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Orono Weekly Times, 16 Jan 1964, p. 7

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ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THTI3SIV,JANU4RY iGili, 1961 ORONO MEDCLENTRE D.R.A. Hleston Cook DENTAL SURGEON Foir Appointments Vhone 19 TFICHOURtS Mon foFr1 9-2 1:30 -- :00 Sa, Moring: 9-12 DR R ..TAGGART VETERIAIYSUIGEOLN FLoue 10616 (',roilo, Ont. I COIOC EVE NT FOR SALE rThe DurhamCounty Liberal As- l P ea Insilage, dielivereti. V sociation annual'.meeting .M.Roinonlhoeb25412 W .- ]FRANK ~ ~held in the Oddlfellow's Hall on M (ýiiüi'hn 2-12 Thurstiay, January, 16th, 1964 atOswabp ÔREAL ESTATE 8 . m. c- c o na __________________FOR SALE 00 LIM ITED U "CALIFORNIA TOUR"I Apples: MacInltosh, Snows, Tai- 0 17 Chrch t. 25 days Feb. 5th to 29th inclusive man Sweets andi Cooking Apples. 17hrcSt[JTravel de lux airconditioned Also Cedar Poles. 0 nitorcah. o ng- rve. TJ. W. Boyd, phone 3R18, Orono. Bowmnanviile, 623-3393 For information phone or wriite a-c n Rowe Trav el Agency ~i Port Hope 885-2527 OTC ____________ j Electric Heating ~ ~o~oand Service W.KAY LYCITe B.A.Qj PON 4 a Orono, Ontario CýD"arrster -Solicitoro in the Offices of Qf R. R. W'addell Q.C. MAIN STr., ORONO fO Electric fi Telëphonie 138 Orono PHONE 129 SMERRILL D. BROWN Q0 c - (Civil) O Ontario Land Surveyor i 121 Queen st fBoX 1 BowiflviieOtariq Telephone 6375 Bay Appointaient Oniy muîn st., Orono Telephone 138 P.O. Bx208 WHITBy Phone 668-8197 Menteith, Monteith Riehi & Co. CIIARTERED ACCOUNTANTS 185e fimc<oe St. North, Oshawe Telephone: 728-7527 Whitb! 608-4U1 94 Ajax «2-OU0 General , IN SURANCE'. SEE FRED LYCETT OFFICE - i , OIRONO Auctonee andValu att,î Selize in Farm n Furitu-eSales Consuit me for ni and' dates Phone à r 18 üOn TED JACKO AucitÎi-ner and Valuator cffldwc#ý Auc4lOia Sales of au smises * n ireasOaable raies Oopimùnicai îith ha ~Pr PrOIitgzle CONTRACTORS FOR FARM andl HOUSE WTRING Free Est imates APPLIANCE'SALES Prompt and Guaraiiteed Repairs to ail klnds of Electrical Eýquipment; and Appiances Such at Metors Water Heaters T.V. - Radios Stov es, - Irons ~0 ifamiltons SInsurance Service 0 tllnsurance ln, ail its BrancheeQ QAuto, Package and <jompositeQ oPollcjes, Firo, Farmi, -LilepU ~Bnrg1ary, Uàability, MarlneQ Accident and Sickness, Wlnd. Bler, Fidefity Bond, ]Etc. 0' oSadîe Ham.iltonQ Phono Orono 1H16 QFIRST MORTGaGE ON o Q=o=>e BOX 133 MO!. 8-8553 IStafford Brothers J Limlted 318 Dundas St. E. lVhltby, ont Manulacturers of Cemetery Memorials Dealers In Domestie & Foreign Granites and Marbies - Inscriptions Cuf Mônuments and Our .piality ami service leaves ntig to b)t 0desý,ed Ask thie personu who bonght; froue The RLJ¶'IER GRANITI COMPANT 73 Ontario Street PORT HOPE "9t4rgestIMSPLay l u nthe-ni FOR SALE FOR TOWING & STORAGE 1955 FORD - 19P63 No. H118967 Seriial No. 473BK55-53122 Moýdel 473B Colour - green 1955- OLDS m 1963 No. 33892 'Serial No. 55SM81579 Colour- green andi white. GRAHAIS Esso sERVICE North on 115 Highway VReserve Februpay 151h for Ye Olde VanieTa en pn DURHAM CENTRAL CHARTERED BUSES soe b nîtOcUCW - Gong to '1CR' FOLUIES" Tor- srdb ntOn . . ac AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY onto, evening show January 3sit, ANNUAL MEETING also February lst matinee. L GU WNE Tickets available. Phone: Olci Guns, Rifles, Siitguîs or h e ntral meAgniculthSetyur RoWe TraVeI Agency Pistols wanîted. Also'olti shells. wilm be herl i tur Orocetyw Port Hope 885-2527 Phone Oshawa 725-8183. a-p Hll on Satdindae, JanarTo8wn c-c ______________________1:30_p.m. ARl members and direc- TOIVNSHIP 0F CLARKE tors are urged to attend, b-c GEORGE YORK GREENHO1S Phone 17316, Oronio, ont Mixed Pots Of Plants, Azzalia, Cyclamen, Hyclrangea-iý, Primulas andi Cut Flowers. Poinsettias andi Chrysanthemnum. Building a flouse? Or remotidelllnig your present one, then Oontact Floyd Nicholso PHONE 219 1 ORONO I - - -- - BUVING OR SELLING REAL ESTATE A'.J. McGILL REAL ESTATE BROKER Phones: Orono 1407 Oshawa 728-4285 Ili 0LDOUG SIM4PSON' 0 Q Phione Oronio 208 g fPAINTING - ,INTERIOR & oEXTERIOR , g PAPER HANGING 0 SBUILDING CUPROARDS 0 fiREMODELLING g FURNIITURE REPAIR & JFINISHg QAND ALL ODD JOBSg ~Barnes and Byain 0PLUMBINO andi HEATING fi ~Ja~i anti Service 024 HOUR. BURNER SERVICEC gB-A