ORON 0 WEEKLY TIMES, THURSDAY, APRUL -Ath, 1966 Light fho. the Cross 2. bedenc 1ninating, flash. It col From a sermon preachied by 111rra'lh struggling, seel Rev. Basil E. Long. ta know. Wé discover th Ail good parents seeking ta leadi gradutally if we are il their cilidrcn into the bcst seig Most of us, 11l things in 111e try ta tcach them feel these ramprtings obedience, but the chilîdren ia re- ines at a very eariy ai tamn find it a hard lesson ta leamn. and they continue unlesý Surely this is also true of rnan's sa deadened ourseives relationship ta God. The Bible is that they -cannot be anc long account of God's desire rnore. The Scripture to bring rnan into obedience in Spirit shallflot alwayý9 order that rnan's god rnay be man." t may be that th accornplishcd. t is also truc that a, point in life where,1 man pcrsistently rebels. Herein nied toa -long, we no h is part of the uniquencas of those promptings, but Christ. Even thougi it meant ag- will be led, of God will onizing stmuggle he rcmaincd oh- edient, and tirough his obedience There arc alwavs it beaethe Saviaur of tic world. before' us and wec Tic Jewish people were called make thc decision wl a chosen people, espccially cha,-, we will take. Jesus said en ýta be the instrument of God's is braad and easy andr revelat ,Ion ta thc world. Tley laon lt but it lcads ta di found' it casier ta substitute The other is narrow ani farrns of religion ln place of the and not many an it bu humble spirit of obedience. Their ta salvatian, ta eternal great prophets souight ta m-ake broad ro ad leadls step tie unersandby ayig, A-away from God's purp ther undr-stnd sayn,,,"A-other, harder ta' travel ]q way with tlic feastîing,, fasting tcdsocyo o' and sacrificing; ta obcy is better n(1 thnscifc. ndaan "h n he fuiness of 111e ,hsacrifice.of Ad ae ýaJnbroke( brings. As wc face ti sacrfics ofGodare brkenraads inlilfe it la ver' spirit and a contrite heart." The t vraetefa propiets looked forw;ard ton i t t Gerod has made time when God would establisi er. Ris rule in ail mon and wri te cnt personalities, every Ris law upon their hearts instend of on tablets of atonie. Then in tic fulness of time Jesus came. Now it is so easy for ns to think of Jesus as divine on- ]y, as One wha had ail the power ,aI God with which to live and theref are did not know temnpta- lion and strugglc. This la to mi- understand what the Bible is .'nying. 'We rnust not farget Jesusi humanîty. He knew the - limita-3" Lions of being human; Ris wayp was nat, clearly revealed; Ne had to, seck LW What -did Jess doi His seek- iýng? Ire lhad ta knoew God's Word wiih ad] lrendy been deciared. 11e ha'd ta know the way of men anid practice- obedience. From tthe! age of twclve- until thirty, "Jesus incréased ln wisdom) and in stat- ure ani-il faveur wltli God and mni-n." Jesus had insighits but Ho had ta strug-gle, ta be tested lu the wildemness, ta seek ta knowv Ris way thraugh these temptfa-i lions, to know Ris purpose and wh,1at God's wili was thraug-h the temptations. They staod for somrie- thing far beyond the need af the marnient. Thc teniptation ta iurn stanies Inta bread rnay have bee-n ta bribei people witli enoughi material things tisat tliey would follow Hlmr but lie came ta be the Sav- jour ofi man, ta lead people into tise deep things af the Spirit. net àist ta gain a followin'g. Wc arc told that ticeçlovil taok Hlmy into thiehi ghi mountains and showed Hlmi the kingcdomrs of tise worid. Perhaps. this terniutation staad for; acompromise wti evil in the eact tiat men wihifllowif 1the saarsar noýt Set, too hîgit Jesus' estc.