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Orono Weekly Times, 7 Apr 1966, p. 7

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ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, TRURSDAY, A1'RIL 7thi,1966 rrofebsîiaI Directory HALL, PERKIN, 'ýacMtILLAN & Co* ti4artered Accountants 3t '2King St. E., Oshawa .7256539 King St., Box 245, Nýewcastle 1987-4240 Partners: William C. Hall, B, Comm., CA Davîd G. Perkin, C J. Graham Macmillan, L WKAY LYCETI ~A.{ L rrister - Soliceitorc in the Offices 'of Rl. R. Waddell QC., MAIN ST, ORONO 1 Telephofle 138 Orono MERILLD. BROWN PROFESSIO-NAL ENGINEE Ontario Land SrveYOr i 121 Quecli St. Box 165913 Bow maflilie, Ontario TelephOfle 623-7251 C.r tered Accoiîtant 375- Water Stret pETERBORtolGlU phone 7258 FRED LYCETT 0VIFICE -MAIN ST., ORNO noue 12516 R..f,2"616 JAC ~&ID Speciaize min Farm anid Furniture Sales Consuit mne for ternis and dates PHONE OROý o NO 319 TED JACKSON Auctîoneer and Vr41uatoî Condauets Auction Sales of al size and at reasonable rates Communicite with hlm at i port Ferry, Ontario PUMPING OUT W.FAN REAL ESTIATE LIMITED 3i 21 KING ST. WEST Bowmanville 623-339 3 iOrville Chatterton Electrical Contraetiwý and Service j PHIONE 245 OR 10412 Orono, Ontario Qronn rl'ectric PHONE 129 > CONTRACTORS FOR FARM andi BOUJSE Free Estimates APP LIANCE SALES Prom~pt and Guaranteed lRepalra to*all kinds of Electrical Equipment and Appliauces Such at Metors - Water Heate s T.V. - Radios - Stoves Irons Hamiltons Insurance i Service Fildelity Bond, fi ~Labliy First Motgage Loans Sadie Hamilton 1Box 133' Stafford Brothers Limlted 318 Dundas St. E. Whitby, ont. Manufacturers ot Cernetery Memorials Dealers la Domestie & Foreigu Granites and Marbîes ' InscriptIons Cut and Cemetery Repair Work aon nots a d FaiîlyM morialsI Our quaity and service leavea nïothlng to be deulred Ask the person who bought front us, a nelghbour, frlend or relative The RUTTER GRANTT]F COMPANY 73 Ontario Street PORT IHOPE "Largeosi DMptla uSouthera Ontalo" WANEDi AT HOME Furnishcd Summer Cottage or Mr1i. and( Mrs. George Collins, House in Orono or Newcastle vic- rcnlyo oono il .a înity, June lSth. Apply Box 100, home to thieir friends and'neigh- Orono Weekly Times, Orono a-c bours on the. occasion of their Fiftieth Wedding Anniversary, at their r'esidence, 3rd Linc, Clarke FOR RENT West, n Sunday, April1 17th from FOR ENT3:00 to 7:00 p.m. a-p 3-room, apartment for rent. Phone Orono 1527. a-c NOTICE The SeTior Citizens wl meet ROO FO lINT in the 0Oddfellow's Hall, Thurs- ROOMFOR ENTday, April 7th at 7ýS0 p.m. Room for. rent in Orono. Large Everybody wraie. a-p bedroorn1 with twin beds suitable ________________ for two gentlemen. Available j AEALRGSRTO with or without board. 1 AEALRGSRTO Telephone Orono 277M. b-c Registration for bal] will, be 1 1_1,41lUrsaay -nigrit4.Apr-il 1 Atfl 1RECEPTION Mr. and Mrs. Wellington Far- row, North Street, Newcastle wil be at home to their friends on the occasion of their fiftieth wedding celebration, on Saturday, April 9th, from 2 to 4 p.m. and 7 to 9 p.m. No gifts please. a-c JACK A. FERREN ORONO BOOKKEEPIJNG SERVICE Income Tax Returus 1repared Orono, Bowmanviile, OsIrawa Telephkone OronoSR 2 LYCETT gPlu mbing & çtn WIATSON'S Marine and Cycle Orono Phone 146 meCULLOCR ýBOATrS & MOTORS CHAIN SAWS eaiate all akes£ of Law» Mowers and 2 and 4 cycle oTACO PLOW POINTS AND MACHINE1W h Mi Bilding a flouse? from '7 to 8 at the Orcrno Muni- cipal Building., Age cattegories; Tyke, il before January l st; PeeWee, 13 before Januiary lst; Bantam, 15 before Janaury lst; before January lst. If you are in any of these age, groups please register by this date as teams are being drawn up now in this area and a certain number have to be registered before we can enter as a teamn. It is quite essential to know this information by April l4th. So please co-operate. AlI boys are asked to bring $1.00 and. their birth certif icates rt this time. If there is any reason why you carnot attend please send your birth certifcate and, fee with someone else. 1 a-c FOR SALE Boy's Reversible Spririg coat, like new, size 3. Phone 169, Orono. Top- FOR SALE Purebred German Sheppard Pups, nOt registered, $15.