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Orono Weekly Times, 3 Mar 1966, p. 2

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-~--7s77777-- ORONO WEEKLYTIMES, Auta-'d esùSeondClass ailW, PosOfc Dprmn Puk'ishd evry laurdnyat the fcelvictît Md.rn îiS[rees, 1Pnone 109v, oronoi, urGr E7;-Lb1ished -In 10,38 by R. A. Forreser RyC. Forrester - Editar and Manageýr Equality of opporbunîty is a condition whici ail too olten is accepted as a fact. Our pride in aur nation, aur province and aur community motivates a positive aaswcr an any question rcgarding equality of oppartunity. How- ever, we feel, there 'is a great disparity la opportunity. It is intercsting ta rcad tint Prime Minister Robi- chard af New Brunswick is naw making a conccrted cf- fort la ils Province ta bring about equal oppartuaity for e:veryane irregardless of their geographic position. To ac- complisi tuis end tic goverament of New Brunswick lias braughtitnlareforming legislation whici brings certain con- ti ais totally within thc scope of the Province ratier than bee ft la tic hands ai local municipal bodies. Education is n field lai wPàhc NewBrunswick, as a Province, naw wilaccept fuli responsibility and contrai. WHAUýT I1 UR CASE? Tn tic Province of Ontario acd municipality, througi ecected rep-resentatives, regulate, contrai and administer ou eemnary 1educational system. Atagicranrg ulations are stipulated by tic Province, each local board does operate ta a grent degree on thir owa initiative and ta an end reui esigned by tliey themselves. Witli such n freedom of operation for local boards it is relevant ta have varyig degrees of curr iculum, staff and accommo- dation. Under suci conditions equality of oppartunity sel- dmexists. Last Friday afternoan, near Hlampton, la tic Town- ship af Darlington, the first sod was turned for anenw cýoncept in tic educational system of tînt Tawnship. Darlington is constructiag a new, sciooi whidi will aýccomnmodation is the extension of tic curriculum and thc students will be bused fram ail parts of tic Township ta tbis new sciool. 0f greater interest than that of tic new student accommodation is thc extension of tic lussinulumn and tic course of study ta be undertaken at tic schoal. The schoal haviag 13 standard ciassraoms lias also an art raam, science room, iibrary and reference raam, home ecanamies, raom, industrial arts room and a multi-purpose room with stage. It is quite apparent tiat tiecocurse of study is ta be cx- teaded whic eana only be ta fhe benefit of tiase wio have, tie opportunity to attend this new sehool. The schaol is also ta le opcrated on tic rotary basis similar to that as carried on la aur'figi Schoois. This al- iows the utilizingl of speciai talents of teaciers, again a benefit ta the student. IT will aiso eliminate, what many feel, is a greaf jump fram Public ta H-igi Sciool. Suci ýa sehoal will attract teachers witi higier qualifications and those who specialize la one or more subjeets. Tic doar is certainiy open ta broaden the scape of education in Dar- lington Township, Their pragram is two- foid . . . it is providing necdcd accommodation . . . and .,extcnding tic course aI study for a broader educationý. CLARKE Tn tic Township of Clarke tic cicmcntary sehool pragramn is single fold- - provîding student accommoda- tiani. The building program la Clarke includes an addition to Lackharts fils ycar aisQ a proposai ta buiid a five or six classroomi schoal norti of Orono closîng some of tic pres- ent anc-rom nschaols. Tic program does nof, iowevcr, include any exten- sion ta flic course of studfy for students within fthc bounds of Clarke. Siouild not Clarke be considcring an extension ta their course of study for eiemcntary schooi students? If tiey arc ta kcep pace with otier areas and ta provide equni o)pportuniity ,tiere is a nccd for this extension. iia this li ght if cauid very wel l e tint Clarke should have first construeed a centrai schooi whîci, like -Darling- ton, coufld pravide furtier- opportualties. Altbaough stu-- dent opulaionmynt arn a plan suci as in Dar- l.'ington ticre cudat eat ae heen a 1start. A school ta acomodae aI grdesseven, and ciglit wouid, ta an exten, tak presure of sae ai tic prescrnt schools. Ia md i ma elminbe ic eedfor small addiions tao exisi- ing cho's.Tiec cental scloal could le built in udiaman- nier as,:taollow1Yadditions when furtier cuss rto le uneraknaesitagspec al cassr ooms or wvhen studea popuationincýreases. Tic centralseoa wul esalîia ondbsi a