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Orono Weekly Times, 5 Jan 1967, p. 4

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)RQN0 WÈ"EKLY Timei TEVYRSIDXY New Council KendaI News Loca1 News <Cont nued fromn page .1) Happy Cefftennial New Year tO New Yenrs flay <inner guestsi ýniittees of Couincil as, followAs: al. witbh Mrs. llarry Balley and Lynn Road and Bridge - WaIýlkey and The centenial committee o>f were Air. and Mrsi,. R. P. Rickaby, Carv-th. Clarýnke suggested that a beacon Mr. and Mrs. George Websteý, ?ro7perdy and Finance - Falls fire be lit on a hllto ste anadKrnOfBwmnie na d (iray. tised tlo do long, ago to warn peo.- !Mr., and Mrs. Carl Billings, ýMr. Plannring, Comittee- Gray. pie of an invasion or other imi- and Nfrs. Wayne Bailey and Mr.' Nij- eProtection -Carveth and portant news. Three- descendants!Carl Kimmett. Fire Protection Carveth and of old piorieel- familles laid theý Otl'er appointments nade byyater-ial for the fire and made aý Guests for New Years dinneri reýoluion ineWded Reeve Foster trail by tractor to the hilltop. with* )Mr, and Mrs. M. J. Tanib1y 1'ngthe Welfarýe Committee forThey were Mr. Wm. Reid on, were Mrs. T. W. Cawker-, lBow- 19,37. whose land the fire was set, Mr. nanville, Ams John Leishmian, Carý eth and Falîs appointed to, Bruce Cathcart and Mr. Arthur fOshawa, Mrs, J. D. Brown, _Mr. Cb C mre Commission. ýTh-ompison. Perhiaps their great Ed' ivrs Edward M-iso an rajto theFdrto of Aýgri- grandi fathiers cradled grain oýnfainily, a',!L)-f Oron0 and- Miss cut .the same plateau a hundred Marionl Brown R.N. of Oshawa. Ca vethJ and Falls to the Orono ^years ago. r.O .Ropirtre Par-ke Board. a t te e-i-lTi idea of beacon fires was from the hospital yesterdaýy, We4-ý & e~ oad.suggested by Miss C. W. Stewart nesday, imuch improved int health. F'a's n(!Gra, t th Ce tlo our centenniai committee, Dinner guests on -Monday with ails amnd Ga e. the Centenectnihtwit aiMr. and Mrs. Carl Bîllings werel niai rChamiter . s Itponwas asoflh e rfe ct niglit withe-a Mr. and Mrs. George Cole, Mr.i ertht e ralapOntdryioutenIrL, omn fo teJack Archer, Mrs. John Sherry,1 Councývi t th Cetyfral 1Ontarîo ake. Sonle people climibed UP Miss Lois Sherry, Port Hope, Mr. ~~i~evaionAuhoityfo 167the hili fromi the south, others Bill MeNauil, Miss Audrey Bi Mfr. W. Hl. Gibson to thie Memorial came in fromn the east. Mr. Neil]insOsaaMradMs.Ax ï4ispital Board, Bow-manville. 'Elliott brought his car to the hilllinWasOsh, Mr. an Mirs. Waye Mr.llery eWih ws ppoinlt- 'top by coming ln fromn the e,,t by Bahley, Mr -Neil Porter, hfrs, -l Township WVelf are officýer and way of Mr. Normnan Patton's. HryBie~Ms ynBhe Public School Attendance officer. Har BilyMISLin ale .Mr- Laverne Patterson said lie and Myr. Carl Kýimmett. In connection with appoint-reebedwnliwaabo mens o he Clake Tonsiphis father had worked this hli Mr. and Ms Paul Sniodgrass! rtecreation Association theý reeve and son David of Rtochester, N.Y., recmienedadditional mnembers top farm. We remeiember seeing1 perfct oad of ay ~.ROYspent New Year's weekend with bc, added to bring5 the comitee Sleep and his father br-ouit down Mr. and