ssCri*ticallyH RND0 '- -JLUME 28, NUMBER 23 WEYEKLY TI ES ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THURSDAT, JUN4E 23rd, 1966 Wendy Harness, 9 year oki daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Reid Harness of Orono was rusbed in critical condition to Sick Child- ren's Hospital, Toronto on Tues- day afternoon following an acci- dent on the Taunton Road. Wen- dy, a grade four student at Clarke Union School, was returning home from scbool on her bicycle when she was bit bv a truck as she crossed from the nortb side of the road. Wendy bad been with a scbool friends at the t.*me. Wendy was taken to the Mem- orial Hospital, Bowmanville and then immediately rushed to Sick Chidren's ilostoital in Toronto where on Tuesday nigbt ber con- dition is repo'-ted as critical with ý-erious bead injuries, cuts, bruis- es and fraetures. Wendy was stýll unconscinus Wednesday af'er- noon.1 Mr. Gallant of Taunton road, driver of tbe gravel truck over- tuirned bis vebicle in an effort to miss the bievclist. The truck end- ed in tbe ditcb up-side dovn, Tt was the back of th truck tbat hit the girl. and by Provincial grants. The Orono Public Library 110W operating in its, tbird year bas' had an'-encouracýi'-g circulation of books and is today a fa'- cry frnm the old association library. The Orono Police Village bas sub- scribed a sum of over $100000 an- nually to tbe library du"ing this period. The Townsbip bas sub- (Continued page 6) Summeý,r Bond. Course Popular Sixteen have registered for lii- strumental instruction during th(% summer months. The program la beirg promoted by the Orono Bard and insIý uCions will be given by Mr. A. Darch wbo lias co,1liu-ed the Orono Junior Band. Reg; tration is still open and may be made with Mr. Carmait ('ornish, secretary of the band, 0f tbe sixteen so far registered - tl'ree are of adult age who wîsh to learn to play a musical instrit- ment. Thre Junior members of the course wilI join with the Orono Juinlo,- Band when they resume oractice in the early faîl. Judgig from the enrolment in the suin- mer course it is, nôw expected that thre Junior Barid enrolment this fall will reach forty, members. Tbose' who have enrolled in thre summer class and others who may be interested are to be pres.r ent at the Town Hall this comng, Moniday evening at, 7.00 o'clock sharp when the prograrn wilL be otlîned' and instrumeiýts allot- ted'and arranged for. Mr. Darcb is Uow' preparing for iris Junior Band classes this fait and will place emphasis onthe reading of music. New music fer the group will also be provided, Tbe above. are tropby winners the recer.t Public School Field .y beld in Oion. 'Top row (1-r) -ile Jores, Eddie Cowing Ruth Scott, David Grey and Brian Black, bottom row, Fred Lane, Randy Jobnston,, Lynda Barnes, and Nicky Harris. Ronda Tennant, is not in the piclure due to tbe fact tbat she %vas not declared a 'Onbhv w 'iner until Tuesday due te a tabulating error at the meet. iLeskalrd 1 SchooI Fields Top Athietes La Aiinul-ev Leskard students were the top utitsat tbe larke TownsbiP ablic SchooL, Fieid Day held at veOrono Park 'ast Fridav. The Ieskard scbool won six of the ten L'-phies wbich were presented to dividual champfions. Oronro won - e remaining four trophies. The Orono Park w-as a beebive - ýactivity with events continuing jeul into the afternoo)n. At the -me' close of the meet student of .ne partièipating scbools lined up on the bail diamond for tbe pre- îentation oýf awards. Mrs. H. H. Barlow made tbe presentations on t ebaif of the Board. Seven, new records were also 4esablisbed at tbe meel with Or- vno, students gaining tbree, Les- kard two and No. 4 and 9 one a niece. The following is the lisf of topby winners for being cham- pions in their respective classes: TROPHV WINNERS H-igh Boy under 8-Fred- Lane (Continued page 6) I Need HelpI Able-bodied men are urgentiy, needed at the Orono Rink to help complete work, now underwaiy. A calf bas bceen sent out for assýis- tance in relaying the freeýzing pipes, which last fali were laid temporarily, are now hein g placed into premanent position. This projeet involves a great deual of. work'and anyone can heip wbo can bit a nail with a hammer The pipes are being fastened to cedar planiks, relaid, levelled and' covered., To complete, tbis wo-k, which is being carried out volun- tarilv, more help is urgently neel- ed. Help can be given any even- ing or Saturcay. As soon as tbe pipes are relaid the cernent floor is to be poured._ How about giving a hand at the rink in order to lessen the load of the few who are, nigbt after night giving tbeir time freely. ~DierDes ln Truck Cab Francis Murphy, 51> of 'Toronto, died in the overtu:n-ced cab of bis eiceearlY, Tuesday mo nrningat t-he norfb etrance to the Village -ýf Orono. The fatal accident oc- eurred about 12:30 ar. .if was not until an hour later that the driver was1 rernoved from the twisted wvreckage in which Ire was pinned. Thre tractor-trailler ýtruck, carry- ing large rolîs