ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THIURSDAY, A4NU.ARY NETW~ORK AP~PROVAL ELPEÇTED SOON Final approval of a radio corn- mmsication~ network vihîch wili se~ye fhefighth-îg oganizations througl'out the United Counties is expected vwithIin thýe next f ev% &yïs from thie offices of Emnergl- ency Measreslor, Ontarlo and the Onitarlo Fi-.e MrhIsOffice. fu ap~cw1 fom the UniteC Coun escouci1, xviii ii k up 16 firýe -ihiggoups in aU parts of the counties of Northum-rberi- laand DurhamOn their own,ý out the couni!ties hiave been en- thlUsiastic alout the plan and feel [lhe additional equipment wlll situations. lessen the danmger of fires getting Cordon Wrigh41t, Emnergéncv- ou of coino because of lack of Menure GoCrinator, also an, needed equipment as wvel] as nounced that in answer to num~ sl)eeding Up the services and erous ireqests %rm industry a commlunications, of police and special course in industrial fire- ambulances needed ln somne fire fighting MIRl le iauguratd Supplizd by THE OSHIAWA WHOLESALE LIMITEO supply delpot fer progre-ssive idpnet DAY' TabIeRfteMEATS IULLY CQOKED, READY TO SERVE BROOKFIELD SAUSAGE 2 TABLE RITEMLI EN.OTSHLA RBLGA$ A 145A1 IN A MINUTE. JUST HEAT & EAT. HYCR40C McQUAIDE STEAK PIES 7' PfE! l",1 PKG. 4 ~1 PRC EFCT iVYJAN T1 1,13 4, Froxen l KGcS. $ il OZ. 8TLS. CUTWX ~ D .IlR GE', L U5 Save 4 $ 10 OZ. TINS Heres anexamle o thesavigs aailale iis week! Fl!orida Sweet and Jaicy 4 doz $1* Produce of U.S.A. Can. No. i1Grade Vie ripe TOAII)Es 2Lb 39c Produce of U.S.A. Can. No, 1 Gradie Iceberg heads 39c SAVE 11~ E&DY TO E RE SU, ýGAR& KS SAVE 29c, OVýER REGUL.ÀýR PRICE IGA H-NST ANMT CO FFppE E 10oz~. SAVE 174 OVER REGUI,.AR PRICEIG TEABAG SINNY MORN 50~ WE RESERVE ïTHE RIGHT TO LIMiT QUANTITIES. S ~ 7~ UO A CROON S OR WAFERS $ Sav 25L (111<1ER 1100911 I IoPKGIS làMl IlsI F i O OOD cKO SL1CED 19 oz. PINEAPPLE TINSj Tu MA VTINS OROOONTARIO j- -t 24 OZ, LOA VIS e e -,Mjýl7 --7 e r"-h, îW