ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THURSDAY, MAY MWh, 1966 _____________ IFOR SALE FOR SALE HEhE'S VOUR KEY TO A. BIG ?roIe~sonaI ~c~'~ * Kone baby's white crib with l OMecr -tn oo o- INC03ME - MAIL TODAY Vi -1mper, nearly new. dition. THE W, T. RAýWLEIGH CO. LTD., SPhone 335, Orono. a-c, Phone 2235 Orono after 5:00 Dept. E-3U6-HIY,. iAtjp.m. a-c 4005 Richelieu, Montreal, P.Q. J jiIéLOST Gentlemen- I arn interested in the OBlack leather wallet contain-1 WANTED world fairnous Rawleigh LUne on IdcMLA I'COLIMITED ing sum of money 'and snaps. An unfurnished bedsitn a ( ) pari-trne basîs( ful-ý Chaterd Acontats 1 KNGST.WES gPhone 332M1 Orono. a-c roomn with, a bathroom, for a reas. &½ King Scoiat. . sa21---KING____ST.- -sinleTirl() PIease send me FREE Cook 2563 in62St39E., FOR SALE Phone between, 12 and 1 o'clock Book and catalog with full de- ro'a, e1 f Console Radio-Phonograph or after 6 at 401W, Orono. tis King St Box 24, Newcatle ~ ~and 2 700-13 blackwall tubeless cl- an 9874240 _______________ Parters j >,-.~.--.- '-'..-. et- Goodyear tires, used 1 year. William, C. Hall, B. Comm., C.A. ~Poe32.b1- FOR SALE Ades- * ~ iiSeed Oats - Rodney, certified Ct -------------- rv David G. Perkin, C uvieiateonFRSL and commercial, leaned and_______________ J. Graham MacMillan, t Various kinds of spring box treateod,3 rn. NOTICE _________ ----------etn aiCOntractiligz plants, and Geraninim plants in J.WByd358roo b- As of May 14th, 1966 the Cen- Ifull bloom. tral, Community Telephone, Co. E OD Cail in today at C. de MOoy, Ltd. new, business hours will be North St., Newcastle._ Telephone FEMALE HELP WANTED as follows: W. KAY LYCETi, 3\G jSevc 8-41.c1... c, I_____________1__ Sithbad -ertr pl i Monday to Frîiday - 18 to 12 and BoxE25 RIU1 38, Orono. c-17-c --'ci,,' la te Ofics o OrnoOntrloBoy's, C.C.M. BicycleJunir; arinthe Offic tor POE25 R14 size.- PonF2ORoLE R oom Frn ORoRno.T udy l dyStra n R.R.WadllQ.. -Phn 20 rno aR RooM friniORoRnT Largedoor for- anyýone wishing te use bedrom wit twi bedssuitble this to deposit their acccrnnt. Are MAIN ST., ORONO- DEW WORMS. for- two gentlemen. Availab le ceipt will be miailed to theml. Dew Worms for sale. Notify with or without board. c-18-c 14 Telephone 13U Orone o* Ray West Jr. Phone 135J. Telephone Orono 277M. b- OrnnPïctric _____________SALE___ _____ -CONRATORS FOR9 HELP WVANTED Kendal Women's Institute, Sat-~ CONTACTIRS FR Awomaii to help in the kitchen, urday, May l4th - 7 p.m. S F ManHQJEOprepared tr, do c1eanir1g also pi-ems ul>Wo lnes 9 fl0 paration of %egetab1es: One gi ÏI~ERRILL D. BROWN9 WI0N ,ý \' E1l~as fulltin.ates Both per- t.Tuhan aetbe .S.. ~A:c:O:LS:[jFret Estimateb O sons pear to Kendal taegefual B LANÊSALES Plrbing Heating [ sumerseaon U PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER APIN1 ear1Mu g& p~ i esn f~b7p (ii)to al i dsofElectrical O I 3R Land Surveyor Equipuient and Appi je MARSH-Richird and Mary Jn 12~~~1 Que .Sh ai Metors .