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Orono Weekly Times, 22 Dec 1966, p. 3

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1ç. ~vu~ ~iu- -. - I~UEV i~r qoeer ftAfUILIP1 heart ecboed the cry of eusO OUT Oir F lTHE RKfNES thecross, "My God, Wly l~tai. thou forsakeln me?"n Taken frein a sermonn preaelhed open and itl, okd or ail the'1t b)y Rev. Basil LI .world like a variety store on the -One nigýht, after walking the n Scripture Lesson - Isaiah 60: 1-5 sidewalk. streets, be returned to bis shabby uz St. John 12: 44-50 The desperation 'onfber face lodgi.gs and found a bullcy pack- just before the packages began to age on the desk. It proved to be The pre-Christmas activiies itbe wrso ASc rtro Treaeb a higher tempo as the daY faiX was the Perfect Picture of the ad woet rso A arles rtro -draws rapidly closer. Again we way many persons feel about the nd etenfoiChresJn burdens of their life. We gent'tOrinsasking hlm to write the mu- .are the challenge of organizirý h ekng pit ecno iC - Without interest Handel be- oj'hr responsibiitiest*andeise ouf time ~ ~ a lusc a htteuse g enotmnae. 1urgan to leaf through the pages. A 1ýine n sch wa tht tue darkness would be hopelesa wer passage caught his eye: "H1e was gignificace of the celebration îs if not for the faet that Js was despised anid rejected of mer." not ost.Soinûne as e hresei brn~ at, night 1He wilî comnein As he read foeTther, he seemed to ,edne ofbusyness ithis T~drps f~ wf is~ ihthe words: I OUe dangerifwewi et- trfelance. hp it "Tay: jrne At last he £cel on his C) little inn of Bethlehem., George Frederick H-andel was bed utterly exhau,5ted. Hespt Bow like we are to you. lWalkirig the streets of London in ifor seventeen bours, but on the~ <ur ives are crowed to the ibitterriess and despair. 11Je had desk lay the score for "The brim i knowri the praise of kings anid and a light was barn in the1 Witb this and that to do. . queens. Ilis mnusic bad been ac-, darkriess. Handel took his peu'1 We-re not urfriendly to the iclairned, but jealous rivais had and began to write music. Dayj King,, ruined Mmlii- and be bad beeni driv- after day hie wrote, aimost in ai We inean well without doubt. en to Bankrnptcy. A stroke had 'did not leave bis soul in bell .-. .- We bave nù hostile feelings, left bimi partially paralysed, anid He wiil give you rest . . . Corne We merely crowd Hfim out. no he was near sixty years of, unto bum.- " Now thue words The crowded inn i, a symbol age. Witb Po incorne, bis bealth 'begari to corne alive for Handel. oaf the crowded lfe. The Wise sbattered, bis creativity gone, he "I knlow that my Redeemer liv- Men symbolized those ýwho seek I feit t bat'it was the end of hope. 'eth." And then followed the trub. he heperd sybolzeIt was darkness sucb as he bad words of the H1ailelujah Chorus irth. e w h a r acquinted itb neyer kniown lbefore., and bis "H1e tristed in God . --God le iongings and yearnings and dreais of the beart. Today,ý let us8 -think of the symbo)011.Ilm wbicb ex- -presses the fact that Jesus was Tender, Pllumip The finiest, bortu at nighit- Wbien we are tbrust into the Grade "A" Tom valu echeý dark for one reason or anotherý s ibecorne persoris who are Lin-'S ceanfearful off alinidcon- fronted witb the poss iiity2o0in TU juring oneseif. Much of the spir 2 bs&u itual darkness ini our lives can 20 ,-e drcl attributed to threeiI greaitwpobienis, namneli f'IL.i a if nd"V". f we are con- i' ciisof this fact and disturbed lb%# e %wl by the ever-recurring sense of defeat la ingettïlg "self" into the b)ackgcrouind, let us niot grow dis- coiuaedI becaue'use camne witb C_ the assurance that the futulre does îiot have to be a rep)etition of the past nor a Coninuation of thle prescrnt. 