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Orono Weekly Times, 9 Jun 1966, p. 1

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Cobbledick Mrq W Apr 18,'66 J l r. Band To"PIay Fr1. L ocal youth will perform this 'friday evening la the Orono Town HEall. Their performance will be in Èbe f orni of a musical concert t~i-7Ing. varied interests in Iýhe musical field. Two individual groups from the illage will take part in the mus- i--lI. The Orone .Junior Band will prçvide the instrumental numub- Swhile the Orono Unfitd lbrhJunior Choir will provide tcvocal portion of the program. Th-ýe Junior Band will be under Idirection of Mr. A. Darch IILUlVE 28, NUMIBEIR 21 who hias been the bandm..ister forj this, group. The junior 1Band was i started in December of 1965 with 1 some thirty-five miembers. It 110W j has a compliment of twenty-six membersý, both boys and girl s. In- strunients included in the band are cornetsý< alto h6rns, býa'Ss, trom- b one,- baritone, clarinets and drums. The United Churcli Junlioï Choir will be under, the leadýer- ship of Mrs. E1,'. Brownand Mrs. R D Mo on Tn, group ha5 been in existane for some time and will, this Fnlday, 'assist with the presentiation of the music night in Orono. The muiisic niýght lai being prom- otcd by the Orono Band and it will be thle first public appear- ance fo-r both Junior groups. The everning warrants your sup- poit and should prove most in- leresting fo)r local cilizens. Admiissioýn to the performance wilî oe 50foiadlts a J25C for chiT e? ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THURSDAY, JUNE 9th, 1966 Listý i nne r sA t Jrï. Gu rd-e s ,lefi-aow Last Tliursday, May 26th, ehe- r~,irGardeners held their .spring Flower Show." The ar- -aigemenls werc lovely but flot many entries, because of the 'eSpring. Allogethier i18 chid t-natended the show a/ exhih- .-d. We beld our reguilar Weeb- rçý, but our' spetiïal featurewa film, "Adventure w,,itb ii e~ teenjoyed this blîorogy We ha d two very spe;ial gue: s.0. W. Rolph, who presýented J;ina. Challice witli the 4-C .o.pby award. Donna Challice is iefirs t Provincial -winner of rsnew award. Mrs. Elsie- Lun- >rwas also a guest, who took (Confinued page 5) Gr;acdluates District st.-udents who have becn- Prpvirnce 'hav& e_ -en necording, ve'y succestul rots. These studntsw~refdsmerpupils aI C'a ke H1ýIhShdl Mr.Duga aria second yecar student aI Trent Univcrsity, has won the Dr. Sidney B. -Smith prize for îLe bighhstA standing in Hislory and Polifical' Science. Bill Kent, el est son, of Mr. and MrsBobent Kent, H.R. '2, Newcastleba successfully coin pieled bis;'- first year aI Tient (Coinuýied next column) i PecaevceT5bev On Sunday, Juine l9th a special rndyservice at bbc Orono Un- -l-d Chýurcli will observe the un- r-g,,of the Leskard United Churcl wîh t1ee Orono United Churcli. inconjunction with -this special i vice Communion will also be dinistereýd. Rcliring chairman of the Osh- -a Presbybery, Rev. N. T. Hiolm- -r'.will lake part in bbc service. loccial music for bbc servie wi11 raprovided by the combined so)ices of bhc Leshard and Orono yung people. The"uniling of the Iwo congre- allons bas been under consider- pion for quite some tLime. The erieon June l9bh will com- jlete the negolialtions aind,-the acf ~fun*on of the two cangregations. bas been repotel that bhc ieskard conigregation are enter- r r the union witb a positive at- r4tud-e and f bat Ibis union lias ined thbc attention of the Pres- r ylery. Wîlb bhc unitirg of tbe two A ugr:egalions the roll of the Les- kard churdli will become part of 'lie Oiono roll. The present Les- kard board willreirnaîn intact for the rîï,maiirrder of the yeartand, work wilh the present Orono Board, At the -beginning -of 1967 one Board will be eleclcd by the whoic congregation at Orono. become a Unit of Orono but will The Leskard U.C.W. group will remain inlacf, as if is at the pres- enl time, The'Leskard Sunday School will continue fo, be 1-eld in Lesnard. The. School, however, will. become part of the Orono Sunday School. The Sunday classes will be held in tle Leskard Church. Il is the intention 10 continue to bold special services in the Leskard churcb and Ibis will be cspecialiy Irue of tbc Annivers- ary service. lb bas been sbaled Inal tu7e Leshard congregation las beený most progress ive in their thintking an d attitude toward union with thc Orono congregabion, Mary Jane Brough, daughiter of Ur_ anid iMrs. Ross Brough, RR 1, roohas suc-cessfully completed ber yer a Ieerb-orouýh Tcach, cr'Collýege, beig one of bbc îop Ibiler.sluen~.Mary Jane has Le i t , I etc bo oug MrKe, t irlends 10 enter tire Scio l oîDeAisýtry, To onto, this faîl. M;. 