ORONO WEEKLY -TIMES, TRURSDAY, M1ARCH 5thi, 1964 DR.: R. J. TAGGART YETERINAlZY SUR GEON hoe10616 <Vrono, ont. ,OW. KAY LYCEIT, B. 6arrlster -Selicltcr.G In the Offiees of Q .R. Waddell QC. MAIN S.,ORONO Teleplioue 138Orn N ERRILL D. BROWNP' SPROFESSIONAL INEEU 9 Ontario (ivLndSurveyor 121 Queen st Box lm.- BOwNnianville, Ontario Trelepohone 03-Mil L. J. SKAWFE Chartered Accounant B3Y Appontment 0h17 main ist., Orono Telephone 138 P.O. Box 208 WHMT Phone 08-8iM Mont.ith, Riei, Wter. & Co. CIIARTERED ACCOUNTANTS m8 ubanc"e. Northa, shawa Teleploa&e: 728-7527,j A« 1 m4o 008418 General INSURANCE SE FRED LYCETT GIWIE - ALNST.; OEA»ft1 rkace1zà,6 rc. 2Miki JACK REID Oreno's Licensed Auctioneer and Valuatur -Specialîze in Farm and Furnitu.re Sales Consuit me for terms an& dates Phkone 5 r 18 Oront TEL> JACKSON *Auctioneer and Valuator "àodacts Auction Salles of ail sire and at reasonabie ratesl ceauunate -witb mm at Feit *pm Per.Ontarlo IPUMPING OUT SEPTIC TANKS WIITE WASIHNG STABeLiS sert Toaupkims àIN MEMORIAMDI IE MARTYN--In treasured memory ("ordon At mo<a J olof my father who passed away . Bwa'vleoMnd, BERRY-Suddenly at hier late res- ý,March 5, 1945; my mother who arl2n,16 odnAn, idence Orono, Ontario, on Wed- pasdaa a-h6 9,;ao Oi2il94GrýnAnw nesday, March 4th, 1964, Iva Irene tysister, who passed away Feb- N ýe,te husband of the late Berry, wife of the late Samuel o rTE Uar 15.Siater. Aged 53 years. Berry, in lier 801h year. Resting REAL ESTATE ruaryedawa0, arh965191; ase Ono S te Brielom thneral e erieo atraM j)Go kewtht he wre suf- Retig t the Barl FunerlateBriwFnral Home, Or- 0]3 L1V1LL foring, ,Funeral Home on Thursday, 7th atr2sprien Strpn Mrn 177Chuch t.That the his were hard to cdimh March 5th2t 2 p.m. Temprary Cemotery 0,So He closed thoir woary eyelids oMar menh t 2Orono epa Cemetery. Bowmavî1l 6233393And whispered 'Peace be Thine.'1 And while te lie in peaceful DE OIET RDTR ~~ Their memories we wiii always TETELL-ýSuddenly at Queens- I H SAE0 ILA j keep. way Hospital, Toronto on Saturday INOHE LUON ite OF tWeLTIAM Orville Chatterton gradcildenman Thertell, aged 74 years. Be- shiP of Clarke in the Countyo j farvey and Marilyn Falls. a-p ,oe usad0fIaeliaSep Durham, Rotired Fariner, de- E'1.+*ica otrc jgi'2 Kingston Rd., Toronto, dear ceased: zJJecLneaI ~ ~ ' NURSING HOME father of Hazel (Mrs. Norman El-. i enn aigdisa NURSIN HOMEgear) Windsor and'Shirley (Mrs. gA snesthae 0f th s a- r~îetrî rieLln LHomehwst a o urging Leuo Woodcock) Toronto andi dear William John Luxon, who died on and Service Home liaslic ensed accommoda- brother of Soilena, Kendai and the o bu h 8hdy0 aur o: Z ro tered nurseqn attendancWale hetln ervicewas1961, are hereby notifieci osend 0iýoû 1W. 1Owmnvile o Tueday Marh teirSolicitor on or about the l4th ValOrono Ce3r a 2pm.eIternen Lang day Of Mardi 1964, their naines ~ 1Vait~of their claims, and the nature of ~"~~""-"~>~ o0-' j CARD 0F THANKS the securities (if any) held by g . 1O 4 0 My sincere thanks to relatives, then dulY verified by statutory gfriends and neighbours for cards, dcuain Orono Electric 0 T N visits adat fknns hvn and cNE 1f29ndessShOPlInmediately after the said 1t PIIN 29J~ 1' 0t~ day of. March' 1964, the assets of CONTACTOS FO Shet Mtal orkaise te Dr. McKenzie, Rev. Long tho said deceased wil 'be distri.