Or o ubi ibayfficially Openas TomNight Wth a riew ,anid biight decor and1 anUcd through pýublie funds fi rom sutable for teer,-ag(ers. There are 'repla1,ced very fo,-urmntswib vw; ith m any ewvoumv he 1rno'e Poice iflage of Orono. Ion the shelves bo)ýth fiction andi noni- anýother new Iot. Pubic ibrry pen ths eekend Onope1ng the Library offer ficltion b6ooke fo children. The. Aduit eaders Wil ae anjy atrhaving be lsd ic el oe oehousand books for niaij)r.ity of thie children boKs oks to brzowse throu-,gh inj both Sepembr.Sixce epembr te hulirn wîchwil b a ewfea hve been supplieciby theUIbrary fiction and no-fitilon. ay new Lubyhs chaaed its statue as ture inth Villagte. Ths boStBanch of the Depar ment of Edu- books have be addinbt aAssociate Lbr-ary to that 0f a Irange fronm pjcitre books for the cation. On Saturday anGther tw etoso heLibrar an wiu Pn~bic ibrry ein1gnwopredyugt in thie famrily to easy toi hundred books urrived for the Ju- a varyiag taste,. uiker efiitereglatons'ad fn, edbotsado up, to those venule section andi these will be The non-fiction section has re- VeLUIE '25, NU1WE n 50ORONO WEEKLV TIMES, THURSDAY, IANUARy l6th, 1964 ce'iveti special emiphas3is by theý Bor nnti here manu nw ol uIr-nes 0f a wide initerest havc ecee addled,. A wide seleýctioni is 11011 aîVaiJ.ablei in theBigahseto wijth snc(:hbooks as "eeaein P'ower"' by Paul Newmn, "The King's Orchard" by TurjoPouil, and "!Sumnmer in Paris" by M. CaIle.g- han. This seetion shouiti prove rnost interesting for biogrphýy readerýs. LAlso in the nion-ficýtion ýection are books to whet the appetite of the ai'tists where they can study books On drawing, painlting etc. A book on P2ýcaso is a1so on the streqf with illustrations cf bis works. The oane h s'bec aind mn diibooksn gaon isser willfn mn ,,pw lwany AM4 ~ellfi hints,. Aiso incljuded in the ý.c0Uptes Of Lîsnon fiction section is tire 1Horse- M e rs ý.. n c1u cte DuhamCý)),it ri, po(jjý.r,ý HO tOPlay Tennis, Sew- ConyHg rdrr On Mn'y aur 0 t81 ing, Biology, Animais, Ca,,rsGu, Dr. Robert J. T gatV S.AsocaIon ner> its pres-dentpm in the ,Lbon's î , B " Bcrs, Flowers, Canadian A-liti- Lews Wodhasinnvaetia u- anvlethe West Durhamn Canla- qUes and mrany many More. nie D.V. M M .Rs .H., a l o a l V er i n ar- l ue p ro ject. It is, as y et, th eý on y d ia n C lu b w ill w elo mý e th e C o unit- ~ c n a n o k f T c n l Report j fl-Cs [a)a ntlei sWrhpu rochic er-pois ore ( pork atlivertis-1ess of LtsIowel who wvill peak on ogY, Arts, Social Science, H:Story M"a str cf O ron o Lo ige, T buirsday ing radi o featurette in On t r o A r c n in C o m mi- unist Lands," and i Travel. On Teen Coofereice [nii it, January 9tll. The însa sta tironghCMB fa 0f or I bo-iland ge npe ~twir Hun- The Ubarhaunrona Ceemn efrei Time" a short featurette, is broati- gary. She became the f-irst wom-)anyclutionarY change which will be Thne opeing meeting of the Or- the Past Masters 0f' Orono Lodge cast eacli week day between aine political writer in Hungary, re- noteti by thocse Who aîten{l the of- on *i-C Gr1oup for '64 began witb assL-tet by Wor. Bro-. Alex ,Car1-landi ten a.m. It bzings o Orono, porting al major events includinig ficial openiing on Thursdazy even- e.rulgsing song follOWCd b-ý i'utbers, M.P.,P. andi Wor. Bro. Dr. Newcastle andi Oshawa arýejlbouise meig ibHte niMso-igc h~we ro iia f there4îg f hemiuts f eD. C. Davey of Port pe The iveausu, practical porl re- lui. ternýoon anti Pritiay evenring when rast eeting- andi a finiancial re- cipe or shopping binit. If you aren't1 [n Englanti, after hier marriage books, pay be taken'eut on, ban. p-rt for '63. These were accepteti Ceremony was under the direction aîready a regular listener to this to the Eariqof Listowel, ehe con- The Orono Art Memfbers have sup- ýv sgnc>i by the presidenlt There 1cf Rt. Wor. Brýo.3 eiibert Duvali, featurette wbich startet iui ealy tinueti-ber journalisiic career, pliet paintings which now adonn wa. great deal of neW butsiness Distr*ict Deputy Gr and Master of August, lune ta teo KLB and hlear w'iting for British 'anti Ajmerlcam the walls of the new Library. ,ýrcuso s ed pVwsue am mount as 1Ontro Lge. , an rtary of Barb Pollockwitbh ler helptul re- publications. During World War f) ive1-h sae ar-uil a,01-,10Lode.cipes which can bring tasty,On lest ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ n yertih ntt hrbM ai-rtneipr eyu a le. li was civilian lecturer to His Mrs. Bruce Mercer is the riejw &v. M. 1Ne1 