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Orono Weekly Times, 8 Sep 1966, p. 2

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ORONO WEEKLY TiMEliS, TIIIRSDAV, SPTMERSh,166 ~~RO W~ KY T. L à-Urz- e as Clas:maU ,e am~ ottawa PubLshed every Tbursday at àzofftcqof pubhcatie Mar. Sireei, Pniora 109, vrono, unzrio Eý,abEsbed in 1938 by R. A. Forrester R. Fo.krrester - Edltor and Manager Mue For Action The Orono Police Trustees at a recent meeting spoke out against the County Road Commission in that they have yet to reach a decision un storm sewering the Main Street of Orono from Centre Street to Station Street. Although the reason for the lack of decision by the Cuunty Committee is not specificaliy known, it may be as- sumed that they have some doubts as to the need of storpi sewering this section of road in the Village. These doubts, may also possess va.idity in that even with heavy ains the fali is sufficient from Centre Street to Sabre Street to carry the waters along the curbs and at an àdequate rate. The biggest problem cumes in the spring when snowy sliush is often abuve boot-tops. But here a proper pogramn of snow removal could greatly reduce this *problemi- and pevide better conditions in this section of town for travel and parking during theý winter season. The major'problem in this section uf Orono is ccir- tainly parking and the need for a more adequate travel width, The Counties have passed a parking by-law, for this * section of Oronu which would give some order te this prob- lem and also provide a greater travelling width. The con- * ditions of the by-law weme recommended by the Depari- ment of Transport following a survey and approved by the, Depatment of Highways. Athough this by-law came mbt force in December nu action lias been taken on it by the Trustees. Chaos stili reigns in the heart uf the Village as far as parking and travelling. The signing for parking weuid be uf iittle eust and enforcement of the by-law is guing to have to be arranged at sometime or other. There beemns nu logîcai reason for the Tru'qtees to hdback in bringing the conditions of the by-law into foirce. Surely it would be an improvement over the existing conditions on Fender-Bending Aliey. The present condi- tions must also be costing local business enterprises manv dollars as district residentýi take a few minutes more to drive elsewhere Where, conditions are better suited. It is also interesting tu note that the Village of New- castle has now in effect the same plan as recommended for Orono. Newcastle's street is even much wîder than Orono's. Pleae L ci s collected for analysis. 1 ienerai eak Regulations made under h Miss Mary Casselman, publie Pub'ic Health Act respecting Pub- health nurse in Brighton, has been Y lic Swimming Pools were regist- electeci to the Councîl of the Col- ~VIIered June 7, 1965. A "public lege of Nurses. There are sixteen Mr. c,.ph aubof ontealswimming pool" means an indoor members on thîs Board who mjeetý : ~ ~~ 'or outdoor pool other than a during the year. t is the regist- onnoucsnwonrhpoOr ahn eýha aul bathing ering body for ail nur. es and ono eatig Cmpan, Keritarea or a wading pool, to which nursing assistants who live and Manufacturing CmayLd n tepbi sivtdweh-e or work in the Province of Ontario. W. R. Leith. The new company flot a fee is charged. Eleven in- Ltas el ihsuycuss which will continue to operate in spections of such pools were tasodiwthtuycre, Orono will be known as Nesting made, to interpret the Regula- examsi ationS and approval of Furniture Company. tions to the operators, and to en- schools of nursing and training. Nesting Furniture will continue1 sure compliance with the Regula- centres. to manufacture Nestng chairs a.nd tions and thereby attempt to safe- tables with possible additions ofgurth wmes Dr. Jean Moore, consuitant ini to manufacture nesting chairs andgurth imes the Maternai and Child lealth Di- ture. In the inspection of pools, em-1 vision of The Ontario Department ________________________phasis is placed on the sanitation of llealth, spent a day at the TO RPAIT IS 1IDEfacilîties, clarity of the water, I{ealth Unit. TO RPAIT INIDEchlorination of the water, ade- WATEIt TANK quacy in relation to the number of users, general construction and The Orono Standpipe Wàter safety meaSures. Tank is to be emptied of water on September 12thi when work i Mea Inspection U !JIi~L1Jq to start on painting the inside of Of 818 carcasses examined by ' O ~ i~ the tank. The project is necessary a veterinarian during the month, HOE ViE T due to the fact that paint bas1 nine were condemned as weIl as E________________ been peeling off the inside and 121 portions. accumulating' at the bottom of the- tank. Water serivice will stili' continue to Ùsers in Orono as water will be delivered directly from the well. Usèrs are requested to- use water sparingly during this period of repainting. Larry Ferguson, PeterborcAgh was taken to the Bowmanviile Memeorial Hospital Saturday suf- fering from a fractured skuli as the result of an accident on High- way 115 south of Enterprise Hlli. Later in the day Eva Read, RR 1, Bowmanhville, was ta.ken te the Oshawa General Hospital with a fractured skull foliowing an acci- denton the county road south of' N osport.' Miss Read was reported- to have been driving a motorcycle. The flowmanville Detachment investigated three accidents Mon- day