ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, TBURtSDAY, APRIL &hi, 1967 The past history of our PFisli& EAunt Club having been so well defined in our last article, I cani oinly hope to fili you i on the ,present and future. Some of our members turned out for the first time last Sunday , and we do hope to see them év- ery week at the Club. I arn sure ail of our score s in trap and pistol shooting, could and need ar br-e greatly improved upon. PC th Me besinterested in 22pistol ti aind .22 long rifle competition i should register wllitht the club in- - dividually as we have a competi- - lion about to get underway. This ti( ,il1 consist of a. bronze, silver, te goý,ld, and a special gold Centen- Ti rial Brassard. To receive a bronze wj -ýrest Yeu must get an average of in 60 out of 100 points over,10 tar- gets, and,;to get a silver - 70 ont of 100 - gold - 80 out of 100. The special gold eonsists of 10 sets of National Course Targets, eaeh set tuo consist of 1 slow, 1 timed and 1 rapid fire, scoring 260 out of 300.'There are also special prizes (of 22.22 cal. sporting riflesan grand prizes of two new Wvin- chester Canadian-Centennial Mod- el 67 Rifles. Ail competitors en- tered for the special draw will be eligibie for these grand prizes. ,This competition is open until March 31, 1968. This is well worth your while, se0 let's get practis- ing. I had the pleasure lately of iitg the Sportsman's Show which was a big success. Some- thing of great interest to me was the ttap range for B.B. Guns to be used by the Young sportsmen in your family. If you want your famiiy to start Young and learn the proper techniques, this, is the thing; when members ofthe fam- ily Young and old can take part then this sport has become a "Family Sport!'. This was exciting to watch and a very good way to iearn to shoot, properly and al- so' a veryV excellent practise range for those old timers who have becomie a bit rusty. They have a trap house similar to that for shotguns and the birds are1 maeof rubber, the centre of whieh wili depart fromn it's outer ring when a 'hit' is scored, It -may, sound easy but the way thre crowd was missing it sure proved a point. Shooting is a. SAFE FAMILY SPORT'if You use1 common sense as it is not'necessarily the gun s-that is dangerous, but the man behind it. At our last directors meeting the probiem of Hunter-Farmer re- lations was discussed with few* resuits. Apparently the farmer feels that sigas- reading 'please askç permission' will net l¶elp the problem of destroying property and creating iii feelings with the farmers. The kind of person who would do this in the first place ecertaînly wouid not pay heed te this sign. Our Club has consid- ered many avenue. of this but have as yet not found any, remedy that is completely satisfaetory 'te both Farmer and ilunter. We *re, howev er, posting several of these signs -on farms that wish them and we are doing so ýat our, Gwn expense in hopes that they will at ieast make it clear ýthatI farmners do not usually mind you' hunting if you. ask permission. Our, local Game W arden was al- so present at this meeting andj lie expressed' his viewsý on this subject and agreed th)at this is -a very difficuit problemn. We are sincerely interested in this problem and any replies will ,Ciarke High News Students of Clarke High School ie preparing a production of a arition of "Hamiet" with whieh hey will compete in ia competi- on to be held in the Cobourg 'olegiate West. The competition sbeing held this Saturday, April ekle and box, vaiued at $50.00, ,be drawn on April 23,1967. iekets 25e or 5 for $1.00. Hurry vith your tickets as they are ai- nost gone.