OONO WEEKLY TIMES, THURSDAY, OCTOBER lt2th, 16 ;4, ied as Se ond Class mail, Post OUficd Depýar-iment, Ottawa) blso ed every 'rhursulay'at thie ofit'çf pb'ai MAun Sitreet, Pnone 10i3, urdno, voLaio E.~ sled in 1938 by R. A. Forreser Ro y C. Forre-ster - Editor andi Manager AW(-rthwhi1e Project At the récent meeting of the Clarke TowrnipscLioot Pa ti Mrs. T. Faàirbiothier., chairinan of the CýAke Town, s'p Ce nhenniai Commttee, referred 10 school -,o -Id i ufication as a possible, project 10 observe the 1001h i rthay of Canada. This point, we feel, is weli takený anti eteteserving consitieration, The projeet wouldbe Iire folti in that it would ecognize the Centenrary of Canada, beautify the front of týe chool premises anti give- opportunity for students ho pariiptein the plan, learning the value of beautifica- ton anti the respectfor 'property. Ail too often the appearance of the surrounding. groundis are given littie attention anti atit nolhing to en- hance the schools in which well over $120,000.00 bas been spent in construction!j There us tno reason whyv a few dollars eould not be -spent to beaulify the grounids in front of the >chools with proper lawins, flowers anti shrubs. The chilti- ren coulti no doubt assist with the beautification as a Cen- tennial project. Under such a sehemie a greater meaning, woulti be createti for the chiltiren in the projeet. There is no reason wXhy such areas have le be useti as gaine or play areas or areas 10 drop litter. They shoulti ho preservedti provide a suitable setting foi' the schloo] anti to enhance ils appearance. Respect for property can surely be taught in school as weIl as the three "R's". Dis- cÎpline, we know is ltght. Il only needstis10be extentiedti inclutie Ibis area. Schools coulti well afforti to emiplasise respect of propertyý anti neatness of a'ppearance, This tearh- ngcouiti well carry on into later life. The Clarke Higl School is a gooti exampie of a neat front appearance. Stutients are not seen roarning arounti in the front yard. Proper'play areas are designateti anti nO doubî one of the scbool rules to be observei is no front lawn play. The suggestion by-Mrs. Fairbrother us weIl wort h- while for our scbools neeti not be surrountiet by barren soil, voi of any beauly. The suggestion would atit dignity to the building proper anti Place hhe centre of area educa- lion in a more fitlingshig Wh.erejn Lies 'The Difference The Canadian Mvedical Association ia a recent state- mient presenteti in connection with a national Medicare schemne'appears to have 'Matie, what we believe to be, con- tratiîclory Proposais or suggestions. Thie C.M.A. supports a plan wbich woufld corne into effecl immieduately Ibat woulti provide Meducare for those wbo cannot afforti il anti are apparent presenitly on without such insurance. Further in their stiatenient the C.M.A. tienounces compuisory Medicare aI Ibis lmon the grouis that adequate personn~el antifcd te are not available ho carry out the schemeo. The C.Mý.A. is nlolIthe Only group ho ivocale such views anti proposais. In the fLirst inIstanýe they request Mecicare for those who can not affort i t. Adti t Iis number Ibose covereti by PSI, 0OMSIP and other policies anti we believe the total woult comje close to that unier a-, compulsory Medicare plan. This being -so the saine conihionis woulti arise as Vwith com-ipulsory MIedicare- . -. inaiequahe mnedical person- XielJ anti inadéequate facilities. HFow can anti why tioes CMA and others support )ne schemne anti denounce another when the end result is the ae'Cotidbe propagandea. A Better Service The new dua] telephone systern now ln operation in OrGno andi district is a credit-,t the Communiîy Telephone Compir-any and a joy b oils subscribers. The systenri br'oughtito opeaion early Suniday fnrinbas improveti bo a considerable degree telephon),e communication in Ibis colunmunily. Party lines haýve beeii divitiet anti access is nOw available for direct dialing te roost areas. Those dependent on' gooti service are already voýiing- app)roval for the new system. ,The service lbas been a long ltime comning to Orono anti ià was notuhi the o1li rono Telephione CLomprany was stio Community Telephione t at a hope ai-ose orou -perîf nt odemn type of elephonie service. Theebage- vwas bmatie by CommunilYy elephtone wrtoutmajr poblnisor interruption of service. Choosing ,anaine