-$20. Phone L. J. UIas, 2221, Orono FO09 SALE 12 foot McCulloch Alumjîinm Boat and 7.5 hp., McCullochmto and crews-a-day tank. Only se twice. Phone 1613, Orono. a-c AUCTION SALE 28 Durham Cattie, Farm Mach- ýinery, Ilay, Grain and Clover Seed, the Property of Charles F. Prouse, will be sold by Public Auctioii at his farm, lot 30, Con- cession 5, Hope Township, 2%' O'saca County Road and % mile miles north of FHighiway 2 on west, on Saturday, April 16th at 1 p.m. L. Clysdale, Auctioneeri NOTICE Meat cut and wrapped for freez- ers. tDall C. E. Miller, Orono 22,33. oue, then eontact Jjýj Floyd ýNicholson PHONE 2191 ORONO Real Estate When Buying or Selilug cafl WIlf Hawke 1r12 Orono Jatck Ricard REALTOR Il1 King st,.FE., BOWUauVmf Member Ozhawa and DIst**c RealREstAte pBosr4 I require lots of any size pro- vidinig t4v evnet local build- ing reguîations. Write - Harry O. Perry, 46 Rossland Rd. E., Oshawa IN MEMORIAM WINTER-In lovi*ng memory of a dear husband and father, Nor- mari E. Winter who passed away April 8th, 1959. When evening shades are faîl- irig And we sit in quiet, alone; To our hrearts coule a longing If he only could come home. Friends may think we have forgotten, When at times they see us smile., But they littie know the heart- ache Our smiles hide ail the while. SPad]y miissed by a loving wife Ellen and son Larry. a-p, NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE 0F ROBERT GEORGE HAMILTON late of the Township of Manvers in the Countiy of Durham, Labourer, de- ceased: All persoir h ýaving dlaims a- gainst the estate of ýthe said Robert George H-amiiltonl,, who died on or abôut the 25th day of September 1962, are 1ýere-by noti- fied to senti to the undersigned Exec .tors or their Soliitor on or ',à 4 re thll1th day of April 1966, their l'rymes and addresses' and fulli particulars of their icaimis and thre nature of the secttrities (if aniy) held by them duly verified by 'staýtutory declar- ation. Iïmmeýdiately after the said llth day of April, 1966, the assets of the saîd deceased wili be distrib- juted amrong the persons entitled thereto hav i ng regard onfly to the dcaimns of which the Executors or. the undersigned Solicitor shall then havenoi. IDated at Orono, Ontario, this 23rd day of M'tarchl 1966. WILLIAM JOHN Ross HAMIL- TON, Bethany, On)tario KATHLEEN MARY BEGGS, Ponitypool, Ontaroý 1 ~Executoirs. W. G, LYCETT, Orono, Ontarlo, Solicitor for ithe Executlors. STOCKER SALE The Durhamn Farmers' 12th -Arnual Spring Stocker Sale wilI be held at th(, Durham' County Sales Arena, Orono, M4onday, Ap- rIl llth, 1966 commlencing at 1:30 p.mn. Selling year olds, two year l1ds, stock calves, springer and grass cows, service buhîs, etc. SJ. A. Reid & Sori, Sales Man- agers. AUÜCTION SALE PART-TIME 1RADIO 3Tractors, Cmie ?r T1V REPAIRS jHammer Mill, Trucrk. M~<ble -HI-FI - Stereo Hay'. Grain, Furniture, Hlereford - Recrd PlyerCattie, Swine, etc. -Antennas -Towers The property of Peter" Mazùr, -PA System for rent Lot 1, Concession 3, Clarke Town- AIl parts and labour guaranteed ship, 1 mile east of Newtoriviîle -JARRY WIERS.MA and one concession nlorth, sehlng Phone 1737 Orono without reserve on Aprilý 23rd, commencing at 10 a.m. Most of imachinery offercd for Sale is nearly new. Plan to at- tend this important auctiori. Lunch served throughout the sale. J. A. Reid & Son, Sales Managers. CallyourI Iicensed lbng& Mechanical Contractor who seils, instails ajad 8ueanteas CARM'LÀAN PLUMBING AND HEATING Phone 143 Orono It ýPays te Advertise Mo. 5-3552Il Iligr reiinoeling your ýpr«n1 1

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