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Orono Weekly Times, 4 Aug 1966, p. 7

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ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THURSDAY, AUGUST 4th, 1966 o~e~s~na~ r~ckoîy ~ W. KM LYCET , Barrister - SoIîc~tor Ah the Offices ut R. R. Waddell Q.C,, MAIN ST., ORONO Telephone 138 Orono ____ g' - ~~~zzzrO~V c. -~c c zoc~O fi iMERRILL D. BROWN ~ B.S.A. B.ASC: G:L:S: G PROFESSAONAL ENGINEER ~Civil) Ontarlo Land SurveyOr [1 ~11 Queeu St. Box 1659~ o fi B4wmaiWme, t»ttario Telephofle 23-7251 f~ a L. i. SKAIFE Chartered Acconotant 375 Water Street PFTEBBOROUGH Phone 742.5482 General INSURANCE SER OFFiCE - MAIN ST-~ ORONO Phone 12516 Res. 20216 JACK REID Orono's Licensed AucUoneer and Valu at4,î Specialize in TFarm aud Furniture Sales Cousuit me for terms and dates PHONE ORONO 319 PUMPING OUT WRiTE WASHING STAlLES D.r~ TompIdflS Thon. 786-2552 JACK A. FERREN ORONO BOOKKEEPING SERVICE Income Tai Returus ~repared Orono, BowmanVille, Oshawa Telephone Orono 3R2 r -t Monu'n-~nts a d Faniily morials Our quality and service Ieaves nothing te be desired Ask the person who bought from us, a nelghbour, friend or rélative The RIJ~ER G~AMTF 73 Ontarlo Street PORT HOUE "Largeit »h~p1ay lu Southein o-fl - Q~ c.2~Oc.- g o W. FRANK g Il 1E~5L ESTATE 21 LIMITED g KING ST, WEST g Bowmanvtlle 623-3393 Toronot 923.9174 o Port Hope Office- f o 98 Walton St. - 885-4548 ~ gg FREE APPRAISALS o Exclusive Agent for g g i. OCHONSKI g CONSTRUCTION g 3-Bedroom Bungalows ~ g Priced from $15,375.00 on lots 75x200 g f3 Orono Area Representative 3 g ROY FOSTER O Kendal -- Phone 321 g G A large selection of Farms, f3 ~ Homes, Lots, Retreat Pro- o perties lu this area f3 o WANTED TO RUY FOR SALE BIRTU Ijsed Frig, Gilson, 8 cubic feet HALL Vie and Judy (nec Scott} Cylinder Type Gramophones, ~ coudition. Cheap for quick ac.e happy to announce the birth parts and cylinder records. sale. of then- aaughte~ Lîsa Anu, July J. R. Peel. 9 Ca]dwell St., Port PI-jonc 357W. a-c 23, 1966 at Memorial ilospital. Hope, Ontario. _______ Bowmaîiville. a-p ______ ___ FOR SALE A Gas Range, near]y new. Phone CARD 0F THANXS FOR SALE '987 4952. a-e We wish to express oi- appred- Lloyd De Luxe Strolier, used 1 -- jation to our many friends and year, o'-igioal price $27.95. Fully -______ ~ -- relatives for ail their kindness adjustable seat and footrest. can- FOR SALE shown at the time ot the deatb opy and basket. 1954 one ton Ford Truck four of our son "Joey" Eastabrook. Good condition - $1200. -peed transmission, in good run- Many thanks to ail. Phone Johnson 409W. a-p ~ing condi ion. Mr. and Mrs. John Eastabrook Phone 6 r-17 Orono. a-c and tamily. a-p IIELP WANTED Homemaker for a business wi- dow in beautifu] suburban Toron- to home (for September lst). Must be honest, good cook, imma culately dean, cheerful disposi- tion. Would consider couple or would teach anyone willing to learn. Typing an asset. Phone CH 1-8111 Toronto or write Mrs. Evelyn Byworth, 962 Islington Ave., N., Weston. b p ,..aan.ma ,e4,efln .«OO 1~g I ~ n 10 rville Chatterton I Electrical Contracting. Electrie lleating and Service I PHONE 245 OR 10412 O Ontarjo ronn, Orono Electric PHONE 129 CONTRACTORS FOR FARM and HOIJSE WTRING Free Estimates APPLIANCE SALES Prompt and Guaranteed Repaira to ail kinds of Electrical Equipmeflt and Appilances Such at Metor's - Water Heaters T.V. - Radios - Stoves - Irons a ~ Hamiltons o Insurance Service ~ o o oAuto, e.p FfreUa Package Policies fi yidelity Bond a I Firat Liability Mortgage Loana a ~Sadie HamiIton~ Phono 1-R-16 Orono Q 'J ,,,ocroczz~zac~c~oco~od/ Box 133 MO. 8-3552 Stafford Brothers Limlted 318 Dundas Lt. E. Whitby, Ont. Manufacturera of Cemetery Memorials Bealers lu Domestic & Foreigu Granites ~nd Mar~ilea Inscriptions Eut and CemeterY Repair Work I require lots of aay size pro- viding they meet local build- ing regulations. Write - Harry O. Perry, 46 Rossland Rd. E,, Oshawa LOST LIGIITNING FIRES- Black Wallet, in Orono. with the name, Master David Lambert The past week bas ceen the oc- on identification card. Lost Fn- cunrence ot numerous torest fires day evening, Juiy 29th. in the Lindsay District. The ïnaj- Anyone finding this wallet onity of these have been caused by please contact Mr. Robt. Lambert. copter, fresh and ready for several I R.R. 6, Bowmanviile. a-c lightning. 0f ail the causes of f ire in the forest the one that valses NOTICE the greatest àpprehension is iightening.