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Orono Weekly Times, 1 Dec 1966, p. 4

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ORONO WEEKLY TIM ES, THUBýSDAY, DECEMBER lât, 1966 Serîptiure- Lesson - Geneslis1. 26231; tan :18 Taken from a sermon preacbed by 1ev. Basil Long. The uýse of our electrical appli- anîces bans cau-sed us to reaize that if a c-onnection is broken at aniypoint betwmeen the source of power and the appliance itself, there will be no satisfactory con TO THE ELECTORS RUN IN 'A 11151 ELE ROY As. TOWNSHIP Your Support Wi To The Electors ofC VOTALE-) RC CAR' For'COUN TOWNSHIP1 "Support a Sound ' FOR CONSCIENTI, ADMINI'STRAIO1 RE-E: TO TME 194 0F TUIE TOWMu'---, On Dcni venience until the c onneetion is properly restored. Man is a spiritual crature as wyell as physical. Sometîmes he is inclined to say, "I don't need God, I'm doing fine." lie may feel this way because he bas woprk which pays well so that he bas onable amount of property. To be se sýoon, satisfied, however, is te show a lack of Insight into the' very natur e of life and the -power, that man ought to possess. When man neglects the spiritual side ofi lis nature he has broken the con- nection in the line of God's com- munication of _power. The connec- tion may be broken in. various ways. plenty to eat, plenty to wear, Relielllon Agalnst GoE1 freedom from sickness and a reas- The story of creation in the' book of Geneis relates Adam and, Eve walked lu harmony with God unitil they rebelled against God's will. The jnvolvemnent of the Snake, which is' a symbol of' evil, 0F'CLARKE indicates that in subtie ways evil bas a way of penetrating our lives bringing about a strained relationship witb God. Having re- belled against Godi,, Adam and E NSILE Eve hid tbemselves from V-is presence. There are many ways in which m~..a mu~m - man can go hiding when he is IERKNIVINI not in harmony with God. Perhaps * be drives bimself into activities of no end, or seeks seclusion in al- 'NESSLIKE AY lcobol.,lie may even bide under a NES LIE AYmantie of religiosity, but nvr thelesý the connection is broken so that God's power does not fMI àw~ - is life. ISelf Interest There is a' second way in which tbe connectieon may be broken ___ -and that is tbe Projection of self F ~ "FE K Iinto first -place in our relation- moi" 0% S H RThe Bible tells tbe story of Jacob and Esauý, twin sons born toIsaac. Esau, having been the Î, first to be born, held- the birth- right and the expectation of bis father's blessing wbich was a O F C L A R K Ec o v e t e d tr e a s u r e iu t h o s ýe t im e s . oeuvered Esau out f bsbrh HI Be Appreciated right and finally deceived bis fatber to the extent that Isaac urknowingly conferred his bless-: îng upon him rather than, upon Esau. Many years Of uneasiness were SIthe resuit of the enmity wbich 9prang up between the two brotb- ers anid it was not until Jacob camre to grips wfýtb bis relation- Clarke sbip ai God tha~t a reconciliation wasreacbed with his brother. Religion Distorted, Another way in which a broken connection can rob us of God's EL ÎE ' C powýer is in the. distortion of re- ligion. The history of tbe people of Israel, reveals tbat their un-, ique calling was unfuifilled he- cause of thie ways in whicb they ds4>ýrýed ýhe pure religion of their God. Their great 'prophets'; oragamn, reminding them ta they were denying the respons- eblt f tlheir calling. We find ithe New Testament accounts of V E T Jesus' teachlng- that time 'and aglain be remronstrated the Phari- c i Ifoi-distortirag religion, mak- ing; it a matter of self -righteous WIL of the legalismn insteai of having tbe The distortion of the Christian 1 0F CLARKE Religion is just as pronounced in pur time where people axe con- cerned with their own, salvation Busiess ractce"only, and in our preoccupation with denominationalismn in instan- ces where denomination is more ý,iporantto us than Christian fellowship. Tbe negative expres- Sion of denominationalism is. tie ___________________ terrible shame of thre Christian church. liumanity suffers al over the world, and we are weak in, our OUS own communities because' tbe channel of Godý'power bas been broken in s0 many ways. Power Restored When there is a break in thre rri electrical ebannel which suiplies LE CT thre necessary power by which we make use of Our modemn electrical conveniences we inmediately bave tbe breakdown located and a proper connection restored. ME ne TIn matters of tbe spirit, power is restored, not, by offering sacri- fices to God, or by slavish adher- ence to laws, but by a humble re-! alization of tbe inadequacy of Our' lives as related to tbe great po- tential there iswben we -become thre channel of the Sprit of Jesus Christ. Through Christ, rebellion 1 37 CO NCILïs overcome by love, self is're- mioved from the focal point of at- ~IîP0FCL~R Etention and br-,Othlerhood is e stoed.Thedisortoriof eliio YOur Suprt IB TO THE ORONO. POLICE TRUSTEES STUTT'S Drugs NO'TICE A SPECIAL GENERAL1 MEETING Memorial HospiftuI Corporation wifl be held in the COUNCIL CHAMBER, BOWMýANVILLE on the eveninkg of WEI3NESOAY, DECEMBER 7 1966 at the hour of 8-00 p.m. for the purpose of discussing and ratifyinýg the New By-laws as proposed by the DireCters Copies of these new by-laws may be seen at the Hospital by contacting the Administirator, Mr. B. Holdeýn., Ray J. Dillig, Secretady-Treasurer FOR ADVANCEMENT IN EDUCATION VOTE -ELEOT To the Clarke Township Area Public Sehool Board on Deceniber 5th "bROK)'ïeEN ïCONNECTIONS" G. E. HOLIDAY F LOO0DILI GH-T KI T Weatherproof, Safety Socket, grountd spike and bracket Red, blue and ýgreenl Regular $5.95 for $3,77

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