tçotinedfrom page 1 cai in'the best interest of bc said. Orono" IL MERCER "I'm stili interested ln Orono" -ated1 Mr. Mercer. "I ar nont ex- atly satisfied with the way 11y- i i being >ýandled and I would Lî1i eto set it straightened out," d M~ Me-rer. H1e faitha, would Fllo-,x his name to stand in the TW7,O DECLINE o11Brune M'-capr and Roy P-rreste,r de-liniel their niomna r -staiting thev had n intention te) rin for office. rý sýMPSON W imp5,on, Chairnian of the i} -oua ilydro, reported that the )~ital value of thte11ydrc now P) ,n ýa t l2l (095. , jý- p S5(O.over 1965. Suirlus, he ýrid bnd also increc.sed Io an _; t'r- ted $7000.00 at thie end of t1rk e ear. being largely' due to * -afe increase. "We have had r o-es,~'he said, "but tchey Pe not as bad as they appear."' VM'x Simpson referred to thel rnîad proçr-a". of sto-'m sewering . 1n11ha Street a-d the exter- sve u"'dr m nlann&eý for the rftaViliac!t. This pro- gram, when carried out wou"I --ît rindý of the Village streets ln î-,od shape, he said. Mr. Sirnpson pn-ted on the street lighting 7'oaam ftile parking plan, the r ---rsP of a iiew dump along w,,ith neW garbagfe pick-up and the taýkeover of the Villagle Librarv W fie Townsipr of Clarke as of 1'nar t. 1967. In connection with the 'vaiter svstem Mr. Simp- ,on soif[ thait it took some time to get to knjow the operation. flenoit& ut that a line had bueau exteiidelýd to the Park this ~ a- long Prinlcess Street, F. R. WOODYARD9 Mr. Woodyard pointed out thal 1he newy dump had cost $125-00 afi n-re tnd th-t wthntw ears #he ~arageromvaiwould be atoftwitli thte new ratestrctua. 1e Onted oit tomnPrs in Orono along wth 300 ý-:ater cu:stonmers. Te coqt toý operate the watar sysýtenj since Septembe),ýr 1,f1OO- nad anïin,Ït to ýr34PP 27 andj ~'adsl"""~a uofi of$40ý00.O( du ingths period. Tn ~paa1i' nh'zdro Mr. Wood- yar sttedthat if they were care- fui* h(u)vdrowond rait Hs& 1e at tl'if, 1'i -0ostof Power andwa"as h ad amounfed fi ~'37 50. Thi, ha aiî~Iaflt ýft1le t'oa bt '~n oqfs fand revenue. "We mnust ha very careful what 'va?~oa~' wbrewe go", he said. He ~u7e~td tht conditions muet ha5, set up-whereby sub dî- '-ir - î l rovide the hydro also tat indstries and commerc- se-viceý wihi a sub division an iaitim soudPost bond wheh ~ ')~ AIINOM&774_Y, lN ï5r ?ET? JL ORONO WEEKLY TiMES, TIIURSDAY, DECEMBER lat, 1966 seeking serx'ices. me làrconferencýe held by thtCuni of -their wives and husbanids, as thuce lusekn fte $108,000. IW II~ Childhoýod Education at Scarbor- 'gueste. The mrain vt eniia nc st-,ff proposed road prog1ram, Mr. ough I were to.be asked, to joýin the Woodyard sai htwt aT teachers for the, banquet ard a mens o susides he ost0fSeveral committees were ap. social evening aiso. the program- to local ratepayers pointed and the Banquet Cm would be around $3&000OM.00.1e The. monthly meeting of the, mittee reported. It was decided lte Ail teachers were te cons1doer said it was necessary to includej Clarke Township Teachers' Asse- have a December Banquet invit-.a Centennial Projeet. storm sewers in, the project te cdation was held at Lockhart 'ing the memberýs of the board and Temeigwsajund provide drainage. It was his opin- School, Inst r andlmensublcTh etigwa dound ion that to dio the work all at cho npeco n a tdn once and te -spread payment over teachers from Toronto Teachers' five years was the cheapest way College presient. ers on tanearhetapIeos ant tohade w iMr. ilolmeis spoke to thIeah During, the question period water, the proposed road pro- gram and the fire department. I-I other subi acts. Mr. Moff et gave a report on the FOR PUBLIC SCH(9OL TRUSTEIE IN CLARKE Sounde,Energetic and Experkenced Administrationj FOR CLARKE TOWNSIHIP A,ýREA PUBLIC SClHOOL BOARD VOTE IJAMES STUTT X PROGRESS THROUGH, RE-ORGANIZATION 9 OSe,-PORT PARK EMPLOYMENT o0 0 In keeping with. our policy of employing LOCAL labour, part-tirne jobs are open g0 for the 1967 racing season as ticket sellers, parking attendants, etc.,, g g We are looking for responsible men'to work on weekends with excellent remuni- g eration. Apply in writing, giving your address and phone number, to: 0 g CANTRACK MOTOR RACING CORP. LTD.g MOSPORTPAKg ATT: Mr. Rene Bertheau, 0 1290 Ellesmiere 'Rd., o ~Scarborol, Ot CLARKE TOWNSHIP AREA SH LBOARD VOTEU TO THE ELECTORS 0F CLARKE TOWNSHIP J would like to inforrn the vpters in Clarke Township that 1 arn .ani date for the 1967:Council and wrould ap- preciate your support on IMondýayl Dec- ember 5th. VOTE VFa A. G RAY FOR COUNCIL I. Imm