Orona eekýly limes, VOLUME 26, NU1BER 6- ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THURSDAY, MARCH 5tli, 1964 Kindergarten Ruled Out'By Board And General M eeting The special meeting held at the ial This is at presont the pro-, Drono Public Sobool on Saturýday, posai for the coming year. TeUff ~stronwith regards to a Boa-rd witb the view off opeming i izJ CAS IGimIIII 4Kindorgarten coacluded W~i h Il-uch seventh classroom ruled outi those in attendance voting 3 ,1 setting up a kindergarten. 1fi h ý7psn uha venture at te Th Ubrary wt teopening off' Parents' igL The ol. Board, inpresenting iL fesbe nmove-d vsýews saw grealor nezd offosutb- to li,'bsmn lunch roomi. The On, Snnday evening Ma'rh 1, Our dlshtnng seven class roomis aI the tentat*ve enror n-u L', d iir--11, meclng vw- beld in- the chorallier thainopng a kîn-ithe c, _-ing school ternai s et-Chîta Education Build-'ig off eratnat thïis limeu. matet f.frm 210 te 'ý12. the Orono United Church. A>ter a Mr. Rss Gilbart, chairman off Mr. C ibart aise le iorme I thee roiîsing sing song and read ng cý e- reSchool Board chaired the meelin"- that they nad approacbed ports a discussion was h,( d on eengand presented the Board's Newcai -' Public School 10 sec if impending Club activiiies. 1' was ff ing ind heir decision conceru- îhey were interested in a kindn- Iconýirmed that our club bas ne- i(ng seltig up a kindergarten. garten ard sharng a teacher on a Pauls United, Scarboro to lbe their The Bord cbirmanoutliihalf-dav bsis. Newvcastle is nol guesis on Sunday April 191h. We Ienecessities for a kindergatten crnsiderirg opening a kindoer-, plan 10o travel by bus in limý-e for a sllaed tat went pupls ouldbe arte.n said the chairman. pot luck supper andl an interesting apefor a Isalff-day perioci. The M.Coisbledick- a memlber off ovening off felowship with Ibisac elsroomr should be somiewhal h- lo-,ýei htsnetv lb w t a eparte nonrmacl n WIkindegv ve ws etconinul.sory Our nxtregular meeting wil vfiLh eparate wasbrom fancilite.i ol ma btacls f 0bc held on March 22 for a pro- Minimum co, ws off furnisiwld culddm duin'bd eaterg20 rn designaled as "Parents be aboiut 60. withof a misiimu bchwnd ena u n nsNpib". The, committee is present- Sýalary off $3100.00 for a locher. Is W Iec" f) f operation would ei. oligojIedlisadw mai cwstntduring the ycar. anicpleIis will be a big even- o1 the local taxpayer wouid1 - ing in Club activilies. am-1ount t 134 or 2 additional milîs 1 Thc-, s a strong conern by' v Aflot vr fnnevtonlb fo Perationlo t alone cost for an Anb rcnlbmananbcPyMne Glakthe group assýeib- ad4Jdiýtion or remodelling. sic al' Ed1ucat;on and Muisi room as 'led downiýsbair 1s for a shuffle board Mr. 'Glîbart st'ated tIsaItIsey Isad la part off tbe sebool anud itwatora n.Tis asnjydb - u'nd thiere were certain advanat- Oaidthe feiol.ThIbisa imrant part ,novice and exzpert alike and aflor -ges in Isaving a kindlergarten. 0ibesho.Teclara adconiderabl)e manipulation Àrnold, ,ý^_pparentlv assisted- in teacýh!n ti l pard haamrean aîîaco and Lynda Harris were ýÎ-il, t lïe tiiutiei, miýo-, i mïore emnbas,ýq is 1sbeing plarcd in d(,aeth winr.TryG - ~hid 1 hve ibboters imroed Iis area off eduication ndthuTs dcae h imr.TryGa -,,r ais a tiud. am "is tIbe groatoal", aI ovory- ors el thlat knegre i na-t phi icî ductLn rus fr es- tbîng -but sbt4iifle board and 1bis ,7antage in oducationial system holie draln parîÏne r desorVes a greal deal off 0buit a1so thes euc trsf00ee .CasHttnase i -bopaiso, in carrying bim 10 the that !whore sorne things are lack- Bord Iud osidee l ifdnga inls Iï,g tihat kindcei,-g;arten i sexpon-diblo kiîndergartm in iany othoer building e3reli'etaconchuded a vory Ho citod the case in Saskatchewan Thie Board adnet and tbe inspocl- enjoyab)le ovening. wb1ere costs are>,,, ngand whoe tc h aspeet as ono oWkindergartens are boing el- tr ont-a a rnt, aso olaaibloc on renit.