-",.atCd la Gad,ý rigit lai rigit, wrong is wrang7, and that ta continue ta be obd tta tfic will of Godis tic_î Most important tiing in life. The temnptation ta cast Rimself from1 tice pinnacle of tic temple and s;ave Himacif miraculously in Ille power of Gad was surely a sym- bol af imilar emptation troug.ci- ouI RHis life ta gain a fololwilgl by performing miracles. We do -not believe because wc sec mir- acles, we sec miracles because1 we believe. Jesus saw that the aippeal ta tise sensational would n'keHlm a niine,-daYs' wondcr, then fargotten and nothinig worti- -Mr. Pringle con whle donc. Lt la tic hard way af 100% -Cho-,vrole-. service pnid suffering wvhicli leada rcsaln ta the C ross, but after the Cross, Chevrlets are ise crawn.. - ique an-d Cod lias a special pur- pose for every one of us. Young and old alike have a great, fear of being called "a square" or an mes only "add bail-," and they echo, "Make k1ing liard mine the samie," whether it, be he puirpose clothes, automobiles, boats, man- diligent in ners or mnorals. ke Jesus, and urg- age in life -Now there is a difference that ss we have'lis not good. Psychology reveals, to them in sorne instances, -the attempt feit any ta be different is an attempt to savs, "My gain attention and this is not a strive with healthy or a good thing. But here cornes whcn we are different in the Liaving de- sense of being a unique creation lnger fpelj of God, we need to seek to know h le who what it is that God wants us to be guideýd. be in order that we mav be true to ourselves. We 'should not en- two roads, vy people who get off casily in continia1îy hf e because that la not what hid1i rad makes character or brings happi- Id that one ness. If wc do not exercise aour man trv'muscles they become soft. In the desrutin.sanie way we have ta exorcise d difficuit ourselves inlf e as there will al- ut it lcads 1ways ue struggle. IL IS the victory 1life. The !from. the struggle of life tint pby step changes the character and en- . ose. The riches the world. Ail of the. good eads us to things that we have carne frorn >s purpose the strugglc of sarneone. ewhich it these ,two .- difficult As we travel thc road of life of being the way graws increasingly, diffi- us differ- yone un-, (Continued on Page 5) itinues; "For Il years we have operated a et f leet and now have 106, trucks ctoing con- and cartage. Fromi engines to rear axies, built ta last. Reliabitity is Outstanding, ustomers of the service they must have" ce you need with rellable Chevrolet trucks. TheBAHA'J WORLII iFAI TEACHES THE FOLLOWING PRINCIPLES: 1, Thse onentess of mankînd. 2.'inependeant investigation of Trutis. ï. Le fudto of ail Religions la one. 4. Reigo unst be thse cause of Unity. 5. Religion) must be ln'accord with science and reason. G.Eqaitybetween men and womeli. 7Prejudice of ail kinds must bc forgotten. 9- Un,,iversýzal Education. 10.Spritalsolution of the economie problem. mt. A uniesal language. 2.Ani International Tribunal. Would Cyou liké ta know more about this Universal Religion - or about any of thse above principles? F-lor rce Literature Please Writé To Oshawca Bahci'i Comrnunity 293 Glcnview Ave, Oshawa, or Telephone Oshawa 723-3281. Nobody wiil cail on you unless you request it. There are 268 hiodels to chloose from, ranging from, nimb le Chlevy-Van.s and pickups to highway and off-road tandems. Take your choice from 20 engines', including 2-cycle and 4-cycle dieselis; plus a wide c-hoice of frames, transmis- sions and special features. Whatever sort of truck yau need, ta 1k Chevrolet Workpower trucks with your Chevrolet dealer! tfor bigger thinga i'66d ur Chevrofet dealer about amy kind of truck you want TÇ6ÔC ITIORIZED CI-LV1- OLET TRUCK DEALER IN i OWMANîVILE >Y NICHOLS MOTORS LIMITED 1 ý-1