of paper, was trav- elling south. If is assumned that tbe driver may bave becorne con- fused at the intersection iïnto Or- ~.TIre truiA ck trveled over the safety island breaking off a light s;tandard and came to rest facing West on the exit lane frem Oreno. The paper rolîs were thrown to the south bank and the truck up- turned, being completely demol- !shed. Those flrst arriving at the scene of the accident were speaking witb the,, driver wbo Iter died wbile trapped in the cab of the truck. Thre resounding .'fhud' of the accident was beard over a wide portion in tie nortb of the Village. T 'hree tow trucks were used -te upright thre truck. The Orono. Fire Departrnent was ais,) called to the scene. It was a precaution a- gainst fire as gasolîne Was, spili- ing out onto thre road. Ait WiII 'change Library To Twp. Bill 155 o)f the Public Libr'aries Act now before the Ontario Le- islature will affect the Orono Public Library and gîve it a wider scope within the municipality. The new act is to corne lnto fore by January lst, 1967. Unider thre new Act the Orono Police Trustees will ne longer have the handling of the Orone Public Library. ThEý Library as of January It will b&ýome a Town- ship Library under thre jurisd.-ic- tion of the Municipality of the Township of Clarke. Revenue to, operate the Library will bre pro- vided by the Township rather than bythe Police Trustees as in the past three years. TIre affecting section of the new Act reads as fellows, 'Where a public library heretofore est- ablished for a police village is bcing operated immcdiately be- fore tins Acf comes into force,, fhe council of tIre municipalityý in wbich the public library of the Police village is sîtuate shall est- ablish a public library, and, on thre day fIe beard for such, public library is organized, the public ibrary board ofthtI police village is dissolved and ifs assets and liabilities become ýassets and lia- bilities of thre Public library board of thre municipality., If is this section of the Acf whicî dissolves thre Orono Public Library, establisbed fhree years ago by the Oî ono Police Trustees of thre Police Vil age of Orono. Under the new legisiafion the local library will become the Clarke Townsbip Public Library. The new boand will have four mnembers appointed by the Ceun- cil of thre Township of Clarke, a- long with the reeve of thre muni- cipality. Funds for ifs eperatien will be provided by the Township I Dum p Sit e i Operation dlean-up was starteil iast Saturday morning at ýtbe site of 'the Orono Dump wbich has been taken out of service. The area is to become an area for re- creation and will take on a very different complex to that. of over the past, number of years. Th~e-site was pwurchased by the- Tow4sbip Couneil last year and will ibe included in tbe, Centennial Deyr1oprnent. Upon this purchase hy, the Towniship the Village was obliged to miove the location of their dump and to dean-up tbe area. BuIdozing and covering up the dupsite was started on Satur- day and was completed earlier this ,week.,Further wor)ik will com-_ plete the project to bring tbe ar- ea into service as a recreation area and as a- portion of -tbe Townsbip Centennial proecet. The Centennial Committee with a representative of the Parks Branch of -the Department of Lands and Forests travelled tbe nortbern section of the project last Wednesday. Mr. Davidson of tbe Parks IBranch is preparing a Saturday morni- 1g found Messirs. Harvey Partner, 'S. B. Ruther-ford and E. R. Woodyard busy giving direction fer the edean-upat the Orono Dump. TIre area is te be- corne a recreation developmnent under thre Centennial preject for the Township of Clarke. The above pictured group rep- ac plan of tbe 1area'whicb aise ini- cludes the dump site. The plan for the eight acres (former dump site) will include a defined park-' ing area, a1 picnic area and a camp- ing area. Picnicers will net be allowed, to drive up to Picnic tables but must park in the est- ablihedparinglot. The- pIc area will bec aiong the east s-c.- tor of! the plateau asý well as spotted tbroughout the valley and streamr section. To reach tIns, latter area steps will.,be provIded. The. camping area for tents an~d traiders will bc set out in the north-west sector. Fuil 'er devei- opment for tbis portion of the preject is to be undeita-ken when thre plans aire received. A large play are-a is also expected te Ire, included in thre plan. Entry ilito the are-a will Ire from the old railway road at the south extremity of the parcel of land. This entrance is straight north of the Forestry water tow- er. Provision bas been made for the installation of a culvert in thre canal. resenting thre Orono 'Chamber of Commerce, the Centennial Com- mittee and thle Orono Policea Trus- tees respectively,, were en fneer- ing the transforrnation of the site fron a dump to 'a play area. Al speke enthusiastically of great possibilities for this new sector of park land in Orono., Clar ke field Day, Trophy Winners ý-7 77 q