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Orono Weekly Times, 9 Jan 1964, p. 5

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ORkoO WEEliLY TIMffS, THURSDAY, JM<UAR1~t, 161 ORONO, WEEKLY TIMES I Atr"-nriyod as Second Class mail, Post Office Departiment, aftawa Established ïn 1938 by R. A. Forrester Roy0.Porrester - Editor and Manager Kinidergarteni for Orono? It Would appear that the es§tblishimenit (ifa Kinder- g-arten iu Orono could iu theo bar future becomre qan issue w-itii the area. The question moat pronminont to ho anawer- eýd weuld appear te be whether or not such an undertaking would lie cf beuefit to the oducatienal system or net. We' have yet to hear of any real bonofits derived frein nue asoho]ngand do ra1ther do,ýubt that such woud exîiat. There is, eofçcourse, a great posstifflty that such tilaining would assiast a child, bo a degree, in adjustIng to tho schedulo ofa full days schooliug whon entein.g grade onte. u~t this period of adjusLiment rests only with the majority of child- -en for, a bniJef poriud. We have neithor road nor have we heard. ef anyoue advanci ng the Opinion that Kindergarten mankos for, a btter student in the yolars thait follow. Lî eaciety tod!ay there seoins a trend tûward couferi- _ty and a stulifying oier cativeness and indIviduallismi. Surely Kihdergarten ta a atep toward âtrengtheuiug confority -n a child ut an earlier ag-e which could then ho evon futher adVanced with pr-kindergarien schoclIng as exçiàsainusome The homo is the ouly place today that a child eau ex- plore ou their- own or recetivé attention cf a nature tifat neother chid ta receiving. ]lt lis duiugn. this biof poério1d b.efore they enter school that they are deve'opiug their rywn characterstcsani some indjvidualtsmn A clIild does not ueed regtmoaVentation at the age otfo-_ur or at the ageofe fivo. We believo the home and the loving care of a mother c-an adrd much more teo the future develbpment of a chdld than would a Kindedgaxrteu. If the desire is to btter a chid's educatdion ilt would appear tht further advancemeneus could ho instituted in, the prenlt eight yearLn that a child attends public achool. in paritoular, ni Orone, a much btter Library with au abun- (lance, of bookaý. could ho established. Other impl-rovienba cýould no doubit be made with the exýpenditure of more moUey, rajising the standard of oducatiou lu the achool, A Kinder- gar'teu dosnot guarautoe, in our opinion, a boetter ail-round edueiatiou. The cost ef education can not, ho determaiued in dollars or cents alone, because poor' educattion is costLly at anyv price ivhile good edu-,ca itou la roýasonable at almoa)t any cst. Birtt-iday of Sir Johnà V Wo Wonder ho many Ohawaandditrcshoodl ô,hildàreu kniow that Satur'Lcay, Jan. il,nma.rks the 149thau- rivirary 0f the birth 0f the chief ar'chitect ef Confederation, ir Jon JA. acdownald. Thie vision and political-skili etohi man were the nao factors in bringing uniity, however pro- caiuto Ibis vast andi diverse cauntry.More than anyone clsO hhe]pdpsev hiat uu'ity andi givethe infant country the makùinga et a national economyý which would tie it to- get'her. Yeti, ihow many schools this woek or next will there lie auy mention et Macdonald, the man wi th the h est right to Lie remomilbered as 'tho greatest Canadian? The union ho cltd so much te forge is uow undoer greaât Stralu. It is a good timo Vo recal! the words spoken m.y Sir John uearly a hundred yeara age:- "Prosorve the union and ,vwo oce a great nation. If I hiad any influenco over tLhe mirids c1 the peopleofet anada, any powerý over their intellect, I would lbave thear this legacy: Whatever yucdo, adhere to the union; we are a groat country and shall hocom Q one vof the groatest if we preservo it; we shral sink into insignificanice anid.4dvorsity if we efer il te .ie boken." Canadians have an unihaPpJY habit 0f romoMbering the great imoin et ther nations andi foirgeýting their own, Oully ro- cently the Contnnlcoimmittee decideti to place a marker at the grave of oach 0f the Fathers of Confederation Com- ntidle indeoti but i as taken nearly a century to