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Orono Weekly Times, 16 Jan 1964, p. 8

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ORON I v ,GA Reg, or >1PPY . 8 oz. Pkgs. Cheese Slices 4 for $1 BAKERY FEATIJUES HO)sp)itality Faniily iSize - Save 6c- Blueherry Pie ea 49c Demlster's - ýSave ee Twist Egg.- Rolis pk 30c IGA Cthoie Hlves 15 oz. Tins Peadies 5 for $1 SkeyC'eam Style Fancy 15 oz. Tins Corn 6 for $1 Peas 15 ez.Tins 8foIr $ lub' iTmate Sauce 15 oz. Tins Spagetti6 for $1 IGA2 p6 z.'TUis AppleiJuice 8$1l Pmeýa4ple-Grapefruxt Delmionte 48 oz. Tin Drink 3 for $1i Juice 15 pz. Pkg. Denisters- Save 4c - ÇJhocolate Pe1bk Freaits ,Btz. Pkgs. A-ssorted CÏreams 4-$1l FOOd Pricer, Effrctive January L), 16,1 il, 18. We Reserve the r.1ght to LIAmit quantities CO oi. Tins 7for $ ORAýNGES, Clhiqtiita Brand B51 nanas Garden FreslNew Cabbaze dozeniflfl Extin FW sizeau 16 4 *JApi 163 $Short Cut Whole or Iait LEG O0 i... .~LAMB lb 29c ~ani inn ~aske RoatChoýps, stew Sasge e1 lb.ailI A EXTRATOTAL 0F ýiN BONUS TAPEýS ancy B.C. Delicions Iles 2125c 2 for 29c 5 for 29e lb-45c Choidé, ICA 2) oz. Tins ~Tomaoes f r$1 1(iA15 v7, Tinsï 1Bens Pork 8 focr $t Bef rIrs 21 oz. Tinsi YokSe w 3 fer$1 IGA Fney ~15 oz Tins Habitant Soup fi-$1ýý' EvapeatedTali Tins'j Carnafion MiIk 7-$] Kraf t Dinner 8 for $1 Pouch ,Palck - 4 Varleties . Menarcb 9½ oz. Ccake Mix 6 for -$1 IGA l'iinkLotion Liqnld 214 pZ. ize Detergent 2 for $1 $1 $20. EClEAN EXTRA $4L00BOU TAPE WVITHI CCOWN B7 rRAND SRU 2 lb. Decanter MONAEcn FLOUE TillE DETERGENT 7 lb.Ba Gýant Sz ' EI4JE1VE llANEXTR $2.0 BONU TPEWI JAEXijUiDJ) BLEAGU 8i2 oz. 3ttle 'SIED SIDE BACON . alrt inls / b. pkg. IGA W-xPape-lý ShredColoed, 1 ,S S, 1i ,AKeidai News MWr. Jiames Hoy and his son Wmn. ateddthe fur.nrl of Mr. on Boy in PetIerborougIh on Thursda.y, Jianuary 9th, "e is the son -ýf Mr. 1 v as most iteresed in larr- tng froan iithe ciora in las+ week's Sntemn tiat Baron ý Th,,omipson sportI mucil of his e[aiby life in B w n v 4 e his f th r be- ingÎ n a b r there in the 890s. rom Barbeî, Sdop Vo PBaronj wovld maea fine topie fora. lecture. Th Rey. Tommi-îy Wala,3ce gave a etueenltîtied Prom Pi>t te 2 PlpIt teiliing 1 ho w Ileh ý hAd beg una in a coalI ne In Seotland an~d hacd risen Vo be a, United Ohurclh mII-liter in Canada. Baron Thomip- 9n's s1ucess story~ begaIn lnBi. mýaiIlie and ended in Scdtliand(. Mrs. Chas, Thompson cel(ýiated her' birthday oni January 8l at the hiome of lier daugliter Mrs. G. Gathcart. The Uited hrccwme o at the home of Mrs. M. Luxon on01 Wecdneisday evening, January gui. The meting openied by the s'ig c- a hymn anj a New ~asP2y er in verse ahosen by the By C. White. .1 The minutes of the LIaLnl eetig were read by Ms C. W. Stewart Le6-es ()f tanks wer-e read froan SF. Warren writtenl by lier 1 a _ r r. iul AMercer of GUelph, and froan Mjý,rs. Whîe of NeW onvl1e It w as ceciced t, send ten doutals flrom tlhe U.C.W, V o tihe Biblie Society. Our annial meetinlg was tentiuaiey set foi, Tuesday alternoon January 21. We ac,,e risinayaio caqJio f $65.OQ for, the eoming 1 yea. The devotional part_)f tihe&e- inig was giiven by Mrs. Bo>y Mercer on the subject of Timle. Psaam 9: 12 "So Leach us o mimber our cays that we m'ay àpply oýur héaiits unto xwisdomr." Sugestonsfor' miakiigniamney were dlI5us,,sedi More ideas Wouidï be apprec'ted. Our, bgespro)blean was eed for, more mnemibers. One sug- gestion was that more mi;ghtcoe tVo an1 affternoon -1meet-ing ýin the wneso it was decideci to ïhave [he nex-t two meetings t 2 p.rn. i-n Febr'uary and March1el. Twvu enoil are to Ibe dedi- 'alteýd On t1le tant Sulday in Janu- The hymu11, Love. LuI-ICI was served b3y Mrs. H. IFoster anid Mrs. o. A vote otf tU har1ls was e x-ýtended to M s. Lu- on1 for the use of bhome Mzlols. H- Poster mill havie the n-ext meet- ninli er home. OronoLi'brary Book Review j A N I ) A K O O S A T hle Or o n o L b n y h n o i shelves the two volumes 0f-Th P o n e e, r F a r mie r a r d B a k w o ds ma"Which w'as publishied il, 1963. The nuthor, ElwnC. Giit f Toronto and one time of obourg, peets tese, as a suppieleuenî I hs former booP, "Eriy Li e in, Upper Cnd. T'le aim eOf the two oue is te present for Ille filst timle a bistory et pliret- setti,ýent froni cOtemperg)ary Soliuces as weclI as presentig Ithe socl1 11fstory of thsesine settier.s. The Wiltings begin wlttlh ihe iin. nlIigrlnts teoOur Wilds, the condi- Lions they mieet anci the life hey livei. Four hundred and fitfy llutrp- (ions adoru lhe twýýO volumes. la generalthie books reveal1 the life !in Upper carnada as w'elnas JocLI h'istlory of Toronto, Oobourg a d Y 01,1!couinty. A phto of for- j m r b an k in N e t v î ri g i the h1îstory in thýese book"s c1se t Vo homne. SFrthosetma.t arehistery. 1 1 1 j i c I pe d t h e s e o kpi l n ~ k 'nost ntertining and e uca mneeting ciose-d ,witjh te "B-l&st be the' Tie that CHH IHPS -asraoFee 3 ie ,iakio ;3 1-b.,Bag 24 'rz. Pkg Y raservale 'Frozen 1 ý Strawberries tcach 45c

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