for the new Cole.ge of Ap)plied Arts and Technology fo)r Area 4 is the first pi oblemi faci'ig the j oard ofGoveinors, which held its in- laugural meeting Wednesday.,' MrU. Stewart R. Alger was eiec tied chairman andi Mr. Gordon W_ Rehl, vice-c hairman of the Board which wili be le.ally incorporat-j Id od nce the college name liasi >been officially approveti by the, Council of Regents for Colleges of Appiied Arts-anîd Technology and by the Minister of Education. Dr. FI.FIl, Kerr, chairm an of the Coun1-cil !of Reiients, a'id.B outjuei o mihbrsof the new Board ter uie ntîiresponsi- bilities. Mr. 1N. A. S'isco, Director of 3Appliedti Arts an ii, d Technology Branch ,ol fithe De2artment of Eduîcatýion, discussed with them the eduicational goal whjich the Colleges have been1 designdto Mr. Alg1er, pr-esident of, the Al- ger Press, in Oshawa, has served as' aldermian on the Cly Council of . Oshawa and lias been Presi- dent of thie Greater Oshawa Com- mnunity Chest. Hle is ciîrrenily active in the 'local Rotary Club andi serves on the Boi>, d of file McLaugliin Public Libr)arY. Thle Simlcoe'Hall Boy's Club and the Oshawa Dis- trict Boy Scouts are also among hbis interests. Mr. Riehl, C. a chlartered ac- countant, is a member of the flnof Deloitte, -Plender, Ras- kins anti Selis in Oshawa. 11e lia been presitient of the Oshawa Chamher of Commerce andi a dir- ector of the Society of Industrial anti Co,,ss Accountanits of Ontarijo. At prýesent co-chairman of the j SFinance anti Education Commit-I tee of the Ontario Chamber ofi Commerce, he is a. director of that grOUP. 11e also serves on the Tax- ation co-mmittee of the -Institute ,cd Chartered Accounants of On- tario, andi is chlairnrian of the Pub- ( lie Relations committee, Hea;ltli Unit Reüpourt i At thre monthly chest clinics UovenitY-two p3ersons receiveti a chest x-ray. Only one new casej vas dfiscovereti and atideci to the register. There, was one death fromi a cause other thian tuher- cutlosis during dfth meth, The 'Y edical Officer of Hlealth attendetid four train.ing sessions gvnprior to the muass tubercul-j osis an-d diabetes detection surl- vey. Tuberculin testing of the school chiltiren began on Septein- ber 26th. Seventeen clinices were held1 dulring the mon th, at which 27 ehildren, completed the initial, series of Quad vaccine and 39 ýre- ceiveti a reinforcing dose. 39 chltiren receiveti their prmay dose 'of smallpox. A totalof17 childiren attend.ed Chilti of ll7h conference. eat As part of the Health Unit pro- gramme in the controi of com-j municable disease,- the' publice healtli nurses visit patients and contacts. of cases in their homes. This month there were44 ist to cases andi 46 visits toa otat Iof cases or suspecteti contacts. In addition, nule visits were-matie thissehcil earwasplanneti aI tueîIft o Setemer.There will ne ti c an e from., last year, in ton .ici en begiining school aýî dj, t bei grade five will beBl d Do o teý steti. ïReferrals from other grades, antil aiso any children re- t~0pm :30 pj peating their year at sýchool, will 6-30 .m. 9.00 This monîli, requests for tests 'eariy in the fail' and referrals which had been matie during the summer months took up most of the time. Give that others may llv& IV ~, SUPER-PC FRED M 4 ROLPH HARDWARE, ORONO, ONT. Wyveek Bef ore Hallowe'en Spëcially selected for you and where Fam ily Allo0wance Chel-» quesceeflycs- - ed Nobility Battery-Operated Massager set $2.39î Sturdy Towel Pote, specîal while last ... $3.99 1 Foot Stools ava(dable in cream, tangerine 4 and browni, priced only ...,...,..... $4.,9' Little Boys Vests in sizes 4 to 6X, only -. $1.98 Colgate's Fluoride Toothpaste, large size .29 Cordless Electric ilair Brush, special .. $2.89 Mechanical Jumping, Dog, orly ......... .59 Sicotia Electric Frying Pan, with cord,. $13.50 G. E. Electric Portable Mixer, just ... $14.99 ~ lngraham Travel AMarin Clock with guar- antee priced at .,. . . $449 New Three-Dimensional Pictures, just $2.79 Brass Combination Magazine and Record Ilolder, for oly........ ........ $4.77 For Hallowe'en Tricks, Treats, Masks, Decora- Uions, Clandies and Costumes see us,.. Plenty of Dutch Bulhs available in bulk and in package front 8c., Up. j Laý,yAway Plan Always Available PIIONE 983-5401 ým. anti LIONS CENTRE BOWMANVlLt, The need is great! Paathe 4qghtweqht chain saW ». uilt for '[asta ct/onl 7! 98342lai Ir