wail folicew praiseo r "mm's Majesiy's forces, giving an aver- Librarijan anti at the presenit tiane F d.More than 60 -Visitors from sur- Nx ilflo, mas o ioisage 0f 30 lectures a montb. will be on duty every Fridfay, for The irl 0f he xemtivevol routi'ng otigs cme V hoourcooking ability" f rom al ibefan- She publishet iber firgt book intertunai ann 0fbos Thý giisof he xeulie vl-Wor. Bro. Dr. Taggart on lus ele- 'ily. The recipes are available fromn11943, "This 1 Hove Seen." In 1944 Mernbers of the new- Library tosan sa omiteradio CKIJB sini-pl.y by writin'g orishe starteti a magazine - "East Boarcl are M.AnliWlae uueee V tadasacemttevation to Wor. Master. Rt. Wor.1p nn o orcp.Erp ndSve usa or-caraMrs. ArJ.no alc, ~o uraigdr'apes for the Seil-IBro uval was peenep honn o orcp.-p n oitRsi' or-caMti r.S .Nxtns ior Sunday School room- in the New ja Past Masters Jewel for blis ef- jT portthe- social engineering 'thereay Ms.JRckb Mr.. iusin Education Building I forts in direcîing the Ceremony. t C-OP05ti Soviets would carry out in tire J. Taggart anti Mr. R. Forrester. 'WIIIiAih willj also lue useti by H A-C. Ay assýociation inajharing ativertis. Isatellite countries. The magazine nujeioni that thue group help inr some founjisubscrbers ia 41 onre in ossarcolountrorVei Avsi eyorLiiay hs ek waýýy wNtj ll oncf the gatberings ofi At the banquet foilowing the toria'anti Peterborough county bog1 incîting the State Departiment,A itt yuLbrythewek týhe Village's senior Citizenrs was 1mreeting Wor. Bre. Cotter proposeti producer assoc'ations. 1tea r Depsholsartnnt, iboleg~es nd iln dutb cs e mati'e aiquickly passeti. 1a toast to Grand Lotige \wbichwas tactical s ools anti sfcel,,ige 1rsoDul Wor.byre. WB. l i tetivity was sponsoring a bus tiip i n iscountesyi'.e' bob Plans wvere laid for a tobogganDvl.Wr ro . cUli to Swine lamprovemrent ConferencelWirCjtesLtol' oh paity on Suniday evening, j'an.19. rnediate Past Master peoposeti a iGu ilast suimmiierwhn ev-r anti sister in liw escap,,etifl-rom three mnoniths in 1962, anti snuw -i- fehmn commlttee wa.-s re- toast te tbe Visitors wbIih' s. enty producers matie the trip. The Hnay hyhtit eveb-writing a bistoiry of Taniganlyika. cutt anitransoritation alr- al->y responie t t by W. Bro. Alex association is ceacerneti about ini - their only son, It teck eigbit Juiohrs.arnoosi a toarist quality ini the hog miarketings years to effeot-bis release. Closinig Wareii poose a oas tofrom the counjty. Over 33,600 bog-s down bier magazine ýwas one 0f the Lady Listowel, is a promiinent teInstalling Board wbicb was wr akLý atya r1onti llnllwig be usnes'eeing ueprteit yWo.Bo r eemneet aiya rn hssecrifices forcet i upn lber. This British Catholie;,sbe is a member Follo-wing he cousïîys represenîing a milliono bydol-.storyr.With te bappy entiings hbas SPirit, an enganization fountieti by {lant Yeo anti Dian-e Gilbart toli davey. ersriigamlindo-soy il telt adnl idlyt ih %ae roup0f heirgret exeri lar busIness te tbe protiucers an- been tolti in bier bock "The GoldentelaeCrilHniseteigt ,ý ýGý ftergetepr_1nuaîîyp Tree"(18) Her third bock, of the Counicil,0f the Sword of the e~eas rmem-bers cf, a Teen Con-, n whchhasic enC,"Crusatiers i Secret" was prinftetid assat hc asc ge.rence, belti ai the Five Oaksi Ah, reports indicate a successful Ai.l those engageti in tiis million in 1963. Her fifth book "Manual 1946, 'been the front lizie cf the CDentre at Par-is diai.g theChst eventag anti Orono Lotige was dollair industry have opporîuniîy cf Mode n Maunerls" was publish- fight againsi Commiunîsm. femqs holidaysý,. lIn mection with launcheti on Anoiber successful Lo help the county- bog preducers eti this faîl. fui t p, he suigstei hat th yer.exeutve cuiminate a busy year Lady Lisowel spent three M e mhbersbip availa e t te irector 0f he n re , Rev. Bey- of activity wiib the second annual months in Tanganyika la 1961 anti door. ihe Hi-C service in 1tac Sping ,,ýTie banqjuet bere on, Thursday, Jan- liary 23 la the Otitifellow's Hall. groo ageetiant corespnd-The meeting launches a new'year iaag ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~1c sertrnasicieitoa-temeting -closeti witiu tbe bene- w2th the election cf townsbip dur-C a rIe s A rn tr proacib Rev. Gaenfo iis service dictin. %ecolsedelgats t O..P ï<or any 0f th(, lasi ihree Sundays lo etrdeges e, .HPA P.S.: The boys were vry gai ommittee men te the Ontario Ho After several b Ui sganes, lous about losing! 'rdues"ar in oat _7177 7