ORE»JO WEEKLY TIMS, THURSDAY, APRIL 14tf, 1966 The .I*rd's Proyer Frorn a sermon preached by Rev. Basil E. Lonig., The Saicrarnent of the Lord's Supper is thie most complete act ofý worship in. which we eau join, At this time the love of God is declared in the Bible reading, prayer, sermon and through the sharing of the bread and wine, and thse fellowship as we direct our thoughts toward thse Lord's Table. In the Lord's Supper whai Jesus did in the Upper Room with fis disciples is re-euacted. There fie took bread, gave thanks, broke it and, gave it te RHis dis- ciples. Thse ordinary bread and wlne on the table became in Chrlstj's hands symbols of Ris broken body and fils eut-poured love. Tise Lrd'ýs Supper is the celc. bration of joy and thauksgiviug. We corne full of joy te thank Go d for everyvthing fie bas done fer us. If we are unable to real- ize the greaütneýss of God's merey we cannot ap)preciate the signifi- cance of the act. No ene ought te be vain enougis te say, "Al of this is mine because of the power of mY might, my owu bauds or my intelligence." Ail of, these are God-giveni. If we corne in un- derstandiug, with joy and tliauks- giving, we corne lu the realiza- tien that eut of tise great love of, God, Jesus Christ camne lu the form of man almost 2000 years ago te be our salvationi. fie was crucified but was raised from tlic dead and gave the promise that as. fils followers saw fHiir ne more, fils sp)irit weufld be with thern te guide a-nd streug- then thern. If is the same Christ who feeds Ilis CChurch with bread and wine, represeuting flis brok- eu body and out-poured love. It is tise church's act of thanksgiv-1 ing and adoration for Christ's_- vitory over sin and deatis. Thse Lord's Supper is feloùw- ,hip. At thse Table we are lu cýompàny wvithi Jesus Christ arid have fellowship and cormmunion with film anid wifh ether-s who accépfthtie gracious invitation te .sît t the Table. Cfhrk1-'t's Tbleis Fa_ ent fthaIt is revolut fion fZÏngt Oe f iReport From L!ueepts fP ak c,:,-eîa1jon rrcess. Tebý ataeof this miethod lies" Alex Carruthiers, MI.P.P., Durhamn The moobe herd, MIr. Freemnan the facf 1that thle cost of miany. Estinlates of the Department of. stated, is not being properly transpIantiing3 is eliminated, oe Lands andForests I harvested. ýThe hutt he said, ý i transplant1ing only being requir- 7 te be Hils last supper with them concentrated in, -üvery smjjjalacees- ed. before flis 'death. Nie took bread, O June 28th Iast year somne 12. sible areas which are overharv r . aqaa'(.Agm gave16 aircraft of theaDeparteent ested, leaving the inaccessible S ofLand ardForets. arryng Manitolin)a,, acting as opposition gavethm aks , oke i n gae i fT- nd n oets ari areas underbarvested. Further re- :critic , urged the government ,tu, nt embranceooftme."taris îast lr- istrictions should lbe imposedlhe develop the great potential weaith steructio ofwa mthat is flastwin, ture, began w-hat mi'gbt be con- added, on no,-eidn hneroi our northern muskegs. S ýJ Pid red ' p c lg t in o N r h as they add littie to the econom y,i l ng o e th s la ,su m r should keep the Sacrament. To *-etern Ontario , and the far vi cin /ul equipped with pro- Fh ying ear e se la ste posu oe f be truly members of the ChriSt- far nortbern regions of the prov- visions.thy ppadaslre olse eian Church means we cannot ai- ince. slinie and moss. Accoring, o low ourselves to bcecut -off frornr obrs'i elynpoint:oem bed t thie Fcllowship of the Lord's When the flight ended six days , r. oburtsni replyin, their only use might sTable. it is, an obligation and a later at Toronto Island Airport, e u that it was n ot many years îbe to prevent a land invasion t ago that beaver ari moose were frorn the north by a Russian