- COTATR O ) SetMtlWrc UadSession of Oronio United ue..aogteprnsettd FARM and BOUSE . Eavestr'oughing oChurch, thc U.C.W. and Heather fburto aong tr erons etited Recbekah Lodge. thrt aigrgr nyt h WIRING g Pone 1ntri f4Cci Jnedcaims of which the Executors or Fretoo, ntstoimaCecieJoesthe undersignod Solitor shaU Froc stimtos a-pthon have notice. APPLIANCE'SALES CARI 0FTHAI~SDated, at Orono, Ontario, tla Prompt and (3oaranteed Repaira J 2th dyOF!Fobrary 964 te il ind o!Eletriai ADI - .V.REPA2IDS The Oiono Figure Skating Club Equlpmlent and Appiances WiII do rart Uime Radio and T.V. wish to thank the Orono Amateur WILLIAM DANIEL HALI, Such at Metors - Water Heaters -repairs. Ail work guaranteed. lAthletir Association and ail those TV. Radis.,Stoves - Irons HARDY WIERSM&, wlie assi,ýsted in promoGting tý7 n VICTOR CARLISLE HIUM ____________________Phone Orono 16»., fuai Figure Iïkaùiji,- Car-nivai at Orono, Oxitaxi<>, __________________I tle Orono rink last Saturday. Hamiltons Insurance Service -Auto, Package ami Ooap..it "Durglary, LlabIIity, blaria%, ~ASîdont andi 8icknpes, WIad.o Bolier, Fidelity Bond, Ete. oSadie HamîIton. g Phone OrORO IIS FTMST MORTGAGE LOANS Stafford Brothiers Lflted 218 Dundas St E. Whltby, Ont. ceMaufctury'CtMers1oîa 1 s Dealers lu Domestie & Foreign Granites wad Marbies - Inscriptions Ont Io ements and Faniily Memorials nothlng W bedeired j AakL- the lperson who hebuglut ro-na us, a negher rend or relativa Theý RUTTTERGRNT PORT LEOPE 't*getDsplay h, Building a lieus.e? -or remo!euing your preent, one, then contact Floyd MHi.lso PHONE 2191 0130NO il r w BUYING On SE14LING REAL ESTATE A. J. McGILL p REAL ESTATE BROKER IF' Phones. Orono 1407 Oshawa 728-4285 [S DOUG SIMPSON f g &~SON j) Phoneo rono 208 FAINTING - INTEIOR &j EXTERUOR PAPER HANGING oBUILDING CUPBOARDS& gFURMTfuR PAIR &G g AND ALL ODD JOBS g ~~0 CARI) 0F THANKS, ,We would like to'express our appreciation for the many acts of .indness, cards and flowerýs sent luring the recent death o! Miss ,auiraiAlli.n. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Aluln and Mrs. Ruth Meihm, *a-p ENGAGE31ENT Mr. and Mrs. Donald Graamn, shawa, formerly of Orono, wish oannounFce the engagement o! taeir dauglh'ter Bonnie Joan- te -lewýeliyn Fredericc Jeffs, son o! nrs. Wmi. Jeff!s and the laitoMr. Vhu. Joffs, Oshawa. The marriagel viii taice rý,ice on Saturday, April 2196H4 at 3o*rlock in St. George's Vtemorial) Anglican Ohurch, Osh- va. a-p COMINC, EVENT Leskard Choir and Schooi are ýesentiung a Variety Programme eaturing a play 'cSister Sue", on ïriday, March 6 ai 8:30' p.,m. la he sebool. Admission 50c. Chii1d- en under 12. free. Proceeds for chool trip. a-p -NOTICE Henderson's Hatchery, Lindsay, ffer you- several breeds of chicksý. '>one high production strains, :huni.eof write for price liais. We .Iarantoe satisfaction. tf ARTICLES WANTED Edison, Coluimbia, Regina and naphophanie Cylinder Phono- raphs and rec:ords; aiso grano- iane and poulyphýon. Apply te Bo)x 300, Orono Week- Times. *b-c REAL ESTATE- WANTED Preferably two story eider home LOrono area, moderato down yment.j P'hone Oronlo 9R21. a-ýp O! FOR SALI uaiic~aEd1963 Corvair - 4 dçx gN , ~ie, Auto-radio etc.1 0PLUMBING and IIEATINOG Phone M 3Orono. Sales and Service 024 OURBURNR gFOR SALI 24 HORBRE SERVICP l 156 Monarci, Ai g B-A FINAN CING Î Appiy Boyd Wood, LO Lwinterest Dates N je l inniptm 0(0. 3-20 S i Tyrone S0. 3-2 0f Hay f or sale - R. Phone I4R16, Oroino. LE >or - Big En- LOw milonge. a-p ciondition. Orono, phono a-P D. Morton,I W. K. LYOETT, Orono, Ontario, Sdicitor for the Executors. FUR COATS JACKETS PRUMOSE FURUIRS 25>rouge ist., Toronto Remx>deRing, Repairiag, OMeanIng, Stonage Vbcitng Ororia regularly Agent - MUI Armstrong Annstrong's Dry Goods Phone 165 Ad vertise Ini The Times. Be Proparod this1 Sprlng TAOSUMR PUMP priced $39.95 WATSON'S Marie &Cycle MAINST. 1OufONO, ONT. PHONE. 146 i