reach thal meodestdeiin Canadca bas its mon 0of great achiovom'eat: Champlain and Selkirk, Friaser andi Marikeuzie, Macdonald andi Laurier and scores 0f ohes.We dograde our history and rejeet a glt1tering pstw'hen wu f ail to houer them. -The Cshawa Times Local News Tuosday no-on the momnbers of Cl1arke Township Council, Rev. B. Long, Mr. Chialos StaýpIoton and Mr. H. E. mifL'aon were guonzts oSý the Reeve and Mrs, Walkey aI an linugural dinner hold at the home 0f the reeve, in Newtonvlbo. Mr. Charles Stapléton waa guest of honour and Waa pros ented w1th a weather baromedter. The- pros. Snktation was made on behalf of the members of the Township of Clarke, Police Truateea, Read D~e- partmon't and Office Workers. The pregentation was miade by Deputy- reeve John Stone. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Werry spent Christias with Mr. and Mrs. F. Werry, Enniskillen. IMr. and Mrs. C, Miller, Larry and Wayne' andi Mrs. Fred Tam- blyn spent New Year's with Mr. and Mrs. Russell Van Homre, Whitby. Mr. andi Mrs, Stan Payne .oý Eowman-ville, Miss Catherine Lynch and Mr. Chas. Fergusen of Toronto visiteti on Chrisltmas wiithj Mr. andi Mrs. Ilarry Rowe. Christinrjas day visitera -With Mr. and Mrs. Aflbert Mitchell andi fam- ily, were Mr. andi Mrs. George Mitchell and famlly of, Oshawa andi Mrs. Wm* Mitchell. Mr. andi Mrs. Chas. Miller and famiily had as their Christmnas i guesta Mr. andi Mrs., Russell Van Homre 0f Whi'tby, Miss Marie Kent 'et ,Newcastle, Mrs. Fred Tambhyn, Mr. andi Mrs. Carles Tamlblyn and, famihy. Mrs. Sybil Snell of Bowmauvill e spelt -1 the Cbriias holid'ays wttb Mr. and Mrs. L. G. M'cGe. Mrs. Marlon Kilpatrick bas 'eý- turnoti te her homo lu- Orono aflor spen'ding se'voral weeks lin Bow- mianville Hospital. Callyour licensed Plumbing & Mechanical Contra ctor who seils, iristails and guarantees CA R MAIN i>LUMIBING HEATING Phone 143 Orono Spring is for the birdsoue doit now! Why wait tili the warm weather to start improving your home? With anNHA Home Imiprovement Loan, a1ail able through your bank, you can do it now. You'llget faster service and you can often save money. Check the' j list for the jobs. that need doing around your house, thon. go ahead. Do it now. eAdditional Boomis . Powder Boorti -Cupboards *Painting and - Fences - Bathroom or Wallpapering - Steps Kitcheiv Fixtures eGarage or Car Port e Sinking and .iF ireplace *Porches Improveinent - Storm Windows *Plunbing of Wells and Doors e urnace , Masonry . Buit-In Cooking *Finishing off Attie - Floors and Refrigeratio& *Bosement - Roof - Screene and Playroom Insulat ions Awnings - lectrical System - Foundat ion Walls -Whe's eligible fer Jeansil-ouseholders, or ownera of rentai properties, includiug apartments. Fiow fast must you pay back ? It depends oe the suni. But loans cau be repayable in monthlyinstaiments, together with intereat, for periods of up to ton years., Where te get dtiA pply to your bank manager. Do It now Then. have' thoi(se nÀeedful repaira or removatiogg kdoue rlght away. by atoSriofONg. ALLAN J. MacEACHEN, MNSEOFLABOUR, CANADA DN23 Thursday, Friday, Saturday - January 9, 10, i M1ATINEE SAT. 2 P M Bye yeBirdie (COLOR) Janet Leigh, Dick Van Dyke, Ann-Margret Sun - Mon - Tues - Wed - January U2, 13; 14, 15 Gero» acReShlirley Jonles, Barbara Lawrencg-e /1' s' SALIE 0F D"EBENTURE BONDS The Orno Hydre Electrie Systeni are mnvitmng offerst- puîrchase of a 15,000 dollar debentuie issue seeured Iby the Village of Orono in the Township of Clarke. They are zrýegistered as to principal only. The bonds wil beofe varylng denomidnatieus in ternis of one te fiffeen Years. Offers wlll be. honoured in order of dates receivef accerdiug te denomninatious and ternis ordered. Interest wlll be 5V/2 percent er anu nniad Interest Coupons ,wMl bce redeemable at the Canadian. Impertai Bauk of Cena- m'erce, Orono, on and atter due dates. Inormation availabie and- applications accepteil at the Orone Hydre Office up te December 31, 1963. Issue wil be available eariy in 1961. ORO0NO HYDRO ELECTRIC SYSTEM ERNEST DENT, Manager

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