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Orono Weekly Times, 22 Dec 1966, p. 7

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Profebsional irco BS.A. BA:Sc:0L::f PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERý' (civil) -J Oltario Land 0uvYr f 121 Queen st. ox1659fio Bowmanv OllOtarlo j Telephone62-21 O General IN SURANL~ 'SF eE FRED LYCEiIf O)FFICEý- MAIN ST, ORONO &hone 12516 Rte.201 JACK RI O)rono'>s Licensed Auctioneer and V aluatol S;pecialize in F arm and FurnitureSle COUSUIt me f Or terfus and dates PnONE 0110x»319 PUMlPING OUT SEPTIC TANKSIý WUITE, WASHING STABLES Bert Tonpk7inS Phone 186-2552 JALCK A. FERREN ORONO BOOKKEEPING SERVICE Iiicome Tax Returns Prepared 0rono, Bowvmanville, Oskawa TIelephone O0rono 3R2 0w, quoality anad service leaves noLhjlng to be desired Ask the person who bou4,ght fram as, a neighbour, friend or relative 43 Ontarlo Street PORT HOPE LagtDIn±2pIav in Sothera ad Cycle Oronýo ïPhone i46 MCCULLOCH IIOATS & MOTORS CHAIN SAW1,S Repaira te ail makes of Lawn Mouversa nd 2 and 4 cy-le Engluese OTACO PLOW POINTS AND 3MACHINER'! W. FRANK E iEL ESTATE 0 LIMITED f g 21 KING ST. WEST f G Bomanvlle623-339M gPort 11ot" Offie-i o98 WValton St, -985-4548g g Exclusive Agent for g CONSTRUCTION 3-Beroom ugalows iz Priced from $15,375-00 rooon lots 75x20 f OrioArea Represen-tativ-e[ 0 Kendal -- phone 321 j gA large selection o f Farms, f GHomnes, Lots, Retreat Pro-,o perdies lu this area f Orville 'Chatterton Electrical (Contr-acting' i Electric Heating I and service PIIONE 245U riOR 10412 rnoOntario Orono Electric HNE129 CONTRACTORS FOR FARM ami HOUSE WIRING APPLIANCE SALES Plýrmpt and Guairanteed Repairs to ail kids of 1Electrical Equilpment andf Appliances Sncbl at )Metors -WaterHetr ror Insurance 'g g Service-~ P»acklage Policies f Fidelity Bond, f gSaie ýý-ýjtageIoan IÎBox 33O-8-3552ý Callyoiur lice-nsed Plue~bng &. MecanialConrractor hoseils, instalfr apç- '-antees CARMAN' PLUMBING AND HEATINO Phone 143 Orono Bornes &Bya PLUMBTNG and HEATINGj Saks 'and Serice 4 POUR BURNER SERVICE' B-A FIN ANCINO , Lovi Interest Rates ~JU CO. 3-2288 Ty'rone CO. 3-2650 WEJJNESDAY SKATING F or mothers and pnre-séhnn1 DIED INORTHUMBERLAND "ND PORTE-At Memiorial Hospital, DURHAM H1EALTH1 UNIT Bowmianville on Thursday, Dec .REPORT FOR NOVEMBERIin emiber 15th, 1966 Norman Porter, Six rabid animiais were repot- Oronio, in hiis 80th yeàr. Husband ed to theNrhmeradDr of th-e late Gladys Campbell, dea-, ham H-ealth Unit duringl Novem- father of Verna and Gerald of ber. 0f these four were in Cljarke, Peterýborouigh and, Murray of De- Township, and. one each in Cart.7 troit, Mich. wright and Mlanvers TowaishipDs. Retdat Northcutt and Smith The animais, diagaosed as 'havi'Mc Funeral H ome, Bowmaaville for irabies were 2 bovine, 1 swvine, -2 service Saturday, December l7th foxes and 1 skunk. There was aur- i at 2 p.m. Interment Fallis Ceme- rabies vaccine dispeased during,, tery. a~c the month., IN MEMORIAM1 uth four chest clinics heidý IMACDONALD-In loving memory I during' the month, at Bowman-' of our dear Father and Mother. ville, Port Hope, Coboûrg anid "Love's greatest gift, remem- Camp bellford, 42 pers1ions rece iv- Lovingly remnembcred by the At the mass survey held i family. a-p Northumberland County this Fall,, New WntrTeri will1 open at thle on Tuesday, Jaituary 3, 1967 Registration now being accept- cd. El'ighit Courses from which to Coilege appèroved for Student Loans- Placement Service for Gradu- ates Diîal 725-3375 for free Liter- ature 10 Simcoe Street North, ,Osltawa. BIRTU c.estray.ve BROWN-Mcn iii and June hap- 12 10schîlr< puly announce