ORONO WEE1LY TIMES, TRUR,8DA.Y,,APRILý 28th. 1966 F WFRANK HALLPEKIREAL ESTATE ýýiacMILL-AN &CO. >11je.IE h'kartered Accountans 21 KING ST. WEST & . " King St. E., Oshawa 725-6539 Bwavle623-3393 Kirng St., Box .245, Newcastle 987-4240 wUames C. Hall, B. comm., C.A. David. G. Perkin, C-~ Orville ChattertonI JGraham MacMillan,.t ý1 IW. KAY LYCETI, B.A. Darrister - Solicitor8 In the Offces of 0 R. IR. WaddeIl Q.C., 0 MAIN ST., ORO-NO 0 Telephone 138 Orono IEERRILL D. BROWN B.S.A. B.A:Se- O:L:,S: PROFESSIONAL EN9E Ontario Land Surveyor 121 Queen st. Box 1659 Bowmanvilie, Ontario Telephone 623-7251 Le J. SUAIF Chartered Accounant 375 Water Street PETERBOROUGII Phone 742-5482 Ceneral INSURANCE, SEÉ FRED LYCETT OFFICE - MAIN ST., ORONO ftlue 12516 Re»2616 JACK fREID Orono's Licensed Auctioneer and 'V aluatux Specialize in Farm and 1.Furniture Sales Consult me for ternis and dates PHONE ORONO 319 IPUMPING OUT SEPTIC TANKS WHITE -WASIIING STAgLES Bert Tompkinmsl Phone 786-2552 ORONO BOOKKEEPING SERVICE income Tax Returns Prepared E( !,Bo ' - Le, Ç;i'QWa TehoeOrono 3 R2 Electrical Contractin,, and 'Service jPHOINE 215 OR 10412 0rono, Ontario Oronn Flectric PHONE 129 C ONTRACTORS FORt FARM andl FOUSE Free Estimates A4PPLIANCE SALES Prompt and Guaranteed Repaire to ali kinds of Electrical Equipment and, Applianees Sucb at Metors - Water Reaters T.V. - Radios - Stoves - IrOss gHamiltons % SInsurance 01 Siervice a "Auto. Fire Flýdelity Bond, Luiability First bMortgago Loans ý-Sadie HamiItonî Pho»e 1-9-16 Orono Box 133 MO. 8-3552 Stafford Brothers Limited 318 Dundas St. E. Whitby, Ont. Manufacturers of Cemetery Memorials Dealers In Domestie,& Foreign Granites and Marbies - Inscriptions Cut and Cemetery Repair Work Family IMoal7 Our quality and service leaves nothing to ho desired Ask the person wbo bought from us, a neighbour, friendl or relative 73 OtroStreet POTf(PE ~Large~t Di~ia n ~uhr Ontarlo» CARD 0F ITHANKS We wish to express our thanksJ and appreciatýon to our many friends, neighbours 'and relatives, for' the lovely ýg!fts we received at our presentation. a-c Chris and BRi Stapleton FOR SALE Seed Oats - Rodney, certified and commercial, cleaned and treatcd. J. W. Boyd, 3518 Orono. FORTHCOMING MARRIAGE Dew Worms for, sale. Notify Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Harris, iRay West Jr. Phone 135J. Orono announce thefotcmg marriage of their daughter, Inez GARAGE FOR RENT Joyè±e,' to Douglas Melville Hird, Garage for rent at rear of Or- son of M. and, Mrs. J. M. Hird, oflo 5c to $1. Store. Whit'. Wedding to take place Apply within or' phone 122, on S aturday, June 18, 1966, at Orono. a-c 2 o'clock, AIl Saints' Anglican'_________________ Church, Whitby. a-p NOTICE Ail Oddfellows are asked td, meet at I.O.O.F. Hall Sunday, May lst at 2:30 p.m. then to the Anglican Church for service at 3 p.m. a-p. COMING'EVENT Annual meeting of the North- umberland-Durham Tuberculosis and Health Association, Thur-sday May l2th, 1966, in the auditorium at the Ontario Hospital, Cobourg, at 8 p.M. a-c WANTED Anyone (boys or girls) interest- ed in helping with the Orono Water Safety program at the Or- ono Swimming Pool during July is asked to contact Mrs. Keith MacDonald; phone 2376 Orono. FEMALE HELP WANTED Switch' board' operator. Apply Box 38,. Orono. c-17-c WANTED Student to pump gas, general outdoor work. Wage $1.001 an hour. 1 1 . '1 Apply 'Coach &Four', lighway 115.a- AVAILABILE We have Border- Collie Puppies available. Well bred. Phone Sid Rutherford 2564, Orono.a- ROOM FOR RENT Room for rent in Oropo. Large bedroom with twin beds suitable for twQ gentlemen. Available with or without board. Telephone Orono 277M. b-c DANE'S MAINTENANCE" Floors, Basements, Atties andI Windows cleaned. Painting, Gardening andI ail odd jobs. Phone 416W Orono. Building« a House? or" renî,od .--týig your present Que, then contact Floy"d Nicholson PHONE, 2191 ORONO Real Estate When BuyiRg or Selling cal Wilf Rawke 1r12 Orono Representing FREALTOR 11 King St. E., Bowm' -anffl1e 62U2503 1 Member Oshawa and District Real Estate Board [1 require lots of any size pro.1 viding they nzeet local build- ing regulations. I Write - Harry O. Perry, I 46 Rossland Rd. E., Oshawa NOTICE Meat eut and wra pped for freez1, ers. Cail C. E. Miller, Orono22. WANTED Carpenter - Handyman for shed, porch etc. Willing, to work on weekcnds preferrcd. East on 4th line 4 miles. Apply Box 200, Orono Weekly Times. b-p BUVERS WAIT1NG 1 We have buyers waiting~ for farms and small acreages 1" theJ Orono and Bowmnavville area. If you are contemplating sellmngl please contact the Summrnr-R'ural Properties D)ept., H. Keith L-td. Realtor, 181 Eglinton Ave. E., Toronto, 12. Telephone 48'7.3333.1 DEW WORMS FOR SALE Contact Gordie or Shelly Hooey phone 1414,1 Orono;, a-p BuYING ORk SELLI-NG REALESTATE A.J. McGILL RIZAL ESTATE BROKER Phones: Orono 1407 IOshawa 728-4285 Callyour .licensed Plumbing & Mechanical Contractor who selis, instalis cwd ee ,,jzan tees CARMAN PLUMBING AND HEATING Phone 143 Orono U SE THIS, SPACE NEXT VVÉEK It Pays, To Advertise We sel[ Counter Check Bo-oks Continuous Form's Wed ding Stationery B rn- ardByam 0 PLUMBING ,And HEATING lý Cýlts and' Serr«c c24 HOUR BURNLR SERVICE0 B-A FHNANCING , uLow Interest Rates, Tre.C. 3,2'38 Pîofe~sion4i ù,i eclol y