Mrs. W. B. ffar. strenglh up to nine. The necessary change is to be made in thie by- frmte1ulo addewt u lawp~rmttngan nceae a hebarn in Kendal. Mrs. Roy Mercer of Orono, There -nmbor on the Board. The, Reeve Gath'erýed around this luge bon were fiftten guests sat djewn toÉ feit ithat this Committee was prov- fire on New Yezîr's eve xere ýthe New Year's dinrner including inag a benefit to the Twsi and "nme twenty-five people; tley in Mr. and -iMrs, David Mercer, Mr. thiat ail sectors of the Townshipicluded somie of the newcomers to and Mrs. Do)n Mercer and son shouild be represenited on the the area. Mr. Roy Foster our new as well as Mra. Roy Mercer's Board. reeve of Clarke Township, Mr. ister and two sons. A resolutiýon was Passed re- and Mrs. 11. Brown of Kendal, XMr. i hn iaynw o a 1qUesting the _Road Departmrent týo and), Mrs. John Henjderson, flowhaet98510 ce.pete the formis for Provîincial I jving on the former Miîton Roli- sýubsidy on 1966 ra work bfr insoni farmi, and their thiree sons.-- F'ebruary ls,16, 1ther lads, sons of thle pioneersq, UiE -ee Doug. Mlercer, Larry boy, S anld IKenntetl Chapnimn , ï Lot ciCen1tniai a ew Oo Pstra Mr.ArhrThompson invitede alwlo wised to corne t i»si; Report ,homneFor coffe.Sa the pe oiise 1967 - Canada's Centennial ~ io owr ra e.B .Ln Yacarnemwhile maýny watched. Somae of our Kendal folk at- SUNDA'V, VANUARY lst, 1967 rVas the Prime Minister lit the eddNwYa'pvepxteitOoo îtendennNew Flame invOttawa. Oth- ,,n Lrifiï lni i Otaa.Ot-Solina and Newtonville. Sunday Schlool ati10:0 e s tookadntg of a beati.futl' winer nili t lihtCenegia The "ýSund(ay" Shlow on Tele- Morniing Service at 11:15 vision New Year's nligît found Kirby-- !3nnfires. We athe red Christrnim %t ff ..rn pyla QVi-J,. trees la Orono and carted thernmosi o ine area people as 4 view f onlo out ta the SkiHill east of Ki-rby ersý. We wouid have iked ta have. Suiiday knêown to many as Brimacomibe's1 seen m ore of tle local ýpeople in- Le kr- bll. At miçlnight tle Bonfire wvas stead of the interview with Pro- Sun~day lit and lookiÀng east flames leapt fessor Grant. Perhaps the inter-r front a hill nortl of Kendlai whiîe v it-Ms CclBriyta to the ,west a blaze 1gloweci from was omitted wil be slown at a Leskrd. ate vistor tol oflater date, we hope so, and scene,, the Centennial lire at Kilcolman, 1hie le skd at er on Veande' nlear iNewcvastle which \was hidden Mi Pn htweefle n frm Or Vïýw' Ater arOar not shlownl. fhris ofrview.afier a rar]lig Mrs. S. Caldwell, PortfHopie menta~l Auld Lan-g Syne(-, the fire 'trandMr n rýG ah begsi o aneandou sautetacart, r and Mrs. Milton Waller, cenitennlial year campletedi. ifNIrs. C. Thompseîn andmci r, Ar- thur Thompsonl for New Ye"s Tlje Bonfires kindled a Spirit DIinnier an Suida.y. of warni comiradeship wicl we Mrs. Ross Gay leld a New hope will pervade thle tense at- Yea<'s telephone conv$sation mnosphere OÏ f amilh,, business, wih her aunt ini Engiand. n1Lunicipai roicaladnain Mrs. Mary Luxan spený,t Ne'w al 111e to-djay Year's vwitl ler brother àlrand R OA LBownianville0 10 ;OYAL 623-5589 QTHIURSDYFRDAY, SATURDAY, JANUARY 5, 6 and 7 N NAMU, T HE KILLER WHALE Also ."AMBUSH BAV" (Un Colour) l Hugli O'B'rian and .ames MicU ALL EEK SUDAYV, N.Sihto SATURDAY, JAN. 14 Charlton lShow miBaxter, Debra Paget, Jh DerekO Selool at 11:00 Sehoolý at 9:45 MIr. and Mrs. Frank S. Mooçcre of Tucson, Arizona visited over Christmas holidays witl Mr. and Mrs. Ray M. Dickson, Oronoc). Mrs, Mloore is a twin. sister of Mrs. Mr% and Mrs. John Forrester and soýLns spent New Years witl the Iatter's brother Mr. and Mrs. liutgh Stapleton, and famniiy, NL'ew- tonville. Mr. F. W, TruhI spent his Christ- may holidays witl lis dlautr 1 .3 IIt bias been reporte(, te this of- fice tînt hockey w-ill be in ful swiýng this week-end atL the Oronio rink witli four Orono teams- being schieduled to play on Friday ev- enïing commencing at 6:3'0' pm. with the mighty Atomns. Gamnes then follow with plar by the Pee- jWees, Bantamrs and Midg-ets. Op- ooiinis to be supplied from Bowmianville, Pickering and MiiiI- brook. On Saturday evening at 9:30 the Orono Juniors play "Bill B'illiards" Junior Mens team, from Bowmranviile. This gamie shouid provide somne iood hockey. 1Your support at, the rink en- courages the children in Canadea's National sport. M.rs. James Canning, Mr. Canning sionsý and to stubmyit a dlraft to the and family, Oshawa. Inext mee-ting of the Commîsion. Congratulations toi Mr. Walterý Mr. Simpson informied the mneet- Gibson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harold ingý that the Commission had not Gibson, ýNewcastle and Missyas yet deait with the m1anager's da Tyrrell, daughter of Mrs. Tyr. resignati on. 1-le stated that thc ono, on their marriage la Oronio longer it is left the harder it will eUl and the late C, B. Tyrreli, O- Ie o deail with. Mrýi. Woyr United huc on Saturday, Dec- suggested' that a, special meeting ember 3lst, 1966, ibe lield with the manager. Mr. Sj'mpson pointed outi that the Commission kniew what they Il drov Meeti wer-e going to do for they had held Y gtheir meeting soime timje ago but (Contnuedfrompage 1 had yet Ito meet with the manager discussion said that tley had a over bis resignation. The com- situation that was here and thatimission set MrlaJanuary 2nd they would hav\e to live with 'lil'. ito meet with tIheaagr 1 Te Commiission pse a reso- On miotion of E, R. Woodyar-d lution skn the Township of and D. Simpson future commnerc- 1Clarke to give approval for the jal establishments are to post borr'owing ef a sumi of $4000.00 suitabie bonds wlen obtaining from the Canadian Impiierial Bank ,hydro service from the Orono1 of Comimerce. The loan is to be Systemn. The hydro clairmnan waslipaidl back within a six month per- also autlorized to obtain a draft i. Mr. Dent felt that t'he situa- a lyeiw to goverui hydro in- t ion would be straightened out by stallation in uiin eigeni- the enrd of March. Why Pay Mor. 16. SAVE RMU FUEL OIL ga PHONE NEWCASTLE. 987-4215 DX InFU6ÔE L OIL Serving Orono, Neweastle and District I January Sale Of f MEN'S SKI JACKETS AND CAR COATS BOY'S SKI IACKETS AND PARKA COATS LADIES, SPORTS JACKETS GIRL'S JACKETS AND SNOWSUITS~ (ADIES'- SPORT COATS LADIES' DRESSES ARýMST"veRONG'S

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