i.- PRICES EFFECTIVE AIL 6, ' and 9. WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES. SAVE 14e DEL M4ONTE FANC F'-RUIT COCKTAL SAVE 10c STOKELY'S FA.NCt BURNS SAVE Hec SWEXIXED ICK PIK LE Grade "A" Predre'ssed Ready for the 0v Grade "A" ]Predressed Specially Selecte ;28 oz tin 43 r, 15 oz. Tins 2 tIns à35cr 0 oz ja r 45C An Ï0Young <Frozen Cryovac> 5!-Iolb. Avg. d Youing T'able-Rite (Frozen Cryovac) 5-10 lb. Avg. 1 b 47e Reýadly ta Eat Skiliess Short Shank .Smioked wioie or Hlaif HAMS lb 6%9ce% Royal Gueist Eindless -Slice 1 lb. Fiat SIDEBAC»ÏON flb 7 c Produce of -Mexico - Canada No. 'l Grade - Vine Ripe Preduce of U.S.Al. Canafla NQý. l Grade CEL-LO CAULI'ý'LOWVER Produce of UI.S.A. Canada No. 1 Gratde I CEýB U RG L E T FUCELI "GREEN ONIONS 3 Sweet & Juicy Jaff a ORANGES size 90's Produce of, -U.S.A. - Garden Fresh BUNCH RADISH SAVE THESE EXTRAi TAPES FOR FREE GIFTS OR ATN MCANDSECERTIFICATES RECENIEAN EIXTRA $10.00TAPE IWITHE 1NS0NT flF~'EF- M !we0Hose I1i oz, jar DEEREN MrLiquid Tri-Pack CIGRETES ëPlyers Ai, Vaieties Ctne of 200'S ~1cE1 NEvu XTRAs6pou TAP~E aWITH HA E YCOCTAL Oea 'fpay 2± oz. size CoiIAE RYORNG RLI Spry' 14 oz, E SEEAl - ngesoi Sli~ iJ~16 z. Jailr pi-CIVE AN EXTRA 80 T-APFE WITil i ~EIV ANEXTA $.e0 TAPE WyiTMM CELLO OCUMN (ca--. No). 1 Gilade 3Lb, bg 1b19 each 2)J- each 19c bunches 25c Size 90S dozen 69c 3 bunches 29c AFL~E PIE fml ie39c Fraservale Frozen Save,, 12r tkeys Fancy Save 10c - N abob 2 lb. Poly Bag 248 oz, Tins fo 9 Kendal AMr. Thos. Stevens was rounding !up his horses on his farm northi of KeCdaI Saturday evening henie was taken ili. His neigh- bours to himi to Bowmanville Hlospitai where he is restin'g. We hone he man soon he well. j Mr. and Mrs John Hnderson and family are motoring to Northi Carolina for their Easter vacation. Map'e (irove School won the chorus c1a'ýs for village sehools with a mark of 86 at the Kiwanis Music r-' iHval __list Fri<lay. Les- kard îh'nSchool with a mark of 85 won the class for rural sehool choirs. Shaw's School won -the triple trio class for rural school choirs. with a mark of 83 and, Leskard School No. 2 was fourth in the ciass w-ith 80 marks. Solmna school w-' tirdýC with 80 mWarks. Clarke tU,-ion Public School amassecl 86 po-ts to ,win the class for rural "n coir o, the Orono Publie School was disquialified 'in gain,- inig any standing in the Festival due to the fact that tuie lôcal group did flot use the specified music. fH appears that the score used by the Orono School was hy a composer othér than was rec- ognized by t1he Festival.' The Or- ooChoir did hoev rî ingbu thireforts coullld not be judged in the Festival1. jIt appears from-f a recent nw -eeaeregarding, Cole1ges of A>- pUed A- ts and Technloiogy that Osiawa -av hav\e a go oppor tunp.i, t, b have such a College esý The ,r-'oase inotes than an ri r lerinCn" cl as been aporoved ~eItn~ in igheenareas for the a-iad dvlpetof the Ara4includes alilthe muni. cip)alities withiin the Counties of (Ontario aind Durhaml. 0f this ar- lea Oshawa w-ould ap-pear' the mnost ýIikely location for, the coliege. 1 Peterb~orough County has been grouped with Lennox and Adding- ton, Hastings, Prince Edward, Northumiberland, Haliburton and Victor-ia. The Counceil on choosing 4he areas recogniized that there should lbe a close relationship between any, coillege prolgrami and the long term cooicdveometplans (Cotinedfroms page 1) Per, Port ,oe uui-as $4.34, and $408 for a Hope Town-iShip pupil, as comnparýed to t-3.3 for Clarke Twship, $269 for Dariington Towunship. and as lowas $214 for i.ilbrook. Therge cost per muni'cipali.ty was $351. aesComparisons For), the current year, using the saine' statistics based onth e 1965 enrlme~,it was 1pointed out t ha t th1e average cost for Port Hlope per ptpil wîôuid be $520 while for Hope Towrlship the fig. ure rose te $6,13 as c'-ompared te $ 439 for Ciarke a1nd $381 for Mýr. osalode attention to what e tre nun-fair dis. crepncyi te cost per capita, He sýaîd that on a -ponulatiion bas- frm 9 o $22 wieDarlington Twsip's îincase mwas from $7 1te $16. During the samne interval, heo said Hlope Township residents h)ad their costs increased from $12 to $28 and Port Hope from $13 to $29. Average per capita cost for 1964 was $22 whe reas HTopeý Tow,,nsh7ip paid $28 and Port Hope paid $29 Mr. Ross al:so suibmitted a memnorandum by- J. C. McCallum, Ilnited Cou)nties cunilassessor and chaîrman of the arbitration ,ment pler per-son ini each munici- board dlated Aug,. 4, 1965, which Pshowed a cmaio of assess. paiity. It-showed that the assess- 1me-nt nperperson) in Hopme Townx- I