11e conltinues fto corne -with the sanie ssraJc- an mnariy have founid that is promise ïs true. A young mirister was fiscus j4 sing the Christian if e withi a miemi ber of bis corigregaýtïoh who b ad b)eel nomiînated tn an officia i o sition in the ehurch. The m-inister ~ spoke of the qualifications and -- -~ duties of the officiais, arid1s0 a A suit, the mrari went homne that evý: nigwitb a leavy heart. Ti the ý_ ?prIese-ne of bis wýife andff young ,,,BEST BUY' Savo e?! Green Glatit 12-oz. Vite Tins sýon bie said, "T ansirnply no01 fit5 FC,1 (o take that offiece." i son quite0 xnoertyasked, ,Wliy, da1ddy? Trhe soi's question reached deep L2TUY -Sve1!- into the father's hieart. Yes, why? L ysFamic, Quait 14-oz. Tins Why ,vasn't be good e!iough? That - night, out of thle darkriess, hrs wasborn w in hs oivl. Hl CocktýiI 3 if79 beaiiea ifeeft lln wr-y ;Save 25c! -Fanc iuait 1-o.Tins tLo be an officiai of the cb lurch, and whieb lie continued to be for ~~ may - r.This is the waY tf)R christ cornes. -r P A 1 9 aiiy feel inadlequate to mieet BUY!-Sae6c-DeMotAs.48o.Tn zhe demands of if e arid.-often f eel that the whoie tbirig is m'ore thanl tihey car ihandie. A littlie story.' P M4 $ cones out of the every dlaYy e- BET UVI-ave 4e! -Assor"ted Crulshl O-oz. TI î in which a wornan With parcels stekd bigli urit i s Ce ouelde àarchily see' had cone out of the r:- store as fc arakh idwiTer ES BUJY!-Saive17C! - y( k14 oz. Tins wvas a look of desperation On ber lace when she reahied-omehiC -was going1 to bappen. Firstý one ream CO0RN 4 '69% package Ibit the',sidewalk,- ihen another, and another, and thenl1Wd BET115! av Oc ail of thelri. sone pacekages broke t-'~ 8 îe-2 o ACK TûIcanoFou Wrap T59s 1,& BES,.T BUY! S ave 9e'W omt 0 zTn LIBBY'S FROZEN F( I Reg. '55e!! 15 oes. kg. Fancy SlIced I STRAWBERRIES - P, REE N PEA S Tasty SBUTTERNUT SQUAlSIM >4 F' 49ç O'(ODS 1 47t 2 pkcgs. 49c 2-&b. "Bag I 39C Hfandel stili hiad the burdlens blappenedl in IHande7s ilfe eau md relsponsibilities of life, buthappen to us a1mso, for th,ý wxorda 0ow there was strenigt tLo bandtie lof the song are t, "What iem.i Hie was stili beset byy iii- H-e's done for others, He'll d* iess, but neyer despair. He act-!for you)." In, thedaks, tally went blipd, but stil. bis Christ camne RAI NEY'S Confecionery »ýilpc erbi ar MTLDRED and ERVAN RAINEY ally selectedl Swift Prerniurn, Fully Cooked J~ Grade"A Short Shank, Skiniess SMOKED HÂMS ME Shank por7tion lb. 69c EYS Just, Hcat and Serve -Fully Cooked H;.M lSÉCES- lb. 89e Swift Premiurn Rindiess BACON-- 1-lb. vac pack lb. 89c' ..-< Weston or q4 - '~ - BROWN IN4 TwnRoils AVE Me - Ready to Serve 5V e KRAFT DIPS 8 -oz. b39 NABOB COiFF'EE lb.beg AVE 4'e! - Oüean 'spray - V leor Jellied I-z ii î R A NBER RY SAUCE 2 LAV E 8e-! 100 te kg :ROAwN TEA BAGS19 3AVE 6!-SeePte [eish - Bed"But terl-o.ar PICKLES Supreme 3 fori 9 ~ RISMASCAKE Sweet - Juicy - Califoria SUNT(IST NAVEL :')y Red, B.C. fleliclous ncy Grade - Extra Large SiziF \,PPLES 6 for 49c- ooh-Waxed Purple To-No. 1 Grade 'JRNIPSIL8 ~'h-Tender - Texas t ~C OIbunck 39c 5e i sMilinaire's small -'New Or1ari 2 tins 69c j 41/4-ox. tin 59c Suprerne Fancy 1-e10H1urAssorted MIA1XED NUTS CHOCOLATES -7, sheli j box89 i i ,i I S' R ed and W hite, O rO RO RICARD RtEA',TOR ,99 King S., E. BOWMANVILLE Whlen buying or Selling ecaE *WILF HAWKE -VOUR QUONO AREA *REI>RFSENTATIVE 1 9,83-5274 MNembers of Oshawea and Dis- trict Real Estate B3oard ORONO WEEKLY TIMEnS, THt7rSI)SY, DECEMBER 1 '

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