r - - - -- ,- ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, TIIURSDAY, MARCH 3rd, 1966 There is no need to h away -r"o'~" ' rn _1-1 s&ves these el r- - ', f k' , i Ln this section a P, j pte tairing as the frothi- est fiction. their autho 's have related the stories in a rerrark- ablv readahie style. If von feel your mind stagnating ivith an ove- dose of frivoloiq fiction, trv a few of these volumes~ which prove that "Truth is stranger than fiction." (and far from boring). A Tinue to Stand - Walter Lord. This historical account of the siege of the Alamo is marvellotis; written in such an interestinig fashion, the story of an old a- bandoned mission near San An- tonio, truly fires the imagination. ilere a small Texan garrison fought to the death, outnumber- cd 10-1 against Santa Anna's Mexican army. The action of men sucli as the brave leader, Travis and the legendarv figures of Davey Crockett and James Bowie made the cry "Reme.,ber the Alamo" a symbol of courage and heroism. The Duchess of JermYn Street Daphue_ Fielding Sub-titled "The Life and Times cf Rosa Lewis of the Cavendish Hotel", this is the biography of a SAY114G $ $ The Credit Union is not on- Iythe handiest place to save your monrey, but it pays di'Vidends as good, or better, thgn other place's to save- Aâ about the life imsuraflce provided without added charge for eligible saversi even if: Orono District~ CREDIT UNION Treas.-Man., Angus Loucks Phone 4rl0, Orono I i i i i IL )r-anice Curt -in co1 orful character: a famous cook who befriended lier favorite guests (the affluent, the aristo- cratic, and Americans) at lier hotel which she ran as thougli it vere lier own home. Gay parties, practical jokes, eccentric sojourn- ers and strange happenings, were the order of the day in this in- ternationally famous hotel about -hich one of the porters once re- marked, "A hotel? This is no hotel; this is an insane asym. The Beard and 1 - Tommy White- head. In this ,ightly-written autobi- ography, the' wife of Commander Whitehead tells of her life as "Mrs. Schweppes." As an exe- cutive with the Schweppes Tonic Company of England, lier hus- band, resplendent in b is war- time Navy beard, casually posed for an advertisement. The ad was, sucb an, attention-getter that Commander Whitehead became the symbol of Schweppes; a after ad snow-balled the trend whle "Mr. Schweppes" became a celebrity in bis public relations job in the U.S. And I Quote: Books are liglithouses erecteci in the great sea of time - E. P. Whipple. Dorothy Robinson Winnifred Werry The deati of Mrs. Winnifred Rickard Werry, R.R. 2, Newcastle ife of the late Kenneth Werry, occurred suddenly Friday, Febru- ary 18 at Bowmnanville. Surviving are two sons David and - Peter and two daughters Ruth and Maïr- garet. Funeral services were held on1 Monday from the Morris Fun- eral Chapel, Bowmanville and interment was in Bethesda Cern- etery. CLERNESALE ALL PRICES REDUCED ON 1965 MODETLS Boats5 Motcr25 Trai1écrs Liawn Mowers, Chain Saws SEE THEM AT LSTREET ORONO, ONTARIO i On ox f Three abet LONG LASTING - DELICATELY PERFUME» i ~P±.L~vaue 103 wb STUT1T'S Phamacy ORONO, ONT. PHONE 168J1 - - -- ..~e -~ - Local Ns- Mr. and Mrs. Perey Morgani spert last week visiting Mr. Nor-" Iman Griffan and Mr. and Mrs. B. Preston of Oshawa. Mrs. Percy Morgan spent a f ew days with lier cousin Mrs. Henry Hobbs of Oshawa. Mrs. 0. W. Roîpli returned to lier home from the Memorial Hos- pital , Bowmanville on Saturday last. Little Donna Colvin youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Colvin, returned home from the Sick Children's Hospital, Toronto on Sunday. Mrs. Percy Werry and famly of Tyrone have moved into their home on Churcli St. South, which she purcliased from the late Mrs. John F. Stevenson's