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Orono Weekly Times, 26 Jan 1967, p. 4

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___________OfONO WTEEKLY TIMETURSIAY, JANUARY 26th, 1967, sta e, S rmetof the Lord ssSupper bMny a u1 ai fauilt of his crtreText: "For the son of l!ost are the people ar qe Out- mnust bear the man' camne to seekl and to have side this harmonious relationship whvJen oncea that wbhichwas lost." - Luke 19:10j with God. Althoughi they mnay at- righltul pIac Scrpture Lesson - St. Lukýe 19: tend Churtïch anid caim t1hcy1are cidi the Il 1-1~ hrstan teycan be ini a lost IOf God. Foxr soine, iu ouir modemi gen- 110w Iý ost are the Ios? an is jSo ) we eau eratioli, the tradlitional Lord's only lost as far as he allows hilm Of .Týesus in th Suçprhs enanebrrs elf to be OUt of harmnony with to reveal tÔ 11r metTlwy feel tfat there has to Go' Teei ee n alr rn place, be continual change. We ought to Cod.the prt isnevr a\- ai restrorehl be k-nowled!ge9ble, lnformned, 1andBib paeteis ~adta a consider al thelnew (dis . aîready fdore. TeBbet s u andl he isar tht~i-er3d.bu heecoveriles that God continually .seeks mantiloe s ar isfNeIevenl when man allows himself ne aa tigsarO whih hos tghavea to t be lost from God. Jesius used a tu~"eu thinge tohe intre striughave to series of parables to bring out the It heaven, chage.The~e re omeway lugreat hope Cjristianity hold, out utonier,;lOt which Ithe cburch canuot change. to a.ds wsth axbeof ut bt We~iWs nt ale hemitae he Iost sheep. There is a gr trYiDg tO conifdrm to the whims of1 was creatiedf society $0 that the- chur<ch be- The shephlerd in Judaea had a God (noune of cornes nothiug but entertaiumeut. liard aud dangerous life. The would deny th Whena mai o womn rellyarea in which he kept his sheep find bis true a man or rips w o i n relly as a narrow central plateau, a a harmoniotusj cornesto, grisw imot bli ten theyfew miles widle. The cliffs 'were himsecifand G what God hkuow ore yaboutGod, wid and steep and the shee-p flay ~be sonie owh at Go hs to say ando their could easily faîl over the liff and es. Somne PeOP ownreatin~ipto lm S the lot. The. shepherd was-'respoxn- il aileOppc want to know, something more a- sible for the sheep and was ready (Continu bout the words of Seripture, to to lay down bis life. for the sheep.______ search thetu, to fitid the fruth So the theme ini Jesus' story foc- tat sts mçpla ee.No ngwiuseS itself on the faithfulness of tak th plceof God's way of thie shepherdl, not the condition of briuging salvation to rman. which t he sheep. Yet we m-fiss a gr'eat is Jesus Christ. Hlowever, wetuho-ta1tr i ed e ha - t ake our witness relev- jask, "Hfow was it the sheep hc-! anit in a world of change sotcre came loSt*?" It was flot ileart to fore, we canuot close ouir eyes toi he out on the lilff soniewhere, chne. f ioa huc s o but mas meaut to be safe ,withj Thetraitina chrchis otthe other sheep. The sh'eep wasj -onthewayoutas omema os, flot necessarily1 because it thiink, but the tradlitipal churcmh walited to bc disobedieut to theè needs to realize that it has to get s ped atrew~sas n out of itseif and into the world; the sheep, Preoccupied with its that it is a place, or an area, or ouitrss olgfo n an experience fromt whichi the clump of gast nte e.