$7 0 To B The chiairmian said Ihal Ithe op-ý Mc. Holmos, pu)iblic sohool in- a o S SpJent eigoff akidgaenn Orono spector, propoaod ithe .suggost oni oud ean a miajor building pro-' off Sotting uip a priviito kinder-Oa ý-,ý1ar and -itli teOnaCViliage-liRoadS am ad wth bcom'e ofl - -iarlnwhc could operato fromi asosetcudbcm otY- Eastte1ý Junie wib- these scnd.ng>,, The Orono Police Truisteos have '-We f001 as a Board, thal l, iS is ' dren paying a monthly f00.seasu 0f$,G0 bspn necoýcssary 10 open a sevenbh ciass- Suncb a vonluro, lbo said, could be ila oddrig16,Ts room in lihe achool and Ibis would stablishod in a privato home and onVilaerod1urn 96.Ti te done by combining tlie Lbrary iis doeoso, in n-umerous centres,. ra ani ncreaso ofof $2,00û.00 over hast rosand thie Science r 1oom, up- Mr. Lyall Lowery statod that of lycar. Tho m najor portion of Ibis stali."Tis, -ad Iechimn,'anay19 ,te new oducational sum is to bo spent on major road inan-T i i e chw- ot 11 ýpaain, J (Contin Ued on pge -) onsbruction. Finail details bave __________________________on______________ b 0hocomnpioted but tbe, major projocts are ,plannred. ~ ct~iil- ~ -'Tairin construction, work is to b OiCL coln 0 ..JJXa Î g cupn.pleted on Church alcool southl f C oledî'ck 10 Station street Aoa simiilar type offwr wil libo cýarrielod ouIt on Duchess and Prin- cessa sturots. Catch basins are also boing considered on the oast side off Mvain treet just norlh off Cobble-' icek alcool and on thse east aide of Mill streot at Mr. B. Tonnants. - Tbese basins %would ehîmnate the deep ditchea in these location. Culverts are also plannod in a numiber off places in the Village along witli gravel lift on Division street south. Streot naine signs are also to be placoed at elîber end o~ 1f Division street. « Early in the year 'Parking iin-es' are to be painted in the business n area and il la being considered - ~~-tIaI diagonal parking wihh hoe plac- ed on the easî ide and parallel - parking on the wes'I sidte. - Brushing in many aceas and ca general cloýanup la also to be in- clude-d in tIse budget ahong With a -'Vigorousý policy 0f roadaide gr-ass cuttinig and off bi-montbly Main atreet cdean-up. M.C. R. Knox has!Isoid bhis pro- pe ty on Mill street n/csl leMr Richard Collins, The building, fermoerly used as a bec bouse and for mnink feood storage, is now i - -use in Preparîng and soien g mink SIonaoear w ongO'Ïosdohe ofM.ad c.M Te f e'od isbagged in ffiffty pound 'ono aaeswolstStr- i' ~sadCagTnat o ag and Sýtoredin the freezer aenboda fineexhibtion off skangof r.ad1rs ruce Tnn ILtis understood that future plan aitth Oon Fgue kain Cr-Th yun satcsperformoed a, niclude an additionaî large n*ival. They are Jaecjqseinc nl1pisnuie.freezer, With 100 tforoapaclty. Ch mbr ra isBANTAM ]HOCKEY TUN has been planned for the Oront> $250 o Lirary rink tbis Friday evening. The four teamns t compete are Orono, Mli- The Orono Chaanber of om brook, Newcastle and Kelene. Merce helM their relgular Month- The first gaine is scheduled for ly meeting in Otto's Restaurantsix O'clock when Orono and Mdii- on1 Monday evening wilh twelve brook face off. Newcastle and menlbers present. Mr. Wilim In- Ke'ene follow with an intermission graham off the Onltrlo Chamber when broombali w411 be played. was present at the meeting to ofb The two winners will then play- sýerve the operation of the Ch~am. off as will the two, losing te-ais. ber. The preýsid.ent, Charles Arm- work with the Police Trusitees in strOng, asketi that the conlmittee the malter of parking in the busi- which had been appointed to look1 ness section off the Village. into possible sites for a new Post1 A motion was passed by the, OffIce in Orono take some action Chamber of Commerce in which in this mle the Chanfber granted a sum off A commute off Chas. Armstrong e 250.00 bo the Orosio Public Library and Diii Carman was appointed to this year. YouI A sdil-oul wivtnessede ing carniva Saturday.' sixte entha the Orono1 every crodi providing capacity ai Talented a bovy off unies won attendance. collent anc was Most lalors. Po ssibly ability can ance of Ai Stevens of This pair biliin'g as thrilled th, liftîs. Theî stand bigi a local Pa quelino Sri natnt. Tires appr-ovalc gave them lowing thet Aise htgh by Avelyn nig Skaters Perform Before Capacity Audience lit crowd ofï f five bunch-ed group off the club, akated out theïr a sparkl 'ing annual skat- performance. Their costumes, ra aI the Orono cink ai "ýYcllow Chicks?" were very de- The carnival being tbe picting. ann-ual was sponsored by "cha Cha Mexico" by group Figure Skating Club with eigbl was wvell exocuted by the àk and crany in the rinfk eider group off