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Orono Weekly Times, 16 Jan 1964, p. 6

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ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THURSDAY, JANUI-AIZY 6t1i, li96 r'iprecîation to oili» past president, ý ad rmy salvation, whom shahI for usl'v. U . . . UI T ~ VV )Katjheen Capqmn. nwho was pre-ýfear? Te Lord -is the àtrength of EVeryone feit that thiqa wea U.C W . * I I' EW Ssented with a cul)p(and saucer from niy ife, of whom shalil I be a- Most interestlng, enjoyalble and _112 .sUWW UNIT-NO. f, U.C.W.ý the Unit, for her fine leadership in fraid.?piftabem tig T h e f i r t m e t i g 0 U i t f o U n t 6 h e d t e i r f i r t m e t i g h e a ~ t t w o y e a s .L i g h t i s th e s y n i b o l o f T r u t h - M r s . 0 . C o o p e r é x t e n d e d a n i n - the yeatr 1964 wvas heýld on Tuesday 0f the year at the home of Mrs. weera n prv n a ad"akbll n itâinfrteUï ome i Januariy 7 at the homneoff Mrs. Beverly West. M'rs. Fred Vagg Minuteswrera n apo-oehssad" lk odyadvitinfrteUttom tinir Doýrdth11y Eailey ith fifteen ladiesi our new group leader for the year, ed and the Treasurer's report was wisely inthe ligiht thou hast; There home for the February meeting, prsn.openeci the meeting with a cail to given-by Igarjorie Best. s a hand above tbn4 wIll leacl Feb. ltih. Leaqder Etta I nopenel the wr padapae.Stella Carson read a report >f,"Christ whose glory fis the siy, jAo~0 e n oke a n meceting by, asldn1g us to join with Mrs. Vagg then called on Mr. Missionary Work i Korea by Ms Christ -the tue, the offy lght" joyed by ail. "lim sinigînig H 57.1"Standing Long, Beverly West and Jean Samelils. ThisOharies Westhe), foilowedharbe in thePoti and followed with a Staples to present the àtudy book part of the meeting to -a close by prayer. rdngwnîch sbressed the im- on the chapter dealing wthM Mr-.repeating the Mizpah benedlétion. portanice of not living in yesterday actes. The group then had their busin- Duning tihe business perio'd, 23 n<irjîst dreaming of te-m«reo -r -mrrýowess meeting and decided to have visits were reported and cards but rather ini making to-'day the 'Mrs. Vagg opened tlhe devotional esntam br woreM very est e can wlt ~he ingig of ymn 71. Sir.jYe Oid Vaientinie Tea" on Satur- eesn ommbr h r i ver w un.withth sngig f ym 51.Shr-day, Fébruary 15 from 3 Vo 5:30. Announoement cof the general leyv Williams rend the scrilure: Dhcosrfelieis wr meeting to be held 31anuary 16, MrMajori e Diokgon rend the 1Colossians 1 - verses 15-19 and eliusrfehmns wr when the new officers wîll be in- hciti ail er text fromijcoha 1: verses 15. serveti by our hôstess andi a social Meriure t'iaking w1om wstie assen. lled, and a film will be 4hovwn M a V h v an a ar m elc rne as t e w s sp nt.A ca l fo r g ood w a r mi u se ti clo th - ~ ~ then given Mrs. Long who s Vo Jnyce CovVan read the meditation ig-teem ab eta h be oui leader for 1964, and a grate- and Doreen Wood led us in prayer. UNIT NO. 7, U.C.W. .tesm ob eta h fui vote 0f thanks given Mrs. Ir- We closeti our worslulp penliod w'-th On Tueslcay, Jan. 7th fiteen cuc hswe.Teanlicn win, for her pleasanit and capable the S,111911190f hynin 545. niembers of Unit INo. 7 met ini the geainlmeigV a.2'V leaders-hip for the lasi terni of of- The iinuîtes of the îast meetugi New Elducation 'Buildng, for tlieir prece businas Pot-iukscusier '.v. ere read by Anne West and Lois Portermeeeingmod the ar anti suggestions given for carry. fiee. Bailey read an artiuie lady of e e w Ym e r. S m ewtshes w s dic st C l D0rLýY Beiýe red n atileCox wa ab h recording sec- igroup, Using a very splendid poem ing on the work for the year. Clyu dealing, with the thought that rtaryfor the coming year. The "Th.e 8tairway of the Year" as an Aheryvt areiinws licensed Plumbina & the cmn year ainti alîways we o fer s g a 'thn Vken rid em-introduc,(tion and an incentive to go given Mrs. Poiter for her leader- Mechanical Contractor shýu1id giv e God o>ur lear i, unl- brhpfesacpe forwvard, whitih was followed by a cluttered intiLs and 1iearjts o (do' asthen tinue there hynin andi prayer. Sciptui'e rend- 1hr nteps erat o e who seils, instails VIls work and inoL us use whi-atwod be a G eneral Meet.