Tevoters of CareTow;eshiP -nModV, flecem-iber St5111 ne thmbiowxl- on ail but ante of their present couincil incluffing ,bath the Reeve- and lleputyr-reeve. Wben the 1967 council holds its first m-eeting in Jan-uary, four *n'ew faces will appea r luEhea Couincîl of five members. Kr, Orme Falis is thec only rnember of the present Council to hold bis seat la the counil of tIhe Township of Clarke for the y-ear 1967. The dlecision of thie wtrabout 45 percn of tAe total, eligible list, was an upset forhlicother imernbers of Coun-i --il. Falîs plaeed second in the éoting for Council with 619 boteý,s. Mr. Ray Foster, a previeus mcm. befa Couincil f or f ivreyear, wo uRD0N VOLUME 28, NUTMBER 4-i Oncgain Mdembers of Hfeath- or ocalClub are plcascd ta mý- pôta very Successful B azaa an On bhaif f aith-e CommîIttee la charge, THIANKS is $j-tendi'ed te, ail those wlie donated s-gnr o 1[. i is very gratifying te kiw hat 50 many people are ia- iee nedl the work of the Lde A big THIAN1C 'YOU tG ail whe) 'Laineout I± pàt4 paf zejdthis ov- -nt. -Tt îs oui bhope that ail wbo attended thle Bazaar enjoyed it as mueh as the ones who ïput Se aiuch Urne anid effort intO aakingifa The vwlnners of tic vatriOus daws are: M.Kay Mather - Ange] Cake., Tie Big, Daw : Int prize, trie Fry Pan - Mmr. Milton s, Indian River. 2nd prize- by Loin, Jannie Wood. 3rd 6 ib. Christmnas Cake - Mrs. Sauta. E 1 ,c - Corn- Permî P-rize Mlarpy out ovecr, the incumbenît reeve, John Stone, w assekig is third terni as revea the Town- ship of Clarke. Foster 71.5; Stone, 483. Mr. H. E. Walkey, n former reeve, dpt-ev and council- lor of thie Township Couincil for some thirteen years, took aý decis- .ive win in the contlent for deputy-~ reeve. Mir. Lamre Perrault, the incuimbent d'eputy was defeated by Mr. Walkey who received 892 votes ta Perraults 247. Two aew memnbers of council wll be added this year in thc persons aiofMessrs. Rod Carveth andc Frank A. Gray. Bth mea were running for their first tîme fo a position in m unicipal govern- me-nt. Present Cauncillors Robt. WEEKL Wincrs of th e Penny Table: Yardlcy Toilet Set - Mrs. Sehoca- miaker; Hlair Spray and Lotion -'Carolyn Johason.; Handker- chiefs -Elaine Vagg; Perm ,by Ana George Pattecr; Cushion. - Adele Myles; ir4ning1 Board Cov- er- Joyce Simipson; Evening in paris Set Chris. Maartense; Donkc-y Tothl Picks - Glenda Tennant; Carto-nifCigarettes , Mrs. Scholz; Record,- Mrs. Mec- Rocbeirtq; ,Toeel Set - Donna Chai.- lice; Christmas Cenire Piece - Julie Jackson; Candie Stick Set -Etfrel Bofick Pillow Cases- MuLrel Neal; Anh Tray Mrs. Kay Mather; Table Centre -Mrs. Wmr. Hoar; Bath Set - Greta Falls; Lare Candlie - Mrs. Parry; Table- eloth- Caroline Lulin; Avon Pen- guiIn - lrs. Rosi West; Wall pla- ques -Mes. Doris Wanaan; Tray Adele Myles; F1ower Vase Charmaine Newman; Avoni Per- fumed Candie - Charles Wood;, Poodle - Christina Maartenisé; Caady and Nuts - Jean Lewis; Cushioni - Mrs . Mary Bullock; Tuppejrware dish - Mille Rainey; Choclates - Mms. Audrey Gogerty Bird Ornaments - Ms Davidson. vemy close with achui-d(rcd and twelv-e votes seamtig hetop and bottom lnumber. It is also ap- parent on chcckIng tic resuits that vtn was carried out on an amen basin as lias happenied, la thc past twao elections for-flic Board. It woufld appear tint this han overiddien an issue tlM»t may have exlsted in tic minds ai voters, if there was suci, Mm, orley RCobinISon, who) headced the poIls ii thse lectioni two, years ago did neot seek e: election this yeam, Mr. Robinson servcd for taycars in tic Board. Tic Board for 1967 wll bc coin- poseld ai Mm.Greenwood, AMr, Stujtt,M. Turansky, Mrs. Barlow and M. JamesLwey CPhater, 489 anld LloydLwry 488, weedfae n their bld to Ieur o coucil fr He year 19(;7.Caeh topp,ýed the poils for Counicil with 7M vte;Gay re- cevd5,38 Mý1r. PRoy' vFoster, the hiea-id of Cuclfor 19G7, sta-tes that lie is haping for an early start in the new year. It is bis intentions,, he states, ta restore sound busia, ess policies into the aff airs of the Township and te take a more de-cisive look itt the future as far as this mutnicipality is con- cernied. Hle