis. People say thaiýy are free aa tres r Staiday because somie Jeans atressed the intportance bradmried io have, no m(hppI nvelonet buc. oif thila spirit of abandoa. He ued to0 do withI thle Chriatiari Chltrcbi or ýchosing otherthiris they are iri- coarth'ly atonies 10 point out aprt-crmnt epni~it. They 1f11lulag m1aay boys aind girls toi aki trin-i.. 1Be toM!, oi Me, edv' livo for tesoesaad aa, -ce îî- 1tie h n s ls. Thecom mwhi ost ai coil n aad weph and' ar froes we are not LAe to any- ouaty poura its riches into 11e swept 1:11 ,ue rouind il Hae told wfoe"Btae theuy reTihey ar inivul ari also ttcL> weaLrÈiessec. tlle mlueharitl whol founid oaý2epoai lited as sdaves to cushm arid Pub- A1Mw doanc t us be discounged ire decired and gave aRl lie 1-iad tu Le epiuir Tliey are only free (Caine uvbor)

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