tions necess ary has puit us over Lti was also poitedl out that the'ing regular school days. 1 another huri towards that re-Otao Departmnent of Educationi Alter discussion the board ap- 1' liztio. ias given its blessing to the ex- proved the trips to be organlzed M.Witespoon i mebers o our work and play.Toalt whm eow cursions and will pay grants for at the discretion of principale f£W the staff, m-,y fellow graduates, mc xedasneetak Mst important we learned to oaltwým w o students who go on the trips dur- [students, of grades 11, 12 and 13. abnd friends; work and play together as a ___________________________ hsevinIfeloordtoteam. Our sense of teamwork ij1 you from each graduate.Z0=0 0c=czoc=d: Thisevenng Ifeelhonored o [one o our mosit valuable poss- Tonight we have feit the spiritu0 address -the graduating class of ess5ions £rom this sehool especi- of our class rekindled in us and, I 90 Clakeuigi eholandpl ase laly that team work among our- this is what I hope wîll stay buru-0 to express a- farewell on their selves and our teachers that car- ing in 'each one as we go our i i ~1 hbehalf. rie*d us through the last sprint ;of sepawate paths. That spirit of ýo To the, Vouers of urono Although 1 could describe Grade Thirteen and over the hur- teamwork 'that I spoke of, a sense many events fromn our- four yasdies of final examinations. of unity in work and purpose', 0 here, I do not intend to provide and a lively imagination will be orcniudspota hepbI a hrnoog o tem frtaenIThis team work; a sense of im- our most valuable assets in the 0 *0A toigether their lasting importanceaginative cooperation, is vital in i future; qualities that we have de- 0 f ee ur~ wsgeLyapeîuu lias been the development of our worldI to-day. Important scien- veloped together in this sehool . inany friendships and the special tii discoveries are no longer 1 1 will endeavour to serve you to the best 'feigof, eomradeship that has mnade by indivîduals'alone, they I wish each of my fellow gi-ad- ofm blt duig henw lr 1f mae eingor asaýthsaemd b epewh or o uates success and satisfaction in j o my a lty drn th ne trm f mad mmorbl or dysatthîs r ad by pep eiork to- eis or lher work. 1 hope that to- ~dhol. gtherand harethei speificniglit that spirit and these em office. Eah fuslasnw eerd bi te and knowledge. Cooper- oiswl b emnntyfxdi Eac ofus as ow eveed.hisation between indîviduals, races ois l eahe r a eny fareelint physical attacliment to Clarke and nations is 'the only means of ec er sw a aeélt '-1gh School, but we feel other progress and peéace i the comn- Llai-ke High i School and many oy Edward R. W oodyard tes; ties of memories and friend- ex ordw mutn onot friends we have met bore.0 -§hips here, that we wish to keep j think that our experiences to- - elta ec fu an bot- ibrougchout our lives. gether have prepared us to fur- iter meet bis future obstacles Tonight, we are reîiving and ther this senise, of cooperation when strengthened and inspired ý=.=C=CO= =CO c>= =cGý0 0:0ý -'haring many of these vivid mo- and we must' do so as we begin by that special spirit and these -____________________________ -ý:;nts for the last time as a our variolis occupations in life. cherished memories. ~ ,-a-ss.. This evoning, we are exper- -Aithougli 1 think that oui- cîass 1 ý'ncing briefly once again, that spirt îast year helped to make us -pirit of our class which gave us a "winning team", there have nwork and play, especially that have coacbed and helped us and (Çn0udfompg ) O1 s,ýpirit that we bult (and sbared in h haeou- ucesbg n intoudy the amifia-) ,,ir final year. bgnnwt tyth raii-q Tht final year, Grade Thirteen, First, we iare indebted tao ui tions of sudh sytemns in order to 0 WR -riy memories of this school. What of education to enable us to cope it starts' to corne about. ndei oseilsowith our modern world and you I anntgte sytmth ere by the hibe is difficuit to define, eneuragd us ntilweatd fin ally saw its value. We realize the would be oeshol oad t o Prenfrhi as rcoo oal, atemany sacrifices that you have govern, all matters pertaining to ;sriin fr , omongolamade for us many that we are un both primary and. secondary edu- E r n u i r Band goal tînt had always seemed dis- aaeoadw bn o o cation in an ai-en. D tat o sbu wic assude-your understnnding whien we were Public and high sehool boards 0 ly at last withini reach. This goal ls hnes olv ih vsof course, a graduation dip- iesta aytlv îh would cease to exist as sprt L~ K IH S H O lma key that woud unlock Weae t .ýortahr entities s they now do.(LM mlâH HO I0 voors of opportunity to us. The: for their patience tand couf idence It, is believed that the integrated ~ T1/ readed epartmntal Eamina-in us, espeéially when we must board system would greatly help A DT RL± ions were the means to this and have often secemed determined to to plan more effective ûrograms0 beyhug awas oerourhedsspendl oui- year in genleral inan- for all levels of the educationni 'Iffke the dnangling sword above ity. 1 hope the ,we may enijoy the system. 1t Uamocles. Théy presented a for-sm ucs noi w nev 0d a , Dc.4IV idable obstacle to us and ours. Plense accept this state- Aote adnag mnind rügtu lsrtgte sw wsta tdnswomight have rogi s oertoehe s ement as a comnpliment, not aWathtsueswoo 2:30 in the afternoon i"-re )t face thernt-bat;atogl e1y eh to move from one sehool to an- Vie realize tbat wilntevei- Our be excused itebatn o other during antacademie year 45-ôa uiin o efrn iiývdtlsccs ewlidnvr iltwould not experience difficulties 45 oclM sias toPr rn !bave ninotber year together as the with varying methods and curri-Ad d -ine closely kit gr(mun, so we 1 wouald like to thank i-.Ruh culurns. iisr enai-'u j~s edc1to make evr minute erford for is unfailing concern! The board gave reconsideration 1 cont o live encli day Io it's fuil- that oaci. of us should attain the to its refusai last month to giveU Silver Coletion lut In dong so we foe ed strong goals of oui- future careers. Your1 sanction to the idea of students f trienpdships, encouraged anid bolp- valuable assistance in enabling going in groups on chartetrs o 1d encl other and ivd the us to enter the variaus' institu-> to visit Erpo '67. ~ ~ ~ c ooo~ c o o-~ ~ c~d constant pressures on ourselves ymany spontaneous adplaan- ýn d class- diversions. The former, eutniers wiii attest -to.inm e w seemed to have a dis- opotioateamount of amuse- -mnttostudying. ou[r more organized ent.iertain- enrts inciuïded severi it and S ivys 'tt we lad retenjoy- wsaeour ChristMns pnrÏty,1 aiii-us sports, and, of course, di- -vse nonl-scholarly activities not ni harrniony witl the aura of om- iscient detachment -tînt wo ~ainly attempted to show as sen- ar students. Tbnnks to Mr-. and Mrs. Wither- oowe enjoyed oui- most note v ortby event of the -eni-, n spring -xcursion to Montrcal tînt we vieer forget. Thus athough wc lad a large nount of work to accompish, nealso mbd muci fun and o~ deship tcgeth er and vve develo p a iavelous clas spitl Pickyous u no WHLE OFFICIAL ÎDISCOUNTPISAPL at kyourseghburod chartered bank branchlO penan Uia