- .JLZR...1 prn Yiii , ~JUM~r1i-~ ORONO WEEKLY TlMiLS, TUSAMAY l9th, 1966 BeknciTheOrage urtinLocal 1Newsv On Wed'iesdav.', May 11, our Li"- Mr. a? d Mrs. Wesley Cawker, }raians. Mis. 13. Merce' and Mrs. foria County, spoke on books forI Bowmanville and Mrs. Jack Leish- G;. Srmpso'n attended a workshop for pre-sehool children and! man, Oshawa visited with Mr.! ïn Peterborough sponsored by the Grades 1 to 3. She suggested nur- and Mrs. Milton Tamblyn on- Sun- Lake Ontario Regional Library 1 sery rhyme books for the young day. Co-operative. Here is Mrs. Mer- as many of them could be sung, Mr. and Mrs. Bud Burnett and eer's report: and this was a very good wav. of baby daughter Patti of Hawkes- The topie of this workshop getting very young children in- bury spent the weekend with Mr. was mainly children's books. Mrs. terested in reading. and Mrs. Ed Graham'and Terry. Gordon Thexton, Director, Lake Picture books enricli their read- On Saturday they ail attended Ontario Regional Library Co-OP- ing further as each child coud the Graduation at Kingston where erative opened the workshop and read different meanings. into Bud received bhis Dr. of Philos- introduced the 3 librariants who ï 'le beautNfully îIlustrated l3pict, pyDge.Bb at pn wvere to give their opinions on ures. Also she stated that à *n ight-1 the day with Mrs. Harry Bailey biooks for eilîdren of alagS. ly bed-time story was helpful to land Lynn. Mrs. Stanley NawakowsiVie-ebidren. M.adMs lxDumn M Suggestions' for picture books M.adMs lxDumn were that covers be colourful, at- and Miss Jean Buchannan, Toron- eeý'itractive and clean; big letters. to spent the weekend with Mr. and no duli, dingy books on the and Mrs. A. A. Drummond. 2 y R S l shelves; illustrations simple and Tudlor House Antiques, Orono, dl- eyclufl ilb displaying anid selli ng *Mrs. ahy James, Kingston their antiques at The Pavilion, Public Library, spoke about books Cobourg, on May 26th and 27th. from, Grades 3 up. Provide The show is being sponsored by W h n o ut ur n2 i Grades 3 to 5 with Freddy Books, St. Peter's Agia Church, Co- When ou tun 21 Dr. Doolttle, Robin Hood, poetrY bourg, Ont. you're no longer cov- and some Canadian.ser'ies. ____________ ered.by your parents' Miss June Mîunroi, Supervisor H ospital I su rance. Extension Service, Provincial Li. question in particular asked by To keep i nsured, you brary Service, spoke for a few miost of the librarians concerning must take out mndi- minutes on the short course for the adult fiction was about the vi du ai me mbers h p Libràarin to, be held in Kingston sexual description that cornes ini withfin 30 days. Get this July. Miss Munro is well- some of these books,.,Should they you apliatin frm known in Orono as she came from be bought and put on the shelves yoat b a ti or the, P.L.S,. to assist in arranging of the library or flot? at a ank, hospital, 'the Or ono Public Library as it is The answer to this question wasl or from the Commis- no las long as the book was well-writ- Sion1. In flue àfternÔon discussion,îOn- ten and had not been officially ____________________ ario Library Rfeview ,gave a short banned, it bas as muchi right on talk on books for young people, the shelves, as any ther book. and again stressed that picture There are mrany types of readers books for the very young should - some favour -roniance, saime be colourful with large print. western, others nystery or hist- R. Ruila and Dr. Seuss were rec- our this kind of book also. IHow- omrpn,ded. ever, this does net mean that the W E D *B?,it was suggested that the fol- entire library be filledi with w ' lowing series be replaced by books dealing wýith sex lr.1 The 'fa mily' Hos pitalI books with thue saine excitemexut It was statedi over and_ over Inu rance