ýîlg at the ing was Psalm 90, given by Mrs. voingne1964. acdryon rsnleees tu nt hogt ema av eS ~'rh nJaury1 Wt teMargaret Hancock, who also gavet from our usuai dbi1yIlivinig. SDhe lib1ation of GOffcers. Thie An a f ew valusible thoughtsfrom lieri An interesting anti wortliwhile followeq with payr ni Mrs. Yeo fla ogeainiMdlgWC 1 experience, recenitly, it Five Oaks. stutiy of Chapter 6 (Miracles) ofA ? A rend a f ew verseýs stressing the be editi in the main hall oni Tues- A meditation -was given by MMs "The Word andi the Way" was pre- CA IlII L Il -Way to a Ha---ppy New Year,." daýy, Jlanua'ry 21 beginnling with a!Porter. The Devotional, "Liglht for sentedby Elleen Billingis. Eiieen pd~uhsupper at 6:30. The meet-Ithe year aheaàd" was in charge of gave a very clear sumrary of the ?IUMBING HEATING The minutes were rend by sec- 11ng17wàI begin at 8 p.m. 'for those Mrs, M. H. Stapies, ünd ân psalm chapter - and advised us Vo -,o retary Joan Convier and l theiwiho cannot attend the supper. 27, we read. "The Lor'd is My iight home andi renad the 'whole ýchapter Phone 143 Orono absence 0f Treasurer Audï'ey Rth- 7Mrs. Vagg then asked for any erforti, Ruth Allin -gave thei treas- gocd used ciothing ta be leSt at urer's report andi accepted mnei- the Ohurch bâsem enV the first part ________________________________________________ berships. The coliection wýas edi- of the week. If tihere are any cated by Etta Irl,,n anid a short nieetiy famlhes requiring it, it wîîl J business discussion foiiowed. We be3 on hant. If n'ot used It wdi' be were remind.ed 0f the annual put in te baie in May. ArM-1 C' Ohurdi nre&ling a nd pot lcksufp- We fiscusseti a projec)t for M per ta be held Januury 21 iii the choming year. IV was tiecddt Vt NO TC main auditorium andi also askedleach meniber put away a dimie a that, we would ake -any warm1weei< antiait the end 0f the year elcihin wecouh spreVo the it wouiitilhe handed in Vo the giroup. sanie place duing th Le comiag 11eveily tuer had an interestn NM * W week so it could be used aIs the conitestlÉ'ch «was enjoyeti very * I I I li ectiarises.WsthnTW tMuCh. A deliolous lunch ws hn_'H VA i.J I P' 3Jj serveti by the hostess. Hyni 57 'Fr Th Meceyard 'Eileen Stephens offered hier home Thy Grace" ý -as repeateti in uni- for our Fe'bruary meeting. son anti a most interesting study period spent urder the very cap- UNIT No. 2, U..." -begiueofM joi Iko. Unit 2 heid their meeting Tues- At the req nest of the 0-qsipp Clar ke Coun , eOcae aerRsore ihat ýni a Mirce"disco fday, January >7th ai the home of Commnission lias investigated the possibility of he, lllg a at'er werks rjetesre by ra ingveM;rse?" fhand 18 bers mem-gawalrwok poec ev byredngvrs 1o hm 17Mrs, Merle Gilbavt wîth 18 mm the Police Village of 'Orono at an estimated cost 'et$1'74,015 wiiich wl be ,,repald ta the "'Break Thou the Bread of Lif e". br present. Ontario Water Resourees Commission over a period of thirty years. M rs. M. J. Taniblyr our leader,,T ep o oe rj c ll c nit o yth 1f1ol w ng oks tRuthAluin inviteti usto initi our wished 'everyone a 'happy New Tepooe rjc ilcnite h 'îwgwrs next meeting at ber home, anti Year anti 1thanked theni for their The construction of a water works system te serve the Police Village of Oreno, Etta Irwin brought Vohis one Vo a Cb-operaioDn through the pa'st eonsisting of water mains. close with prayer after whicoh'a year. She openeti the meeting vâtii pIonnant visit anti lunch time was the eau VÙo worship. "In the 'begin- ON FROM TO enjoyeti anti Mrs. Bailey thanketi niag God, 'ant inV the between, anti main Street Smril rv 3'N fCnr t for ber hospitality. throughout-al eternity for ever, Mi tee 0S. erv P riveSt30eNi- ofStete St there is Goti", followed with pray. Mlain Street 20 S. o MarkSt.ontpSre UNIT NO. 4, U.C.W. er. Hyma '55, "Joy Výo the World" Hi11ll rve ,VlaeBudb The meeting of. the Unit was was sung. Minutes