ORtONO WEEKLYV TIMES, THURSDAY, APRIL 14th, 1966 ORONO Wý,KýLY TIMES AAuthorized aas geend Ciass ma, Post Office Departnicnt, Dttaw')' Puiblshed every Tlurs'day a4 the office 'of publicatiGw Main etreez, Phnre 1? orono. onLarlo E5tabllshed in 1938 by R. A. Forrester Roy C. Forrester - Ed¶tor and Manager One Hunclred Is Enough The people of Durham will be glad that their prov- hricial riding has been preserved- a break with old.habits and old traditions in political organization is neyer pleasant. On the other hand the fact that the Dominion and Provin- cial ridings will be different will pose problems in organ- lzation for ail political parties. Tt is easy for us to think of the "historic ridîng of Durham," though actually the truly historic rîdin.gs, East and West Durham, went by the board long ago. So long as'the large urban centres grow faster in-,population than Durham County, the process reflccted in the ncw Dominion redistribution will continue. For the time being, however, it is pleasant to have our riding boundaries unchanged pro- vincially for a while longer. We are not' enthusiastic, howevcr, about the idea of increasing the number of seats in 'the provincial house. While we douhtless nced 265 members of the House of Commons at Ottawa, in order to give representation to the greatly divergent interests of the many parts of Canada, th ere is no reason why 100 members should not be enough to deliberate on the affairs of Ontario. Obviously the path of least resistance, when. proper redistribution tends to change old riding boundaries, is to increase the number of ridings so that a riding like Durham can contihue ta exist without distorting the proportionate populations represented by different members. But be- cause it is the path of lcast resistance does not mean t hat it is the best path. Tt, would be better ia the long run to keep the number of members down, even if it meant some painful shifting of boundary lines. While economy is perhaps one aspect of the prob- lem - 117 members costmore thign 108 - the chief issue should< be efficiency'of governmcnt and there' must beý an optimum number of seats. We suggest that it is about 100, and that no further increase ia future than the 117 now proposed should be countenanccd. -The Port Hope Guide 20 Y ears In Operation The 0Orono Figure Skating Clu b has complcted its twentieth year of continuous operation in Orono. This, we feel, is a noteworthy accomplishment for such an organ- lzaion in a small community. Tt has had its ups and downs, but in general has given good constant service to the youngstcrs of this, com- munity. Tt has not only provided a source of wholcsale recreation but 'also a challenge to perfect the skill of figure skating. This year the children werc afforded the opportun- ity of testing their skills. Under the Canadian Figure Skat- ing Association tests were held in which the skaters en- deavoured ta cara, throughi their ability, badges for in- dividual accomplishments. Those desiring recognition in thîs sport were tested under Canadian rules, for figures and dance routines. Tt appears that this has addcd aew interest in the sport locally, It has also given more purpose as far as the children are concerned and has placed before them a challenge and a goal ta achieve. These lattpr factors are important to the success of' any endeavour. Without a goal or challenge interest is surely to lessen. *The club organization bas not always had easy gsieddng. However, perseverance bas prevailed and the club this year registered its twentieth birthday. Congratula tions to ail those who at one time or an- other have playcd their part in this organization. The re- wards for such service are no doubt few and far bctwcen. Cooperation Pays Mr. Jack Mann ia speaking to the Orono Chamber et Commerce last Monday eveniag, stressed the need of co-operation among the businessmen. Through co-operation the .businessman not only betters bI&_own lot but also that of others and betters the entire business district. jACTION AT GREE NWOOD Duiring the past number of weeks local horsemen and fans have been taking advantagc of the earlv opening of barness rac- ing in Toronto, During the past 'week Junior West drove Grattan Portage, a horse owned by