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Orono Weekly Times, 5 Mar 1964, p. 5

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- ______________________ ORONO WVEEKLY TIES, TH~URSDAY, -MARCH 5th, 19)61 Report From Queeni's Park LOCAL NEWIS beskCL MNr. andMr Wthi the comnpletion of the de- This is follo'wed by a criticism of The Orono Restaurant bas beeiliof Whitby vis ,ae n the Speech from1n_ thel the, department's operations by the redecorated' giving it a brigliter Mrs. Anguý,,s L( Tb1ronc- the le.-isIation is n<0W in aifinancial critics of the opposition appearance. Mr.* Phllip poiinto devote. its tine andlpartie. Mrs. ýSamn Berry passed awa1y spent the weel efforts to the ,onisideration of the -un h ebt n ithe est;- saddenly atbrhmln ry nsMr. and estmats c th vaiou dea~tI ate agreat deal 0 o£ mt'nWednesday. MsLra ruetslis relý,-ased andic ideas promfoted. Mrs. Wmi. Armsitrong is a paticut set~cw Thi i on o te vryimortP îvs nmembr 0 h o si nthe Memorial Hospital, Bow- ets, iMr. a, a-tdte ftclcg slaure .The -nec'letoppo' 'nity rto cp in anville. TheMah esiae icouirse, cons-st of the tl-isclvcs, by aski'ng questions, Mr. and Mrs. Tomn Lewis left on wll be hidý warios exencttuîesneedd tocritîcizin-g and offeri-ng alternýat-.ve Sunday on a motor trip 10 FlordaRbnt'a ope-~eflc 5.~.USbrnces0fasu-getions. Often a question îs Ms yTopson of Leskai'd o~patcr.As an cxainple, the pi-ereded by a short speech by -:ie, reports that she has crocus in laet ai Teclinical ServIcesopposition imenVcer. Govern umntbioom outside their home. bran hiLtue partnmcnt c La-, nembeî's arc perb.aps at a disad- j Mr. Bruce Gustar is a patient L-our bia-; three -enis. vantage as the nfinister and his lin the Oshawa General Hospital. 1. Slre $1,222,200ýafivisers mnust. answer for bI's re-. Little Barbara Gustar is nové out 2. Tîd-veilLing expenses .212,80b spective dealtnt.inhePero G ea Hstl 3. Ma..ii.,2nance 103,300 nâesarte D.1, im n tTPHIbrSGnea osia _ Te slesfthe Deatet she bad an operation for append!-T I $1,538,300 j f Health are under cons'deration citis. Thiobaf.î ft,,e Deai.ment at the present time and periaps a Mrof< ars. O. Fagaed n thefae- esuiat.hUntit wil bcspending 'cýv facts given by FHon. Mathew ily 0f MarkhaMrvisitd on th New totl i $530;andi mues be B. Dynond, in prescntng his est-' wceedwt r.dMs . Dry, 2 npprove bythi legilature under nia5tes may be of local interest. Copr il Vote; in this case vote 1006. I0 -'*Mr. George York returned bone Iii~~O prsftn sittsparîcai interest to mnany jfrom Bowmnanville Memnorial Hos- New in reeiLig is etmts. is the announcement that financial pital the forepant 0f this week. Ass'orte (h eaimtente anroutle of the assistance is to be provided foi Mr. andl Hrs. Lorne Bowins vis- b Veprumntive a ouhneof heLue purchasing of drugs in the ited with their daugh-;Itcr Sandra in tible, siý î?oik c f his departmnent, includîng treatiment of Cystie Fibrosis. In Petcnboough on Mo(,nda-y. rklî progress. made by the branches Dunhamr County a numiber of Mrs. W. E. Am;strong is a pa-- e il, meeting their objectives, and -Iiildren suffer froim this cdisease tient in Uic Bowvmaniville Memorial Nrie *u-tuîe prog rais to be undentaken. and the cost of drugs, even at Hospital.bodi wholcsaile plrices is staggering, 1Mr. Robet Hazelden is a patient Size 32 eiomeut'ies amiounting to overlin the Peteriboroug~h Hospital. B5uil Averages $400ý. per month. New Tiioe cncenedwit th in ici, elaionhipbeteen th tw 'L mic 1111. ceas inhosita, pemims ilîprovinces and the importance Of $ bieap inresttolpero thatic maintaining the f riexidship that ex-1 and Wý $1374 1hu ,. t rcst0f hospita cat in e ists between the two foundfig 16 Priý iitdShorthonni breeder a-nd a dir- cost is mnet by premnium income oc~ f the International Short- amountinig to $0,197,000. A fedenal ýçorn Bull Sale recpornts a 005f contriboution of $129,477,000 and o-ies,£WIntrnaionl Sle elda provincial cntriblution of $1415,- Ccebruary 29 in Brandon, Manitoba. 