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Orono Weekly Times, 16 Jan 1964, p. 2

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ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THTYRSDAV, JANUABY lOUi, 64 - OR,'ONO WEEKLY TIMES Au~orzedasSecoûnd Cas mail, Past office Departmnent, JttawU. i~italiaedin 1U8 by R. A. Forrester Roy C. Forrester- Editor and Manager The Wonderful World of Books A new doar wili be opened ieading ta pleasure and knoxIecige tanin i Orono When the Orana Public Library l:s cfficiajily dedire open. The Library with hundreds of, new bocks 0És f varying nature wiil pravide a wi;de scape ef liter- auefor both abilidren,,teenagers and adulte. Bocks can provIde, for everyane, a source of real pieasureý, as weli as a source of knexvledige. The books an thee heives 0f 'the Orano Library, we teel, iii do bath. Tfley, can kundle thie imagination of the younger reader and alse provide answers for the inquiring young m'ind. We are most dlighted ta note the great improvement dm the Orana Librlary in pyravidng bocks for the younger. set, inciuding picture books,,easty-to-read books as wel as fer the yourig teenagers and aciults. A hast of subjects are càverod in this section Wite a great many neiw volumes. lit has beeni interesting eise ta read in the Ontario Lbrary Reiviewta reading is on the upswng and that mn the Province, Libr-aris wha ten years ago were looking11 feri readliers are tclywandering how ta meet the demand o bcek. lt is aur belief that the openingof the new Public 1eylarY in Orono ils anc 0f the maore noteabile municipal evenýsii th-tes can'smunity for a number of years. The li- brary has a definite, and enlightening purpose and could hiave a far readhing signifiteance inthe ceinmunity over tihe comig year. Mlay we commn thé Library Board for their en- thusiasm and also coagnatWflate and extend best vshes ta tbýemr on their openhng thls eveniing, in Orono. Their trermen- doue effort te suppiy Or'ono wtth a new Public LIbrary is eel n t e eOrone Library today. We would alfse like te urge parents ta encourage theïr chidren, ofet ey rage, teo make use of the Library andi hope thiat teey w-i deÈ)likeaise themeselves. What Others Say (IOULD THEY HAVE ONE WITHOUT THE OTIIER? SheuiJd the franchise be, granted at age 18? Alrelaa êontroversial Issue, it promises ta become more so befare the iatter te settieti. Speaking at his nomination for Lindsay'e deputy- reeveship a f ceenlgeaga, Col, R. I. Moore dealtbrief- qy xVft the subjeet. He sad thalt aithough he reaiized it iras net primarily a local politicial tapie, t was sometling aboût which lie f cIt very stroin>giy. The former miagistrale eecalieti hie days an the bendh at Lindlsay an'd tee growing încieneof cases coning before hlm'invaiving drink ing under age. He predîte that thiie prablem wauld increase Ëf the vatn.jgag weri, te be loweredl. lt was hisciitenltia n thiat if tfi rngUit te vote were granteti at age 18, the right teO do ther thirigs at an earlier age wald be dem'anded anid iikoly wouÈdn't be rcfused. 0auld Young pepiehave anc thing withou't the other? Would any governnïent serious1y oppose a requesit ta extend the elriierifoing age te aPPly.,ta ther things, coeeof whIch luight be lees desîrable and net in the best interesLs eofyoUth? The silence which can almast be heard ocming eut of Ottawa an tee lcwer vettng age issue alone is yaur answer . . . Governments toctay, especially in Canada, are reljuctant ta ýoppose anything which celd adversely affect tee number ef ballots they rnight garner in an ellecitin.Of course there te a way out . . - Put thee mater ta a vote of tee pecopte and let them decide. The Lindsay PasL. LETTERS TO THIE EDITOR January 8, 1964 Orono, Ontarie,' a select few. Dea S:ir: Jan. 14, 1964 Mothers are not compellec] I write epenly in repiy to some T TeEdta:send hei re chi1dtoKindergarv. of the questions that were raîsed 1 arn' of the opinion that the at the annuai schoal meeting of Kindergarten Issue ies simllar ta For sorne Kindergarten is the Orono Public Sehool. Rt is my the Water Issue. necessar9,y se) therefore theyne' sincere hope that 1I may be able lot attend. But for ag great mn ta clairify any situations thaît ap Water ds of ini1poltance ta many pre-schooirng wauld be of a grit pear nëbulous ita parents anrd rate- but flot ta aill. There are homes deai of assistance in helping t-, payers, as we ail reaiize thie neces- Rih good safe weals and preper ch.Iid adjust to schooi. Therefore I si'tyfo fulli understanding of the sewage towham piped water 's feel we as a conirunity shoi a iministration in order tlhat, aur jusit an unnecess*ary added ex- very carefully weigh the aivant- Orano children can receive the pense. Hlowerver there are many ages and disadvanitages of Kinder- besât Possible educaü.,en. homes and businesses which are in garten and then inake an. ,uab.