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Orono Weekly Times, 9 Jan 1964, p. 7

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WFRAN~K ORÔNXO MEDICAL CENTRE if Dr. R.A. Heston Cêok REAL ESTATEg DENTAl, SURG;EO-N LIMITEDg For Appointmaents -t177 Churci St. f OFFICE H4OURS r owmnanville 623-33M Won, t&> Fr1. 9-2-= -5:Q0 DR. I. J. TAGGART YETýEINALRY SURGEOJN (hronu, ont. ~W. KAY LYCErTI B.A. In the Offices of K IR. Waddell Q.C. MAIN STI., ORONO relepihpR 138 Oreno IIRIL D... BROWN 8. t Ontario land Srveoe>f Quieen St Bo Bownianville, Ontario ITelephoe 6-7251 L. J. SKA1FE C hartered Accontant By Appointwnt Ouly »men M., oroxie Telepliane 138 P.O. pBox 208 WHITBY phione, 088-817é Monteth, MOnteith Riehi & Co. £IIARTERED ACCOUNTAtjTS IS5 Simû4w0 >t. North, COs"ý.a Telepixone: 728-75 W1~il~,, gg~41~4, W ' General iOrville ChattertonI Flectrical Contracting IElectric Heating ~adService i PHONE 245 Orono, Ontario Orono Ekcctric PHONE 129 CONTRACTORS FOR FARM andi HOUSE WIRING Free Etimnates APPLIANCE"SALES -Prom~pt and Guaranteed Repairs to anl knds of Eltecrlteal Equipment -and Applances Snbat Metors Water He-aters T.V. - Radios Stoves - Ironsl r, 0g= Hlamilton$ SInsurance Service ~ Olusur'ance in ail its BraliChezip P.iPaCkage and COMPoseBI gPoliiesFire,FrnIe îBargary, Liability, Mra, Acl,-d0t and Sickness, Wi-ud, Bofler, Fidelity Bond, Etc.' oSadie Hamilton. oo onno'0 011 IUST >MORTCrACxE ON Box 133 Mt Stafford Brothers .313 Dunldas St. E. Whitby, Ont. Cemnetery Memorials Dea«lers i Domestic & ForeiguGnCranites and Marbies - Insicriptiong eut Mnnî,mnancepy4l, e CO-MING EVENT ENGîAGEM1ENT t FOR SALE The Dur-ham Coun)ty Liberal As-t Mr. and Mrs. Dane Pon take FOR T IOWIN(G,&SORG socation annual meeting whiî be pleasure in announcin h n 05FR 98N.H86 ýheld in the Oddfellow's Hall on ga4gemient of their daughtqr Mary Serial No. 471,B1,55-531212 Thursdfay, Januaryl 6th, 1964 at Jane to Richard Marsh, son of Mr. Model -173B 8 P.m. c-c and Mils. Wm. Marsh of Courtice. Colour - g-reen _______________________i The iwedding to take place Friday, -CALilOIZNIATOUR" January 81lt at 7:30 prm., Orono 19G55 OLDS - 1963 No. 33892 "CA.IORIATOR" United church. a-p 'Serial No., 558M81579 25 days Feb. âth tIo 2thinlse Colour - green and white.' Travel de luix airconditionedDOFTAK RAAI SS EVC moctor coach. No night trayel. AD0 TAK RAA'1SS EVC For informtation phone or wite 1 WOIld llike to thank lDr. MçeKeýn- North on 115 Hlghway RoeTravcel Ag'ency Port Hope 885-2527 CHARTERED BUSES Go:lng to "ICE FOLLIES"1 onto, avening shmv Jtanuary al!so February 1s', matinee. Tickets aaia le.Ponle: Rowe Travel Agexncy Por)it Hope 885-2527 GEORG;E YORK GXREENHO10 Poe17316, Orono, ont. MiXedi Pots 0f Plants, Az Cyclamen, Hydrangeas, Prin 'Md Clt FrQwers. Poinsettias ýChny"snthemum. zie, Heather 'Rebekýahi Lodge Nur4es and Staff 0oVimralH2 b-6 pital, BowmanIville, and ail tile mtany friends whio sent cardcs iandc visitcd me while in 1Hospital. Dan Hall. Tor- a-p 31st, f_____________ CARD 0F THANKS We wish to tank our kind friends and neighbours of Aiitiochb for the lovely gifts they gave us ccbefore lain the section. fThanks aan USE E Bert and Mary Rtbilison. nulas Sand Buildig a flouse? or rem odellig yurpresen,.t on1e, then Contact FIoyd Nicholson BIJYING OR. -SELiINc. REAL ESTATE A.J. McGILL REAL ESTATE BROKER Pjhones: Oronto 14,07 Oshawa 728-4285 a-c NOTICE The Orono Hunt anýd Fish CIut wvll meet in the Orono YjuniIciai BuIlding on Sunday tvening, Janh- 4uary l2th. Mensbership ear1ds willi -e available. 'a-c1 COMING EVENT Reserve Thursday, January L1 for the annual meeting and elec- tion 0 offierof the Durham Ijil- eral, Associaioýn at OddialÉnll Hall, Orono at 8 p.ni. Dancing and jcards fo1loxvýin- business session WANTED Position as Caretaker or Watch- man - day or night. 