further- stated that lie is pleased with the slate, of members for th'e 1967 couincil, feelingl that a gcvod balance ia op- pinion should exist, along with thiat of experience. OIIONO WEEKLY TIMES, THURSDAY, DECEMBER th, 1966 Cenfenalal beacou fîmes arc go- ing ta blaze a welcome ta Can- das100f h year oin New Ycnr's 'Eve. Tise Cenfennial Committec is planning a. series of beacan fires la cansýpicuotis places a- round tIc Tawnii,]p on ticle ap- provai ai tIc PFire C OfnQe fire is ta le lit at 'Kilcoh-man, tic LýoveIn mmm rrnear thcle )wiich brings ta mmnd an anecdIote aji Riebaârd Lovelçd wlia first setflcd la Clarke lu 1796. Wc ouate imoi the ali-Northiumberland and Dur- ram -Atlas: Soon niter TMr. Lovekin's ne- rvqI. Im&I* a'vl ndmen tOok flic hnt arid rau nierdi, for the uroeof cuftiuç,- emas~wFh Ç'O 4flipi, h~m lcwi hlow)ii' arannd liri, x whic nt fÏr-ftithemen be(-ýan tfo mia1ic biith tIroise confinuing ýand fie wolves increasing lan numbers, be- camne so bold as ta aproaci witi- lna ashort distance aif hem: fie mon got frigiteued and pulledl for the eut let. As they pulled aïoeÉý lut o fhe lake. tic w61vr2. tiirtv or forfv in numier, mnýed tienelves on caci aide of fhe sand bank<, snai)pIag and bowliig like a 'lot ai furies fu sec tiem e-caonc. Aiter arriving at their shanfy. they'vdid not filais proper ta) land unrtil tliey had seen fie lant ai tic dusky form retire lu tic shadle of thc woodis: wiere- upor ichy repaircd te fie shanfy and kept uip a large fiee thc mc- maiaing part aifie aiglit. Wehl, wc cani't promise wolves but it should be a joyens ýoccas-' iont. Earl Duvall bas located a site for anaother beacon la the Lcskard lIs. Ail he needs is someone ta help cat up a load of strippings from Roy Thampsan's saw nmill. Mis Stewart lias a hilltop picked out in the Kendal area and sie- hope ta gef a blaze going la Newtonvilie if Mrs. Lan- caster doesn't douse if before it gets startcd. Doa't forget ta let yeufr arca man know af your Cnena plans by Jaauary 17 for ajur Cen- fennial Calendar. Glad to sec, Mrs. Fairbrother, Miss Stewart, Mis. Lanc-aster,. Mrs. Brley, Roy Forrester, Ross Mercer, Gerry lDuvalilEari fln- vali, Lamne Perrauli, Syd Lan- caster, Helen Schmid, «Mrs. Love- km and Ed Milson at tic meet- inig lasf nigit,. And what are you deing es-pe<- ially in 1967? Don Staples, Two New Members Elected To Public School Board Tw, n, w membees wr lcc tahte Clarkc Towasip S0h001 Bani an Mouday when tîrce po- sitons ewrceopen ontheBod fo 167 To hicmbeat nmcm- ees wcc scckinýg reeeto with ôone, Lawrence rcwo tapping the poils with 645 vote, deetdwith 547 votes. Tise two lew members, 1te take their place on tic Board lin96 are illiam T ofsya Kna witb 59)9 vot'es and James Stutf ai Orav itli 579 votes. Me.Roezt tevenison, a ioýrm- èlber of the Board, was as %vete ith 533 vtes. Ia general the conitent for thIc trepositionis on tic Board was, New Reeve Elected In Newcastle Elections wcre ciheM Monday lai seveu ameanimuncipalities. La nýt instances, due iuý part ta, the inclement wcathiem conditions, the turn-out was sinal, DARLINGTON Ia Dalingtan Township Carl Dowa and MeIs. Mýary Budai con- test cd the office ai dcputy eeve. Bath w-,er e nmbers aifitt/ 1966 councýiil. M.Do-wn polled 6W0 votes tô, win fIe post. vLs. Budai pollcd 475 votes. NEWCASTLE Enel Walflon pallcd 296 votes and so defeated his opponcnt for tic Reeship, Douglas Cunninig- ham wio mceivcd 220. Thc four council seats wemc won by Hlnv C. Bonathan, with 231 votes, Eric Hl. Foshay, wifli 220, Alfred R. Gray, 293 votes, and Rabert Walf on, who polled the higihent number, 360. Hlas fthc brother aifie new Reeve. Tic higi rising cest te school boardïs ai absentec s4tudenîts was dlscuissecdi eceatly nfa metin af the Dumham rîCounty Distict lghi Schooi BoardC held at the high schol in Mlbok Cliiman ai tic board, W. C. Kcycs, noted tînt thc board loses thousands of dollars worîth ai grant maoney caci year on ac- caunt ai studeats wio do not at- tend school egularly, H.!' J. Muimby, principýal ai Polrt: Hlope Higli School snid absentee- isiy at his school causes an an- nual gcrant ions of about $25,00.