- Lyntonhurst Manor Nursing Home bas accommodatiou for When only a small amount of ladies and gentlemen. ram accompanies the lightning, Phone Orono 371W. h-36-c t tires are certain to be caused, int will otten lie smoulderiwc~ COMING EVENT MeCreas Cemetery Decoration Service will be held Sunday, August 7th at 3 p.m. Rev. Percy Page, Peterborougb will speak- a-p U.S. SENATOR FRANK MOSS~ IVC~TT G' ~ ogfi WILL SPEAK AUGUST 24. TO g ~ j THE 1966 INTERNATIONAL & g IN MONTREAL Plumbing Heating 1WATER QUALITY SYMPOSIUM Phone 33R11 g When US. Senator Frank E. g g Moss ut Utah speaks August 24 f3 Orono, Ontario at the all-industry luncheon ot fi the 1966 International Water ~ Quaiity Symposium lu Montreal, _________________________________ Que., the scientitie and political sparks are exp ected to tly. The Senator, a member of the. power- tul Committee on Intenior and In- Wa13u113 ~s bec~m~~Y consldcred as sular Affairs ut the U.S. Senate, and Cycle advocate ut the North Orono Phone 146 and Power Alliance. McCULLOCH BOATS & MOTORS CHAIN SAWS Repairs to ail makes of Lawn Mowers and 2 and 4 cycle Englues OTACO PLOW POINTS j AND MACHINERY PART-TIME RADIO TV REPAIRS - HI-FI - Stereo - Record Players - Antennas - Towers - FA System for ient Ail parts and labour guarant.ed HABIT WIERSMA Phono 1!33'J Orono Building a lieuse? or reniodelliug your prement one, then contact Floyd Nicholson PHONE 2191 ORONO Y B~rne~ aiid Byam g G ~ PLUMBING and HEATING Sales and Service, - f3 ~24 HOUR BURNEB. SERVICEO B.A FINANCING g Low Interest Rates gPhone~ ton CO, 3-2288 fi Tyrone CO. 3-2650 ,~o<-~aC~ The Alliance, as the Senator secs it, wiil become the largest public works projeet in history requiring the expenditure ot $100 billion over a thirty year penlod ~or several dak before burstlng nto flames. Usually tbi~ happens n a but, dry atternoon. - Such a, rire has a good head start and it ~equires prompt detection and suppression to limit it to a smail ~creage. Lightning tires can occur lu la- ~4ated areas. In the past, these rires were reached by fire-tighters whu packed their equipment and supplies several miles overland from the nearest road or lake. Such a tnp would tire even the strongest, severely handicapping the work of the tire-fighters. Toda-y the tire-fighters can oft- en be deposted with bis equlp- ment almost on the fire by heu- hours ot hard tire tighting work. The Lindsay District bas been fortunate lu baving a helicopter avaîlable during the past week. Several lightnîng tires, impossible to reach by any other means cx- cept walking for miles through the bush, have been extinguished by crews transported by heicopt- er. The small acreages ot these tires are the resuit ut the labours of well trained, tresh crews. for the use, management and con- With the Fire Danger hovering servation ot the principal water in the Extreme Rating, ail Head- resources of Canada, Alaska. the quarters are keyed tut the neit Uni~ed Skates and Mexico. Ils tire "Start'~, tully aware that it primary geographicai scupe will could be the "tough" une, the onu extend from the Yukon, througb that could "Crown" tbrough the Western Canada and the Plain s tree tops, travelling taster than States, to Sinalua in Central a man can waî~, destroying tim- Mexico. ber, cottages and bornes. On June 8, the Senator pre- sented the essentiais ut his pro- posai tu the Royal Society of Can- ada, the foremost scientifie and cuitural body ut tbe Dominion- Ho bas subsequently submittcd a Senate Resolution calling for tbe States government to undertake Executive Branch ut the United tormatioli ut an InternatiOnal j Joint Commission, comprising rep- resentatives from Canada, the US, and Mexico to initiate the extensive pre-planning necessary for implementation ut the vast projeet. Senator Moss and bis teilow proponents ut the Nnrth Amen- can Water and Power Alliance bave not received a casual re- sponse - pros and cons have been, numerous and vocal on both sides ot the Rio Grande and the Great Lakes. The appearance ut Senator Frank Moss on August 24 wiil be but une et the higblights ut the 1966 International Water Quality Symposium tu be held at the Queca Elizabeth Hotel lu Mont- real, Quebec, Canada. The con- clave, whicb will carry through I August 26, under the sponsorsbip lot the Water Conditioning Associ- atîun, International, wiil attract mure than a thousand delegates as well as leading public, scientific, sud industnial figures trom ail parts ut the F~ree World. Lightning fires cannot be pre- vented as yet. However, the oth- or 80 percent ut tires are flian caused. A littie care on the part of everyone who uses our forest- ed landu can reduce these fires. THE OSHAWA BUSINESS COLLEGE announces the opening of the FALL TERM on TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 6 NINE DAY SCHOOL COURSES FROM WHICH TO CHOOSE Job Placemeat Service for Graduates College la approved for Stu- dent Loans JNDIVIDUAL INSTRUCTION 29 Years Experience in Train- iag Young People Get your copy of "Traiaing For Responsibilty la Business" Register Now Enrolment is Limited Phone 725-3375 10 Simcoe St. N Clip and mail for tuli details- No Obligation. Naine - - Grade - - Address . - - Age

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