- people are restored, refres e , i Ishg er ,0wasno ving. fulrýa-T streng-thened and i-inspired te go ther from hesepor lili onut and be the Church in the was out of sight and ln trouble. world. It was not a bad sheep - it just wvill Today w',e corne te celebrate the Sacraineuit of the Lord's Sup- fer. We have just heard the words of Jesus, "heson of imax camne to seek and 1o gave th'at which is lost.'" There is a hilgh pereehitage, of society wIho do uot sec or feel theuiselves as lost people. Mlany think they could do uicely without God and mithout Christ. This is because tbey isquuderstand the 'nature of God, the rneaning, of Jesus' life, and the nature of the Christian life. So we mnust ask Durselves two questions luj prep- aration for a meaningful partiel-! pation lun the Lord's Supper: "Who are the lout?ý" 4"ow lest are the loçt?" In the New Testamjeut Lost" does flot mnean damned or den ed, if means "11uIthe wrýong place.-' Lost does nçot ueesalrW rnly conscieuis çefianCe of Go ' z-ne lu one's ife. A thing' is lotwh1 it bas got ont of its pwu place în- toj the wrong place and whfen w i filind that ting adreuuiftot its rightfuil place, then it is saved. A Mfa) is lost when hee bas wand-i erdaway1 froin God; he is fouud1 wandered awa.y. This bas a -reat deal1 to say tb us if me try to think in terms of the good andL the bad, failing te realize that the action in itseif rnay flot be good or bad, it may be according to the circuni- stances surrouliding it. Se people, can becomne lost, not because they are bad people, but because they wander away, following the pur- suits of life, basing a good time, making moniey, doing sonething quite necessary iu its right place,- but they eau stili mander away and become lost. Waevrwe express our life in a way that it separates us frin God, then wea are lest people. 'ihen Jesus told the story of the lost coin, Here again t1oe fov- US Of attention is iupon~ the fatith- fuih,-ss ofthe woinan mixe boeked ,fer the coin lui' a dark honse with a dlrt fior ,Covere1' ithstz-aw o() rushes. The womau v7alued the c-oin and shie would nul give up Ilntil she found it.The coin a not to blame, because itian losýe itself, yet it was jin a lot turei for Febr Febr Febr Fehu Febi DEPARTMENT 0F AGRICULTURE HEALTH 0F ANIMALS DIVISIprNl' Ai Aeg an&Pet Owners Aniti-Habies Vaccination 'lin ics s and Cats in the (%unty of Dur hi Ibe held at the time and pla ce ist bielow. This service is.-offered Fré ofCharge by the Canada Department of Agricul- e, Healtx of Anim~ais Braneh ýnd ait owners are urged t» present their dogs Vaccinatioen. mrary 3r4 i C Hall 9.30 a.m. - 12,00 noon Ennùsis en Commii ý Hall 2.00 p.m.- 5.00 p.nm. imary 4th New astia Commnuity Èntre 10.«» a.m. - 12.00 noon Boumanvilie Fire Hall 10(.00 a.m.- 6.00 p.m. miary 6th ,',ethaniy Township Hall 9.30 ar. - 12.00 noon Pontypool Orange Hall 2 0o p.m.- 5.00 p.m. )ruary 7th Orono Town Hall 9.30 a.m.- 12.00 110on Hampton Hall 2.00 p.rn. - 5.00 P.rn. )ay&th Canton Fire Hall9.30 a.m.- 12,00 noon Cavan Township Hall 200 P.ln.- 7.00 p.m. wuary 9tJx Newtonvllle Comrnunity Hiait iO.O' a.m.- 12.00 Doon Port Hope Town lHall <Basernent) 2.00 p. - &GO P. CO;'uLONIAL COAC'qH UNES, SUSE DEtRT îF Read Dw Fmi. & Diy Suinday Daill Ex. Sindap.Dn. p.nx. a.Dal p.m.y 1.35 ar. 12.49!ar. l2-+&ar. 6.21 IV.05 1 - 4-30 1lIv.930 b e flagged lu Orono at 'the .lunctiou of Station\adHgha 1 ut the abo've mentloned times. Silecial One-day exetîwsion fares f r* m io and 1Kiby ta Torjanto on Wednesday and [Satirday S3.0i0. 'NO Fr1. & Stunday Pâli. 7.10 6.24 ar. 11.20) ar. 10-50 ar. 10.47 T he,,Bowrrinan villeDra TV ~JI 1~~L1~.J}J preseats frmt novelby Hicl aGordon WYNNE WONNACOT Ile)Nmanvil1e Town Hall Tlmvsday -Faiday - Saturday Febutrwary + 1967 - 8:15 p.mi, I PIAO TU ATTEND RED CROSS VOLUNTEER _BLOOD DONOR ",,C 41NC We4., Fbwuary 4 130 tota] . 6.30 toe .0 m LION$ CENirîE DOW MAN VILLE JRememnber thei, dates: Febriary 1st; lMay 3rd; August 2nd and November lst "Give that others nmay,,Live". w - _0 r-% Uram. a 1 and Highway 115

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