tbe club wben thoy accommodation for the brought forth precision skating. audience. Ail costuming in ail the gcoups 1artistry in skating and was one off tIse bighlights of lthe Snew and colourful cost- carnival.' Others porfroming were ithe approval off ail in the Pink Bunnios, group 2; Hand- BIce conditions were ex- some Brown Buinnies, a group off d yet the loniperaturo twenty-ffive young boys off the club; boarable for tIse-spec- Eastec Parade, group 3; Chorus Girls from the Woat, grqup 5; tIse Iighight in skating Highland Dancers, group 7; Qold ne with thse duo perform- Frionda f cointIse NortIs, group 4 ana Fordor and Richard and a precosion nlumber by groups ftIse Port Perry Club. seven ani eight. upheld their advanco Annetle Churchly off Port HoPe outstanding akaters and doemonstra;ted many off tIse min- îe audience with their cale spins, turnas and 1-umps, used ytIin, routine and mai-y in froce skating. Anther groý,up off ir performance wo,-ý-uld Port Hope akaters provided a i off thoso ini the Past dance routine with rbythmicali pro- ara. cision. The club pro., SylIvia Ann foature off thse show was Caploh, ccmploted tIse. program ýair off youngsters, Jac- wvilb a comedy nuinbec and a fine ieî,ïs and Craig Ton- 'solo. ýe youngstecs gained the Mc. Chiarles Huton, 'master Off oj fîbe spectators who ceremonios, informed thoso pros- ia rousinig appiause foi- ont that attendance at tIse carnival ir performance. badý reachod five bundred and that ti on tIse' liat fas a solo the gate coýceipta bad Iotalled Lycotl off tbe Petoî-boro $28000. nantClub and solos by Beverly, Flowers were presented to the Tennafit, Craig. Tennant and Tiai- club pro. and her mother by young mny Stapleton off the OronoClub. skaters of the club. Mrs. Snelders, lin thegru numnbers the young presidenit off the skating club pre. skaters were again the crowd sent'ed gi!fs to thle guest artists and lasr.Thecir deteina1tion ad eprss br thanks to ah Ithose, unpedctileaatics arousedl en-'who had assisted in a1nd who li) ad, joymrnllt for i, ."h et Little attencled the carnivalýt. .Yeliow' Chicks' ý ,won th)e 1hearls off Th-- carnival was ahu sc eveyoe a tIis, ihe yo9ungestces Williamn Bunting Outlines Conservation To Jr. Gardeners The Orono Junior Garýdenersi ganismi in water couild mulliply Club hel~d thieir first meeting Off from Jai 1 ýnuary lst to April l5th 10 19J64 on Tbiirstay, Vrebrlary 217th., the volumie off the earth. Nkiures i~n th~e MuILicipal Centre. forces keep al Ibis from happen- Tihe meniýbershitp attendance was flot as large as iiuual duie to b ing examinations and skating rehear- MNr. ï3unting showed the 40 min- sals, lWwever every seat was fi]!- utc, awvard wnin.filmn "Nature's eci wlien visýiting pirents, S aenioreby WaltlDisney. Your Qitzen an oter rle4s ametovriter has seen the film seven .Ùothze ndogh riendwith s. limsand eaech timne discovers Anete Jrgesen 'peed he smetingnew and woffderful a- Aeetin Jwtl teeadupn <the bou' tit. The colour photography ~Jurior Gardenei's Prayer. Iv1rs. ad oud rckbrug to the Fa'rbrother -welcomcd those pesvîer a world off boauly and ac- enlt and dolscribod some off'thelbti, at could neyer- be seen with 'prjecs tha wll e tke Upinthe,, kedeye. Prom tho mage off Lihe notf ew mounths. The March'the S'piîngUime atvakening to the ineeting will begn the isrcInprýeparion for winter wýe followed off wah plaues mde with ;citrus :ecyl f Lifo witb jinsýýocs, birds ýpol, flwe.an b-floNssom)ns. ThrougYb the medi- 3L, . IV ntg of the Ontario o uni of a time camnera wle saw the parmen of Ladsand FrsswoTling bud to full bloom, in soc- O'-noNurer Sation, was thé' onds, blooms off many' variebies gues speker.He xplaned halperffo-ming a symphony off graco. conervt ln nî nly moat ro Mrs. Fairbrother tbanked Mr. tccio' of te Ildfe but apco- i3nting for an enlighternng and tro01 muÉb m.ained according if ybieprogramn. 10 te lc u1,,ly,. Nature is a- Te Jorgenson closod the met- able ofarpdpplto ex,- Igwih the Junior's Çreed, and plsobut si-je bas provided tIsel'h ue. men bo iune control. AIltuidOnts up *to 16 years of- l'r eamL,-a pair Off Quail cOuld ago are iniviled 10 -loin our menm- inultiply in 10 years to over 2 bershilp at 50c 9, yea.jr, vigtoqrSae billion. One Paraminiciui an or- jalwiays welcomled.