'Apply Box 400, 01,ono0Weekly Tim-es. a-p 'I DnOUG cSIM4PSONf g &SON f Q Phione Oronio 208 f PAINTING - INTERIOR &f EXTERIQU O PAPER HAJNGING f OBUILDING CUPBOARD[S& fi EMODELLI[NG FuRNITULRE REPAIR OPBInGs and HEAIOf ii Sales amd service j24IIURBURNER, EVCi CI - IANIG( Low Interest Ratesi ?Phoues: 'HamPton CO. 3-2288 Tyrone Co. ,3-2650 g FOR SALE Poodie Puppies, white miniature ~chamnpion stock, regiisteyed. At Twïn Oaks Motel, 115 Highway, /2mile from i. isvay 401 eas-t. Phone Orono 2-11.ac FOR RENT Four bedroom house to let. Coal furn-ace, lIard an'd softwater on tap.. Immecliate possession. Phone Orono 1614. a-c WANTED Chiid'is Figure Skates, Phone 13515, Oronio. size 10. a-p NURSENG HOMEi ILyritonihurst Manmor 'Nursingl Homnelhas li-enisedl accommoda- tion for, bed or up-patienits. Regis-i tered nurse in attelidance at al times. Reasonable rates. Phone Orono 1308. 47-p RADIO - TNV. 2RPAÏRS Will do part tinle Radilo and T.V. repairs. AU work guaranteed. HARRY 8WDERUIA, Phone Orono 1ffS. FUR COATS JACKETS PIRIMROSE FURRIERS 25a9 Yonge St, Toronto Retmodelling, Repairing, leaning, Stonage, Vsiting Orono regularly Agent - Bill Armstrong Armstrong's Dry Goods I WAYN'S 'tl SEPTI'C TANKS e WRI,7TE WASKEING STALS' S. ert Tompkhus PhoneNr vhe 4721 I CopoeMaintenanceon WidwFloors an Wnýll Service RUig andUpisey Commercil ndustriaj Residential PHONE 255 SOrollo, Ont. DUPRAM CENTRAL AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY ANNUTAL MEETING 'leannual meeting of the Dur- ham Central Agricultural Society will be held in the Orono Town Hall on Sat.urday, Jaiiuary 18 a 1:3M p.m. ANl memlers and direc- tors are urged Vo attend. b. TENDEPS WANTED Tenders wiJll be received by the O0rono Athietic Association up Vo noon, January lSth, 1964 for formr- ing and pouring concrète steps anid block, Work at the Orono Arena. For further information contact R. RDazel]en, plione Orono 1074 afe six. Tenders fo be clearly inarked and sert to R. Haze4,1den, R.R. 1, 'Newcast:le. a-C ANNUAL MEETINC, O0ROINO CEMETERY CoMýpANY The r-eguIlar animal meeting, of tis company will be held in th,, Town Hall, Oronio, on Mýond-ay J.aI- uary 20th at 2:00) p'. ~Agenda, - T'o consider the fin-ý ancial report ad aly other bujs. miess whiceh muy be broughit for- ward. AI Lot Owners are entitled Vo vote for a Board c0f Directors for the ensuing year. George Morton, Ohairman. b-c' Reserve February 15th for Ye 01,d Valentine Tea being stponsor.ed by unit 1, U.C.W. CARD 0F THANKS We wlsh to hank' aIl who were s,0 kinci to the guesits at the Orone Nursing Homàe over the jhoidsa. Ethel Keast, Orono. BANTA1US WIN OVER NEffWCASTLE The Orono BanVams took a four, P o three w in over the Newcastie Bantams in Orono lasýt FrIiday ev- ening. The Oronio goals were by Teýd Stark foyr two and single coun-ý ters Vo Steven Black and Neil AllUn The Newcastle goalýs were byý iL iruce M'cDonald, Frank, Hendry and C. Farrow. The Orono Atoins, tha.t group of pt-i e hckýey phayers, are off to Millbro)ý,ok Sat-urday where they comtpete in an AVom hoc-key tour narn enV. IJINK SCUEDULE ïL'RIDAY-- 6.00- 7.00 - Grl Hockey practice. 7,00 8.00- Gaine for ahl Pee Weey 8.00 9 .00- Orono B-a1nais vs. Training School BanVais. 9.00 - 10.00 > Newton'ivlle Moen vs Orono Juv.ýenjIes. SATURDAY- 6.00 p.m. B'owmanville Maroons vs. Orono Midgets. Publicl katn Saturday after noon has been changed Vo 2 :30 41:30. Ticke:t sellers please note. CANDIATE R READYND WIL/NC -Jl Wi i r FLoi~e 11)616 .-t 1 illi 'l k ýil

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