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Orono Weekly Times, 23 Jun 1966, p. 7

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ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THURS¶tAY, LUNE 23.rd, 1966, IProkesieua1 Diecto ry lu the Offices of la, R. Waddell Q.C., MAIN ST ORONO Telephone 138 Orono Ï19ERRILL D. BROWNJ C.S-A- B.A.Sc: :L:S: PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER (civil)0 Ontario Land Surveyor 121 Queen St. Box l659G Bowmanville, Ontario f Telephone 623-7251 L. .SKAIFE< 3ý05 Water Street PETERBOROUGH Phone 742-5482 Ceneralî INSURANCE -FRE D LYCETT: QFFICE XMN ST-, ORONO PhAoe 1251t; Res. 20216 JACK RJEID' Orono's Licensed -kuetioneer and Valuatox Specialize in Farm and 1Furittre Salesý commîit me for terms and dates PHONE ORONO 319b PUMPING OUT SEPTIC TANKS w[inE WASHING STABLESI Sert Tompkins: Phone -786-255Z gFRANK REBAL ESTATE 0ý g0 LIMITED 21 KING ST. WEST G 0 Bowmanville 623-3393 O 0 Toronot 923-9174 > Gý Port Hope' Office- 0 o 98 Walton St. - 885-4548 g Exclusive Agent for g J. OCHONSKI 00 CONSTRUCTION g g 3-Bedroom Bungalows G 0Priced fromn $15,375-00O g on, lots 75x200 0 Members of the Oshawa and District Real EstateG Board, 0 gOrono Area Represent ativeG ROY FOSTERg Kendal -- Phone a21 GA large selection of Farms,G 0 gHomes, Lots, Retreat Pro- 0 perties in this larea G Orville Chtterton Electrical Contracting Electric Heatîng and Service, PHONE 245 OR 10412 Orono, On tario Oronio Electric PHONE 129 CONTRACTORS FOR, FARM and HOUSE WIRING Free Estimates APPLIANCE SALES Prompt and Giiaranteed Repairi to aH i ndÉ of Electrical Equipment end Appliances Such -at Metors - Water Heaters T.V. - Radios, - Stoves - IroRs Hailitons UA t» oi Insurance Service Pýackage Poicies Fidelity Bondi Liability i-j 1~ Life y n oA O First Mortgage Loans JAK .FERREN oSadie Hamiltoin c»IIONOBOOKKEEPIING SERVICE h lirceme Tax Returns Pî-epared g phone 1-1-16 Orono ý)oriro. Bowmanville, Oshawag Telephone rono 32M Our qnalityv and seýrvice leaves notbing to be desired Aîsà the person who bought from Ma, a nmeighbour, friend or relative Thie RUTT1ER GRAMflI COMPANT il,3 Ouao Strett PORT HOPE '~ag0DÀMUlawint$th 1BOX 133 MO. 8.35521 Stafford 'Brothe rs Limlted 318 Dundas St. E. Whitby, Ont- Manuï,.ýfacturers of CemeeryMemorials ienrsl Domkestit & Foreign Graites and maret Inîtriptiom s Cut and CemetteryRepair Work FOR SALE DIED One 3/4 bed, spring and mattress HANCOCK-At Memorial Hos- One oval iwalnut veneer table;- on e'plai, Bowmanville on Tuesday, seetional book case; two kitehen June 21st~, 1966 Dorothy Olga chairs; one side board. Graham, aged 59 years. Beloved Phone 987-4527 Neweastle. wife of the late 'Vietor Hancock; _____________ a-cdear 'mother of Ele orMs Resting at the Morris Funeral FLOWERS FLOWERS Chapel, Bowmanville. Service in Box Plats, Shata aisesthe Chapel on Friday at 2 p.m- Sweet William, Marigolds, Carna- Itrmn rooCmeey tions, Delphinium , Geraniums,a- Cut Flowers. Beech Floral Arts BR ACKNA Jack and Nita Davidson JUNE 25th, 1966 RECEPTION Mr-. and'Mrs. Ernest J. Hamm iwill be at home to their friends and relatives at the res-idence of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Hamm, Or- ono, Ont., on Satujklay, June 25, 1966 from- 2-4 and 7-9,p.m. on the occasion of their 6Oth wedding anniversary. b-p VARIETY MUSIC NIGHT Inteýrmediate and Senior Choirs directed by Miss Smnith and Miss 1 1Quantrill, from Dr. Phillips Allen Foster's Bai-n. Dancing Sehool; Oshawa, proceeds to Or- 9-1-2. Music by Gary Price CKLB ono Scouts,' will present instru- Oshawa. Mental, baton