armyý àresponsibility, but it is far more the members had travelled somne; rotected by '"-' q ons and i e- lt is Hfis cornmand, "Do this in 3,000 mi1es and, in saine 15 dist- 1nu hiuting of these animais wasý According te Mr. Farquahar, -remembrance of me." i-sct lifts. had visited marv thriv-;Ioe.h utd ednuhrt Wben we accept Christhesfin- ofr- on the subject, Dr. Norman Radý I he viaio en acpoch fis Table-o the futulre, and ba'1 seen for Since 19%i7., be aid, beaver f orth of MeMaster UniversityP we musatio notcpo ia fivoTalustheinselves the vast extent of our have contrilh',ted, eacb year. more hr svs oeta el~ we fius no coe ina fivoousnortheru areas.ilà, 10O -rt.ra rg'1oce sor careiess manner. We must cx- t'ian 1the000 ne1t's in 1 aineourelvs, ur ommnit, Mmores f tat niqe turlP rice froni $6 ta $40 per peit I~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ amnusleorcmuiy, Mmre fta nqetu 'vî1rthout dnger 'to the breeding, From the vast deposits of pe,,'~ our nation and the world. We re- were recalled a few davs a 0o'-,tu' k. i the imuskeg, hie said, can i 1 pent of the sin which, we have when the Honolurable Kelso R(b- idevdco,.ta ys golr committed and the sinfuluess iu berts preseu.ted the estimates of Th ma"no uatin, the Min- drve o e t, dye, asolîw ~er aded. s no estimated at and cellulose. Paleadd which_ýve are, entangled. Christ his departme,,nt to the Legisia- be Svior t th pesontur; meoris wicbconribted1140C000. nak-ine, up one of the can be used to make artificiai.i who secs no sn. We resolve, with greatly to the,( debate, in that res am'e'sin.rt rn irpof funitre, ai-de a Frn 'the help of God, to lead a new members are able to speak witb aThle impact of these fig- brand o newa aepr life. We make peace with anyone greater knowledge and 'with a osu hie ecnom fthe nothif'rom a o t saclaimd o bee warý wh wor we are angry or at greater apa)reciation of the re-ise haidbytefcth etanoo.thsasoenue odds. God expects fils people to sources a-,! notential of this ,41 eiet nd735nno aersnad lsiol forgive one another if they hope great, challený ging wilderness of ~-dn iecsirmos ute rdes to be forgiven by Hlmt. You know, the north. .ng cre granted.1Onofth rae sûcs 1 Replying to criticismn by Mr. On ofte raessucs ihow wretched everyone feels at elhitisponcrhye. the inne tabe athomeWheu It was the, eleventh, occasion Preeman of the department's for- wat nti rvne ibyc one memiber of the famiiy bears ifor Mr. Roberts, as a Minister of ,est regeneration, pregram, Mr. dsofed by lnatur, isour vast,': a grudge. Christ at the head of1 the Crown, to present estimates Roberts revealed saine rather in- cas o foet 'la Nt only d. isTable expects al Ris familylfor cousideration by the flouse. teresting facs. the butrovi eareltheof wood te e a pece ifheueanoher O seven of these occasions lie, With a seed bank of soma . rdcs u hyaetepie did se lu the ro1le of Attorney- 'billion different types o edpoetr ftoohrgetr If, when we come te the Lord's1 Generai anid f our as Minister of .thle Minister statedj, and with the sources, namiely our wîld life and Table, we have ne intentioin of;Lands and Frss As hie said ebd seedling metho of our source of fresh water. renewing our promise and trying ýhimself, seven! corne eleven couflditree planting, forest regeneration As citizens of the province we te keep it; if we corne solely te have, sorne significance. is net onily assured, but will be must lear1 to use them wisely sa maitai ou metbeshi luth greatly expauded in the years a- that they wiIl brîing the greatest chutrch iu good standing, or be-' The total area of Ontario is hed possible good te thie greatest pes- cas eeyoeeleconsi 2'l 000 squaire rnmiles, of which The tubed-seed mnethed of sible numùber