267,000. The percentage of. people Mr. Philip; just returned f nom insured under ic hospital, plan ttýie sale, states that 55 bulîs-were i o oprdt 73 erld at an avenageprice of $1374. i O 81 oprdt 73 Tnhe champion and higliesi sellbng in 1962. tbull at $5100. was consigned by' Considemable debate centred a- Lo)uada Manor Farms of POtOI- round' the shortage of nurses. AI- borougli. Acadia Farms, Ohio, though in certain, aneas, particu- ,howed the reserve champion bull. larly Metropolitan Toronto there Mr. Philips dlaims that the as- does appear ta be a shortage, the wociationi is endeavoilring to e-etab- position of Ontario in this field kish a Per-th of Canada Sale. is an enviable one. In the United States the ratio of nurses to popu- KINDERGIARTEN MEETING lation is 1 to Z55; in the Dominion (Coinued from Page 1) 0f Canada, ilt is 1 nurse to 259, and xystei woauld be corning iito ef in the province Of Ontario One reg- feet and Orono would be inciuded istered nurse to 147 population. in a townshIIP schooi area. Re Atth esntieterae feut tbis was not the proper time Athepentiethear tco be considering n major 6.7 beds per 1000 population, close change. g ayto the okbjective of 6-5- At the pres- Mr. H-olmes furthered this ent rne there is an avenl sur- thought stating that a fivle.nan Plus of .45 beds per 1000 popula- srea Board works most effectiveIY tion. Ilhe pattern in Clarke, he said, bas Anunres in grants for capital been spotty and centralization is construction was made during the byound to corne. He was also of theYear, fnori $2000 to $3,200l per bcd. opinion th at a building expansion1 The total amnounit of grants pa-îd was coming toafthc district. "He said '1or hospital construction during tho1se arouind Orono should be . the year was $12,100,000. brought into the Orono sehool. 111 1 A visit by the Enengy-Resourèes the exasole saw, a generalI Coi-mnittee' to the Lakeview Pow- pur-pose roomn, upstair washroomns er plant and the Sir Adlam Belck and additional classrooms. Orono, Power plant was of particular in- Le said, was a logical centre for terest on Wednesdlay of last week. n large school, 12 to 15 rooms. It provided an opportunity to vicw 'You have the grounds and are ýNia-gara- Falls in its witer garb wmell located", hle said. and to exýamline the various f- Mr. Ross Gilbart reitcrated the ýtors inivolved in the clevelopment of Boa-rd's op-'iiion and said that theýyi electric power. 'he luncheon at felt that Orono had a fairly good the Brock Hotel al-so provided an achool. Kinidergr-ten hadîlis ad- oca Ito visit briefiy witb an vantages but in the sain-'metoenous!ading citizens of ]uh- there wer oather tbings thbat wereCony Mr. Ross Stike, Chai-- mnoreI important...anothen teach- er'. W/c 'ane trying to lco)k aftIer tirst things firs,lic sa id. N'Ea-rly for ity werc present atl, i Ireetinlg w1ii nn xnesn i'îews. CO>MPLET! AUTO SE-RVICE 24 HR. LN-.L,7>Rýj an 0i f Ontarlo Hydro. T hU' e th er o t t n i g f atu re o f the!t weýk M'as of courýse the visit Af the Premier (A Quebec, the Houn. Jean Lesage and miembers of tMe Quebc Povinial Legsliative PrssGl~cr.The adessof welomeg-en by Prjime Mintster Robrts Mr Oiver Iand Mar a- D;old il emunphasized '1tehiîstor- Maintenance Service Complete Maintenance on Windows, Floors and Wall Service Rug and Upholstery Shampooing Commercial, Industrial *1 Alex Cai>ruthÇrs. Orono Pastoral Charge M inister Rev 1%. E. Lonig CHURCH SERVICES SUNDAY, iNItAiRCH 8, 196U Dedcation Servicde - 2 :30. Panticipa-tin1g Ministers. 