ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THUIRSI>AV, APRIL l4th, 1966 ?roe~sooa Decry CRD 0OF THIANKS COMING EVENT FOR TENDER __________________________ 1 ¶.FR ~ } wish to epress 'ry heatfelt TE Znrl etn fSealed tenders, cieariy marked, ithanks and apnreciation to friends will be held at 8 p.m. on Thurs- are î nitedb he T frustesfo. ES E neighbours and relatives for theirlday, April 21 in the Main Audi-OooUie hrhfrtefl HALL, PERKIýN, L A L ES IA U syrnpathy, kindness, careds. and torium of the Church. Unit 5 Three 5 lb. C02 and e2V 9 flraltriutesdurng he liness bas pianned the devotional and gai, soda acid fire extinguishers ~aMLLN&CO. LIMITED and death of my husband, An- bave as guest speaker the Rev. to be instalied in Orono United drew Vaiighan. Very 'special 'J, A.« Ramjitt of Trinidad, no Church Building by May lOth, U'hartered Accountants G 21 KING ST. WEST thanks to £lie nurses and staff of Iministering at Canton, Ontario. 11966. Tender price to inciude GMemorial Hlospital, Bowmanvilie,1 We are happy to be having the cost* price and i.nstallation and /z'L King St. E., Oshawa Bwavle6339 and, Dr. McKenzie. MY deepest Leskard and Kirby U.C.W. mem- sm ob umitdt ila Kin S., ox245 Nwcatl rgratitude to Rev. Basil Long for1 bers join with us for the evening. E. Reid of Orono by noon of Ap- Kig 8t.7Bx245,Necatl his kind words of comfort and a-c irul 28th. Willim7C.HallB.tCmm.,a.A.owj u alHomeghn. Anyone submitting tenders will ,P rt er: eu l h a -pan FOR SALE be expected to service fire ex- Gila . Peri, CmOr ile.ha te toCOe.igdare Frezr-efigr-tinguishers at regular intervals or -- ne F g . re F ee e -R f g r instruet Janitor in their m ainten- J.Grha McillaChttetonNOTICE ator, One Frigidaire Range; Two ance. c J. GaamMcMlanO- 1 Space Heaters with pipes,.- - ~~Eleetrical Cni actn ,terSa f e tyClub Annuai ______________ o ~ ~ ~ Eri ' Meeting, Wedneisd!aýy, April 20 at Cal Oono 161M5, after, 6 p.m. 8:15 p.m, in the municipal Build- a-p CarpeD Oing. Ail those initerested ln the ____ _________________ AN Dy a fo ~W KY YLI,~and Service snter - proanammmfonfor Y wimmig prgramme fr th IRONER FOR SALE shed, porch etc. Willing to work PHN 25OR1 summer, please plan to on weekends prefer'red. East, on ~~fPON Sol5cOtor10412, attend . a-c Thor Gladiron -$50.00. 4hue4mls the Ottinds of liOrono, comin arriter Soliitorr -o1Phone 374.Apply Box 200, Orono Weekly in teffiesofROOM FOR RENT __LargeTimes. R. R. addel Q.C. G O IRoom for rent ini Orono. ag R. AI T., ORONOlQ- > bedroom with twin beds suitable -____________ MISTOOoZfor two gentlemen. Availa ble I requir-e lots of any size pro- FRSL 'no 17'leCtriC ~~Telephone Orono 2Z77M. b-c 111, reg lations. BodrHueadRneHv Telephene 138 Ore x 'Orono n ieti iho wtotbad iig hyxetlclb i . BodrHueadRneHv PiO E19Wrîte - Iarry 0. Perry, Apply Fred Yeo, Orono, R.R.1. CONTACTOS FO 46 Rossland Rd. E., Oshawa a- FARM and BOUSE JC .FERR EN ________ WIRIN G BU VERS WAITING SMRRLD.RON Free Estimates ORONO BOOKKEEPING NOTICE We have buyers waiting for D.BOWNS APINC AE SERVICE Meat cut and wrapped for freez. farms and smali aecages in the B.S.A. B.A:Sct Prompt and Guaranteed Repairi bicorne Tax Returus 1repared cs alC .Mlè,Ooo23.OooadBwavicac.I Aht i id~o lcrca saa________________ you are contempiating selling PRFESONEquINE t ilmentnd Apllctrcs ooo omnvle saaplease ýcontact the, Summer-Rural Equimentand pplincesProperties Dept., H. Keith Ltd. (ii)Such at Metors - Water Heaters Tcicphoiie Orono 3R2 >ô-roRat,18EgionAeE, Ontario Land SurveYOr o TV. - Radios - Stoves - IronsTont12 ephe48-3. 