ý Eadli day a studen.t is absentl the Ontario Dcpartmenf of Edu.. caftion deducts -a sfipulaf-cd a- meunt aifgrant frem payments mnade te seheol boards. MmI, .Mumby said arts and sel.. ence puipils are absent an average ai sevea dlays per year. Tic fig- Jui-iioý.r Bai-d Prese7ntiii-îtg Suntida-,y Concert Titis caing i.-Sunday aiternon tis Oan Junior Band witli forty- fiv:e mers, will present a con- certofMusic. TCconcert isb- inglild la the auitoriumi ftile ÇlmeHigh Sehlï ýîcmnci 2t 2:0P-111 Thc concert this Sunday wil be thc second sucli. concert hield by tlIc Junior .Band since its ia- cýeption anc year ag o. Mr. A . Darcli will conduict thie baud. Sil-'ce the lat .rf m icnl thc late spring a number ai new sections hav>e been added ta tic band incluidiag saxophones, tro- bances and Frenli horras. Mj\any inl tiuls groUp j Oiincd tic band in, July of this year. fIn ;ddition ta the numbers. by flic Junior Baudi , in strirmcn tal1 numnbers wNill lepi-oTicPC by tr.)- ented gucsýts ;frein Oshawa. Plan now ta1- attend the concert anaecourage fis arca's youniig muýsiciains. Silver collection. Close ta 350 vaters within thke Police Village of Orana casttei ballots on Manday in th e electin for thrce Police Trustees of Or- ana. The thýree incumbent membîT, ers returned ta office with Mr. E. R. Woodyard hcading thepoi with 243 votes. Mr. Floyd Nichll- son fallowcd with 218 votes, e D. M. Sîmpson wlth 151 and Me. H-. M. Mi.ercer,, the unsuLccesafuI -member, with 145 voates. Mr. Waadyard, and M11. Nichal- son wilI' be commcncing theïr seodtcrm on the Police Village Board. The Trusteýe Board was sparcd the fate ai ather incumt- bent; bardLs and councils in thae area Artfical ceDance A da'nce ïs being held. this Sat- urday cvening in the Orena Towna Hiall in aid i o the Orono Artificial0 Tce Fund. The dance is being sponsored by the Orana Amateur Athiietic Association., Music for the dance is belngý provýided by Bill Found's &"Pen- siaÀners," a seven piece band. There is ta be danicing fer everyone, Camie aut and support the local Artificial Ice Fund. The unsuccessfuLi] candidates QfQ OI' p~iop ltion. we MIrs. Allée Nesbîtt, jack Nenbitt (no relation), Fred Stom- met, and Jon E. Adams. Their votes tetalled 146, 199, 47, and O e O ù 141 respcctively. Tie 1967 Board of Eduicatîon memnbers will be: Mes. Pauline Storlks with 337 votes; George E. Chard with 352 and Rlobcrt M. Shearer wif h 246. Defeatcd canidi- dates were Mes. Margaret Bm-ee- ton (244), and Mrs. Jean Stepeves (102). Apout 63 per cent of the voters wenit ta fhe poils. The population af Orono haa, ngow rcaüied and passed the 1000) mnark according ta theaseor Mr. A. M. Johanston. Mr. Johnstoný, rcported fils fact lwýt week. The~ assesnrnent la the Police; Village of Oronso inc!reasc& ar amount of $24,884 iîemr the 19)65 figure of $759,393. The' assessed- value f ail property la the Vl lage now amounts ta $802,277. ure is 11.3 dnys, for business and commerce, and 141 dnys for sci- ence, tcchnolog-y and tLrades su dentis. Students lan occupationclse have the higihest rate of absent- eelsm. TIlhe board decidcd ta set the facts dowa la fhe form rof a let.- fer whieihwllbe senit te parentýs of every higi ýsdhaal Istudent. T. 1-edg-son, principal of Iiijýjj- brook Higi School, told the meet- ing tint he celicks with parents every tilne a studeaf does neýt show ý,up at sehoal te be sure ffie absence is knew,ýn about or if it is for slckness or other jusf cause. IUc said this Procedu-re lias euý't abseateeismn down by a consider- able amouint. Tic mneeting wa s tald ftht sehool boards are often ciile fer the large, amnounts ofmoe tiey spend and parenlts should me- alize they play a part ïa increasf-; iii« educational costs whca theL-y nllow students te be away firim school without good reason. Ta other discuFrjian, F. J. Hey- land, chairman ai the planning cammittce, said. there -will be -a future, trend ta a system aci late- gated schaol boards. He recommended tiht tie board,, <ContlnUed On Page 6f) 3 Oronc police Tute Many W innrsAnnounced At SocialI Club Bazaar Discuss Integratïin 0Of Sehool Boards dia il Ils c! A Cris, ',îý2