premu m and adventure, but of a higheyr again that the librarian should must now be paid to standard'in writing quality:, Bob- know lier readers, both young and coerhubad nd bsey Twins, Burgess Books, Hardy old and select _books suitable, fo w i fe. hsbNdo fy ndo Boys, Nancy Drew, Cherry Ame§, every taste. wig .,r o Up'wif hou de Enid Blyton, Tarzan. Suggested Books are ani excellent source'. replacements were bo6ks' by these of information and a good bo Iay OR, if Y-ou both pay authors: Beverly Cleary, Scott can be read mlany times, Also they premiums direct, noti- Corbett, C. Haltwood, A. C. Gall, should miean a great deal to you fy the Commission. Alice Gaudy, Glen Rounds, Jane as they put ii,1r'ýay pleasant! __________________ Tompkins, Hope Newell, Mary hours of relaxâtion, therefore it Stoiz, Lee Wydhamn, Max Braithl- is stressed that great care be' waite, June Dennis, 'Scott Young, taken of books. It is up to thé E1i. Bell, C. S. Lewis, E. Nesbitt, reader to see that no damage oc- B.Rnsms P. Berna, A. Lind- curs while theY are on baUn as N E W gren, W. Mayne, R. Portwee, K. many other readers will want to Robertson, K. Anckarsvard, J. read and enjoy 1theml. U b 7Bothwell, C. Woolley, R. Guilot, The Workshop ended with a R. Kiplng, D. G. Mukerji, A. A. visit to the Branch Library in 1( àMilne, Rumner Godden. Peterborough. Tokepinu e fl1 o Question time came just be-' E. M. Mercer, Librariari. Th ee insrt o o h fore the close of the workshop ______________ Hospital nsurance and problems thatibaan ru Hosptal nsurrice into from time to lime came up.1 Certif icate of Payment The main question - the selec- 'Form 104' that your tion of books for the library. Oneî present employer 'is required to give you on leaving. O\u:jpaa Ladies' A B3G shipmer rlud:ed are Drip-dry cà~arge .fabriçs. The styles a O A 10RvI ii -erPastels as well asr P liCIc.N Y MA ong e1966 $1/2 Orono -1:5am Plan ~Leskard 245p1 n I SgNDAY i SýC_ýrO~LL a i s Services C o I Lsar 10] Toronto wi Kirby -11la.m. A nïew stock of ROALBowmanvý-ille J O TURDA, FIDY nd623-5589, g THURDAY FRDAYandSATURDAY, MAY i1, Z,11and 21g gRED UINE 7000 g0 g lIn Coler - Action - Racing Feature SealWeek-end Matinees - Sat, Sun« and ?-p Z00 p.m.g RUMPI1ESTIILSKIN In Colour - All Seats 50 cets SUNDAY MIDNIGHT SOONL-Y g RASPUTIN The Mad Monk g Devils of Darkness <Aduit Entertainment) ~J SUN. te WED., MAY 22 to 25 - One complete show"t 73 Statring Aeaderny-Award winning Julie Christie Adits 1OO era-l styles suitable Stvipes, Floral Desig Bill Taylor, Manager of the Bewrnanville Office of Cenitr'al Ontario Trust "A dollar savied is a:dollar earned and NOW is a good timie te start eamig more on your saviflgs." ls the Urne te switelh it's that trne of the year wheh intètek( is pahl oni vings ac4counts THE PERFECT TUIE TO SWITCHUP... t 4½% %on SAVINGS 4% on CHEQUING 6% on 1,te, 5 year G.I.C.'s 7% yield per annum n x 10 year ACCUMLATING G.1LC.'s Longer CONVENIENT HOUES * 9 A.M. te 6 P.M. Mlonday te Thursday 9 A.M. te 9 P.M. Friday *9A.M. te 5 P.M.,Saturday (Closed Wednesdays) SWITCH UP... to Central Ontario Trust &Savings Corporatlion 23 king St. W. Bowmanville 623-2527 rOUi'NTAINHiEAD 19 Simcoe St. N. 0F SERVICE Oshawa - 723-5221 [t of SUMMVER DRESSES hasarrived. In- îCottons, Linens and niany other Easy-ýCare are Up-To-The Minute and the colors include nany new deep shades. They range from fresh, îolCto Blouses for Summer. Sev- to wear with, Skirts, Shorts, Sllms. Checks g-ns and Plain White. Sizes 10 to, 20. $2.98 to $5.95 Ladies' Shorts While the selection iîs good, sec our new JAMAICA Shorts of good qtUality Cotton and Stretchy Nylon with Viscose.ý Pink, powder bitte, yellow, beige, brown, black, whitle. Prom 10 to 20 $&2.98 to $4.95 ARMSTRONG'S q *~ j --MMMMMIMMV