ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, TBURSDAY, MAY 18th, 196'7 CENTENNIAL TEA (Coatiauied from page 1) ýýo graciously cotributed to the 4(elcolr were donated by Mrs. ,r. Fairbruther. Both Mr. Fair- b)rother and Mrs. Lovekin are members of our very active Town- ship Ceatennial Committee. Miss Shelley Battams, a C.CG.I.T. member,' entertaiaed thse gather- ing b>y sdnging a delightful littie solo, for _which she had reeeived a firit prize award at the Peter- bore Kiwanis Festlvalý She was accompaniel on the piano by Mrs. R. Morton. Thse theme of the occasion was fulfilled when the C.G.I.T. girls, along with many of their guests, appeared, dressed in the colourful cositume s of by-gone years. Every- one present seemed to enjoy thse festivities of the afternoon; and one girl passsed the, remark that it was one centennial celebration she would always remember., The ladies of the U.C.W. who conducted the bake sale, and tie C.G.I.T. members and their lead- ers, Mrs. Millson and Mrs. Bar- rabail, wish to express theïr sin- cere gratitude to ail who attended or contributed inanay way to the success of this event. t J~HGAPEO O GI 1) "s Il Flvour IGA ANNE .4! '7 BEEF OR IRISH I ~- -~ 24 o ~ir hi BUY A CASE 0F 24 for 1.69 PREPARED STYLE FRENCH'S 160o Jan ds rLMANS RD Jar r ALL NEW-SHAKER PACK GPLI2ýT HKIS45~ CHOCOLATE GREAT SHAàKESo'059bc, 19 DELICIOUS FLAVOURS-DUNCAN HIMES HÎEALTH &1 BEAUTY AIDS COLGATE 1OPmothwash ic: Fanify SzeOA Toothpasie THE REALf 0IRM FLORIDA 010SOUH 6 0l, c 1 z TTins THE GOLDEN GIFI 0F THE TROPICS IGA CATSUP 2'ý,,e--39C FANCY CORN BISITS LBm PRODUCE 0F U.S.A. CANADA NO. 1 GRADE - CALIFORNIA SIZE ICEBERG LETTUCE2 0OW ARRIVING FPESH DAILY AT YDUR ICA PRODUCE COUNTER PRODUCE OF U.S.A. CANADA NO.IGRADE- FRESH FIORDA SEET ORNFOR7 PRODUCE 0F S.A. IMPORTED BARIl KALIACK GRAPES MONARCH COLOURED MAR GA RiNE FAMILY SZ OVEN FRESH IGA PI> 2 lbs. 43c 19 oz 59c'ý Hosiess 69c SIze lb. Ikgs. DUTCH APPLE 24 OZ. SIZE 55e IGA OVEN FRESH QKG FOR THE KIDDIES FIRSI COME( ý,..FIRST SERVED ONLY ' 39Lç TARLERITE FRESH CANADA GRADE A LEGS, EREASTS, INGS, RACKS SPEC~L C~~IATDOl ~ALPINE PRINROSE OR TRIANGLE BEEF A DE DPR IA OER FEEN FORDTREXTRA LEAN CANNED I B SBu N BAM 3 -325 ONGS ORIONO A- ONTARIO!, S>Pppled by THIE OSHAWA WHOLESALE ((MIORD sppIp depo( f-rporooo e -ýfj ol -A- Tin AM -79