FINANCING a o Low Interest Râtes fi Hampton CO. 3-2288 Tyrone CO. 3-26,50 P PMPINfG OU T SEPICTANKS WIMFTEWASI*ING STABLES BDet TounpIIns APPLICATIONS FOR ' WARBLE FLY INSPECTOR ANNUAL MEETING Applications for Warble Fly in-f ORONO CEMETERY COMPA1Ny, spector for the year 1964. nul be recekived by the undersigned Up The regular annualrmeeting et to andi including February 3, 1964. this cOniPany will b li el iin tle Applicanits te state remunera- fTown Hall, Orono, On Monday jan- tion expecteti.,I uary 201th at 2:00 p.in. Duties te conimence March '2, Agenda, - Toe èOnsider the fin- 1964. anlcial report and any other'rbus- H. E. MILLSON, Clerk, J mess which may lie brought for- Township of Clarke' ward. Ail Lot Owners are entitieti Box 37, Orono, Ont. to vote for a Board of Dîrectors ____________________________ for the ensuiing year. -CONiOLLERGeorge Morton, Chairman. CONROLE jb-c An expanding organization wftl hCati office in Toronto dentres catn- didates for the 'new position of Conùvrller. .Roporting to the Generlal Man-' ager, this man will lie respons- fibe for the dibrection andi super-, j vision of a small office staff and j aUl accounlting functions,' office sy- stelns anti proledures, aiong wvith I th reaaio ffinancial stiate- AreclOgnized accou01nvig degree plUs some exýpenience in. systenis and _data PrOcessing are nlecessary Experience in newsPaper or adi 'ertsing agency acconting wouiti lie an asset. Age 28 t10 >35, Slanrting %li-y $7,1500 - $8,500. Replies wtII be heliti in strictest confidence, shouiti stalte age, edu- caUtion, -detailet busineiss expert- ence anti Pres9nt gaiary andi shoulti sate age, eduo4jion, de- talleti busginess experience and shoulti be atitresseti to: WOODS, GORDON & CO. 15 Welington Street West Toronto 1, ontarlo, Management Consultants .NURSING HM3E -1 LyntonhursýI, Maîjior Nu rsing Home has licensed accomnmoda. tion ifor bed Or up-patients. Regis- tereti nurse, lu attendance at al] tinies. Reasonable, rates. Phone Orono 1308. 47-p R"110 - T.V. REPAIRS -Will do part time Radio andi T.V. -repairs. Ail work guaranteed. HARRY WIERSMA, Phono Orono 1649. Use -The Class-ifi*er Maintenance Service Complete Maintenance on ,Windows, Floors andi Wall Service Rug anti Uphoilstery Shampooin Commercial, Industrial Residential PHONE 25 Orono, Ont. COMING EVENT Plan to attend' FAMILY NIGHT At the Orono Rink FRIDAY, ,IANUARY 24 Details next Week. a-c NOTICE Reserve- Tlurstiay, Janu'ary 16th and plan to aittendi the U.C.W. General Meeting, which wiil lie helti in the upper Auditorium of, the Christian Ectucation Building, at 8 p.1m. An interesting progran- has, been arrangeti inicluding pres- entation of a film. Corne anti brîng a frienti. a-c COMING EVENT Durhamn Counity Hog Producers' Association- Annuail Banquet, Odd- f eElow's Hall, Oýrono, Tfhurstiay, January 23, assemble il1:45, dinner 12:00 noon. Hog produceýrs anti wi'ves urgeti to attend. Tickets are availab1e f rom Alex Mogiat anti Don Stales. Barbar-a Pollocok, C.K.L.B., will adtiress thae ladýies mreeting. Duiïhamn County Hog Protiucers Annual ai 1:30 p.m., immedýi'atey fcdlewfnýg the banquet - for nomîinîations for commIttee- men to On't)anio Hog -Produicer'& Marketing Board, O.H.P.A. dele- gates anti election of Township diirectons. If an elecion is requrect for committeemen, Rý willli e helti on Tuegday, Maýrch 3, 1964 andtihie poling plaLces wiill be at the Depart. ,ment of Agriculture, 14 Frank St. BowmianMile' anti Beithany Town Hll. Lewis J. Wood, Presildent Glenn Larmei, Secretary. CARD 0F TH-ANKS My sincere thanks to Dr. Mc- Keozie anti Dr. Hallet1t, nuýrses and staff of Memiorial Hospital, during my sitay in thîe hospital. Mlso to Heather Rebek!ah Lodge andi Otiti- fellow Lotigeýs of Orono anti Bow- mnanville. Speciai thanks to Rev. Lang for bis visit s, to relatives, frientis anti neighbou-s for their gifts, cards anti many kintinesses. Oscar J.. Luxton a-c IN MEMORL,*m CORNISH-In loving, memory of our dear moatier Rasa J. Ooriý-ish wh'o passeti away, January 18, 1950 We tre1asure s1tilI witýh love sin- cere, Beautiful mem'orie's of one so dear. Fondly remeibered by Henry, Walter, iilton, lia andi Eva eard lamlnlies. Orville Chatterton à l'dm y-" ALL 1 h Electrical Contracting 1

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