were read anti Mill Street Mlain Street N, Village Bountia-y lielti at the home of Mrs. Ruby approveti anti the roll eaularýswer- Unnamnet St. O5'N f Porter. Mrs. Kathy Arm'strong eti With a verse 0f acripbure. Mrs. 1 Milison III11 Drive Mili Street E. Village Boundary openeti the meeting with reating Alice Hooey 'anti Mrs. Vouma Wat- Millson »IIIi Drive Mill Street Main Street the hyma "Standing 0f the Portal". son spoke words 0f praise anti ap- Churchill Avenue Chureli.!Street 370' easteriy whi7jjch wa_ýs very fiing for the New preciation for the Christmas tidn- Dickse11 Street m'Il Street Chureh Street Year. Mýrs. Aima Mitchell in tak- ner serveti by the U.C.W. Vo the Centre Street rMa'u Street 1,000' oasteriy Vag the Devotional rend a oem Rebekah ladies December 19th. Park Street Mai1n Street 760' easterly on "The Yeir" ai-i Kathy Arm- The offerin'g was rocelveti antidics tre w-o Street 270' easterly àtrorg red salmi 190, after which hymn 580 "Al beautiful the march Victoria Street Mi Street Church Street Alm .,ic--lcrdie teD- fdysa egos aean Io Cobblediek StreetMi Street 750' E. of Church St. A I m' it h e l c o t n u ti t e e ~ d a assa so n s c omua ti o "D u h eq s S tre e t M a i n] S tre e t C bi'l- h S tr let votinal tile'aiing- witil th-e subject <a ug Somerville Drive Mainï Street 10?0' E, of MaînStreot f ii >IseIwt ryr The 'acripture roading from St. Mili Street 750' IN. o)f Milison for t.he blessingis 0f the New Year. , 2hcatr dvrewsli Drive 600' N.W. to elevateti tank given 'by Mrs. Jean Duvaql. Mrs. Audrey Bu'cekley dealt wîth theHLjda Wood gave a reatiing, "1The Churcli Street Somierville Drive 250' N. of Station $t. mlliîssonary stutiy on India anti New «Year is a Time Vo Think". Church Street 320' 'S, ot Park St. 90' N. of Churchill Ave. av amsit in'erestiag tal1k on She also ampressed appreciation Station Street Main Street 1-090 E. of Main St. tc danth e nioftdyon behaif 0f the Unit 'Vo Mrs. Tamn- Ilnarntet Street Station Street 800' E. & N. of Station St. anti 0f the pro'gress be.ing mateieni blyn for hier leadiership. Mrs. L. Vite indu SIate 0f the Dominion Barrabail reati a short poofni "Let inclutiing service connections from the distribution main te the property Une, together oS Intila anti the Moslei State of, us look up" anti a story by Mrs. jwith a. 50 (PM capacity gravelied wall weli and pump hanse te be loeated on Miii Street, Paksa.Audirey Will continue!'Tamblyn "One step at a Tme." approximately 750' North ùt Milison Hill1 Drive, and a 150.000 gallon steel stantipipe te be with. this stutiy at our nexdt meet- The 23rti Ps'alm was repeateti L,- locateti approximateîy 600' North-West of the proposed wvell anti pump house. lng anti Kathy Armstrong wîll unison. A iduet by Mrs. Lina Cab- bringVo u 'inormaion egaring bedic ant Mrs Hilia Wod jThe estimateti animal co'<t et the projeot "$ 16,515 which includes interest, debt ej bierligio un0fomt irgas rs. "Sleeter asd the tilds godby, tirement, oPerating 00st, reserve for renewals, replacements andi contingencies.' .Asltt will take the Devotioral. A closeti this part of the meeting. Rtis proposed te raise this sum,4s foiiows: $7,560 by a frontage rate of 42 kcents, per éýr»u, ffhyni b Bvele Say Mrs. Merle Gilbart ook the study foot; $5,376 by a dlomestlc consumer rate et $28; e$,064 by a commercial consumer =ate ,were then listenedtaVoSo the Hi-F~i perioti, ber tapie, "The Lord's 1 ef $38; $2,051 by a cennection 'charge of $7.00 and the balance of $4,064 by a mnill rate or ap- Undi were ipuch enpoyeti. Prayer", wIth a short discussion, ProxiateiY 0.64mnills On anE the rateable property îthin th~e Police Villag fOoo the s a rogtup d M.ebesWtatsinpat th 1on the basis of these leves, a bouse having a 66-ft. frontage and an assessment of Buies a rogtUpat rs lx asn nie$ h 2,000 weulpay the fellowing amounts, annualiy after conniection has been matie te thfe doi Pt.goup for the next meeting, Mrs. ytm Ail were ploasedtiatowecome Oobbletiick movoti a vote of thank ssyem

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