~r C. S. FORESTER Author C. S. Forester who died [o a w on Apri1 2 was the creator of o a fýCWS the Hrboe sea adventures. H1e foillow7,ed the brave Horatio Myr. and Mrs. Lloyd Ewing and' Hornblower throuigh his naval daughter, Toronto, spent the career Ç-om midshipman to lieu- weekend with Mrs. C. S. McLaren. tenant, 'rom captain to commo- Master Todd Long, Oshawa, dore, and finally to lord'admiral. spent Saturday with his grand- These honks eive an inîprestinç! parents Rev. and Mrs. B. Long. picture of life aboard the wooden Mrs. Perey Werry, Gordon, warshîns of tie lPfh centfury. rt Joyce and John spent a few days ï-rl fijvp 1parershin to maintairn durin g Easter week with relatives a tieht shin iithoze davs ýof at Port Credit a nd Cooksville. prews coemposed larprelv of men Mr. and Mrs, Normian McNally forced ito sea dutv bv thepes-o Coîborne spent the weekend gang, or recruited from V1j 1.vt relatives la, Orono. No wonder volunteers were scarce - after manv months at qea,' the N RIG CO CL diet was apt to be weevil y bis- ciuits4 half-cooked salt pork, and PROGRESS OUTLINED casked drinkinië water "half sol id 1 (Continued from page 1) with green living thingýs"; while in Canada from the Canadian1 punishment for the least breach Tourist Association. of dicipline was severe flogýging. According to members, of the Fo~ste's ork wee ot- board of directors of the Great filmed: "Pavymeid DeferredL" star- Pine Ridge Tourist Couacil, it has red the late Charles Langhton. been the dedicated work of Màr. "The Mricaii Queen" wonî an Os- flaynes that mnade the tourist car for the late H-umphirey Bog- couincil a successful organization. art. and Gregory Peck was star of Pete MfcGillan, a tourist oper- a Hornblower movie. ator from Rice Lake and the out- Foi lowing 66-vear old Forest- idoors editor of the Evening Tele- er's death. jt ,was revealed that a ran told the large crowd that in final, Hornblower manuscrlpt was bout the he wias skandadptila- locked in a bank vault to bc readoraiton ndam- onl afer ue uthi~' deth.ted that he was not in favour of Hornb1ower dies in this book J'mnin. 1However, he said, after thusý. hringing, the series to a fit-, being convinced by Mr. Haynes to tingly final conclusion. join he has neyer been sorry. Hornblbwer Books at the Library 'The people la business in this The Happy Return area must puit themselves out to A Shp ofthe inebe nice to other people if they The Commodore are to get the tourist trade. Peo- AND 1 QUOTE- pie like to do business with-nice Books- are those 'aithfutl mir- people," Mr. Haynes said. rors that reflect to our mmid the mindý of sages Ùjd lheroes. horough. Gibbon Girl of the Limberlost - Gene NEW BOOKS AT THE LIBRARY Stratton -Porter. Aduit Fiction Dorothy Robinson The Lockwood Concern - John ______________ O'Hara. The Prize - Irving Wallace. Castle d'Or -, Quiller-Couich and V UIfI :îED C HU RC DuMauxier. Police Special - McGivern laOWroflo Pastoral Aduit- Non-.Fiction The Sense of Wonder - Rachel Cag Carson. -1Min ate r Who Gets thie Drumstick lH Beardsley. ~'Rev B. E. Long Why Shoot the Teacher? - Max Braithwaite. SUNDAY, APRIL 17th, 1966 Women and Fatigue - Dr. Mar- CHURCH- SERVICES ion Hilliard. Orono - 1LzlS a.m. AlI About Africani Violets- M. Leskard -- 2 p.m. Free. Kirby -- 9:45 a.m. Juvenile SUNDAY SCHOOL Mary Poppins Opens the Door Orono- 10 a.m. P. L. Travers. Leskard -lO0 &m. The Stanley Cup Story - H. Rox- Kirby 11i a.m. TAK ADYANTAGE O U O~î ISU UNT ALE 0 SALE CONTINUES FOR THE NEXT NNE ýDAYS TO APRIL 23rd Phone 1iOn DX IL WIIITBY 668-3341 Colýlecpt or NEWCASTLE 9874215 ORONO WEEKLV TIMES, TIIURSDAY, APRIL 21st, 1966 S7eeR JUMP SUITS AND SLIMS Babies' and toddlers' jumnp suits and slims of stretchy ny-~ lon, machine washable. Baby ýâzes have domes. Pink, blue, white and red. Sizes 12 to 24 monthis and 2 to 3x years. Price- Jump Su.its, eaéh $3.95 Slims, each $2.98 MADRAS JACKETS Madias4ype ,jeickets witb hood and zippered fr«nt. Red or blue predominating. Size 4 to 6x -years. Pnice each $2.98 BOYSAND GIRLs SETS,, Several styles in children's 2-piece sets of slims and tops to match including the Madras and Hlenley look. Siz es 12 to 24 nios., 2 to 3x years and 4 to 6x years. Priced from $2.98 to $4.98 BOYS' PANTS A new stock of boys' pants of good quallty coýtton, with double knees Checks and plain shades in green, black, bluie, grey and tan. Sizes 2 to lx years and 4 to 6x years. Priced front $1.98 to $3,25 BOYS' COTTON SHIIRTS Man plaid madras-type shirts of sanforized cotton with button down collar and short sleevesý, tapered to fit well. A variety of plaids in sizes, 3 to 6x years. Pnice eadi $1.25 T-,ISHIRTS $ A wide selectîorî of knitted cotton T-shirts with short sleev- es for boys and girls. Included are plain shades, stripes, checks and the Hlenley look. Sizes to fit -up to 6x years. Priced from 95e to $2.00k ~ARMSRN' AVAILABLE ONLY AT Central 0,ntario Trust GUARANTEED INVESIMENT CERTIFICATES i*ACCUMULATING form that yield - No Income Tax to pay until maturity and then at an average 3-year mou tax rate Av - An authorized investment for Trustees - Can be used as collateral for leans - Redeemable annually 'upon the request of your Executor Per nnum - Teris available 5 to 20 years over 10 Yerrsý Cea nai rs cuuaigGaate are especially interesting ta People who want to save on Incomýe Ta-x - epewho need a cornerstone on whm- h tï o bild a nestment pro-' grammre at - eople who want to save andînes a(he, best- possible rate with a feeling of security and a minimum of bother at -People Who wHi retire within 10 - 20yes -People who want to buld up some Cptlat -People wh#o are unsure çof the SokMre - Peole i£ ho ant lo pride for State Ta and Succession Duties at Yiedpe r aiinnm o)ver '10 years For GAR TEDSavings at GUARANEED atescorne ii today to FOUýTÂiNH EAD 0F SERVICE 19 Sîmcoe str e otOshawa -7352 23 King Street Wet wmanville -6322 Contact Mr, Wmi. Taylor, Mlgr. Bowaiville Office Longer Ilours Conay to Thursday 19 to 6 Fiday 9 to 9 Satutrday 9 to 5 (Bow~anvlleClosed Wednesday> Reguflar Guaranteed Lnvestmaent Certificates are also avbaa1e at aninhterest rate of 6% per aninum paid haif yearly. ,ý, - 1,