Gassien of Liad- say, to second place in a race that went in 2,11:2. He also pilot- cd Carl W. Grattan, owned by L. Downs, to a third position fin- ish in, a race of 2.12:4. On Monday Sandy Demon, own- ed by Mrs. L. Hooey and M. Hoer- ig placed fourth in a 2.08:1 event The horse was driven by John Hayes., John' Hayes on the samie night drove a L. Hooey horse, Agate, to place position in 2:10. Mr. George Carson reports, a full siate of colts for the Orono FMi Fair Stake race which will be beld at the Orono Fair this yrear. Registrations in the event have been1- most rewarding and include miaay good horses states Mr. Carson. A number of local colts are entered in the stake. This stake was won last year by the local entry of Fred Lycett. CIc 'Jr navct ohrcutis wl 0 g e$.0aya na'vne 00 Due tosincreased production lcosts the 0 yoer ctoMy 2urpindrate . fo r pt Oono tJ ta-ken out prior to May 2nd will. be accepted UP AV ew g at the present rate......... Unit anc of the Orono UCW held an evening meeting April 5. The leader, Elsie Fisk openedg the' meeting with a prayer whichi was followed by the Eastcr hymn 'When I survey the wonderous Cross.' Paul's account of the Res- tpcz>cý =,r- ,0 0-==OC-O=<=<=co:l surection found la his First __ Epistie was read by Mary .Berry. y IàBowmanville A ýpoem was given by Ilean ReidUA whciwas foliowcd with the Mèd- 0 623- 5 589 itation. Violet Moffat followcd with a prayer. j THURSDAY FRIDAY - SATURDAY- APRIL 14, 15, 16 Ia Joscpbi's Lovely Garden' ao solo by Sharon Allia with. piano WALT DISNEY'S accompaniment by Pcggy Han- g cock very effectively climaxed C I NDwE R E L LA the Devotional. g The Study, book chapter 'on theg<C OR boyhood of Jesus was givea by Stella Carson. Matthew and Luke give accouints of these years. Theg SUN. MON. TUES.- WED. - APRIL 17, 18, 19, 20 familiar second chipter of Luke records the Nativity of Christ grew and waxcd strong la spirt,g filled witb wisdom and the grace 0 W ORLD TOd-DA tY of Gncl was upon him.' His visit ta the temple at the age of 12O and bis return to Nazareth with s (Cêlor) his parents are rccorded and the 0 AIse "NAKED AMAZON"' - Color closing verse says: 'And Jesus la- creased in wisdom and stature and la favourwith God and aman.'.~ His if e ofj labour among the t common people had a great ina fluetice on their acceptance of Gladiola Bulbs, while they last, each only 6c. events ta come and also helped ~St hlm ta successfully meet the 5-piece Staffiless Steel St sauce anu challenge of the fasting and tem- frypan, priced at ................ $4.59 ptations ia the wilderness, om bce Dut we us John the Baptist called for a j*~ new reilationship to God. pricd front..............27 to $4.98 Nine members answered the 1 Homespun Bedspread, double or Single $2.98 radel calan ihtsc1clswce Men's Nylon'Kangaroo Jackets, S, M, L $2.77 Aftcr a discussion and on mo- Fruit Patterned Tea Towels, each ... 49e tion of Mary Miller and Ilcan Reid, the leader was ta contact t! LarePateBisfr l',g ,2S"da.5 other groups interested Pnd to. - rePatcBisfralae,2"da.5 mnake Inqli! ies re Sir-riff's Womens' Runu.ing 5hoes black or white $1.75 Luncheon pian. ilÀe sianu for the- sale of Crafts rmay not bc open Matching ]Robe and Pyja'mas for boys, before May 241th week-end. 4 to 6X, set priced........... $41.19 Thelederopneda iscsson Cordless Electic Mixer Blender only $4.77 and comment period inèlud- ing views of 'parents and tcenag- P oam Pl ws each .. 1.7 o fr .$34 crs on life inx the home and injIWS . or or- the school. -~ ,eea lcrc Mixer '(Electrie) .. $14.99 After a social haîf-hour Kath. leen thanked the committcc fort 'Scotia' Electric Kettle and Vaporizer $11.50 a very profitable and enjoyable 4r- -i- SAVIU M fixe Credit, Union is not on- Iy the hanqiest place to save' your money, but it pays dividends as good, or better, than other places to save. Ask about the lif e insurance provided Vit!aoîft added chaýrg"e f or eligible savers, even i f: Ororno District CREbIT UNIONi Treas.-Man., Angus Loucks Pho flr1, Orono -ýoI a-ZIVLI blc rie rypan for onîy . 1. 50 Steel Brîggs Flower and Vegetable Seeds Costume Jewellery and Souvenirs INecklace and Bar Button Sets....... 98e iOrono b5ec to $ 1,00 Store ^"YOU"LOJ -AL VARIETY STORE" i PHONE ORONO 122