rabea l'cus istudy. Il jifrlah- befleibl whci ndîidui saier units cano. a he'lang îneconomy wý vould u lyprevail. beau ethee frtiîer o poi-iunfiîs are oig !inve ta ho prvddadwould le, mast costiy ta,)take ta cve;ry sciool 'rin inicipality. The Locklart addition is beiag paid for out oa' fie cilidren ;in educain it Dairlington suýre!y it in Clarke deserve an equal opportunity tiose ia neighbouring municipalites get it? If tic cost can be borne la ana also be borne in Clarke. Citizens in this community have a responsibility ta pravide cqualty af apportunity in educatian for aur yaung studeats and ta sec tint they get tlic best possible. To the e io w mers jOIf ý1 MAi 11ýM lWe ae1,sadt C2. VWýite, our iiteswfe Orono, Ont., 1 Nobel Grand Sister Lola Ken- is miaking satiîsfact o r-y progr esý,r Ma.1, 1966ndwpeie over thie regular s~ele prto nPtro Dear Eio:meet1,ing of Heather Rebekalioghoptl After reading yo>ur editoial of (ý Iý-Ldge on Tuesday evening, Feb-ITrh e evyutinatearlinyfonlt iast week, I contacted soe f ra-ury 22 and welcomed ail pre- Mad oeotth adi rn the Trustees of the Area Sehool sn.Clu eae itrL-of Mr. Win. Toy's and Mrs. K. Board. veieBrablpeete h lgWoods. This seems to happen ev- To me the spending of th ese of aur country followed by theleyya.Ls eri a i large sums of money on two minutes of our last reg'uîar meet- tom aout in April. schools and refusing, to Jet Orono ing read by Recordinig-Secretary Public School have the use of the Sister Mae Allun. Vice Grand Sis- on N -C Municipal Building seemed a ter Jean Wood gave lier report on I On HiC littie ridiculous. Especially after the Visiting Comimittee and re- learning that the cost was 50 'portied that Sister Winnifred We opened aur meeting te low. Youngman was in Oshawa Haospi- business and decided upon March iAll that 1 seemed to under- tai and wished lier a speedy re- 15, as our date of either a tobog- stand from the board members covery. j ganing or skating party. It will be was: Maybelle Rebekali Lodge, Port11 a tobogganing party if, snaw is 1. The - money didn't seem to Perry were our guests for the ev- present. It will begin around 7:3& be the reason for the refusai. ening whien they conferred the p.m. We also had the pleasure 2. The board- (not, unanimous ) Rebekah dlegree on four candi- Of listening to a record from seem to thînk that there hgs littie (jateq Mr 1velyn Cornish, Mrs. 1 Tac-Alpha. We were unable to, lto be gained for the children. Ifazel Stapleton, Mrs. helmaseafimdetdfîctes 3 xercises were conducted Fo')-ester, and Mrs. Beatrice We closed the meeting with a iuring the day in the classrooms. Roces Visitors were also pre- light lunch. (How extensive 'can these exer- 1c' fromn Bowmanville. LodgeOOORATM WN cises be in these conditions of nosdin fthe manner after wbich, RN ATM I narrow aisies and desks to hamp) j ' eyone vwas invited to the din- (Intended for Iast week) er their performance?) ir ha"!l wliere they enjoyed a The Orono l3antam Hockey If the money does not en1ter dlelicious banquet and a pleasant club defeated Newcastle a week in to it -and they do not think* ou ago Tuesday by a score of 7-2. that it is beneficiàI ta the Chfid - Orono goals were sca'-ed bySte- 'ren, it does seem a littie foolish - yven West, 3; Bill Rnbinson, 2; ta spend $40,000.00 on two small- and singles ta Raye West 'and~ *'er sch1s7ý for combination gymnsv , Kenny Partridge. j an busdepos. .ften~ " LONETTES HOLDNG CARI) Under the circumstances itPAT FO RN IC FUD seems ta the people ýof Orono-j th-at tuis almost borders on dlis- Severa1 ladiies from Kendal at- T'he Newcastle Lionettes are, crimination. tne the Hydro cooking dpimon- holding a Card party and cake In closing I think that the srto in the recreation centre auction'ta assistwith the finan- people of Orono would do well ta of Orono United Churcli on Tue 1s- cing of the Orono Artificial Ice.