-~ desperate need of water. There- deciision ta which we are wlrgt fore we as a caem.unity have been stand behînd. IJnfortunately aur school at the Mature enough ta see and meet Yours truly, present has flot ufficient enroil- this need. Why then - can't peopile Lorraine Bruccu ment ta require' the services Of feel this way about another need- eigt m 1 j 1tim grade teachers, This need being Kindergarten. consequenitiy, the elght classes are staggered among six teachers. I arn in agreemient that parents This mnea.ns double classes in ev- are in the besi Position ta prepare ery raamn. Each grade, however, their chlild for àchaal. However receives onîy instruction on its many children who have neyer respective leve!i,_ and there le no, b1een awlay trami the confines cf a1ttmpt ta accelerate any pupIls hom5fe find it very difficèuit to ad-. by teaching them the work geared just ta being away and aiýso te ta the grade ahead that niay wellIthe instruction they recefve at be in the same roomn. Splitlasses Ëcliool. Pre-schooling has been used are flot only cuimbersom-e for thei'n many European countries with puPils but they provide aýdItional obvýious suocess for some time. In anus on the teacher W.ho must di- these cauntries children begin vide and allot her tMme evenly be- pScýhà0l at the age cf "three". tween her two classes and ye There I feel if a mether wishes camplete bdlth courses success- ta, be able ta send ber chiid te fully. Kindergarten for two hours a day Ail text 'books are suppîied by her. If a pay Kinderýgarten were the chal Býard Eýah tache isinstituted then only the priviledged theSehol oar Eah tachr ~woul be able toafatend. respons!ble foi, checkdng the eup- ply of text books readily availaible Education cf amy ktrxl should be in her classrocm and in the event made avallaible ta ail net ta jusit. .1nat additional texts are required, sh4ubmits. a list ta the principal prier ta the tirme 0f hie annual 'or- der. Purchasing supplies is usu- aily daone in the early spring. 0f- i ten in the fail, because 'of the in- Elux of new resldents ta the area and in'creased enroimnent, a sup- p4ýemenltary arder ils placed after cansuiting the individual teacihers aon their supplies. In this way, we 1 endeavour ta keep the schol well stacked witlh curriculum teXts. iH*wever, many text books become obsaiete and are na langer ap- ipro-Ved by the Department of Ed- ucation. In this event, when a par- ticular text le neolonger isted, the Board receives na grant, of money on making aà purchase of such. Oeten a text en a certain subject iii nao langer be approved and for as long as a year. Therefare, yeât a new series n-ay flot appear unlees you purchase at your ow n exp ense, you must miake the besi baokh what yeu have until the new. ,okis appreved. We find aur- selves in this transliitory situation ýwith Grade three, five and six language texts. Hp'wever, aur teachers do make sure that re-1 quired exerclses appear, on thee 8 THE ORONO POLICE TRUSTEES O Wish to Congratulate and extend Best Wisbes g to theg SORONO'PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD ON THE OPENING 0F THE o-JY gaur g6hýt31 ... Fiaaamay1 ý)n?,o:ot Trste gol lý îet nomal eie so ,Plc i g- QrnUbayi o bi iW teeyn IT jhe rushs of*tTusdtlso likehe b a iblicof e P n o nieV o ilb laged s t e ryon irr S10waPbi irry hteeyn g wihintueVilagechidre an aduts ~ik, ae ininbrs nd ayi biackboard $0 ail in the'dliass can beneftt even theugh we have -a 'limited supply of these iboake., lt is my desltre that through this brief endeavour i1 have been able ta stisfy the querries in the ffnids 0f those in question. 'In closing, I stress once mare that it is sa important t'a estaJblish ýa strong, ca-operative iink between the home and the school. Respectfully yaurs, J. Paxton, Principal, Orono Public Schoei. 7--N BYik HEAT ~' SERVICE WNERSER~I uýo=c oco o=O= cz>=O O=0 0= = < O<0: Yarde SPECXIAL Olier GUEST IDJ'With Purchase SOAP IL of HandCream 0 g$1042 for$1OO STUTT'S PHARMACY 0 ORONO, ONT. PHONE 16&J 0 B owmanville THURS - FRI - SAT - JANUARY 16,17 and 18 -MA-TINEE - SAT RI'DAY 2 P-. Todd Armstrong, Nanzy Ko"vk SUNDAY to WDEDY-JAN. 19 to 22 B ell Is F or H e""Des AditEnetimn Steve MeCQuee-ný Bobby DarMn Fess parker LirneHarveyFac ue Mrf~He àr Na

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