- -, 'w~ w~-~-~ - ORtONO WEEKLX TIMES, TBURSDAY, APRIL 14th, ,1966 CoucilTo Amen*d By-law To Grant Bilding Approval not taken any aceti4on orn the re- quested aedet Durintg the dliscuission Mr. B. Myles asked eounlicl if Mr. Part- ner had obtainedi a building per- mit for his contsruction. Deputy- reeve Perrault stated that no per- mit had been issued to Mr. Part- The Townsýhip of Clarke coun- 'stated that he feit it was not in ner. el ai a meeting" on Tuýesdiay even- the applicants best interest but ing passed a resolution 9autho.riz- didn't know what else could be Reeve Stone asked Mr. Wood- ing an ameéadmnent to be drafted donc except give approval. 11e yard the decision'of the Trustees ico the Restricted Area by-law1 said that the Trustees had in- on the application stating that which wiii allow Mr. Bruce Myles formed Mr. Myles that the Trus- Council had in the past allowed' bcoýntsruct a commercial build- ýtees were considering zoning and the Trustees' authority to decide ing on the corner lot' of Mill would no doubt present such a such matters. It was here that Mr. treet and Mlilîson Hil Drivejproposai to the Township council Woodyard stated that the Trus- sometime in the future. The area tees were looking for direction. Couneil met with members of inow under discussion, he said, Reeve Stone said he had no ob- the Planninýg Board, the Orono Would no doubt be zoned residen- jection to the application as long Police Trustees, Messrs, E. R. Itial and that, the commercial' as Mr. Myles was aware of the Lovekini, Bruce Myles and K. Ly- building would then be within problemns. On advice of their cett fo discuss tbc application. the residential zone. H1e said Mr. Icouncil a resolution was present- Myles had been made doubly a- led by Deputy-reeve Perrault and esr.R. Simpson and A. ware (of restictIJinstnamyex Lowe-sn-tlined the decision of ist. Mr. D. Simpson feit that the the Planning Board which they application should be approved. baid could -iot recomrnend to the couicil that tbey give approval e~ ~ ~~i t -apas I' ! v~pointed Ca-ziderable diqcussion centred out that it was the decision of around the Ipaa1it-v of enfo-ri-O covr'ci1 to either approve or turn fitp Ped't-i'fît( Area bx-law at this down the application, the plan- time. Pre'se-1- , Ileh,7-law bas ning board can only recommend jheen cive"i th-e readings bv the to council. Mr. Lowes pointed out council of Vie Town'shir of Clarke that in Orono -there had already but the TWD bas vet. to receive been o ie operation whicb had anorovai fromn the Ontario Muni- been allowed to spend thousands cipal Board. Mr. Lovekin stated of dollars ýand then closed due to that in effect lit wou-ld appear objections. H1e also refetred to a that the bylaw was not in force letter read out by council onl until it was approved by the Mun- Tuesday night objecting- to con- icipa1 Boardhoerfrcrti dItions resulting in the operation purposes it was legal at this time of the rink. Why allow people to as passed by council. slpend so much money and then eut themi down", hie said. Mý,R. impon tatfi hatthe Reeve. Stone and council miera- Mr, R. Sxmson t atd thtthe, bers* critized the Departmnent in erection of a factory for donuts wanting p lanning but on the in thîs area that- it woufld îower other hand hold up their approv- the value <of residential buildings. Iais. The reeve stated that a num- H1e also said that today you makej ber of changes as requested by donuts in the building but wbat j the Municipal. Board had been about the future use of the build- made to, the by-law before its1 ing. H1e referred to the objection passing. H1e could not uinderstand received from the area -of the why approval hadl not corne rink., Both members of the, plan- through. especially when, council ning board said they hadl no per- had made the requested changes. sonal objections to the applica- O ute icsin i a tionbutwer inaccrd iththelearned that council had reýceivýed deciion f te Bord.a letter in October from the Mun- deisonofth Bar.icipal Board requesting an a- mendment to the by-law. No ac- Mr. Woodyard when asked the tion had been taken by council Trse&feelings stated that the on the request from the Board.* Mr Trustees were asking direction in Lowes staf cd that bie had spok Ibis matter but it appeared, hie to couneili on these changes quite said, that no direction existed The I'sometime ago. Mr. Woodyard Health Unit, stated Mr. Wood-1 then interjected that possibly the yard has said tbat donut manu-Idelay for Board approvai did not facturing was not an offensive op- rest with the Board but with -the e ration. Mr. Woodyard further council in as much as they had ~I CR S$WORO POULE 1. Wan 9. Across lie. Crownot, the bead 1.A child's tree 12. Custoni :14. --- and jSPnrs of s6 r.n ym, I8. Tavern :L9. A wartin>O ditch, 22. *ruit of a the theaj 37.lskead 2-1. UOne ves 12. 3Ishaitge ofaSoln Serioce 1-Com. DoWN cosmette 2. Greedy S.Pârt c a. camema 4. Unit of 1work 5. Spirit: colloq. 6. A job 7. People of the "Boot" country S. A memaber of a zoverning board: edue. Il. Nt lira. 1.Anglo- Saxon serf 15. Tre 17. performL 20. Pert. jc LA manage- - ment of tnicome 21 :arti. Cie of A 3lega. A R tion FAG 22. Undeif-1 wvorld god 24. Giri'a 25. Revolve 26. Opposed to villais 27. Insane embi7roidered bole for a cord LAST WE~KS I ANSWER .~Vw I patched 3.Harasseçl 3-1. Rôman, 25. SmeU 36. n ated 38. Uikely drafting of an amnendmenf to the present Rsrce Area by-law which would give approval to ai- low the erection of the commer- cial buildi ig. 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