the addition of a,110 hlr son to the f irm, Douglas John, at culin test. New Mount Sinai Hospital, Toron- îmn-ginizatîon to, on December 18, 1966. Mother' Twenty-one, and child are fine, father will re- during thé, n cover. a-c chlre o U.C.W. MEETING The Genleral meeting of U.C.W- will be held at 8 p m. in the main Auditorium of the Church with a Heaf test, and/or Included in this, in received a. tuber- clinics were' held inonth. At these, 34 mn,Dleted he' initial' series of Quad vaccine, and 16i re- ceived 'a' rinforcing dose, while 340 'reëeive 'd reinforcingiLZ.. There were 85 smallpox vaccina- tions, and 186. re-vaccinations dur-- the members of Unit 4 in charge ing the monta. of the, prograin and Unit 5 will Public Health Nursing j serve lunch. This is our Christ- T'tv fall series of prenatalÏ mas meeting and the last for '66. classes held in Bowmaàville, Pa,ýrt Su, plan ta 'attend. b-c Hope , Coborurg and Brighton, ___________were finished ia November. The NOTICE total attendance uvas 108 in the 2W' No sale this week at the Dur- classes h1eld ia this- series. The ham Couinty Sales Arena. Next totl nuï-ber of wornea registe,ý:- sale will be on Thursday, Decem- ed for prenatal classes in the twn ber 29th.a- counties for the yeaT 1966 waas ________________________146. These classes are taught by NO~ICEa nurse in eachi of thç four offices. Toepang oW hae Cn-Abouit 10 per cent of new mothers tennial Beacon Bonfire on New ae tedteecass Year's Eve are asked toa otc Audiinletry the Fire Chief, Ross Merce, by 1 Eighteea aew hearin.g defeetsP Decembher 27th. were fouad during Novemiber Phone 963-500O8 or 983-5410, Or- froin the 637 auidiomiete-r tests ono. .1,-c comnpleted. Twenty-one retests of Clar-ke Centennial Commnittee prvou efects contirnued to iia- dicate a loss and five now apý- ENTERPRISE ýpeared normal. SCHOOL CONCERT General Remarks Cometo he choo Cocer at Dr. H-orner attended a two-day- Enterprise School, Thursday, Dé- corea.Kaso n TePy cembr 2nd t 800 -m. a-csiciain and The Community", a, course designed to highlight pre- - ventive and commuaity aspects ofe PUBLIC SKATING mediceal practice. Satur-day, Dec. 24- 3:00 ta 5:00, Miss Helen McDonalcl. public Suinday, Dec. 25- 2:00 to 4:00 health nurse ia. thle Cainpbellford Satutrday, Dec- 31- 3:00 to 5:00 office, attended th jje Course an Sunday, Jan, 1- 2:00 to 4:00 Speech Disorders spoasored by - ---Division of RehiabilitationMci WVANTED cine of the University of Toroüntoý 1 A wonian wislhps Baby Sitting and held at Wellesley ilospfital. childrea, 2 p.m. tao'3,P.m. Mothers lai the ev-ening, experienced. 25, children 10c. b-c jPhonoe 983-5784 b c L$ýntonhurst Nursing Home has HME & '-icomia 1131EMATDE PIES accommodation for Senor Citiz-1 ORONO Phone Orono 983-56391 re111yo mleea h-49-p'l for the Holiday We Deliver Pies Phione 983-5054, Orono t -àlur Prop'. Bruce Myles phone 1737i Orono Builinga fluse?. Qne, theri contact [ IpOXE 2191ORN I [LYCETT OPlumhing z H atîng fiPhonle 33R11 Grno In PART-TIME RADIO TV REPAIRS, - HI-FI -Sterec -Record, Playsbrs -Antennas - Towers - ASystem, for rent Ai parts and labour. guaranteeL! BURIEY -BUS uNES LTD. 623-3811 BOWMANVILLÊE 723-7171 ORONO TO WHITBY A.M. 11:00 11:30 11:45 P.M. 5:30 5:*,40ý 5.-45 Y 1'WCASVLE OSHIAWA WH,"flrIB A.M. 10:30 10:20 10:1~ P.l'f. 5:30 5:15 5:00 4:30 4:15 (connections at Oshw orToronrto and Port Perry lltrips operate daily eixcep'it Suida andloidy ChaterCuaches -Available fer alil ccasions Buts Stop at Rainey's Confecio-nery Store For Informiation CaIl Oroýno - 983-5733i 23t,657 perIs 1 Imý criv9lami M 1 1 i

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