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Orono Weekly Times, 23 Jun 1966, p. 3

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ORONOWEEKLY TIMES, THURSDAY, JUNE 23rd, 1966 Behind The Orange Curtain And I Quote- To havé and to hold fromn this day forward, for better, for worse 1for richer, for poorer, inA*,icknes, ýr. health, to love and to ceherish, 4it death us do part. (Book of Ce~mmon Prayer.) June - the traditional month 73 brides! Ail brides-to-be and rnïDwlyeds should read "Sixpence 1r ler Shoes" in which Phyllis ý,.Ginley writes of the joys and p-?olems of the homnemaker. She msely philosophizes, .1'So highly 1~o rega"d our professionand.ils 'importance to the human seheme ~seems to me occupation suffi- .1ent to fili a life, a heart." For a boost to drooping spirits tis best-sellîng' book should be -ad, too, by ahl disillusioned vet- eran housewives; it will give new însight and a sense of apprecia- tion for a job that many consicler z stulifying trap. "Design for Modern Marriage" by John and Rosemary Christo- pher is dedicated to "those about toihe married and for those new- y-d" uteintroduction, the A khors, state, "One of the, Most vaubeattributes of a success- ill and happy marriage is exper- lence. Experience is a form of l,-.owledge gained by trial and -rror; it cannot ha acquired from the pages of a book, however wvell that book is written, but the basic knowledge upon which ex- ,erience is found con be set out ,fr a book." Their book then proceeds to s-tout this basic knowledge: yedding arrangements, choosing , a home, furniture, furnishings, cooking, cleaning routines,, laun- -ýdering, budgets, decorating,- etc. .1-EW BOOKS AT VOUR ABRAY -JUVENILE hoý,kes and How to Tell Them- So4iny Fox. - o Room For Bears -'F. Dufresufe , ,rions George Goes to the Hos- pital - Rey. The Pied Piper of Hamelin - D bert Browning. ilarry by, tle Sea - G. Zion. i\ary Ellis, Student Nurse - Hope Newell. Mystery Enters the Hospital- A. Turngren. Aune of the Island - L. M. Mont- gomery. UJnder, the Pirate Flag - L. Hyde. '365 Shorteuits to Homle Decorating Dorothy Draper. CalI After Midnight- Mignon Eberhart. Wyoming, Zane Grey. «Rogue River Feud- Z. Grey. 'The-Secret Islands Franklîn Russell. BIOGRAPHY- -laredevils of Niagara Bat Masterson - D. White. Eighth Moon- Sansan. Will Rogers- S. Garst foman Doctor of the West (Bethenia Owens, -Adair) H. M. Miller. DOMINION DAY Thelibrary will ba closed on Friday, July lst. Dorothy Robinson CARPENTERJNC REPMIRS AND REMODELLING -Free Estimates - F. (Sam) Bruton Phone 1395 O.4rono Local News Miss Fay Nicholson has accepted a position with Mr. K. Lycett ini his law office, Orono. Grades one, two, three of the Orono Public School along with their.teachers and parents enjoy- ed a bustrip to Peterborough on Wednesday. They visited the Co- co Cola plan,t the filtration plant and a drive alongthe locks. Keen's Dan, A, Winner The trotters and pacers on Sat- finished second for Junior West urset soevfairl fas Peterborough in the second feature of the ev- se soe airy fsttimes for the ening. The horse has placed first respective classes. along with three fourths. Keen's Dan regietered its first Junior We st placed fourth with win of the season with Keith TrixieE. Grattan, third with Kit-, West piloting it to victory. Il was ty Witty, fourth with Patsy G 2nd the sixth staj-t of the season for third with Jacqueline Hla and 8th Keen's Dan and it won the race with Harold liooey's Flash Win-I with a time of 2,13.1. Gerald Rob- gay. Flash Wingav' limDed home inson placed fifth with Algermac with a broken boue in its leg Grattan in the same race. Jack Reid with Thelgiers plac- Reid Harness' horse, Maudee's ed second in the teuth race. Jack' 1'vissy, cont inues to race well and 1 Williams with Happy Mac p!aced 'wi/hSum erFôodSpecia/si BEST BUY!-Save 10e! - 12-Oz. Bag POTATO CHIPS 59< HOSTESSý CHEESE STICKS ceclo 39e BEST BUY! - Save &e! 1.z KAM Lunch MEAT 53< BEST BUY! - Save 19e! - ROSE COLOURED 1-Lb. Pkgs.; MARGARINE 3 for 79< REST BUY! - Save 6ie! - INSTANT MASHE!) FLAKES 12-OZ. PACKAGE PQTATO)ES Shfrriff 53< r- EST BUY! - Save 6ce! - Finest Orange Pekoe 60 to Pkg. RED ROSE> Tea Bags 79<é IIUST BUM -Y!-Save 8c! - DEUX MCAONI 14-0z. Plkgs. - 4c Off Pack! KRAFT, DINNERS 35< Re.45!-Weston or Sunbeam 6 to Pkg. Àj I CINNAMON 4u I BUTTRHOS& Saive 13e !-Life'buoy 10e off 3-bar Pack Deodorant Soap 4U< 50-LbJ. Cto a .ranuIated Sugar $339 Pre-Priced 35o and 63c! PEPSODENT DENTAL CREAM Reg, Size 29C Giant Size 57C Sunshine Fresh Fruîts - Vegetablos! TROPIC'S BEST SAVE 4c! SAVE AIL WAX SAVE 23e! - Llbby's DEEP BROWNED1 SAVE 9c! - Refreshing Sunkisf Lemona SAVE 6e! - Birds Eye GREEN PEAS 12-O» SA VE 14c! - Mrs. Luke's STRAWBERRY JA? SAVE 9û! - Faney or Cho CUIVERHOUSE Pl SAVE (ie !-GÙet free passpo Save 2C! DREAM WIIIP, Dessert Topping 2 01. PKGS. 1m9 C Save 10e! - Fancy Quality LI B BY'S Savc le! NABISCO 18 OZ. Package Save 15 cents - 8 Cents off pack sTA'Y-FLO Liquid STARCH, 64 oz39 CEiW KI sixth ia the same race. Last week Gerald Rohinso'n driving Simcoe Boy placed first and secon 'd at the Port Perry rac- es which are sponsored by the Oshawa Driving Club. Races will again be held in Port Perry on July lst. It Pays To Advertise ISAVE 10e! BEST BUY I General Electrie, 2Zfon, 100 Foot Rol PAPER 29e. 15-mz. Tins BEANS 5 for $1, tg 6-0z. Tins ide 4 for4< z. Pkgs. 2, for 43c With Pectin ýM 24-oi. jar 39e Oieý 20-0z. Tins EAS 4 for 11< orts to Expo 67- Phd Size led, Style l.69< led By The Plee Mlb. 9 Y L A S Specially Selected - Value Check'd Brand STEAKS or ROASTS DONEi]LEffS ROLLE» RUMP ROAST 14e1i for Stews or Meat ries - Boneless -Culbe S STEWING BEEF For Lunches Always Tender. Fresh Slied MIId sfCnsi7m BEEF LIVER lbIL 59e BOLOGPN Yellow Flesh- No. 1 JUICYPAC S5fo39 STORE ROURS DOMINION DAY, FRIDAY, JULY Ist CORNISH'S STORE OPEN i Closed Monday, July 4th [I Red and White, Orono -4,4 1 lm 1 "Ymw%- lb. 39e 1

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