twiring and ballet Admission $1.00 per person. as. well as choir seleetions. Sponsored by Kendal Recrea-, To be held ln the Churi-h'base- tion Association. e-25-e ment on TÈhursday, June 23rd at ________________________7:30 p.m. COMING EVENT- Aduits 35c; chldi-en 15c. 1The Kirby Suinday, Sehool will be holding their annual Stmaw- berry and Salads Supper on July 6th.beginning at 5:00 p.m. Everv- ing regulations. <ln swicm.b2- 46 te- Harry O. FerrY, Sn:y1 1 ~:~ Sho SnaJune 26th. ,There will be ~ O~O O~2..).ZD2 services, one at 10.00 o'clock, LY C T T Gwhen Mrs. Aslett and tý upt 0 L Y Cwill tell a story for 'Nursery, GKindergarten and Primai-y Depts. oAt 1~. 15 Mi-. Mel Smith of the. Plu-iing Hetin GSunday Sehool of the Air will cn & o duet the service for the Junior, o Intermediate and Senior Depart- Phone 33R Il ments. Oron o, OtaGI Pins and bars will be given out G Oon, ntrlfOat these services, - __________________AUCTION SALE, Auction Sale of llousehold Ef- ATSON'S Mari ects iWcluding freezer, T.st piao, nodrnand antique furn iure, glassware, dishes ,etc.r- a i C îei PtroPcrtY of Mi-. Jack Armistronig ,selling at the premisis Lot 15, Orono Phoue 140 Conicession 6, Manvers ToVnshïp, eïcCff.,LOC BOA I 3 miles w%ýest of Bethany and 1 ~e~ULOÔI BATS ile south at Galloway>s Sehool, & MOTORS -Saturday. July 2nd at 1 p.m. sharp CHAIN SAWS Jack Payne,, Auctioneer Repairs te ali makes of Lava Mowers -Sd 2 and 4 cycle Engles .AUCTION SALE OTACO PLOW POINTS Modern and antique furniture, AND IMACHINERY ilasswarý,re, fine china, oil lamps, J ele_-trical appliances, garden trac- tilarge quantity of tools etc., PART-TIME RADIO Cie propertyý of Mr. James Rick- TV REPAIRS aýby, Cobb Hill, Orono, seiling - HI-FI - Stereo WthOut reserve on Saturday June - Record Players 125th comnlencing at 1 p.mr. - Anteninas -Towieis Jack Reid, Auctioneer. - PA Systein for rent Ail parts and labour guaranteed HARRY WIERSMA j TELP WANTED Phone 1737 Oroup F OR SNACK BAR Part-time, could ,be full-time. Building a House? or renxodelllng your 'Preseatlj one-, then cont act Floyd Niholson PHONE 2191 ORONO iExpeiience rot necessary, pleas- ant suhlhou..ndings., Apply Marlon Tennant, Ponder- osa Snack Bar, Hîghway 115/35, Orono 10R3. b-p FOR SALE Varions kinds of Spring box Plants and Geranium plants in full bloom. Caîl today at C. de, Mooy, North Street. Newcastle, Telephone 987-4916. e c23-p HAY ]FOR SALE Standing hay for sale. Purchas- er must eut and bale. Submit price Hper bale in writing te lMi. M. IRoss Road Superintendent, Township of Clarke, Orono, by five o'eloek on Tuesday. July 4th, 1966. b e, ISALES HELP WANTED - MALE OR FEMALE ....... -. DECORATION DAY Th'le regular anntual Decoration Day will be observed at Orono - Cemetery on Sunday, June 26th, Memorial' service in the ehapel at 2:00 p:m, i-eàdent clergy in charge of the service. C. V. Cooper, chairman Oi-ono. Cemetery Company ib-e '-1 - e-,, n n (b o-' n o - e o c,> o C17 nD CD Wanted imm ediately - Man or, wo,,ýman to supply consumters in Durham Courýty wîth Rawleigh Produets. Can earn $50.00 weekly part time; "$100 and up full time. Write Rawleigh, Dept. FI-306-.336, 4005 Richelieu, St.,J{enry, Mon.- treai.a- a-., CD Il Real Estate When Buying or Selling cull 1r12 Orono Representing Jack Ricard REALTOR Sil King St. EB, BowmanvMle 623-2503 Member Oshawa and DIStrict Real Estate Boutd 4th Concession (deMooy Farm) c24e FOR SALE 1964 Outhoa rd Motor, 91/ John- son. Sportsman's Model. Phone Orono 315M2. a p I require lots of any size po il

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