1SUNDAY SCHOOL Orono - 10 a.xn. KWhby - 1.30 p.m. Leskard - withdrawn. New Sizes 8 New aýssortE Wor Arch S and na New Featur ,Compl( Just B-unniE This & Chu 1rd New malrch Itl,at 2:O0occ, Tlie Lea3kard Choir anýd Schoe ris. Fredl Warbuiton w;Il present a Variety Program, sited with Mr. and'featuring a p1'ay "'Si.ster Sue" czn oucks on Sunday. FYriday, March 6th at 8.30 p.m. ý)Loucks, Toronto M7vrs. K. Gimiblétt, Mrs. E. Spry ýk-end wvith his par-1 and Mrs. Art Te4nnant,- Orono, 1Mrs. Angus LoUuk. spent Friday in Oshawa.. ne Martin, Tor-onto, ,M.\r.1 and. Mrs. Morley Tennant, -endiic wvIth her par- Bwavle visited on Saturday Mrýs. C. Mar'tin. wVitMr. and Mrs. K. Glibdetît. iineuting ùf the U.C.,ý1 WMr. and Mrs. Charlie Bruce and ýit thep hi,-iom0f !Mrs. ison, Orono, visiteéd with Mr. and' eron Wedinesday.IAMrs. Lorne Burgess on'Saturday. S WEEK'S SPECIALS & FEATURES Ladies Pyjamas, Full length, Drip styles, sizes 32 to.38 Pair........ $2,98 Ladies Pyjamas, Drip Dry, Baby Dol Ad styles, White with pink, white with ýzes small, med, & large Each ..... $1.99 Ladies Blouses, Sleeveless with em- ry designs, white and assorted colors 2 to38 Each.................... $1,00 ýBoys' Jackets, Windbreaker style iated Nylon, Jersey Knit Cuffs, collar' iaist Band, assorted colors, 'size 8 to ice each....................... $4,95 Boys'Jackets Nylon Kangaroo style 8to 18, Each ........ .......... $3,98 vLadies Slims:, Shani tung side zipper,, ~colour, sizes 12 to 20 Each ...... $1,98 iien's Canvas Oxfor4s, rubber sole, Supports, Size 4 to 9, colors white, bl'ack àvy, Pair................... $1,35 v Childrens Spring Mîllinery ...... $1,98 re Men's Ilubber Heels, black or brown ete wth nails, Pair................ 2k- Larrived, E aster Candy, Chieke n s., Eggs ýs etc etc Week's Featureý Candyý Treat, Smniles uckles Assorted Chocolates pound .. 66e CANADIANA WOOL A new stock of "CanLadiana" Knitting Worstd,,1% wool, semi-bulky yarn, kutits quickly, Shiink-resistant, A good choice of col- ours, Price per 2 oz, Skein....... ...... 85e BOYS' SWEATERS Fine Sweaters of super-orlon, made by "Corticelli" Cardigan style with V-neck, plain back and striped front, Blue, beige or gold pre- domuinating, Siïze to fit 8 to 16 yrs Price $6,95 HMARVEY WOODS SOCKS FOR BOYS A good assartment of Boy's Stretchy ck,-ss of Kroy Wool and Nylont, Cotton and l Nylon oar 100% Nylonr Plain or fancy designs ing! y green or bluie, Szs-to fit 6 t '/,8 t '2 to 91/2 and 10 t,001/2 Pried6etî8 BABY DIAPER SUTS BABIES DRESE Severalstylesin cottn, 2-.A new stock ofBbesDÀs Severa in e;ý ,Pî '2-es b ý,as arrived, Dai-,,, s tyles in piec Diaper Suits for bos anti ottnor Nylon, Pink, [due, aqua girls, pink, blue and greenï 1C ani whviite, Sizes to fit 6 to 24 to fit 6 to 18 nionths $19 -$,9 onths Pricedi. $2,98 to $3,98 ý BABIES' SWEATERS-Ane suppgly of Ojrlon- and Wool Sweaters agîd Sweater' Sets in pink, blue, whit Priced ..........295 to $3,95 ARMSTRONG'-aS f . ..... . .. . . .... 1 rgces.

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