in which three vehicies were involved in rear-end collisions. No ,one was injured. Health Report, Northumberland1Durhani Healh Unit Report for Jnly 1966 Communicable Disease, Durin.g the month 23 cases were reported, - 6 meaSles, 6 mumps, 3 german n'easles, 3 chickenpox, 2 salmonella, and 2 bacillary dy- sentery, One rabid animal, a fox in Per- The y-lw bs sa ide lng ýnoghcy township,, was reported. No The y-lw bs st iie ongenogh.rabies vaccine was dispense.d dur-. ing the month, Tuberculosis At three monthly chest x-ray clinics, 66 persons were given a ehest x-ray. One "contact case 1wi fected" and one "old case discov- __________________________________________________ jered,," were added to 'he tuber- culosis case register. vwu.ess on.e ence Fifteen clinics were held dur- ing the month, at which 24 child-j Clare Statton, District Super- ample of using illustrations in ren completed the initial series viser and principal speaker at the teaching. the evening's- program, of Quad vaccine and 28 received Oshawa conference of 'Jehoviah's used Skits showing workable study a reinforcing dose. As is the praé- Witneses recentiy, posed a pro- methods. tice in the summer months, there1 vocative question in his ýopening Sunday afternoon 915 persons Were nu primary smailpox vac-: remarks to the 661 delegates aS- istened attentiveiy as Mr,. Stat- cinationS. sembled at the Oshawa Chidren's ton gave the public lecture entit- Nursîng Arenia, "Does the modem-ýday led "Does God have an Influience -Drn h umrmnh;pr Christian have a responsibility to lin This Twentieth Century?" Mr., schoolstceosdnd saffon ar- be a missionary?" Statton pointed to the fact that nual vacation, the nursing ser- In his' addr ess "Make Disciples because we live in such a-nmater- vices are directed, mainly to home of Peuple of Ahl the Nations," Mr. ialî5-tic world and the people do' itngofcead hs lnis Statton kindied the interest of not-sec, miraculous things at the d iscitin offieadcetciis thedeegaesin hee- oris f andofGod tey eaon ha G disuso fpragrammes for the thedelgats n te~r wodi ofhan o Go, tey eaon hatGo coming school year and home Jesus, "Does the Christian have a has no influence in this 20th Cen- i furSing care. A total of 655 fam- choice ýabout making disciples? tury. They prove they believe No, hi5is comnan", t~ aid.thi bywha the sa an byilies were visited, and 1227 visits S isa commad", c sad. his y wht tey sy an hywere made. In addition, there was Contînuing to set the theme, wbiat they do.11. "Make Disciples," he asked the Mr. Statton then went on and nsing aegve n14 .a question, "How tan this be done?" gave evidence from tbe pages of sins The evening's program was de- the Bibie, particularly from thej Sanitation veloped with a view to answering book of Daniel, qhowing hoýW God During the summer mosths, par- that ïuestion. b as had influence in times past ticularly July and AuguSt, swim- Saturday aftemni-kon affordeil 'which is sutstantiated by archae- mîng facilities require close at- new Jebovah's WitneSses to be logy in the unearthing ofancient tention. Swimming beaches are baptized. For Jehovah's Witnesses1 civilizations. placarded as 'unfit for swmming' the act of water baptism cqnisti- Ris audience was also encour- when these are shown through tutes their ceremony of oî-dina- aged with the evidence shown that bacteriological analysis to be un- tion as ministers. 6 perSons took, God h;>. always influen.ced the safe. Unfortunately the posting of the step on Saturday in Oshawa. people who worshipped him. Fur- Such placard signs can seldom be Saturday evening the delegates ther evidence was presented maintained throughout the swim- assembied for a detaiied analysis s howing how God bas great in- ming seasc.n, and are often de- of the WitnesSes' chief miniser- fluence in this 2th Century stroyed by the public immeàiateiy il function: helping people tolworking through God-fearing jupon being posted. Two such study their ewn Èib1es ini their * people who permit God to inf lu- swimming âreas were placarded, Own homes. Foilowing Jesus' ex-i en.ce them. 19 inspections made, and 51 samp- j ANNOUNCEMENT We are pleased th anno unce that Joseph Taub of Montreal, Quebec, has taken over the operation if Keirit Man- ufacturing Company Ltd., and will con- tinue to manufacture Nesing Chairs and Tables under the name of Nesting Purniture Lîited. Josepli Taulb Nesting Furniture Limited Back4To-S'chool Week Specials j For Young, Oid ..ndin between j3 Ring Note Paper, 277 sheets for ........ 8ac IBlue Plaid School Bags with handle or I shoulder strap, priced at ............. $2.49 SScience Note Book, pe~ced............. 59c IStudent Math Set, priced................ 79e ICranberry Sweat Shirt, M and S ....... $2.29 IBoy's Palermo 2-ply Flannel Pants, 7-14 $2.98 Girl's'Plaid Slims, 8 to 14, pair........... $1.89 j Grl's Rol Siceve 2-way Print Shirts, 7-14 $1.19 ILadies' Plaid Blouses, 32 - 38, priced ..... $1.29 IJust a few sets left of the Ladies Skirt and , Blouse Sets, regular $4.88 now at .... $3,.77 Small Girl's Corduroy Jumper-s wtith Print Blouses in orange, green, mauve or agua, sizes 3 to 6, priced at . . ............. $2.98 IBoy's Nelowe Shirts wîth black Polo Neck I Dickies. Shirts in blue, red,, gold or grey, I szes 3 -to 6X, priced .,,,.....$1,98 j~ - Or1ct $100NStore j Phone 122W, Orono

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