1a1e'm McKenzie, B.A. cias fiîPy cornp'eled a spec- ilcourse.-,aI Guelpb University, this year. Mr. ian McKenzie has been suc- ressful in passing lis first ycar examinations aI Waterloo Univerý sity College. Miss Teresa deJonge, a second year studerif af Western Univer- sity bas been acceptcd in Medie'- i. e at the Western University. Congrat-&ations to Wayne Mil- er on passing bis first year at Waterloo Universiby College. Board Learns $1 2,000"111e Bed Dumage At Courtice Durham District Higli Sebool B1oard was disturbed recently at a mieetinig when it was Iearncd- that almost '$12,000 worth of tule in the septic tile bed at Courtice fligl Sehool was badly craeked and" broken and that the Depart- ment of Healtb is requiring that thse probiem be corrected. The, advisory vocatio ial com- mîtlee, slated that the arcbitect lias been i'u te- bp oceed %vith p'a.,s to e-l'~a.e the tîLe be.ý with non-corroding 111e. W. J. Brown, chairman of the comnmiltee, said il is stili a myst- ery how the tule became broken. Cost of repairing the tule bcd and installing new pipe is estimat- cd at $11,660. Some members queslioncd wbetbcr the dam age might have been caused by beavy cquipment moving over the pipe. if was ne- vePaled that no evidence of tbis 4,a1 been f)ound, but a natural ýccment, frosl, was suspected to be the cauise of thýe 'damage. One fault noted was that not enough to p soil bad been placed over the Section. When questioned how the dam- aged 'tue would be Ipaid for, M. A. M-., eod, secretarytr-easurer, said that money cou1d corne out of th~e cc %ingencies fund. The Port Hope Commitîce, hiowever, seeks to use this fund tg complete parking lot paving of the high school.> The Board passed a nccommend- ation by the co-or~çiaiggi anice commitbee that students be subsidizcd lfor taking summer courses to make up subi ects tbey filed in their Grade 12 year. The guidance commibtee nec- mmended that the board pay one-baîf of the $60 fee -for( the summer courses offered by' the Oshawva Board of Educalion. Membellý,rs of bhe board however, f eb t'ila ttsshold rbe extended resý omake up these subjeefs. Beýard'agreed le pay $201 towardsý the cosf of a sumnmen courge taken at Pceebor.ough, Oshawa or Kingston.. Students to qualify for this specialý grant wouild have f0 be recommend!i(ed by their principals and be borderline falures. A proposal to introd uce driver training into the high sehools was ceferrcd one month for further study by Durham District High School Board. It, was notcd lhat bobli Cour- tice and Port Hope High sehools have -qualified staff members to teach the course. The, prognam would be authorized under the Dcpartment of Transport. Carlos Tamblyn, a board mcm- oer, objected to the motion be- cause he feit rural students Opposi tion would not have the 'same advant- age to take part in the course as urban students. Emmett Creighton, a member of the Port Hope committee, com- mented that there were some power, jockeys' that should take the course, but wouldnt take it., The Board' was presented wïth a problem of ils own making. Larlier this year the board anhoutnced that special commerc- cial ciasse.s would flot be offered at any of the five high school& next year, A. A.1 H. Strike, management chairman, said the classes were be ing stopped because there are flot ýsufficient students to warrant the course being lleld. P. j. Bîgelow, principal at Port Hope Higli School, tolil the board lie nad a girl in the four-year pro- gram who wisheýdtotake specîal commercial next year. The. girl now in thie arts and science