-ï I uun1r'~ -~ iii I rono, VOLUME 27, NUMT~ER 51 The Clarke Tawnsip Arca Pub- li Shoi ord hcd s inagr aiwe:~ i h rn Public -colon Jnýiinry . Tbe ReT B. Log wa preent o asit 'gr-i tapp n caid maniesx Lie Boari wih M, dMorlcy Ranson appoined Vic~Charman. Mr, anrenod Tclcomedathe two new iimes tathe Boanrd tati o l'a ettig upCommnittee Mes- (erylBor were appane ath iac und ropety ommittee. Mi-.Pl M. 'pttdas a Comtefo-pln rin within the schooi area. The secretary, Mfr. U. Best, re- portý-ed bip visit te Brown's school 4'onjcE-rn-ng the caretaking of the ,wh1iaý, This resulted from dele- nailsad a repart from the Co.nnties H ealithUnit at the Dec- -vbe meeting oever the adverse cniayeoditions at th~e scilOOl. MrDest reportedl that due to t design and condition of the scatthat flodcing did exist in lie~ baein.Tis alonlg xith in- adeuat cîanig uenslsand a ,,el ci o aoeainbtcnthe nta-r caretakeî ndgroulpa W1 ~sedliaschol awghabout the dircton hd be given the care- ~kc taundrtae ageneraT dean- igOf thoahoT adtat main- tenace wrkun ipoeet kad aoben rqucsted of the tta Tru-ist Fund hd eenr est- ablised w Jh Mi. W. K. Lycett in ,an amaunt f0,' 00. 73. This ta tc 'eued iin 1966ý for thec contruc- tin f a threc-room adIdittin at ,LckhIlart'sS SChGool (No. 9 ). Lt as epotedthat the furnace ~aî t!-te Enterrise schl a î .nerconstruction. On motion of Robinson and Bazlow thc School Board la ta Con- tue tic, present arrangeet jacth Ja j 1ios far the purchase ref achool supplies. The Secretary was also request- edte regist-er ail fiye miembers o) tieBoard to tie Regional Work-1 ~hpfor Trustees in Peter-boro, lan Janluary 29th. ORONO'WEE'ÈKlY' TR1IRSDAY, Fqor Plan: Mr. Wm. MîcAdlam-s, Planning 'Directorý of thle recentiy forMed Cecntrai Ontario Planning, regionl wsthc guest speaker at thse an- anal meetinlg of the Orono Chamn- brof Commelirce. M"r. McAdams'l oulined anasetinpnng along with Outlining 'the steips taken ta date bv six lmunicipalties bo the west of Claike Townpshiip ta- warls planning. Thc gucat speaker was introduc- cd by Mi-. F. E. Lyceett whlo re- ferred tA MnIMcAdams planning duties with North York Township, the HaitnWnwr Planning Board, as a prinate planning con- slatand pesntyPlanning redctor lith fie- Cenitral Ontario Planning Board. .14h, 1966 I I ~ ~ Cham lier F]~~t~ I Paueit.s Inviite4c 'J ~ ~ < - A ave ageatendance of 32, yougmsician).,ý, ave bee-in meet- Ne O Fc ig furw1kson Qe.. in.from nseven ta, eiget A'Aockasi the Townstp 1Hl, The Orono Chamber ofr.%ly r morce held their ana on on ayeveninig vwith abot 0j11sOe forty present. elaWiWrerd( by Mr- Fi. Partner, e o orpret entcd the floigsiate pres Of rî es~ fieswihwere elected tofof -f- i.,)~B-~t have to of- Wo rcig Mbg eu port i ug hOi e ge unsi111 VicePrsident lyý Ines venýie. onWnn, R iil. Parteerac Stae eofa la 1 mkewa ri d or tàc tatcot >erear -R.Hac et ta i - i onans oseîmonths M pot the 2.5-mile track "L as a imple ase of under- Chaýrles Armstrongeea north of Orono, rated 06t the -naazation,-'one debenture ThA trcsure's report revea1r ir tre wardCs bcst road racin ccumit holder coninented. a bank balance of $259.66 I01Wi ao i o.n rtunïdw ity jutaoteeyworld class Wuehg rw~- wýith a $1000. bond and other 1 , hpy jutaoteeyflockcd )1 tes onona, 0lR t îir Sndeeft drivr wo lias competed hweç,the- to nnual interuitiona1 races. n aý1 WtBmhi ef ýwas purchased by Canadian Track thUr~ et hruhasre r. F. E. Letved that the t,-i and Tr-affic Mýagazine.1 financiai escapades icludling re- IIif i~~ oladn Thius the financial trouble which ceiveshpan attemiptedsale lat pas Cicnsu i7n 7,£ r: las held the track in %hPoue- fail and finally the sale last week in I01 ield clda i ned WithMth an organization headed by Jerry r, rt going great guns and Mosport in good hands, imotorsport should boom. Mosport was built in 1 961 by close te 1,100 sports car enthus-j îasta who purchased debentures at $100 each. A total of $150,00 éd by the Leskard school for filmI strips was tabled. The secretary was to arrange excianige of filmn strips betwcen the Orono and Les- kad chools providfing 1it aaa