of people, fot thse clear we corne wth wrong mot .Iad ocpe 4,00 surA latn re i e eeop- greatest possible leugth of time, ives and need te re-examine our- miles or 8331,, and water 68,000,_______________________________ selves. Christ welcornes ail of us square miles or 17%. who corne recognizing our un- Forested i and covers 75% of worthiness àud wantiug new the province and productive« fr-. strengtli te overceme our sins. est îad1 ttlln ome 105 il. 1- TO YEAR GIC.'s, fie invites us te ceme in iail our ionars.cuie 0 ihW weakness and iniadequacies with 90%/ or thlis, area owned by thse a. sincere desire te Jet film chainge Crown. Savimngs Accountis Pa-rd and order our lives. Ail who cone T Am Or hiumbly and sincerely for h'elp h'e totl gnwig f i-est stockd aud light and guidance and wth lu Ontario is nearly11blin n o pune u rel graefu hets illbe illd wth ubie feet, anidý it is estimated I Riseul poeandstril egth. , it that the fo-estsý of Ontario can His poliver and strength. c P7 77 9!7 S long and wide and te it men, billion cubiie foot annuully.A wemen and younig people of ev- T ~ Dtise present t;ime only 21% ofth ery race, colour and lauguag-luTrusI t eC î'CIV S elwbecut is harvested from ai1l the cisurclies of the world Crown lands. come te share lui the oee spirit of A àu Thsis vast urea of foresf tvealths Jesus Christ. Ev;.eryone at the nrviIs didd, fer- admiiinistraLitve pur- Table lis a brother or sister, a poses, Info some 22 districts, and father -or a mother te us. Every- eta nal s a- is admiuistered by 3,200 permun- ,oue eau have communion or fel - CnrlOtri s a- eut staff members 'as well as iewship with Christ, fhli hst, aud îuligs Corporation auni!ounIced r1e- many additioual part -tme attach- wih ee another. Weaeeecently thaf iflias received ap- family, net individuals serviug p 0ova1 fr'orn tli Taxation auther- We lu Durham Couuty have a the Lord, but a cempany of peope o t ealydfrInoeTxparticular iutcrest lu thse opera- .beuud together lu ChristCs spirif. AcruaigGaate in of this departrnent lu view It is food for spiritual nourisis- I Ivestmeut Certifîcutes and ( to 'nf the f act-. that within tise bord- meut aud growth. The physicai I Pply Section 35 of Theise Tcom r f hscuuyaeloae .manxequires food every day, but TxAtpritu aainat a inumnber ofprI etswhicl corne1 the spiritual mnan mnust be fed 3-year average rate- te thie accuIm-udrit spevio. ucdd tee. Food -for spiritual uouirish- lafinw ffial spi. lun these are tise Forestry Station meut and growth is prayer, de- The Cem-pauy wlll issuïe Ar,- ut Orono, flic Gauaruska Ceuser- votionai reading, good works doue cunulating Gujaraufeed DIvest- !vation Auisity-iN; (the pilot autis- lu Chrîst's Name and public wor- mneutCeficte for termns of ority lu theprne, a section slip. Communion -s a meaus of fr to2( va_. l eouns- f tg- enra- O -i Athr,' Gracead" -(- r '~~~lu0adup. Effec.ti've yields which lias a pro,_eet under devel- that feetIs' c idh pfi rla olw:opmrent lu Darlington Township; spiritual, man to mïature. TPhe su- l aud Darlingtonu'Provincial Park preme act of worship is te re- 5 years- 6.3% per anun I ip, wiich will be estalished, thîs ceive tise bread aud wiue fromn 10 yeurs - 71% per annurn summer, .au outdoor swiiuig tise Lord's Table. Christ is tise 15 years - 7.5% per auuum pool This will be tise firsf such bread.of life;.fie is the truc vine 20 years - 8%"I per auum pooî te be estabiished lu any uud fils gift te us at fils Tale Th rtfcesreedmable proviucial park in Ont ario. is the gift of filmself. fie cornes The certificates areoredeemale Tise devellopmenft of these pro- te live within us, trausforrning ol pnmtrt rauai jects, together wýihthtie proposed us into fils own likeness. lu tise eveut of deufis at the re- development by tise Gauaraska It s a oferig f (urs1ve.