estate. SKA 1TNG CARNI VAL TO BE IIELD ON MARCU 30 and Si The Orono Figure Skating club Carnival is now to be held on Wednesday and Thursday, Mardi 3Oth and 3lst in the Orono rink. Guest stars appearing on tlie pro- gram will be the Canadian Jun- ior Champion pair of Miss Auna Forder and Mr. Richard Stephens Eighteen skaters of the Orono club will be tested in their dance routines to-niglit, Thursday, com- mencing at 6:00 o'clock. UNITED CHURCi Orono Pastoral ChNa rge Minîiter Rev 13. E. Long SUNDAY, 31ARCH 6th, 1â966 CHURÇCH SER~VICES Orono -- 11:15 ar. Leskard~-2 p.mn. Kirby - 9:45 a.m. SUTNDAY SCHOOL Orono- 10 a.m. Leskard 1 10 a.m. Kirby - il a.m. HIAPPY HOPPERS We now have in stock "A MOTHER'S ANSWER" Igeneral, "What should 1 ask of (Continued from page 4) ilife?" society replies, "Gratify after a few years the frost cornes yourseif. Live for yourself." But In'd often the winsofeness is lost. Cýod says "Lose yourscif in Jesus Let us as Christians beware, be I Christ so that you can ]ive the cause young people look to older 1- hailiflve 'ad e fIll p~upit~anu w~uu teninem r it bis l ve Seek te Ciita one viay or another where we place our values.j If young people ask society in GIRL INVOLVED IN FATAL CAR CRASH IN SATISFACTORV CONDITION Laura Brown, 17, Millbrook is1 in satisfactory condition in Civic Hospital, Peterborough, where she was admitted Saturday, Feb. lgth, suffering from monoxide fumes. She was one of five teenagers overcome by fumes in a parked car which was found parked on a side road west of Millbrook with its motor running. Edward Strong, 18, Pontypool,1 died in the car from carbon monoxide poisoning an autopsy revealed. The three others were released from weekend. in the car hospital last way and Cliristian love." It is a tragedy when God is ignored and some voung life is ruined. It is through people who want to be truer in their answer to hf e, who will take the* time to ask and will spend the effort to learn, that good cornes to our society. Let us not go forth in a self-righteous manner, nor with a feeling of de- feat and frustration, but in the hope that as we respond to God and accept our responsibility, He uses us to carry lis blessings f ar beyond us. 1 have talked about a motber's wrong answer. Her relationsbip witb ber child was self ish. I arn pointing to Jesus Christ wbo can fill each life -ý the mother, father and cilîdren with His spirit and brng them into a right relation- ship so that tbey can live the well balanced life - not just for the physical but the spiritual'also. t is through sucb a reiationship that our society will be streng- thened and redeemed. ~ i TO s YEAR G.I.C.'s wW Savings Accounts Paid A1 and Conîpouaded Quarterly à2 Investmient Funds Estate Planning Executors & Trustées FOLJNTAINHEAD 0F SERVICE open Friday Nights and ail day Saturday CENTRAL ONTARIO 'TRUST & Savings Corporation 19 Simcoe Street North, Oshawa 723-5221 23 King Street West, Bowmanville 623-2527 SALE 0F SILK THREAD the popular "Hlappy HopPers" by Ly- ons of London. Suede leather in new spring shades with rubber outsole and heel. Foam rubber in- sole. Colours, Toast, Brown, Cel- ry, Grey Mist and Summer Sun- risc, Sizes 5 to 10 Per pair $3.49 SALE 0F LADIES' SHOFS We are clearing a quantity of Ladies' leather Shoes, Pumps and Oxfords. Illusion, cuban and fiat A good selection of colours in silk thread, 50 yard spools. Regu- lar 15e a spool, NOW 6 spools 25e YARD GOODS A few piecesof -Silk and- Ray- on Yard Goods. Regular -values to $1,50 per yard. Cl earing by the piece at-19e. per yard., heels. B lack, brown, beige and NEW SPRING HATS, DRESS- green. Sizes 6 to 9 in the lot. Regular values to $9.95 On Sale for ....... $2.95 to $3.95 ES and BLOUSES arî4'ving this week. 'NlI -------------