grceable to the tw-,o principals. of $ï39780 waspurchased for tic CiOrn Sch-ool with the present Orýono- Polîshier going to ron' schiool. Mr,. H. Best was apitdSec- l retaytranrrand1b'usiness mn ager forth Schiool Board at an anulsalary of $40C000 Mr. FacsRccd was lhir"ed as arhtc or tice Lockiart adito on moio'ofLowery and Rbn son. Thc board exp.!ecîsto U)receine ai redu,,ction iia architect fee's of' d7 %de ta the fact that the ad- diinaI Lockharls is simîl!ar to that of the addition at Newvton- ville. Mr. James Riclçaby, and Mrs. Lorne Perrault werc appointed ta the Orono Public Library Boardl for a anc and twxo year perîod re-1 spectively.i On motion of James Lowery and Wm. Wannan the Board dis- continlued the policy of providing ice time te the Public Scibols. This wili miean that thse Orono Schiool will not use the Oronio Revenue for 1965 was reportect Rinik this year as it had in the ut$305,863.35 with expendlitures pafst. amontig t $26,71.2. .The next meet:ng of the Board ýn mnotion of WVannan and Rob- wiIl be held in the Newtonville ison an amount of $20.00 requiest- School on February l4th at 8 p.m. Orono ink O Frid from atis- that tic aitif icial ice plant wili an- be assembled cither at tic end of ,oa this wcek or tic early part of ttus een! comîng w M' 'ail- Ail tic o-der tic i thse l plant equi ce tipi af *These tw,ýo mcn have'been aroupid moto)r racing enough to know what's up. Polinka <was a fie driver until lie retired two years ago to devote ils time to his suc- cesaful magazine. Zercis, once tabbcd by a national muagazine as thea last <of Canada's 1bigtime play-, r boys, also la a good car driver. IC Thle playboy tLag w.as silghtly un- e, fair. Lpeci is a higly successful P, businessiman- 'T lxogqua 111w a' figl and successful year ina Ti-e Sesion referrec<i fnthe f fuil service and leadership g Thecrnew owners plan to supplybyRnB.Lgadnte son uiesadmnistration te,,',h Iciuance. ong tic wcel yand Di -CUSSIOII rOup4'W OOMUCH meetings of the Session, the ME POWER Gtsoup and the chistian~-i~ Too ni- ch p -cr at t1,c home of Mr-. and rs. Alicri tchell on'The memer0)iship of Ille Ï Thurday last burned out thse mot-incrcascd by nfier nrte or on a refrigeiator, two cie-!fnom, 395 ta 410. Twety-two ments on an eicctic sove and a 1fants 'wr bpicddni1)gb à 2harger for an electrie tooti brush. v-ear. Ter nimarrages noim Voltage 1o the house was 11n-huaiwreascoutdkl crcacd nadvrtetlyfromn 110 to Churcli.i f1a 230 wheni hydro was mnaking a 1 MMS A', changeo)ver at a new pole on the TicS dyChûlrci Sch-oolî stree. This increase in pow;ýer reportedl a rc&ardiag psâd~Wà caused the damnage tla[the rmotor an ave-rage attendan-ce ?62' andf tone elemients, achlool was self-suppordWÉ2 los-l Of planning'. Both the local polit- icians and laymea i4'fWr esti in the larger basîs for planning anlurig thse , exo om of thc a fe urcsOn 5evcs M these ~i ncsayta set 'DaifQrijp:I' nigboard for, the canti-e areÉ This was accom lihed w t-i qý approa of thle aru Planning Board. Tic coat 1to a J~ Jn ning oa.rd in te)~fr $3f;'00 or 31.5,-per -cRptq_ ipes have been laid un11- Rginencor,1msses tisemuc-pindaut esurface and Pail tiche lic oYowaniec ODwaoi icpln !_m:ent lias arrincd. As- Witf)yiy ad the TwsisofOWiPann f tise two comprsi-salingnp , East Whitby and sad a 1 to be complcted this Wiîitîy thr as i y.ird lannit. li simctof certain MrSC Adaoms outlincd thicd-in2eed sprolonged thec matai- Iveopments whidh oner tic Past .od beyond that cstim- I in cars has lead to tise formai- MrMAd )ecember. AtItus tue !lion of tic CentralOntao Plan- was pRePHl cnt and fittings have ining Board by thc six municipal- Cg slaffand d tic willing workers lities. Ticsi co operated duringj budget for 4 ýontinued page 5) tuis period ia a joint effort of!Planning Bqw Ppulýatian Explosion ~T iiJ 1aker stated that thse popui,1antion ý'ex iûjn was no fig- 19ù~n'%~ ihtitn." e should stated oÈ"he world -Àýon Pen- ýýW 'dach day. CII to h was ýs wijll LUt tri I i 5.1 3512 Ff~ppp,3l~9in gu hnQ~Wedîî 't r t £100 55 tIfs ~xsq îsîr"ss worla roOq a Research ndPr Ivor u B a a Imm