IKLY TIES, THURSDAY, DECEAMB 29th, 1966 Invited Deportment Saves Occ utiona:l School four neighlbouringe d areas are being ini- ICI plipils to the city's occupational schlool openercirinSeptember superintendent )OlE', says the will have 750 00 occupational fing desigýneci to 0 emipty seats , the neiglibor- s andi a Skýzg to se(nd their its here. rds that have* me Whitby, Dur- tci District anid ridgle. rwe believe )ards will have ionai students .15 15 not the Shave offciee ie neighiboring, ve had the only Sfor, mile- etaking pupils ihartoni. J it would be before Oshawa ipational sdhool of about a year 1 pUV;3dU1Y D ioccupationa e meeting Dc- 1the Secretary'S by thie Treasur- then cdiscusseci le New Year's le to have it in itorium of theý on Building. We invtigNew- 'Y aId Bowmvani- decided t'tie time alcithe (dress - Il lie helci Ail teen- then re- hot choc- To Mid - ite Bus Service To And Fro-m oo l'r. Hon Burley of Burley Bus Lines infor-msý the Orono Times thiat Burley L'us Lines are operat:- ing, a daily service oul of, Orono oý 'Bowmianville, Oshawa andi con- nections to Toronto. MWr. Burley reuporteci the fact due to a dis- cussion helci at the recent meeting of the Orono Chiamber of Com- mierce. Mr: Burley stateci that it was [lie intention of the Conrnanyv to continue this service Nthich lad been started ont A c thi. l"(3. Th e present route takes; nassen- ge-s to INewvcast1ý Bowmavi-lle and Oshawa via, hifhway No. 2. Mr. Burley stated that connections cari be madie at Olawa for coach- (- to Toronto. A schedule of times is printed elsewlhere in this; Issue of the Times. Tt was also pointed out that the C'ompany would] be willing to en- tertain any suigeslions which coufld result in improving the ser- vice in and out of Orono. Approyed M-. Alex Carirthers M.P.P., Draannouincecl today that the - -ppieatioIl of 0tle Taýwnsbip of~ ;e Drigo for, a Centennial grant has been approvedi by the Prov- e- mce of Ontario and lihas been for- )R warded to Ottaw~a for approval by the Federal Centennial Commis- si.01 The project is the creatîin of a pioncer homnesteati in Darlin- ton Provincial Park at an esti- matcd cost of $30,000. This sum, suibjcct to the aCbove approval, wivll be provided as fol- Iowsý: $11,280-00 by the -TownrsfiÎp of Darlington;, $9,360.00 by the Province andi $9.360-00 by the Goveramient of Canada. FrdyeveninIg the Orono Fixe Deprtmnt ascredited wîth saving the home of Mvr. Fred An- drew,,s on thie 4th concession of Clarke Towniship, four miles east off Hïighwavy 115. The fire cal ,as receiveci by the Department around 9:20 in the eeig W ihin minutes the Deprtmntwas at the scene of the fire and shêrtly after had the fire undler conlirol. The ,fîre, stapting fromn a dle- fective chimney, did biowever do $100000 MOPiO orth of damage. The los;s resultedl fromn a hole 1beingc burned inirihe roof and in a wall. Further loss resulted fromn smoke damIageî. Thie fire was first ob served by à1r. Anjrews and lis nephew, Doug-las Moffat,~ who were at hlomne at the thie. Ta OfficiMls Settiemient of a long-standing debt the Ontario Fluie-Cared To- bacco Growers'- Marketing Board incurred in landling ica J1961 crop surplus ha.s bee:n reffereci to twoj oicasOf a federal Etabili7a1- tion boaprd. Cha~man George myr said the tobacco 1board's lawyer, H.R. ilarris cof St. Catherines, is disçcussing m neans of resolving the accont ithS. B. Williains, as- ed 1B Ç~naéeMi7nster Shar;il and Agiu~ure Mini,'ster Gre en e when tobacco board directors met ith them last week in Ottawva, The board obtainecl a bank loan with a federal government guar- antee in 1961 to pay groWiers 80 per cent of market value oi 7,.000.000 pounds of tobacco that failed to attract buyers at mini- mum ti -grade prices. To redluce the inounting, inter- est, the tobacco board paid off niearly haif of the $500,0MJ debt w ith girow,,,ers' marketing fees be- fore it was discovereci this coulci notlgay be donc. After the turmoil of moving, Mrs. Mercer is shown outlining the book, arrangements to a num- ber of youingsters in the new Pub-' lic Library. Mrs Simpson, assi.st- ant librarian, (bottom picture>) is sonmar-king out books foýr yottng readers. Library Opents hIi New Locatiou The Orono Public Lbayis now in its second week of opera- tion i] its new' location in the ý basemient of the Clarkie Townshipn Hlall. As of January 11st, 19G7 th'e Library will oieinate as thé 'rowni- ship c iplare- Public Library with, a newly appointeci Board. Thi s change was necessifated due to aî change in the Library Act under the Depariment of Educatiori. Earlier this 'yea2r the Oro Public Library Board souglitnr accommodation to enl-arge the brary and to10prGvid(emore %a for the 3000 volumes that h) made up the Library.7 The Boa in June chose to locate thie L rary in [lie basemnent of the Toi slip Hall in a newly renovat area. Plans for the new libra -~4iA~ Il-- ~ 1H- --~ '-I t II-~- J d hby cbe- year e luis îew Li- Irea ýve ýard quar ters Vw-re deviseci andi com- ; leteud- ead v jin November. P137- wood panellig was useci togreat effect along withl new fiooring, anai newuv hin The Library,ý oar6lu hererlva, os penta s'M of arournd $2000400. To augment the new,ý look the Board purchased nez, hardwood shelving which lias added to theý appearance of the Library. Tihé, plurcase cost in thc neighbour- 11ood of $1.500.00, It is cniee that further new furnishings will be added in the near future, hov- ever thîs li hob up to the new, Board. ied Mfbesiin the 1Libr1ary P. 'ary flOWo0PkrII oCla det of the- Towsbi ofClike orthe Modr ,es sm of 10 cents. For thissur boos ay becorowdfrom the- Library for a specified tîme. Theý L-ibrary is no0 w oten TuLie sda,-, andi ( Thursday evenings, alongý wïith Friday afternýoon and Friday, evenîng. On unayTV Show This Sunday eveni-ng" on CBC- TV, chaïn-,e 6, the prýogram "-Su-tj day" will feature itemrs of inter- est to residents of this area. Tisý week tCBC television camnera crews have been active ln the district preparin 'g a portion of thue programn for viewing thjis Sunday evering. The vwcekl-y program isý sceéuleci for 10:00 p.m.ii Thc home of Tan andl Syl;via Ty- son, the popular sing-ing duo1, on th~e thirdl concession of Clarke, was visited by the television re- cording crcw during this week,. Airs. Burwley of Newtonville was also intcrviewed and a portion of the Sunday service ai the New- toll Uiteci Churdli was plac- ed before the cameras. The New- tonlvîie Churcli wjil celebratle its centenniail this ycar. It is also un- de- too that a beacon- bon fire will also be televised at the- Ty- sou home. 4-1,.,