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Orono Weekly Times, 3 Mar 1966, p. 4

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ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THURSDAY, MARCO, gjve it back to us. Then we wond- T ALIC why they are like that, littie re- alizing that it is because we did Tabknyomasro preached we convince them Crs sms o see deeply enougli into life. byRev. Basil E. Long, important but place more im- Some years ago a young min- Scrptue Lsso -Mar 6:17-8.portance on something else, they lister told me about a teenage Serîtur Leson- Mrk : 128.foflow our example. Children see daughter of one of his families The seripture reveals that John when, the riglit hairdo is more who was causing lier parents a the Baptist spoke without fear or imuportant than the thoughts that problem. The desperate motheri favour. When Herod the king go on uuderneath the permanent zaid to the minister, "You have marrîed ilerodias, John, said, "It vave. Their penetrating eyes ean :got fo do something! There is j is not lawful for you to 'have ýee flirougli us wlien, dancing les- seiny to be a terrible calamity!" your brother's wife," so Herodias sons are more important than Riglit or wrong lie said bo her, liad a grudge against John and Pible lessons; when the furni sh- Vo should have thouglit about wanted ýto kili hlm. An opportun- ings of the home are more im- rloing something a long time ago."I ity came when Herod gave a nortant than the spiritual limate. Ju the earlv vears of this girl's banquet. Merodas' daughfer dane- A home can be beautiful yet ab-. life lier mother allowed lier to ed and pleased Herod and his 'olutely barren of the things that live for the things that were guests se llerod told lier lie really count. Children knowsuperficial and clieap. When would give lier anything she wisli- when the dollar for cigarettes is things became desperate she ex- ed. She said to lier mother, more gladly given than the dol- 'pected fthe minister to work a, "1Wlat shahl I ask? " and the, lar for God's work. That is our miracle but she had waited too mother promptly replied,' "The choice but these are tlie things long. She 'should have realized head of Johni the Baptistj" ,So we are sayng te our children lier responsibility to lier chld because of lis oatli an li when they ask, "Wliat should 1 earlier. guests Herod sent a soldier e e put into life? What should I ask The sad part is that what could liead John the Baptist and bis lo! life?" Many. will gladly give to be beautiful is destroyed. Thiis liead was brouglit on a platter 1 h at which will destroy their daighter of ilerodias lad the and given to the girl who gave it healtli, rallier than give to God potential of purity, goodness and o lier mother. ýfor the preserv ation ol humanity. loveliness. It is like planting a Now the terrible part of this seed. The stalk grows taau and This is an ugly, gruesomne story is that wlien the littie girl vou wait to sec the beautiful scene but the circumstances can fot have ometing 1 sayb us was asked by lier mother to give flower. Then one niglit thefrt hav soethng o sy t U îber the head of Johnth Baptist comes and i turns brown and Think about the answer of Herod- llie gave il to lier. Let us beware unhealthy on top while the bot- lus to lier dauglter in varieus as responsible aduits wlio are tom lives on as a straiglit stalk ways. Because she was angry she -iembers o! a family, a churcli but witliout flie potential of be- feit resentment. Wliat happens in family, a cemmunity family, that ing beautiful. Often I see chld- our lives when we feel the Word I enwe bell our yeung people and often the winsemeness is lest o! God pointing oul Ihal there l5 in action, or in what we are, what and potential in their lives but somelhing wrong in our relation- bo ask of life, that usually they (Continued page 5) know resentment. Many of us are troubled, uneasy, fruslraled, and See those fgant wicie Handi-anan C Lmtrn Lok at all the SDPrr even Ihougli we feel within our- doors? Handi -Van iseasy in a 15-5 foot cinieý Handi-Van mneasureý selves lIaI, we do net have the to load and unload. T,,wo Leis yoiî 5COOi out 211 cu. fi. inside. -ha strengl or the courage to do curbside doors may bie of paced traff icland, will hold up to aton o wlal is rigli, we have the desire. specified, and theih ýere deliver your goods payload. LoadSPaCE Butthee ae ohes wo, eelngare a number of extra where and when Iengih from enginý tiere arentolluerh oufeelingwindow iobinations you promised. housing back -is ove ths esnmetlunlioI o oavailable.92ice some violence te someone else 9 nhs Se Herodius, resenting- John's message, vowed she would have revenge. She stands will tliose people in every generalien wbo, 0 feeling 'the finger e! God upon Iheir life, Iry te do liarm to someone wlio is the instrument o! God's liglit. Who won Ilie victory Ihal day? Gad lad spoken to ber and lier answer Was in lier action againsl John the Baptist. She would nev- er find peace in lier heart unless sometime in lier 1f e she souglit the forgiveness o! God. God was the vicIer. What was lier answer te John tlie Baptisl? She was saying that she would not suce- cumb to the wîll o! God or lie spoken to by people wlio remind- ed lier o! the will of God but that she would live as she chose. Beyond ail this we are particu- larly concerned about lier answer to lier daugliter. This beautiful, talentcd girl, ater pleasing the king, depcnded on lier mnother for direction and said, "htshahl I ask?" At a very ea--", e a.... littie girl takes lier euie from liert mother wlio tries to fell them to ask for good things but Ihere ,,is .......... anotlier way of telling. The litIle girl imitates lier mother wlien she plays witli lier -utIle broom, dishes and dolis and althougli ler motiier may blie tlling lie oa fhing about 'ait es she may lie learnýing somefhing else from what she secs lu lier. Thi n plies' <o fathers too, Pi tact j appltes to e' e-yone .A chid wanfs te knox'wliat to ask o! lifan wbia 1o do and îîlat te lie aind she sua lv1 faîtes ber eue from! J-eo iît tP not have aîny real n ts te rea1izýe _3 csif te ]ive for selfý if vieae to be lionest'and if we are ~an to gl-ow epbirtull' vwe have to look into ficth e that God lias to sav te us. We b1ave te take stock of life and lhink of our re- l1t's that GMC namepiate that areas is fii latiorship vîofh o<bers. makes the difference. Not the covered wi Parents offen fail te realize plate itself of course, but what it phosphated. fliat their young chiîdren have penetrating eyes- their lives have represents. GMC has a reputation undercoate, t ..O.tfOtOOfOooO..ofufu.~s>~oco4 TEACHES THE FOLLOWING PRINCIPLES: 1. The oneness of mankind. 2 . Iudepeneent investigation of Truth. 3. The foutndation of ail Religions is one. i 4. Religion must be the cause of Unity. I 5. Religion must be in accord with science and reason. 6 ~ . Equality between men and women. 7.Peuieo l id must beforgotten. g 8. Universal Peace. 9. Universal Education. 10. Spiritual solution of the economie problem. Il11. A universal language. 12. An International Tribunal. g Would you like to know more about this Universal Religion - - or about any of the above principles? 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