VU ~ ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, TIIURSDAY, OCTOBER 20th, 1966 Saàve 22e - Libby's Fancy 48 oz. Tins TO/'MATO JUICE, 3 for, 89c SaVe 18e - Libby's Deep Buttered, 'V EG ET ABt"$àL ES 'Save 10e - Libby's SL1CED BEET,". Save 10c - IGA Oven Freshi APPLE PIE Save 10e - Lîbby's SýLOPPY JOES Save 10e - Libby's ini Tomaýte Saune Chateaif Plain CHEESE SLICES, Kraft MILD CHEESE IGA Mledfium Coloured Cheese Stix 14 o.Tinsý 3 for 6-5c 20 oz. Tins S 3~ for 49c family size 39c 15 oz 55c 315 oz- Tins 3for 49c 8 oz. Stix 2 for 65c 28 oz. Pkg- 2:for 69c 32 oz Jar 63c 12' oz 153e, DIm O ORFVORITE FRONT 12UARTER CUlS RBEEF SALW CAMADA'S FINEST RED OR BLUI BRARD BEEF STANDING RIBSOS B LAD E ROAST LD BLADE MROAST BON-'ERS SHORT RIS R,13AST CROSS CUT RIZ ROAST CROSS CUT RMS ROAST tes SHOULIDEL g-,O ST BONELESS ROLLED rISKT 'LAE e' BOI4ELES- B 711PAT JBCYRB TEK BLADE Lr S TAKS ý : BREF LIVRSLICRO BREFTOGS BL i PRISE PrC OS OU YuPAY 79' & c59< Swanson Frozen - Beans & Franks, Mac. & Cheese, Spaghetti & Meat Bails Il oz. Packages 2 for 89c, Stze 48's Size. M each 25c Size 88's 45c- Ontario No. 1 Grade Ont. Gem Baldng 10 lb. bag POJT A TOE t1S »10 lb bag 49c, Last Weeks Winners iVr. A. McDowelI, Toronto- Mr, A. Storrie, Toronto Mir. G. Mitchell, Willowdale Mvr. Jý MULaing, ai to see -.nniversary; visitors from teneighJbouring comimunities of Shulàoh, Xùiby , Oroo and Port Hlope. M'r. and Mrs. Fred Thompson 0Ï f Vancouver were weekend vis- itors with his mother and his brotqher'Mr. Arthur Thompson, The Kendal friends and neighi- bours éexten d their sympathy ta Mr. James Hoyi and his family in the loss of bis daughter Pearl (Mrs. D. ,'e) of California. She grew ,up in t his neighbourhood, atnigthe sixth line sehool. P eari an-i her yoi-ngest son werle home visiting in JuIy. Vhe funer- -il was f'-om the Northcutt and Smith Fuýne-a] lHome o>r:'Wednes- day mo ning, October l19th. The se-,7ëith line is almost oh pTeteýd. T'heyv have the white Strips, painted dlown the centre of the black top). Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Stevens re- turned o5n Sundav from ýa six 'veeks trip te, England and Scot- land by Jet. Ottawa R eport Russeli V. Holley, M.P.. Durhari The Liberal Party Policy Con ference held in' Ottawa on Mon day, Tuesday and Wednésday if this week will mark the comrp le:- tioný of the democratization ro-ý cess of the Party which vwas coïi- neiced szhortly after Mr. Pear. son a~ eectd lederin 1958. Th3e fomtof tne ConfererLce I ws evoutonay.The old pro- 'ced_,e i p conferences was for 'de'egaùt,,,-,tomore or less aur- omatically aýppi-ove position pap- ers and, resolutionls turned ou)it b1 Party brasýs well in advanice. This weeks Coferece poceeed -o the baiof "workshops," where tthceîdelectes ýactually formed hefrepa~ngthemý to the( plen- ary seSsions of the Conferene for final i ]spositionThe olicy akgproce;ss was e-tire1lv with- in the hanids, of,_the delegates,. Another step in the democraît- iz.ation of the Liberal Party was the provision establishing a meth- od to change leaders easily and consti.tutionally. Withîni one year after each general eletcinthe question of leadership wiIlI be placed o-n thie conferent-ce agenda and decidled by secret ballot. llaving provided the iachinery wrýhereby the leader ca-n be re- moved, the delegatas then pro- ceeded to give Prime Miniister Parson an unaiinious endos-sa- t ion as,- the Party' Leader. Theo, warmth of affection felt for Mrl Pearson by the rank and file Par- ty mnember is difficult to describe,. fit is unmistakeably there howý- 'ever . . . almnost as though theý members are sure that whatever may be the cur'rent assessment tI this man, his place in history aà a great world statesrnan and ai a man who hield his country to- gether in a period in which it could have been disintelgrated, la well securedl. Monday, Thanksgiving Day, the House of Commons did not sit. Tuesday the House, met ta finish the Feed Grain Bill which had beeni thoroughly de1hated 1Lsi ek.The-e were a series of a mendinents mioved by Conserva- tive mem.bersý which requiredÎ votes froin Urne ta time, the net resuit of which was that this leg, isation was not disposed of by thue time the If ouse rose at 10 o'clock Tuesday evening. I w-as di;:appointed fthat the legijslation was eld tup hecausbe it wifl be of g-reat benlefit tao live- stock feeders in Eastern Canada. lt is legisiation in which I av a great personal interest because New Crop R&Jed r lVte Floria G""RAPEFRUI 10 for-,69 Produce fUS.. Canadja No. 1 Grade "LETUC Canada Fancy Gradýe- - B.C. e DELCtUSAPPLES