121 Queen St.' Box 16.9 0 E gijau d-16c0ý Bowman ville, Ontario 10~G TeII hon 6Z3T725 Sales and 'Service DANE'S MAINTENANCE Teehol 63721~LYÂ C TT 24 HOU R BURNERSEVC Floors, Basements, Attics andi u ER'C Windows cleaned. ~ BA FNANiN Painting, Gardening andi ail oddl SgPlumrbing& Heating 11 Low Interest Rates ~jobs. Phone -1522, -Orono. b-14 SKVAWL ISrice 90 hone33Rl Phnes Insuanc ~ Phoe 3R11" iamPton Co. 3-2288 AUCTION SALE Orono, Ontario Tyroné CO.3-60 ICaeTctrMornFr C"hartered1 Accountant g g bile, etc. The property of Mr_ o _______________________________________________John Lootsma, Lot 33, Conces- 37.5 ae Sre sion 4 Clarke Township, 1> milé 3PETERO tReetH cU o MM"west of Orono -sclling withoutre PETERBgROuGWcAuto, iv.arme B IGORSE1NG fserve on Saturday, April l6th, Phone 742-5482 gFr commcncing at 1:30 p.m. Package Polloies Red A cio e r FieîyBnadCycle Termsch Bd. anti REAL ESTATE IJc cd General Lîabîity OronoPhone 146 jACINSL Lif e McCULLOCH BOAT$Sî2 uhn CtlFr ah [j& MOTORS A J IL 1incry, Ray, Grain and Clover llINSU'RANCE -e Firs otae Loans 0CAI ASo'a ..Mc IL I 28 du h prha Cttleof CarleMach- JK rt Mrtga CHIN SWS REAL ESTATE BROKER Posee, wth e rody ofChalieF SEE£o mae Auction at his farm~, lot 30, Cn (Ifi Mowers andi 2 andi 4 cYcle Phones: Orono 1407 cession 5, Hope Township,, 2%k Engines Oshawa 728-4285 Osaca Counrty Road and 1/ mile FRED LYCETT '>Sadie HaimiItonl OTC- ILOW POINTS _______ miles north of Ilighway 2 on o _________________________west, on Saturday, April l6th at OFFICE - MAIN ST., ORLONO 'AND - -- -H- -:- Y p.m. Phone 12516 'B2. 2061 -_______________L. Clysdale, Auctioneer _______________________ fi Phone 1-X-.16 Orono ( ________________________________ PRT-'IM RAIOAUCTION SALE TV REAJItS3 Tractors, Combine,, Baler, JACK RE-D tereo IHammer Mill, Truckç, Automobile Auctioer anld atBuilding a Ilouse? Recrd lSt. seo C atinFurniture, Hereford Oroo'sLicnse I- A io-~~ rscat, Swîne, ec. Sicillze hi am andox 3 O -52 o ei4lii yu rsn ASse o etThe property of Peter Mazur, Specilize n Far and ox 13 8-352 orremodllin YourPre'gDt PLotsti1,foCrieneLoto, Coc3ssCnlarklarkoTow- Ailparsiturebou Salesee Co nitm frers SafooBrner'ee, then contactAipatanlborgaate ship, 1 mile east of Newtonville 1 HARBY WIERSMA and one concession north, seliing Conslt e fo tems, taford rotersPhone 1737 Orono without reserve on April 23rd. azid dates Limiedeommencing at 10 a.m. PHONE ORONO 319 318 Dundas it. E. WbltbY, Ont. lâ%inuuNicholson. ..... Most of machincry offcred for Manufacturera. ofm sale is narly nw. Plan. to at- Manuactuera t .tend this important auction. T DJ C SO enty eoilPHN211ORONO Lunch servcd throughout the TED ACK ON emeeryMemoial PHNE 191sale. Delrsi j. A. Reid & Son, Auctioneer and Vieluatoi oeaeFreig Gl nte Sales Managers. Cnducts Auction Sales of Dmste& orailrnie gdzea anti t reasonable rates adMabe urpto Cl___________ C.mmulcateithhin aI anti Cemetery Repar Work-RalE at s MnnuinýqtS a d When Buying or Sclllng cal .... I Wi~riHawe ~iiyur t Pays tl PUIIGOTFam ily Mmeniais ' roo licensed Plumbing & 1Our 4uainity ami sezàrvice icapves Represening