OY~ L{LY'l-'Wý-?,TR11r-AY JAUAR 2,1x,196'1 ~ JERILLU.BROWN .SA.B.A.Se. C.L.S. PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER (Civil) oatario Land Surveyor Lt 121 Queca St. gowmnanville, OntailO Telephone 823472514 v General INSURANCE SFEE FRED LYCETT ýOF FICE - MAIN ST., ORONO phn 983-5032 Res. 1983-5142 JACK REID Orono's Licensed .&ý,ucioneer and Valuatoi Speciaiize in Farrni and Furniture Sales Consuit me for ternis and dates FHONE O qRONO 98S.5"14 PUMPINO OUT SEPTIC TANKS WRITEF WASHING STABLES Bet 1Tomptcîns JACK A. FERREN ORONO BOOKKEEPINCY SERVICE 1 1bicone Tax. Returns Prepared ronro, Bowmanville, 0sl.awa Telepone rono983-5478 Our qatyand servie leves noth;ingf to be desired Ask the person ,4oibought from uns, a neighibqur, friend rrltv The RUTîTL ýe- (ANfl> COMNPANT 73 Ontario Street PORT HOPE "Largest Display fin Southern Ontario" WATSOIN'S Marine and Cycle Orono Phone 983-5343 McCULLOCH BOATS & MOTORS CHAIN SAWS Repairs to ail iakes of Lawn Mowers and ?, and 4 cycle Enghies OTAICO PLOW POINTS W. FRANK L P, vk r 'TTË LI og LIMITED 0g 21 KING ST. WEST gBowmnanville 623-3393 o Toronto 923-917à4 gPort Hope Office- 0 98 Waltent St. - 885-4548 g FREE APASL oExclusive Agent for Û J. OCHONSKI t] CONSTRUÇiTIO'N 3-fflroom Bungalows g on lots 745xzlgf tOrono Area Reprtsentative ROY rOSTER gKendal - Phone 983-5147 gA large selection of Farina, p Homes, Lots, Rtetreat Pro- petesii isarea iOrville Chatte-rtonl Electrical Contracting Electric llIleating and Service *PHONE 983-5546 or 983-5940 j Oroneb, Onftarlo î Supper afici eeaiMengwl be hld hursàyJanuary 26th Chutrch basement. àl r. Ruseçll Gomme lw î,11 o t] o Orono Electric WIRING Free Esthuates APPLIANCE $S4J Promapt and Gur»tefd1 Suchx as Metors - Water 1 to ail kinds of Elctric T.V. - Radi1os - Stoves - ~Hamîitons Insurance g Service PackagedPolces First MrgaeLoa g g g t] fi 'J o Q fi ans Bo 13 he Phone - 61155 1Stafford Brothers Liteil 318 Dundas St. E. Wh'?itby, Ont- M1anufacturers of Cemetery Mprmori ais Dealersi Domestic & Foreîga Granites and Mlarbies - Inýscriptiona Cut and Ceirneteýry Rcpair Work V}W ITORS Annewishing to o to Ice Foliies, MWednlesd-ay, February 2- FrdyFebruary 5, Tickets. Phlone IPort IHope 8U5-2527 d-3-e gus-seae aon i L ter ROWE- TOURS gutertaspeaer lngwttohrCa!ifornia -February 6 - March entrtanmntIl1 - 34 day $385.00. Membership fee and supper Mexico - March 20 - April 12, $100. -c 24 days - $3650. _________Also tr-ips to Expo167. For in- COMINGEVENTformiation phonc or write COMIG EENTROWIE TRAVEL AGENCV Community Hlall, Saturday, fcb- d-3-c ruary 4th, 8:30 pan. Proceeds for_______________ Newcastle Atificial Ice. Tickets- avai1able at the. door. $4M0 peri Ecre orT cula-c Ecre oiT MEXICO 21 days Gord Simpson Orono), Phone 983-5808 PAINTING and CARPENTER WORK Interior and Exterior Free Estimates, Reasonable Rates Ail Types of Work From Snal lJobs to Book- keeping. (10 years b0oo- keeping experience il I icensed Plumblng &. Mechanka~l