ý Thank you, Jane Keast. 'Outdoors Unlimited' Save 40! 20-or. size GAY LIQUID Detergent 45C Save 13e! 18-or. size iHAWES Floor Glass 59C lza,%e 12e! - 3 -Ply vWindow Box Pkgs. ROYALE TISSUES 2 for 59c PiieM,,rl:ed 99e! SUkLF Detergent 3-lb. pkg. 85C MIX AND MATCHI SAVE liel I ~?~ 1~J5pgs. L * HONEY COMB, 6-oz. $ksI BRAN FLAKES, 14-oz. pkgs. - 1UEGULAR 69e! - JELLY RINGS, JU JUBES each CANY SPECIAL giant 2-lb. bags 59<, BLEST BUY! - Save 7c! - Assorted 4-or. pkgs. iELL-O Instant Puddinns 4 for 59c nEEST BTJY! - Save 16e! - Aylmer 10-or, tins VEGETALE SOUP 8 for $1 iEST BUY! - Save '4e!- Red&Wht 16-or. jar Homomc~c PEANUT BlUTTER 35c WHERE FRIENDLY PEOPLE a 8th commencing at 8:00 p.m. The competition is the Slmpsoin-Sears Drama Festiv,,1 1 In preparing for the oomreti- tion the production will. bc, glve a pre-run this Frlday evening at the Clarke High Sceel commen- cing iat 8:30 p.m. At this time the play wili be reviewed by Mr. Herbert Whit- taker, drama critie for the Globe and Mail. FASHION SHOW Simplicity Fashions were 'vogue on Tuesday to the, girls of the sehool. Twenty different outfits were modelled' by girls of, the school for every occasion. The new styiles carried .many oranges, greens and pinks. GYMNASTIC CHAMPIONSHIP "Inter-muiral gymnastie Cham- pionships for the' girls - oare being heid at the school. Studenits are f eompeting on the Parreiiel Bars,' Balance Beam, Box Horse, Pm mel Horse and the 'trampoleen FOR FRYING ODR rOILING ... "You save twice with trim aýnd price"; LEAN LOIý N c -s CHOICE - JUTCY -- TIIICK CUT [dea] for Boln rFyn lb. 69< 9EUST BUY! - Save 10e! - IQUI», BEST BUY! - Save Ile! W. K. LYCETT, Secretary Reg. 49c! WESTON'S ANGEL FOOD CAKE Save 4c! CLUB HOUSE PURE BLACK[: PEPPER 4-oi, can 39c Eeg. -$1.19Value !- - Price Mnrked 99e! G LE EM TOOTH PASTE Family Tube 89C 1-orf. sizO SAVE 16e! - LIBBY's 14.0or, tins 79 Po*rk &Beans 3-for 65< REG. $1.13 VALUE! »ce OFF PACK .- 5-lb. bag Purina Dog Chow 89< Frozen at Peak of Freshness! SAVE 10e! - Ail Butter, Chocolate, Banana, Oîrtige ecdi Sara Lee Cakesý 69e Sunshine' Fresh Fruit& Vegetables CHIQUITA. rio. 1 ONTARIO POMATES 5 0 -lb bag 9he CARROTS GREEN PEPPERS SAVE YOU 31.bag 29e 3 for 29e MO'l0R E. CORNISH'S RED AND WHITE, ORONO, ONTARIO, CLARKCE TOWNSIUP Prog ressive- Conservative Association Annual Meeting and Pot Luck Supper The Annual Meeting of the Clarke Tewnship' Progressive-Conservative Association and PotLuck Supper will be held in the Oddfellow's Hall, Orono, on Friday evening, April 7th, 1967, dinner te com- mence promptly at .7:00 p.m. to be followed by the election of Officers and Iransaction of general business. *Many prominent speakers will bceinatg- tendance. Corne and bring a hot dïsh with you., TI-IEE MEAIS- IN ONE - Roast - Fry - Stew lA Bin--b~kellb. 29e 5 SHOP ý7SY'S FAMOUS SALAMI CHUBS 12-or. 69c CORNED BEEF 2-or. 2 pack<s 49c ROCK CORNISI4 GAME HENS 16-or. 89c B 0 F - THEV,- WEEK RED & WH1TE INSTANT COFFEE Regular $1.29 Vle GIANT 8-0Z. JAR lm  -MmFE ATURE! LIBBY'S 14-or. tins REX TISSUE 4 J 55> c Aipha-Geltiý 2 for 37e Save ec! JET SPRAY BON AMI 15-oz. Aerosol 63c, - ~i~k- ~ LLEW HALLOWELL,- President 45c -