> question some of, these decisions. day evening. The evening will be held in the Yours truly, Sympathy is extended ta Mrs. Orono Oddfeliow's Hall on Thurs- Mrs. Coaie Hlooey ýRichard Manning whose sisteriday, Mardi l7th. Fron Qee'sPark Alex Carruthers, MPP, Durham satisfactary pracedure, and s0 This legisiation confirms the The Sergeant-At-Armns, B. H. anothètl embarrajssing situation decisian adopted by tlic Ontario Geary, fingered lis sword and was resolved. Select Cammittee on Agcing with haif rose fram lis seat. A tense In the closing minuteà of Thurs- respect ta these homes. atmosphere settled over the leg- day evening's debate on tic De-1 On Saturday afternaan T had islative charnber; an honourable partmcnt of Rcform Institutions' tic privilege of meeting with the member was on the verge of be- estimnates, tic Honourable Mcm- Senior Citizens, Port Hope. This ing named by the Speaker and ber from Grey North became in- was a most enjoyable occasion, removed fram the 'Chamber. valved in anather emharrassing and the discussion, ccntreing a- The honaurable member was situation. round the new Ontario Medical iEdwrd Srget. o Gry Noth.Service Insurance Plan, aroused EArd ag rgent eoôufuGrcynividu The Haonaurable Ailan Grass- keen interest and I hope praved' An ggrssic, olarfu iniviu-man Minister of Refarm Institu- vau et haepeet ai, Mr. Sargcnt's persanality has t.o i1 rpyteM.Sagn's Atnac tAnvraycI won for him the friendshipý of al vlal otoepeet membersin thehouse.scathing attack an the Departebainisaasapesnte- members n the bose. imcnt's paiicy on regional jails, eraine for aa Mem e ntex Having risen on, a point of priv- readec oraMebr I ilege, lie wa requscay i e a newspapcr article of a' Saturday evcning provided the Speke t 1 akehi setwhen m ionths ago giving the De- ýopportunity ta extcnd congratu- Sp eke ttak ie his eat partmenlt great praise for the jlations and recagnize, on behalf ma rfscd ta onfin qesisore-Regionai Jail Programme. lof the Ontario Gavernment, two mars e hepont n uetin. Thc article appeared in the sucli occasions. Tie honourable member, after Owen Sound Times, a ncwspaper Mrs. Marshaàll Thompson of En-, considerable resistance, finally owned and published by the Hon- nickillen, on the 28th of this took ils seat and everyane breath- ourable Memb&~ fromn Grey month, looks back on 100 years er casier.i North. of a very. useful and interesting The incident, howevcr, %,as on1- Sonne important legisiation and ilife - a wonderful and unique 1ly the beginning, of a series oGvcrnment action, howevcr, achievemernt. embarrassing situatons for_. sever- gav-e a positive aspect ta tie Tic large number of friends ai individual members. week's wark. who assembled in tic Blackstocic Twa Government members, AI- I ntraduced by the Mfinister of Hall an Saturday evening ta con- an Engleson (Lakeshore.) and H1ealth, tlie Honourable Mattliew Igratulate Mr. and Mrs. Osmond George Berr (Haifan), bath gavTe Dymond, the Nursing Homnes Acti Wriýght an their Golden Wedding impassianed speeches and strong 1966,' will provide Provincial h1-!Annivpei1sary reflccted the high support ta a resolution, intro- icensing for the 425 nursing esteemr in which thcy and their duced byHarry Worton (L. Wci- hiomes ln Ontario., with stand- famrily are lield in the commun- lington South), urging tic Feder- ards set by the, Departmient of itly. ai Government ta pass legisia-,[Healti, subject ta inspection hy The week indeed ended on a tion easing the divorce iaws. local authorities. pleasant nate. Geneiîa&ly, private members resolutions are talked out, but, on this occa sion, the debate ended five minutes before the deadiine. The Prime Minister, how6lver, crushed any hopes of tie reso- lution passing, by rejecting the(- motion, on tie grounds tha)t tlie resolution called on the Gavera- !ment ta take a course of action which it had not given m~nsider- ation ta. His decision was cial]enged by tic Opposition parties, and tlie readd vote tint followed, fourd!!two red-faced (avernment me-mbers rising in bhi i seats ta vote agail ist a resais 'ion tiey thad only a f ew miruSes hefore bee n ' r tie memobers ta a- doptý On Tu'~B a simikl7a situation arase v.,o th Hou se began con- sid theas i bcestînsabes. T~c oo,~tios 5îticzed the Gov 1 b orgo'*v iaoCoim- mîflce aofSu " rt mi a formai motion, a r.d Ma T son ar- b ued tb' ý7t it es'ï d tie Opo- stiar.'sr;iitbo i ove a sote af cers;. i "1 la i reply, pointed lowing n recommendation of tic Select Committee in tis respect; a committee of which h]Ï,Tiamp- son was a member, and as sucli, had signed tie repo4. Tic leaders of tic tiree parties agreed ta maeet and draw up a, I~~~~ DUHMFRFS CUNTI Phone 137 Orono, Ontario Vou Anua Metin ad Bnqut s hia heid on AT TfF uION UNTEDCIXURCII Banquet 6C30 p.m. Business Meeting 8:00 p.m. Tickets $1.75. MaI, he- abtaiaed fr om the Directors or at tic Mili Office. Direetors - John Stone, John Knox, Orme Falls, Gerald Shackleton, Stan Affin, Everett Crydernian, Robert Morton, and Ken Henderson.. Hilton Tink, President E.L Spry, Manager

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