- Water Ileaters1O 0 Orono, Ontario IIneeFoutnd) are pleased to an- 16590 u'V. adis toe0 ros o NOTICE f nounce th~e birth of their daugh- __________ ~~ ~ The Senior Citizens will iiieet Tr Sefa e Lynn audy p Bowrnanvillei ,a Ontariop ____________Ontario Thursday, May 5th in the 0dd ru 3QSth ,at Oshawéa General Hos- Telepone 63-721 felow'sHall at 73.Pormpîtal. a-p Teehoe62-25 and lunc-h. WAIU1~ arne Everybody wmelcome, a-p ou__a_______________MaiBURNETT--Thomaýs C. (Bud) tfl and Marlenene Graham) are andcyl happy to announe the birth of L J. SKAIFE Cyce1 require lois of any size pro- their daughter, 'ý,icia Jane, a Orj3 146 yding îeymet local. bild. he SnitihCivà,c osýpjtal, Hawkes- O MCULOC BOTS ngregulations. bury, Ontario, on April 23rd, 1966. Chartered Accouetant iT Fo Ilary0.Pjýy 375 W7ater Street ~CHIAIN SAWS1 46 Rosslaxid Rd. E., Oshswa Inligneorofurea R'epaira te al]l makesofiM agtrColn Vn Phne74-582Mowerand Z and 4 eyr, Seggelen whot passed away on _________ 5_______2 _ A. nlusMay th, 1963. FAre NOTICE Take ber in Thine arms, dear FieOTACO PLOW POINTS Meat eut and wrappeld for freez-1 Lord, ANDacae oice MACIIINEJIY ers. Caîl C. E. Miller, Oronio 2233. And ever let her be Package,_______________ A Messenger of love iBetween our hearts and ThIe ww~TD MP ' f FdeiiyBodBUVERS WAIT1NG Sadily mnissed and always re- t% uLiabiliiy PART-TIME RADIO We have buyers watn1ormmee b'umDaddy, SE ieTV REFAIRS farms and smnall acreages in, the! Nicky, Freddie, Grandm'other and [E H-FI- StreoOrono and Bowmnanville area. If'ranidfather. a-p Firsi Mortgage Loans£ you are contemplating selling _______________ FE LCET 9-Record Players iplease contact teSme-ua FRED LCETI-9Aiiennas - Towers Syieu orret Properties Dept, H Keith Ltd. Dd FCýE ,cçL- M ST-, ORONO ýrAi art n labour guaranteed iReIltor, 181 Eglinton Ave.EBRWAanDghAtO- 1251 Re. 2016 ~~IIO I'2m14iil" Trono 127-3ephoe & awa General Hospital, -Mlonday, 12516_____________20616I IIIIIILUI iARRW12. 3 d1May 2nd, 19663, Allan Dwight Phn 77 Oronao _-___--___ ------___ Brown, husband of Mary Adair Phon. MINTEANC and dear father of Georgue, Tren- JACK REID 13 hone1-R16 __________________ ANE' MANTENNCE ton and Alfred of Osaw. Age ACKioner a d aua J C.dow ce0 e. esg h aro uea Orono's Licensed o jfFloors, Basernenis, Atties and 60 etrars. eFnea orono' cBuidin a i oue? ainfing, Gardening- and ail odd Home, Park-Srero. eý Il 416W Oroanno-uatil vice fromi the Funeral Home n obs. Phone T41say6My that2:0 .m ,SpcIalize in Farm nd din HU hocay avàhat200pm Furniture Sls ______________ teenOrono Cemetery. Consuit mne for terms 1and dates Box 133 MOI 8-3552 319 Staff ord Brothers PING f318 Dundas t E. Whiiby, Oni. PUNPING OUTManufacturera of - ICemetery AMemoials ýj one, thelu contact Nichol son PHONE 2191 ORONO BlUYINGI OR SELLING REAL ESTATEF A.J. McGILL REAL ESTATE BROKEII 5RVTIC TANS. I ear lII WEITE WASHING STABLES Dorneatile& Foreign Granites ___________ Phone:ro 10 anI abe nurpluCtOshgwa 728-4285 Bei opîm' 1and Cemetery Repair Work Ra sae__________ Phione 786-23553 When Btyliug or Selliug eaU ____________ Monum innts a d W'1f aw2 Orqualliy aai d sevice leavea Ts.PUBN i ETN j'ACKAERN niigt edsrd ~ QX iadSk i evc ASk the pesnwobugifon REA LTOR .1SEIC OEON BOKKEp.ýCN1; ).US a 11KingSt.E.,Bowmnv!e 'J ER VICBOKEEPN us'l egbur iedo rltv 1KigS.L-owinil B-A FINANCiNG SEIIClTe RU T RGIA IE6232503 OLIne,,ýikterest Raies,. incorne Tax Returus Frepared 1,C3,PA1. Memnber Oshawa and District ~ h Orono, Bowanvile, Osliawa '3Otro ietReal Estate Booard o es TelepheneOrano 3 ~ "Lairgeai Dlsýplay lîn ilrat yoe~O -$ ~ [ ýWaste paper îÏease h,,ave p4per bumdled, ied asd pae It curb 4Y