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Orono Weekly Times, 5 Mar 1964, p. 2

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ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THURSDAY, XARCn Sth, 19,64 ORONO,1 WEEKLiY TIMES. Eslabhished in 1936 by R. A. Forrester PUblEJshed every Tbuýrsday at the office of publicatilon Main Street, Phone 109, Orono, Onario Roy C. Forrester- Edtitor and iManager Meniber of the Canadian Wekly Newspaper Assoc. >Memebr of the Ontario Weekly Newspaper Assoc. Subsription payable in advrance In Canada $150 In U.S.A. $250 (Authorized as Second Claqs mail, Post Office Depaitmnent, O t taw a) . ' A Positive Approac- Tic Ciaiinian and tic Bo(ard 0f thc Orono Publi Ochool are la be congratuiated an tic form and conduct of their special meeting lasI '-aturday -,fternoon. Terappraoach to tie question of establishing a kmn- dergarten inth le Orono echool was most positive, a quality wbicb is aflen lncking in such meetings. Tic Board, regard- Iffls 0f tic ýriglit or wrong 0f their decision, was definite in It'and 1usd, prior t0 the meeting, settied on their course of action for tic coming year. There was no "fence stt'ng" on their part. Il was quite apparent that lie Board ad made n cocmprehensive study of tic program in question and bed tien formed their opinion and set Ileir course of action. Mirough their election to lie Board this graup has been Civen lie autiiority ta administer and ta make decisions liased on their fiudings. This they have donc in a most posi- tive manner. Il ýwas refreshing la 4Itend a meeting, wiere con- Uioversy do-uId eide, ta find tiat a positive approaîci ta bet- ter education was being taken. What Cthers Say From The Montreai Gazette' Anuerican cbildren are being run ragged; they are rusiing "toward heart attacks and nervaus breakdownls" Sa ta professor 0f education bas tald tue, convention of the Anm- enican Association of School Administratars. The chIid i.s pushed into one kind 0f &aoiivity a.fter-an- other. R~e nmust, prove biniseif a manifold success. ;And no -,aoner la bhe homje f rom school than he may be rushed coff for en appointment for music or dancing, or other "advanÏtages" tbat hie parents- have added tois competitive upbringing. Te resuit is tint lie poor cbild, while stili st tint tme Êhi f e wheeu be ought ta know srnueting of freedonu, is ai- ready ta lie rat race. Hce is neyer ailowed ta be a ciild. LU X__________ANSWIRta I0 0.JZL factor 0. JUPitoea le.fTbin it A hoarder *truxnent1 m4 Hgh: 2mus. 15.,A. hade of I1t CObaL:»y=. xifer beverage 2L "'romn -1 to xchemw' :MA .canal: X., Zur. M.S pa.in: abbr. 2,4, To rent Umder contract 8.nchemis- tM ~dyspro- ~Aupport 2L Au- axnored car, MI., 33, To bowl uuderhand 3L Zfvergrtben lation 38. Avenue:- abbr. 39. Burden 40, The bead: ai. 41, WMole aiou!t 40. Tdy le. par. to 47. Flycatcher MAsace, F5 48, Scottlh. 3pr. orAr Gaelio 30, Bloth e,2 republie 28. Know. - 2. Girl'8 u=e Scot 3. .&nger 24f. part 4. Great of a 1 laughter Chair 5. Rand baclc coverlng 25. mIItuq 8. Ghoatlle POlio.OfOMOU S7. l BOOM 1. PM o f hoe- sâftently ring amIIy &Perforxugd 30. Biberlan it insane 1guif 13. Ohrlataa 32,Sunfiower - ongo atate 3L. MiWTiizýrN 14 IndMCiElg eegh Report Eiom n Townshi*p To Spend Queei's Park >.$ 145,000 On Twp. Rcga.ds M.PP. The' Township of Clarke Coun- tled before Mosport could make, by Alex Carruthers,3lP, cil met on Tuesday to hold their any plans for operation thls y0ar The sixth Week of the Legisia- ture brought with it the beginning regalar monthly meeting with ail under any form of agreement. of night sessions. In pasi years miembers of council present. The Township of Clake are ask- night se,-sions were held on Tues- igta h iedprietpr day and Thursday eveninigs. From1 Durîng the course of the meeting sonnel be brought up to 21 men ai now on however night sessions the Finance Oomittee aiong with requested by the Undewriter- will be heid on M'ondays, Tuesdays the clerk were authiorized to ad. Pire Association. At present on;, and Thursdays from 8:00 p.m. to vertise the facts regarding the twenty men have been appointel il1:00 p-..In addition the Héuse fire depariment. The advertise- to the Department. will also commence at 2:00 p.m. ment was to also ask the residents Councillors Foster 'and Chatei instead of 3:00 p.m. 1,t would of the Township to co-operate with presented a motion increasing the therefore appear that the Prime the fire department by providing Clerk's salary (inoiuding Welfare. Minister bas set an Objective of adequate information when cail- Officer) frOm $5350100 to $6500.00ý completing the work of the Legis- Ing' the departnt for service. Deputy-reeve Stone' and Coun.mý Lature by Easter. lor Perrault presented an amend- 'Tis extension of time togeher The Road and Bridge Comnittee'mn otemto nraigte along witb the Road Supyerinýten- isalary to $6,000.00. The Reeve M., with Committee meetings. and dent were empowered to call ail E. Walkey carried the motion in- caucus sessions does not permit 1aecessary tenders for road, work creasing h slr to $6500.00. much free Limie for the ýinidividual during the year 1964. A motion by Foster and Stone, member, and calls for a long and