course was pîmýsed four years ago she could enter thle special comnmer- cial couise at the end of the. fou>- year course. >Mr. Bigelow said that the board miglit have to senid her to Co- bourg ifor 'the courýse. He said lie undrsbodthal' the higli sehool boaîd is obligaled to pay her tu- ition. uarioll Nichols, a member of the Por)t Hope committcc, questý- 'îoned whether their board' would, hiave to be lvle in offering%., (Cont'nued on Page 8) and Brownlies returnýed b Oon dfayl trip to Ioronto. The groýp left Orono at eight o'c!o-Ik 5J eha'-tered bus for Toronto wer a pga factivities werear ranged for them. The group first visited Plionr Village anid darted in and oii:t f the pimitivýe bidnstoglea glimipse of the past. Hiere -y rode oni the horse-drawn waýgu which was imuch 10th eir Iikingý, At noon thie Guides and Bon ies enjoyed a pîenice lunch at Pij oneer Village in a Mostpct- esque setling along the stream. F'ollowinig their visit to the Vîil- lage the group then tourcd The Guide and- Brownie headquartera, and, of most interest,' the' R iver- dale Zoo. Arriving home ail were ready for a. rest aftcr a most active day in Toonto. volced LI-rry Paul Tamblyn, son of Mr. and .Mtrs. Carlos Tamblyn, Ororro grad- mabcd wilh bis B.S.A. and is con- dnuing1 on bis MA., specializinu in Chemist-ry. Miss 8a aTamblyn,dug- er of Mrs. and Mrs. Carios a blyn, Ororo wbo gralualed,-fromf Pete- corough Teachers' College. Sharon has accepted aý position wibb the Bowinanville Public Seheol Board and will be teachîng in bbc Lord Elgin School in that A large g',oup of local library officiais and rarembers of the gen- ernal public gafhered to bear Mrs. J. Thexbon of the Lake Ontario Region Library AssocIation p- sent bbc-case for a propo5ed Coun- ty Public Library in Cobourg on We .nesday evening of last weck. SI s Thexlon presenled the ad- va ntagcs to ire had from the neur eystemh pointînnc out the number of addilional cilizens who would obtain ibra'y se.ivice and the savings in admini-sbration Ihat wour1d bc gai' cd in cenlra1ization. "This County Pub1i, Library sy- stem Rý the r rr '-tI ing and wc A' ,,,,,evrytiiing lu our pow- r - h e idea -tcý smaller mut~r.altic~" Mrs. Tiiexton v. -estructure in îLesvstem A.,s to public libraries was o)ub1ýi(.edan'd m> the f utuire most -)f tIle grants for an area would Ire given te the Counby Public Li- brary, r& 'ucing considcrably bbc amounî,s libraries flot part of flic county system would receive. The new system wouid alsodo away with local library boards replacing thcm with one county board wbich would administer'al !ibranies within a counly. Mrs. Thexton said that bbc County Pub- lic Library would supply trainýd, staff for all libraries. As the presentafion unfoldcd numerous inquiries wcrc made from the floor, tbc tone of wbich we- e mainly in protest at tbc pro- pose-cicentralizalion. Micbael WJýadyka, memlber of Po' tHope Public Library Board, ,atcd, "This proposed plan wiil rýesuit in a corn,,ee loss of localI aulhorty and direction andi cep, resents another ur-onlrolled cx- pense placed on bbc shïoulders of the conccrncd muniepalities."' Dc(puly' Reeve Lenahi Fisher of Cobur eked how the County Plan ýwuld affect personnel and seric now offered by bbc Co- bourg lbrary. Actfhur Crowhurst of Port Hope, statcd bliat in his opinion much morle ugroundwork shouki have beendoncwitha sepacate pras- enainmade tb al inrdividu-]l ibayboards. .Mrs. Thexton fcndcd off many of bbc inquiries defending the r- po)scd system and stated that tle targel date for the new systern- in the United Counties in 1967 byv whicb time she boped that tbc present libra'-y scbups would ait be participating. 0f bbc moi e Iban 100 peop[le present in lice library auditoriumý- only a handful spolie ounlac ceptance of the plan, Follow-hngth ie more than two bouc preseiitatiir a coMmitteeý was appointcd 10 make furîler-i studies of the proposed plan. Representatives from al in munities in bbce United Counie-s werc in al e-.irnce for. bis irs meeting of bb cnfov sal Counby PbcLb1rary -Plan. '-t 0 li1lýl,

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