ýquest of tise Execufor. Tisey are Autherity ou tise Graham Creek lu evcry cougregation moinan au îued Tusee ivestmneuts lu Clarke Township, will be womeu, as .tisey approacis tise and fuily Guaranfeed by Cenrtrai watched with luterest by ail rosi- Lord's Table, offer and present Ontario Trust & Saviugs Corpora- dents of Durhsam. Approval for -hmseveswih-àl tei ablitestien fliroughis is Guaranteed Ac- a large land use and recreation utnd possessions te ho used by ort Christ lunfils service. We. offer Tise Corun cetstsecr area lu flic county is aise awaitiug panyaccets he cr-upproval by tise Treasury Board. film our time, eur work, our tificutes a.5 collateral -for borrow- There are uow v tisree public mmiîd, heurt and will,,mouey and ing purpeses. isunting areas lu tise province lu talents, our recreation and our 'addition te flic foresf areas con- love. We effer film al liat we Tise effective, yields quoted by trolled by Lauds aud Forests have and ail thaf we are. tise Company are caiculated as One of tisese is Darlingtou Town- If is- an oath of allegiance. Atffollows: $1,000 invested for 10 slipand fisc number of isunters tise LordsTbew give oti-r years totals $1,700 for a $700 ac- accommodated lu these locations oafis of allegiauce te tise Kiug ,cumfuliuiou over 10 years, or 7%/ is stcadily lncreasing. -If Kings and fie gives us ail we per anntim on $1,000 invested. Mr. Roberts peinted eut thaf need for Christian 1f e. We make, Provision bas becu made te lu tise preveutien of hunfing ac- orï renew,' a mest solernu promise life, lusure these certificates at cidents, more than 100,000 youtiss and -covenant. We rindertuke te tise purchaser's option for' an a- have now licou traiued in safe- follow' wherc fie leads, te listen mount equal te tise original de- gun handling Tise value of thisj te fils voice and te oecy fils posit at a slightly lower effective training is reflected in thse fuet c ûirands. yelpld. that lu tise îast comi1plot-e hunting If is obedience te a comnmand, The Cempany lias estublish. scason, tise num)-ber of huritingI Fe-,llbwship ut tise Lerd's Table is cýd ne lirnif per pureisaser at pros- ftai e a 4 compared with mo)re thantise acceptunice of tise eut but may do se if tise dema nd 6 u1960. mefgracious invitation, Iu tiseluew Certificates are expected te10Mr. E. J. Freemi-an (N,.D.P. Fort Uppe(r Roor n ou1tie niglit before warrants f, Williami) criticized tise Minister île ,w1s crucified, Jesuis gathiered1 Principal PIurchazserfs of these 1aud b is departmeut for tise poicy withRis iscples for wisat was1 (ContLnied onM Page 4) o noeh ig F0UNTAIf~lHEAo 0F SERVICE I nve stmýrent Funds Estate Planning> Execu tors & Trustees p Open Friday Nights and ail day Saturday CENTRAI ONTARIO TRUST & Sa-ývirigs Corporation I 19 Simcioe Street North, Oshawa 723.5221 2'3 IinIg Street West' Bowmanville 623-2527 Contact Mr. Wm. Taylor, Manager Bowmanville Branch The BAIIA'I1 WORLD FAITM TEACHES THE FOLLOWING PRINCIPLES: 1. The oneness of mankind. 2. Independent investigation of Tuh 3. The foundation of ail Religions is one. 4. Religion must be the cause of Unity. 5. Religion must be lu accord with scienice and reason. 6. Equality, between men and wo>men,. 7. Prejudice of ail kinds must be forgotten. S. Universal Peace. 9. Universal Education. 10. Spiritual solution of the economic problem. Il. A universai language. 1.An Iiternational Trib)unal, Woný ld yU ke to kniow more about this Universal Religion -or about any of.' theoe principles? For Free Literature Pl1ease Write To OshwaBah~iComrnunityr ,93 Glenview Ave, Ohwa r Telephone Oshawa 723-3281. Nobody wili ai en uLuniess yoeu request it. 77, 7 '7ý -7-77,7,7,