granted a sum of $50.00 10 the Or. buy or dy.It is now expected that the road On motion 0f Poster and Stonhe budget 0f the Township of Clarke a sum of $300,00 was set as remun The passing of lhe Littie- Red will total around $145,000.00. eainfrlePann or SÙ1hool was foreshadowed in the rto frth PlnigBad asotuncmen Ibi w~'k y te Auhorzaton s alo gvenforsecretary, Mr. Art Low. lamouneientthi wek y te uthriztin -as ls gien or Perrault and Chater mvdç Hodourable William Davis, Min- Ieprhae01 cpigmahn um0 20,0frtb lre Ce-. ister 0f E4ucation. IR is but anotb-, teprhelo oyigmci ery Bmoard,0.0fothClreem er indication 0f the rapidly chang- tr or. ing pattern.0f Our way 0f îife. gr. E. R. Loavekin, Township So- B.esulting frOmi a letter from th ficitor, spoke to Council in regards Orono Police Trustees the Town,- ta the financlal position of Mos- ship of Clarke on motion of Foàter Theproosi 0 Mr DvistoPort and the position of tax arrears and Stone are to forego their righr make tic Township the smalle.st wth the ,Tawnship. Council have ýta the benefits under the Munïcipai, adminiistr-ative' unit to be adimin- aske, t-hat Mospqrl pay the, bydro WOI*S1 Assqiitanie program. Iîf the Lseed by oho board. inay be ar'reârs along with the 1962 taxes Village water project May be _en- but a forecast of an even langer and iliterest. The Township, are at titied ta this assistance' it le ta ba educational region in wbich a the piesenlt tixne avigt o-s sd betier eonoie bsin'canbé ro- 1,6U'1963 taxes until-a later date Tie reeve was appointed as tiie vided, for loal school taxation. It was necessary that the financdlal luenber 0f -lhe Clarke Welfaret Wfth the rising cçosts 0f edurcatian Position with the Township be set- C ommitblee. everY effort must be m~ade ta pro- O oin0 uae n eru vide lot only equality of educati on, O pernoor p haeranmay causec but economy and greater efficiency ay nauvironiz r e frs min ueý in the purchasing of malerials,. in culture upon which Salk vaccine aTownu 0f Clarke, excIusie school construction, and in the for Poliounyelitis wsgon T ownshe ipgeof Clarno, exlutivert provision of faciilities. were actually doinig research in aiigtepriso i i Fire Chief. Encouragement wil aiea lie Dr. Dymnond summed Up bis re- The Township la to make applie.- given ta the development of lPl-r ta the Opposition n t bs re- ationi for the Orono Police, Tru,- Boards of Education in, areas spect by referrng ta the reMax$ks tees for assistance under the Mun- where it Ie practicai. Tues system Of a professar who used ta say:ftia onPormfrteO 0f dmiistatin i aiead a e- "You know you boys are so busy o0110Wâter program. ality in the Township of' Cart.- searching for nightlngaies that Clarke on Tuesday joined the Wrighit wiere the elemrentary ànd YOu can't seec the sParrows thaI Lake Ontaria Development Ass:- scnayeducation is under ane are ail arounld 3t0u., ciation. Rocr~d 0f E4ud'atiOn. Tu wekaso saw the comple- tien of the estimates of the De- partment of Healti. During the cansideration 0f these es timates many farts respecting the opera. tion of the Departmî1 it were re. vealed. Te Minister 0f flealth, lhe Honourable Matthew Dymond,j is one 0f the abjeel Ministers in the Legislaiture and bis repIli,és ta 'the various questions f rom the oppo- sition were bath informative and readily given. Mr. Vernon Singer, the member for 3ownsview questioned the pal- i'cy of the Gaverument wiîth re, specî ito the matter 0f medicai' research. He felt that tie Gove rn- mient shouid direct large sumi 0of j roney to research in particuiar fîelds euch as cancer. "Sureiy, it wovuld make some sense," he said, "if we aresped- ing some $4.5 millions in reserch, t bat lie Goverment culi ic certain field such as lung cancer, 1 -, m ROYAIL Bowmanpville ,623-5589, THURSDAY, FRIDAye SATURDAY - MARQï 5 - 6 -7 Fun in Acapulco Elvis Presley (Colour> SUN. -MN TUES. - WED. - MARCH 8', 9, 10, IL Ai New Kind of Love (Colour,% geul Newnxa~n BIRUSHFIRE (RoUi Aduit Entertaiuxent) and insteaci of putting a f ew _______________________________ lbousand dollars here, or a, few iundred tfiousand over there, de- oE::> vole the nexl f ew years of research ious field of healti." sr- A NP4TA If Inreply, 'Mr. Dymiond stated M ie bimiself taiked somet-51/ er litnelnuge itH c e ourna ient ag.bthe caine la realize that I You cannot turu reasearci off alud on like a tap. He referred 10 large sunis of & 8 8 mnoneyý providied by Presid'en t IRooseveit for research in polio-gFr ay M r h 6 h mryelitts, and yet lie sucessf6t' culture in which polioa virus a growvn was develaped ta the Uni- FIRST GAME AT 6:00 P.M. versity o f Toeonlo witb liited financing and assisted by thc De-g ILR KVSOON partment of Healti. He alio point- IBOÈv.OPN ed out- tint the Late Sir Frederick ONWATEV EN B&anting wsforATL g.KEN wsgrudgingly allowed 42e'00.forre search, but oà 0f thus sum of moaey found insultahRISO Bio ALGM wbc as -saved h..mdreds 0f GM tiiousands of lives. 'Many things tint arc lOOked upon as waiidci's Wf~R ~)LSR5PA t o-day were discovcred comnplelely FN S, Ogà PA p jby accident," be aaid. "When ticej lunverityof Iaronto foundi tic Joanne Woodward

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