Conractor who selis, instalis eid'gîrnrantees CARMAN PLUMBNG ",,ND EATING Phone 983520'1Oiê Bornes & ByOmJ PLUJMBNG and HEATING Sales and Servic j BA FINANCING ; Low Initerest Rates j Tyrone 263-26.506 1fampton 263-2288 Buldnga flouse? or remkodeling yVonr presentl one, then contact Floyd Nicholsou AIPR. 10-30, 1967 See... Mexican Folklore Ballet at the Palace of Fine Arts, University City, atend the Bullfight, Na- tional Palace, Chapultepec Cast- le, Metropolitan Cathedral, An- dient Pyramids. Visit. Toluca, Itaxpa de laSal, Mexico City, Taxco, Acapulco, Cuernav- aca, San Louis Potosi. Ahl this and much more. For Informiation and Reservations TRENTWAV TOURS î45-1333 or P-0. Box 434 Lakefield ESCORTÉI) TOURS TO SUNNY FLORIDA 16 Davs Each MVI. and MrVIS. Ovid Reynoldý. Oiro.,o, Ontarjo wish to ainounce,ý :le fxLcmIng arriage of thleur daughter Doris Anne Lorraine ta iFranciýs Roy, son of MTr. and IVrs. Roy Tennant, Orono, Ontarlo. The wedding to take placýe in Oro Unite:d Church, on Saturd.ay, Feb- ruary l8th, 1967 at 2:30 l.m. Notice To Creditors Notice, to Creditors and Others In the Estate of N~'eva Esteila- Little Alpersons, having dlaims aga«inast the estate of Neya Estella Little, late of the Village of Kendal, în the County of Durham, dleceased, Iwho, died on or about the 25thi day of October, 1966, are hereby- ýInotified to send in to the under-- signed Persona] Representative of the sàid deceased on or beferc the 16th day of February, 1967,- f ull particulars of their clifis Imimediately after the said dateo, tthe said P&s-onal Representative will distributle the assets o! the said deceased havig regard only toe daims of wich it shail thün have notice. Dfated at Toronto, this l9thday of January, 1967. National Trust Ce 21 King St. Hast, ýBy Mackenzie 80 KlngS ipany Lioilje 1& Goo-dchiïd West, Tàrontoýý Àcitors harein.. to Places of intereast. For Coinplete Iierary and Reservations Cail Trentway Tours at PO Box 434 - Lakefield 745-1333 We Hope You'i1 Jobn even if:- -you've been too busy to sign Up. OR -you're inot initerested i saving monley. OR --you neyer have to-borrow You Can't Afford to Pass Up Mlemibership in the Orono District CREDIT UNION Treas.-Man., Angus Louicks Phone 4r1,0, ron PART-TIME RADIO TV REPAIRS f i-FI - Stereo - Reord Players -Antennas - Towera -PA Systein for rent Al parts and laboýurgur BURLEY BUS NE LD 623-3811 BO MNIL 2-171 ORONO- KIRBY SCHEDUJJE 8 8 8 A.M. AM. 10:30 :00 10:35 ý:15 , 1:45 :0 10:55 S 11:30 8 11:45 '-n P.M. 5:35 5:40 ,5.45 5à5 6:30 6:45 K.irby> Newcastle Bowmnanville Oshawa Wfhitby A.M. 10:30 10-20 10:10 10:05 9:30o 9:15 P. 5: 15 5: 15 4:30ý 4:15 I TRIPS TO AND FROM KIRBl-Y WILL OPERTUIT SATURDAV ONLY P.M. 4:40 4:25 4-15 ZD Ail trips operate daily except Suinday atnd Hol1iday's -Parcel Express carried ont ail trips Bus Stop at Rainey's ConfectIonery Store For Informnationi Cali Oronio-!983-5723 l~teed ORONO gLYCETT gPIunibing & I-eating g g =HN1 835 0 GrzzzJntari ]rmoýjar i7oo-ý-